Grand Zach is chatting with Serris, some trivial things of the vampire, such as the occasional vampire's teeth will be protruded without warning, such as sometimes suddenly want to put something warm in his mouth ...

"Do you remember the embarrassing changes you experienced when you were a teenager?" Zack asked.

"Uh, remember."

"Well. That's it."

"What is it?"

Zac tilted his head, confirming that Ceres really didn't understand, "You are developing. Your third" **** "is growing."

Ceres looked incredible.

"Relax ~ We ’re pretty good, you should go and see the vampires of other clans, for example, En, Gangro, Zmithi and the like. None of their third 'sexual characteristics' are humanoid creatures. Of ~ "

"Uh ... then ... how long will I develop?"

"This." Zac looked at Serris with a smile. "I'm still developing ~"

"Centuries ?!"

"More orders of time are right ~" Zach likes this topic, "I haven't seen any second-generation vampires now that development is over ~" Immediately, patting Serris, "Don't worry ~ unlike humans During the developmental period, humans are waiting for the embarrassment to stop. We, vampires, are more and more good at dealing with this embarrassment.

Cyrus had nothing to say.

Zach took advantage of the situation, "Want to go out to breathe? Just after Matthew left, Grande lost one person who went to the mill to get a work report."

Ceres agreed. The work of keeping the counter is really boring.

Zac was the only one who could spend his time with him. He was about to try to watch TV with Louise and the phone rang.

Zac picked up, "Grand Funeral ..."

"It's me." Madison's voice.

"Come on ~ I just asked Cyrus to go to you ..."

"James just left."

Zac froze for a moment, "Oh. What does it mean to tell me?"

"He went to West."

Zac pursed his lips, "So why didn't you join him?" The principle of the question has already been explained before. Can James go to Ms. West alone-‘civilian! The world needs you to save! ’. Civilians, the world, and salvation are triple taunts.

"I'm not involved in this matter." Madison sounded calm.

Zack asked back, "Why did you specifically notify me?" The correct way to put aside the relationship is to not even make this call.

The receiver was quiet for a little while, "Zack, yesterday's cat from West, the manuscripts I took away from me are all about Vega. The process of the murder of two Vega cities."

"You're still telling me information." Zacka interjected through Madison's air gap. Continue to state the fact that Madison said not to participate, but the body is quite honest.

Madison interrupted and took a deep breath, "I'm in Barton, I work in the mill, I live in the mill. I'm writing about you. Zac, why do I write about Vega things, hey, why do I know Ka's thing? When you are not in Vega at all. "

Zac's blood flowed for a moment. "What do you want to say, Madison."

"I didn't write those chapters." Madison paused and corrected. "I didn't write those chapters actively. I was 'forced' to include those stories that have nothing to do with you at all."

"Who 'forced' you?"

"Hehe. What do you say." Madison smiled.


"Yes, in her voice, she said that I was sitting in front of the typewriter you gave me and wrote Vega's murder, and I wrote it." Madison's tone, with a grudge, the little kind, "If you read the manuscript I gave you seriously, you should know that I can hear her voice." Remember? Madison did not forget to ridicule Zac, "Still say that you will only watch what you do, narcissistic in your own calm in the face of various events, and simply do not care about the experience of others around you."

"I have taken it seriously, Madison." Zac pouted, to prove that he had seriously watched the supporting characters in this story-such as Madison's mental journey, "In fact, you can't get rid of Ms. West. 'S voice is an important criterion for us to judge what she is. "

Speaking of how, how do we, including everyone in this story, gradually associate West with a certain 'existence' that disappeared in heaven? The whereabouts and abilities are all unreasonable black cat biscuits? When Spira's enchantment exists, she will have angina every time Papa ignites at midnight. Hehe, these are just embellishments. The main course is because of this--

The Holy Lord said that there would be heaven and earth, light and darkness, plants and animals ... It said that there must be a world, so there was a world. Different from the gods in any legend or fact, some wield an axe to split the world, some use their body to become the world, and some are even a special race of the world's anti-evolution theory ... only the Holy Lord said that the existence of all things is only Because 'it' said so.

Words are reality. What the Holy Lord added to himself ... Godhead. See, important criteria for judgment.

If Madison, who is closest to having the ability to rewrite the future, can't resist this ... "miracle", no one can. Well, Ms. West, just ...

"Do you know why West forced me to write those chapters."

"I don't know." Honest? Can't be dishonest.

"I wrote that West joined the anonymous sharing mutual aid group chaired by Mr. Pixar, remember."

"Remember. Your writing teacher Morris, let her listen to the ridiculous human stories of those people and find inspiration."

"Just before the expansion of the soul in the group meeting place, I wrote that she shared the absurdity of her life with everyone in the group."

Zac recalled, "She said to everyone in the rally that you are a god." It doesn't matter if you don't remember, Zac's recall process can make up, "She used the fact that you are recording my story, and what she will write is Realistically, this pot is buckled on you, and then someone in the group exploded. "

"Yes, you just remember. That's her 'revenge'." Although Madison said, a guy who was suspected of the Lord was' revenge 'his stupid supporting role, but the tone seemed very calm, "' revenge 'I tempted her to write about James' girlfriend and Allen's funeral home.'

"What?" Zach never linked these two things.

