The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Vol 14 Chapter 3: Southern District Police

Coulson returned to the police station early from the funeral. He didn't even attend the farewell ceremony. Want to know the reason? Ok. Coulson is a 'passive' believer in the Holy Lord.

The passive reason is that the detective's wife is a believer. If you remember the collapse of Mary ’s Church, you wo n’t be surprised. As a detective's family, she passively accepts that her husband may hang up for the justice of others at any time, and in fair exchange as an equivalent, Detective Coulson must have a prayer before her meal and a Sunday service. ... an act that all believers should do.

See, passive believer.

When a passive believer like Detective Coulson heard the priest Dans at the altar during the funeral, he said that Chapman was a saint who must go to heaven. His stomach hurt. Then Detective Coulson left the occasion that caused stomachache.

Don't get me wrong, Detective Coulson didn't know that the devil Chapman was floating in the church. The reason for his stomach pain is that he confirmed that Chapman would not go to heaven because Chapman committed suicide. Detective Coulson is afraid that when he makes a speech, he will say something that will make the priest's "speech" a joke ...

"What's the matter." Coulson's eyes turned away from the magazine in his hand, watching the two police officers pushing a young woman in.

"Aliens who don't know where to come out want to make trouble at the funeral." A police officer replied, "The director asked Guan to educate one day." The young woman was pushed gently downstairs completely.

"I don't care if the police are at the funeral or not, I tell you! It will pay the price!" The young woman's struggle is meaningless, she can only shout in her throat, "Strike others' funeral dates! Treat a poor girl like this! You have to pay the price! You will all go to hell! "

No one cares about this curse that has been abused into spoken language ...

Sorry. A passive believer with a stomachache cares.

Coulson dropped his magazine with his mouth shut and went downstairs. If you remember the structure of the Southern District Police Station, you should know that the detention and witness offices here are underground.

Kirsen waved two police officers and took over the young woman himself. Nor did she gently push the person into the iron fence, unhook the handcuffs, closed the door, and did not leave, staring at the woman.

It is also typical enough that the woman held the iron bar with both hands and shook it desperately. After no success, she howled at Coxon staring at her, "Let me go!"

Coulson watched the woman call for a while, "Name."

The woman stared at Coulson, "I won't tell you my name."

Coulson snorted, "Are you Hannah?"

"Do you know me?" Surprised, and then panicked, "How do you know my name? Er, I was wrong, I apologize, don't leave me a record, I'm still young ..." Siri said a lot .

Despite the impatient look, Coulson waved his hands after listening. "No one wants to leave you a record." The order of the Director of Cologne is education, isn't it?

"Oh." Hannah seemed relieved and looked at Coulson. "Do you know me?"

"I don't know you." Coulson said straightforwardly, "I just know that Grande took the funeral of a Westerner, and entrusted a pair of siblings, the younger sister is Hannah."

"Oh." There was light in Hannah's eyes. Listening to her next question, everyone feels what this light is, "Is Grande being investigated by the police?"

"Why are you asking this?" Coulson didn't look at Hannah, he was looking at the ground.

"I just feel weird. My father is not a Patton, and we haven't issued an obituary (in Patton). The death of my father is not a case. How does the police understand the business of a funeral home." Hannah wanted to see Korsen's expression. But squatting to the ground to see Coulson's expression was too abrupt, Hannah could only stare at Coulson as if there were some scarce heads, "I think Patton's funeral industry is no longer a public resource."

"Huh. Public resources." Coulson didn't notice Hannah's cleverness, but he didn't know what was amused. "No." With a sneering grin disappeared, he looked up at Hannah. "Grand De Ke is not a public resource, it is very private, very very. "There are words in this. Barely understand what Coulson means-this is to say that Zac is dedicated to serving James Lance.

In the consciousness of passive believers, the direct reason for Chapman to go to **** is Zac ’s wholehearted service to James. (When Coulson ran to the James apartment to confront James and killed Chapman, Zach Gram took the pot by himself) Isn't it.

Hannah couldn't understand Kou Sen's deep meaning, but the light in her eyes, even worse. She just misunderstood Barton ’s social habits again, “Do n’t you like the privatized funeral industry? Mr. Police Officer? Or just do n’t like Grande?” Remember, Hannah questioned Louise in Grande before. It was incredible that Rand would be controlled by Patton ’s police.

