The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Vol 15 Chapter 11: Newton's Church

"Define walking in front of the plan?" Angel Crowley didn't know our vampires and was on a path that might change the fate of all vampires in the Federation.

Zac needs to repeat what he said to Illusion Rich. Do not repeat it, wasting time.

Unlike Rich, Crowley listened to Zach's explanation, and the golden light shone, seeming to be excited.

The light on Crowley's body was too dazzling. Zach couldn't see whether Crowley's excitement was positive or negative. He could only continue to ask, "So, do you want to help me temporarily keep the little white users of Newton alive? . "

Crowley's light faded, "You only have two little whites now, hum, you can save a few people!" The tone exposed the angel's excited direction-negatively, she didn't want the vampire to let her soul fly "'Angel, don't want Newton to have fewer bodies.

Zack himself knows that this is related to the interests of angels. There is no subjective judgment on Crowley ’s mentality, just to tell the facts, “As long as Rich continues to cooperate with Winston ’s plan, the little white I will hold here will only become more Come more and more. "

Anyway, I can say, whether it is from Zac ’s personal relationship with Crowley, an angel who was originally a mirror man, or the origins of the vampire and angel ’s belief in the Lord ’s faith, Zac has been honest. The final decision can only rely on Crowley herself.

Just by looking at it, you can see that this is a decision for Crowley like a flesh. The look of disgust on the face of the angel, "You are waiting." Crowley went to the door of heaven Heaven.

This should be considered acceptable.

Zach began to wait for Crowley's return in this Newton church. Anyway, Idle is also idle, let's taste Newton's church atmosphere.

To be honest, it ’s much better than Barton ’s church.

At least in Barton, when it is not a Sunday, there is basically no one in the church. It has been described to everyone before that in Barton, in addition to some citizens who truly treat their faith, most of the members of the Holy Lord believers are idle people who have nothing to do. Except for the same week of regular activities, Pattons rarely ask for the teachings of the Lord on weekdays.

Here in Newton, during the period of time when Zac and Crowley talked, Zach noticed that at least a dozen Newton citizens had obtained the salvation of life from the Lord-yes, what I said is Newton citizens walking in and out of the confession room.

Another person entered the confession room.

Murphy was afraid of being bored. "Father, I'm guilty." Suddenly he started to imitate the person who had just entered the confession room.

Zac looked at Murphy, knowing that Assamette did not know what satire is, then, Murphy suddenly made such an imitation, there should be some necessary reasons.

Murphy looked back at Zac, "Don't look at me, look over the confession room, don't you think this sound is familiar."

Zac pouted and turned his attention to the closed confession room. Sure enough, it was a familiar voice, and the content—

"I just decided a person's life and death without authorization!" The confessed person was obviously a little excited.

Zac tilted his mouth. The person in the confession room is the one who commissioned murder in Richie.

Zach felt that Murphy had intentionally reminded himself. Wanting to continue, Murphy put down the novel while in Ritchie's waiting room, preparing to discuss a moral indicator of Newton's angels with Zac, but nothing happened.

Zac still doesn't want to discuss with Murphy, but it's impossible to get rid of the confusion, and he has entered the vampire's hearing category. Someone's confession is driven into the vampire's ear by the laws of physics.

The voice of confession, "I, I don't think that what he (the confessor let Richie kill) can decide that he is not worthy to continue to live ... But, I confirm that someone like him will definitely go to hell!" Okay , Is no longer a confession, just for comfort.

Pastor 'on duty' who has given dozens of people the teachings of life: "My child, so your behavior (arbitrary determination of the other's life or death) is just an appointment for that person's trial from the Lord, you did well, I Child. "

Zac was shocked! !

Before talking to Crowley, I didn't notice the conversations in the confession room. Now I can't believe my ears! Did the Angels of Newton justify the murder of this world? ! !

Zac glanced at Murphy again, no wonder Murphy wanted to remind Zac to pay attention to the confession room! This is much more serious than the confession guy who went to a fantasy office to commission ‘dangerous, unethical, illegal commission’ under the recommendation of the pastor!

Murphy had no expression, and now he just glanced back at Zac without a word.

Zac frowned and continued to listen to the confession room.

Confessor: "I, the only thing I'm worried about ... this, will this affect my own final judgment ..." His words are intermittent, but the meaning is fairly clear-this person is afraid of the murder of his commission He fell into **** himself.

Pastor: "Send sin to the **** that should go, my child, you haven't done anything wrong, don't worry, Heaven must have your place, I can assure you."

Instantly confessor: "Thank you Lord!"

Pastor: "Praise the Lord for your grace, Amen."