"What are you surprised. It's all in the story." Madison was wearing Zac's clothes innocently. "You haven't paid any attention to Alan's funeral and pressed the mill. I can only solve it by myself. And you know no one. I can only ask her for help, so there is a world that does not accept the existence of aliens like Kate ’s neuropathy, ran to incite Mr. Allen to find you in confrontation, and then “killed” you, so that you came to Eli Fake death in Button. "

"Okay, I admit." Zac pouted. "But as the person who records the story, you know that I don't want to ask why. You didn't have an opinion at the time. Don't blame me now."

"I'm not in a mood to blame you. What you need to know is that when West himself found the inspiration he found in the mutual aid group, the story he wrote-the crazy reporter and the funeral boss who crushed his peers. Later, the news Start reporting that you are dead, the owner of the Grand Funeral Home. "

Zac can only imagine-"If we say" death "in Wales, no one is in charge, it is just a normal medical event, and it is not worthy of the news, then, the story written by West this time ..." Yes, too With. Remember that even after Zac's "resurrection", the Southern District Police Chief Cologne apologized on television for several days. Zac pursed his lips, "Ms. West, at this point, she began to realize what she was, or what she could do."

"Well, you are right, she realized it, and at the same time, I realized that I used her to deal with the Allen funeral home. As a result, a normal human became a vampire. At the same time, she destroyed a bunch of young couples Feelings. "James and Kate, do you remember the dispute between Kate and James about their sense of security. Now we know that Kate ’s insecurity is because of what has become reality, "At the same time, I am not her true friend."

Zac opened his mouth. "Why don't you write this?" There is no need to beautify anything. Zac is really worried about Madison's security situation. Zac had never thought about this before.

"This story is not about me." The irrefutable answer, "But I gave the clue. Remember, I wrote the book that Mr. West sent me to Mr. Pixar of the mutual aid group."

"I remember that it was Craig, who had not yet identified himself, attacked Mr. Pixar when he was about to leave Barton." Zac pouted, "Because of the manuscript, Craig just came to Barton and grasped Thanks to all the details of my life in Barton, thank you, Madison. "

Madison on the other side of the earpiece was not prepared to accept Zac ’s “thank you.” “Are you curious why West wants to send Pixar a manuscript?”

"I thought you would write an explanation." Zach shook his head. "But you won't, right, this story is not about the contradiction between you and your friend."

"Well, you just understand." Madison is also not polite. "The reason why West sent the manuscript to Mr. Pixar is that there are a lot of events about you on the sharing group that were shared. You know, Cologne's Brother-in-law, the doctor, the clown, remember, I like to talk about the bizarre 'miracle' in the hospital. And the stories of Kyle's classmates, Kate ... "Madison is not going to list them all," and my manuscripts are all those Explanation of the event. "

Zac frowned, "West wants to tell Pixar that there is an alien?"

"Can you concentrate? I said that West wanted to" revenge "me, and she said in the sharing group that I am a god. Those manuscripts are not used to show others that there is really a vampire in the world that is ruined everywhere. Normal human life. Hey, it ’s not about aliens, it ’s about having a boring 'god'. I, for those stories, let those people live in ridiculousness. "

Zac blinked, "West, under ..." tangled words, "frame you" God "-Holy Lord."

"Finally, you listened carefully to my speech. But correct it, she is not 'framed'." Zach thought that Madison would put on a commendatory word for whitewashing. As a result, Madison said, "She thinks she is , Then, I must be. Her "revenge" is that I "framed" her. "

This ... seems to be right, think about it, Madison wrote everything that Weiss wrote, and Madison wrote more and more in detail.

Zac has been very serious, forget it, after answering the phone, Zac knew that Madison's attitude would not be so good.

"You ..." Zach hesitated. "Are you still friends?"

"Humph." Madison finally groaned from the calm, mockingly, "I and her, stared at each other and wrote something, so yes, we are still friends. She strolls around the library. We continue to exchange views on writing and have heated discussions. "Pause," If this is your problem. "

"Sounds ..." Zach, sympathizing with Madison, "is an exhausting" friend "relationship."

"And I'm not going to make this relationship more tiring." Madison took a deep breath. "I have told you that I was forced to write Vega's story. You should have, whether or not you and James, Weiss. In particular, she is already writing about social issues in the West ... "Madison sneered." If I want to guess, it is she who has created the reality of the West. "

"Slow down." Zac frowned, "What do you mean?"

"Uh, do you take your own life seriously? Zack, what did you discuss with Louise a few days ago?"

"Uh, I discussed a lot with Louise."

"Not Republican cooking skills!" Madison was impatient.

Zac froze for a moment, then said, "The way the Holy Lord believes in preaching to humans and aliens."

"Huh, what is your conclusion?"

"Teach alien life." Zach held the receiver, because the previous sentence was a conclusion that he and Louise had reached an agreement, and the latter: "Deterring humanity?"

"No need to ask me. You know the social problems in the west."

"I'm not as clear as I showed it." Zac said this is the truth. "If I am clear, the hidden alliance will not let the magic feast develop."

"It's your problem. But you got it right, or, James found it. The problem with western society is the way the feast ruled the aliens. This must be broken. And to me, the current case in the west It is the way to break the social structure of the west from the bottom. Redistribute the relationship between humans and aliens. "

Zac frowned, "Are you sure West is doing this?"

"No. I'm not sure she's doing anything. She's a woman who keeps cats. But, how can I still feel." Madison paused, then, "I finished, I hung up, you want to go by yourself Right. "

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