This is the result of a conversation between two guys who have their own concerns. Coulson couldn't understand Hannah's meaning in his words, and frowned. "It's Detective Coulson." First, make the other party's general term clear. "Nothing likes or dislikes." Coulson sighed. " But if you need an explanation, why today was the date your father ’s funeral was scheduled for. I can tell you. "

Coulson glanced upstairs, probably not wanting to be heard by others, "Tomorrow is the first day of the Barton-Newton High School Spring League. Most of the police force in the North District Police Station has been arranged to Fenway Stadium. Puman ... "A glance at Hannah, don't think the other party knows who Chapman is," Grande's funeral police today. If his funeral is scheduled for tomorrow, most people in the North District Police Department cannot participate. The day after tomorrow is another day of worship. "Coulson shrugged his shoulders without further explanation. The day of worship is the sabbath prescribed by the Lord. The funeral industry is on holiday. Don't forget this stubble. So. "Signaled Hannah's current situation.

Hannah frowned and looked at Coulson, then looked up and looked around, "Is this Barton North?"

"South area."

"Yeah, so here is Patton's Southern District Police Station, how do you know what the Northern District Police Station is thinking?" Good question. Just like how Coulson knew about Grande's business. Let ’s not delve into it anymore. It ’s almost the same to say “Detective Coulson, a senior police detective, after all, who once taught James the stunned youth, how to mix this special workplace”.

what. What if Hannah asked, ‘North District Police is under investigation? "That would be funny.

Coulson is very simple, "I just know." Expressionless, "Do you have an opinion."

"No." Hannah understood her situation after all, and, "Thank you." At least this is an understandable explanation, which is better than forced by Louise.

The reason why Coulson would make these explanations redundantly is, "So don't curse others. No one is bullying you deliberately, you are just out of luck."

Hannah pouted, "My father died in your baton, and the funeral was postponed by you at will. You call it bad luck?"

Coulson had no intention of persuading anyone to be a passive believer. He only wanted to pass his heart. Just like Father Dans at the funeral, those prayers said that no one would have a stomachache if they heard it.

Coulson didn't want to be entangled with Hannah anymore, and turned to leave.

"Wait a minute!" Hannah lay on the iron bar. "Wait a minute! Can I at least call my brother? I don't want to worry him!"

This reminded Coulson, "How about your brother?"

Hannah closed her mouth as soon as she opened her mouth, rethinking the wording clearly, "He's in Newton, we don't have much money and can't afford Barton's hotel."

Coulson's mouth twitched, "Give me contact information, let me inform your brother."

Hannah frowned. "He knows that I'm locked here and he's only more worried!"

"Did you not let your brother worry that the definition is to make him think that you are messing up at a police funeral?" Coulson's logic is of course that Hannah's brother knows what his sister is doing, so instead of letting a certain brother to Patton The policeman has the wrong impression, it is better to tell the other party directly that your sister has been sanctioned.

"Uh." Hannah knew her logic collapsed, "That's fine, I don't need to notify my brother."

Coulson glanced at Hannah, "Humph, follow you." Ignore it and go upstairs.

Do you know why Hannah changed her mind? Simple, she didn't want to let Coulson know that she had run away halfway as a witness in a case of Newton's burial. The Patton Police Department and Newton came together to send her back to Newton directly, which would be fun. Can you imagine how a brother would laugh at her sister ~ Unimaginable, ask someone who has siblings around.

Coulson continued to read magazines, boring gossip magazines, just to pass the time.

How long has it passed? do not know. When the human brain receives non-nutritive gossip information, it has no concept of time.

"Anyone ?! Hey! Anyone above! Police officer! Detective! Detective Coulson!" Hannah screamed below.

Coulson looked up because he named himself in the voice. Looking around, he is the only one here, and the two guys who came back before did not know what to do. Coulson frowned and continued to look down at the magazine.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Help me!"

It was so harsh that Coulson was not in a mood to continue watching the gossip.

Coulson dropped the magazine again and went downstairs. "Are you sick? Would you like to stay longer ..." Coulson closed his mouth, staring at Hannah who was curled up in the corner behind the iron bar. "

Hannah curled up without looking at Coulson, trembling with a hand, pointing in a direction.

Coulson pouted, and said, "Don't do any boring tricks." While turning his head, he looked in the direction of the witness at the Southern District Police Station. Because the person on duty was at the funeral, the door was locked. Coulson looked at it for a while without seeing anything unusual, and turned to look back at Hannah, "Nothing."

Hannah bounced sharply from the corner and rushed to the iron fence, staring at the spot where she had just pointed.

With a mocking look on his face, Coulson gave Hannah a good look.

"Look, there's nothing." Coulson was about to leave again, a warning was necessary, "you'll regret it if you go crazy again."

"Don't! Don't leave me here alone!"

When Coulson turned to look back, Hannah's half face was stuck between the iron bars, and her outstretched hands grabbed Coulson's direction. Slightly ... sad picture.

Coulson did not give sympathy, "You know you are here alone." That means don't call it blindly.

Coulson came back, Hannah, not alone.

The flashing light and shadow reappeared at the same time that Coulson left Hannah's field of vision, just in front of the closed door of the exhibit.

The light and shadow drifted towards Hannah. When Hannah stepped back in horror and was about to shout again, the flashing light and shadow wrapped Hannah.

It is estimated that the cold touch from the whole body caused Hanna to freeze in place.

"Is this a federation?" Awkwardly, unable to distinguish the voices of men and women.

The frozen Hannah said nothing.

The light and shadow tremble violently once, and the light sheet surrounding Hannah converges, as if the human face formed by the mirror surface appears in the light and shadow, and turns once towards the direction of the evidence, "I was discovered by Torrido."

Hannah's pupils contracted once.

In the mirror-like human face, there are countless images of Hannah's pupil contraction. Probably understood that this mirror is the same ... Creature, ‘see’ Hannah ’s physiological response, “Do you know Torredo? Torrido in the Federation?”

Hannah's pupils ... loosened.

Don't worry, it's just out of focus.

Because this statement is very strange to Hannah-Toledo of the Federation. Apart from the Federation, where is Torredo present?

We should review Hannah's settings.

She is a guy who was addicted to Eli Toledo with her brother in her girlhood. Now grown up, the adoration of the girlhood is only the enthusiasm to go back to the west and burn your own room. But to what Torrido represented, she and her brother had a gamble and she won.

"You're confused." The face of the mirror-shaped face again showed countless Hannah who was out of focus.

"Ah!" Hannah screamed, bowing her head, and scratched her palm.

The mirror turned over in the light and shadow, Hannah looked at the mirror stained with her blood, disappeared in the messy mirror folding ... Then, the human face with countless cut corners became rounded ...

Hannah, watched the other stand in front of herself.

"I remember you, goodbye."

Hannah confirmed that she heard her own voice!

But it was too late for Hannah to make any response. The self in front of him suddenly shattered, and turned into a human face made of countless mirrors, and then continued to change, turning into flashing light and shadow, and finally disappeared completely.

In the Southern District Police Station, there is nothing more worth showing to everyone. Let us return to the funeral.

The funeral has reached the final stage, and the people of the Grand Funeral Home have moved the coffin to the prepared cemetery. The people who participated in the burial ceremony that needed more privacy were limited to Chapman's family and friends during his lifetime.

But the police did not leave, as if they were surrounded outside the Grand Tomb. The police ’s maintenance of the privacy of their brothers is not over. They will **** Chapman ’s family home after the funeral is over. Naturally, to drive away the media.

Zac, standing with Weiss, James left long ago, and marriage proposal is a big deal, he needs to be prepared.

"I also hope that you can stop him." Weiss's face was a bit gloomy.

"If I stop, he will be more active." Zach said.

"Hey." Weiss sighed. "Can you guess why he will let you be there tomorrow?"

"I think I already guessed it." Zach shook his head. "But it doesn't matter. I won't go to Fenway Stadium tomorrow."


"Grande will have a funeral tomorrow. Alice and they go to the game. Louise wants to be with me. I have to stay at Grande to work."

"That James ..."

Zac waved his hand, "Trust me, Louise is better."

Zac said to believe him, then we believe him well.

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