This extremely short confession was over. Zac looked at the man who came out of the confession room, a middle-aged man who looked less than 40 years old. This man did not leave the church immediately, hey, but went to the altar to praise the blessings of the Lord.

Zac hesitated and got up from his seat to the middle-aged man who was praying.

As in any public place, when there are seats in other places, it would feel strange if one's own position is occupied by someone. Beyond others, most people regard ‘intimate communication with the Lord’—prayer as a very private act.

Therefore, when the person praying noticed that Zac was sitting next to him, he instinctively suspended the prayer and looked at the stranger sitting next to him.

The middle-aged man didn't say anything, just expressed a doubt in his eyes, set up a prayer posture that was briefly interrupted, and was ready to continue praying.

"You smell like fish. It smells bad." Zac suddenly threw his education to the end of the world? Fall to the random evaluation of the smell of strange passers-by?

The middle-aged man who was just about to close his eyes froze for a moment, "Uh, I work in the seafood market ..." The instinctive explanation restored human autonomy after the initial inexplicable past-this was just obtained in the confession room. The redemption's murderer is not a friendly person. He frowned and looked at Zac. "I'm sitting here first. You can change places."

"Ridiculous." Zach wasn't looking for something deliberately. It was a test-a place in human society that was given a special meaning. In the church, how tolerant of badness is ... deep, "This is the distance Why should I change the Lord ’s nearest position. It ’s you who stinks, you get away. ”

Is it difficult to understand? Then give a few examples-

What is bad in the cinema is noisy. In mobile and closed vehicles, what is bad is smoking. in……

See, in the places where we humans are assigned various functions, these places are given their respective bottom lines. Some behaviors will not be tolerated.

So, what does mankind give to the church? Probably ... is all the beauty that human beings can list. So, is the confession and redemption that happened in Zack's ears good?

murder! Abuse of heaven promised! Beautiful?

No kidding, Zach is only testing how wide the "beauty" contained in the Newton church can be.

"You ..." The middle-aged man's body shuddered, and he didn't seem to expect that he had been assaulted by such a person just after he was redeemed.

"What am I, the Lord told us to be honest." Zac used an extreme disdainful look, "I'm just telling the truth, you, polluted my air." Zac also got up and went to the altar and took root The candle, "You'd better get away, don't let the Holy Lord be polluted by your disgusting smell. Huh, heaven is going to be smelled by you, disgusting, I don't want me to go to heaven, but **** The same stench. "

Zac is going to get worse, sincerely has nothing to say. Say what is most harmful to the other's body and mind. Isn't that what the middle-aged man cares most about? It is the person he hates (the person who commissions to kill) will go to hell, and he himself can still go to heaven. That Zack reversed **** and heaven.

The middle-aged man's face began to blush. This is not the kind of boring expression of face humiliation, bullish red color, this is not face damage, but the blood of his entire body is retrograde.

The three women in their original positions have long noticed Zac's side. In order to talk to Crowley and avoid the Newton believers, he was a little far from the altar. So except that the two vampires Louise and Murphy could hear what Zac was doing, Miley had no idea what was happening.

"What is Zack doing?" Miley asked.

"Playing a bad guy." Louise replied with a sneer. Do n’t forget that this is the exact opposite of Zac ’s gentleman attributes that attract Louise, so Louise does n’t like Zac ’s behavior.

It was Murphy, who looked at Zach in front calmly, but moved, and began to raise his hand to find his hair. Doomed to fail, her hair was tightly braided in the back of Miley's head into complex braids. Want to pinch your hair? This action is too difficult for Murphy to achieve now.

Zac continues to push the bottom line of middle-aged people, "Why are you still standing here and polluting the air here?" Mean, "Look at you, are you crying?"

"You !!!" There is no subsequent explosive roar of emotion. Because the body control is too bad, this ‘you! ! ’There is a slight change in high frequency.

Zac covered his ears, "Not only pollutes my breath, but also my ears. What kind of man actually makes such a disgusting scream, your mother didn't teach you not to let yourself go too far in public."

Zac took his seat back and looked at the statue of the saint on the saint with a very pious face. "Lord, I assure you that the people (humans) you care for are not like him." Our vampire prayed , The kind of prayer that ensures that your prayer is heard, "Your people are clean, educated, and kind people. Those who are not worthy of being close to here, let them go to **** ..."

Zac's prayer could not be completed because the middle-aged man rushed to Zac. What a brave one.

I do n’t know how you evaluate it. Anyway, Zac was not surprised at all about covering his body. A guy who would come to the church to find comfort after running for a murder, emotional control, oh, how much it is good.

Zac did not hide. While the middle-aged man was like a sack, he kept his sitting posture, looked at the middle-aged man steadily, and completely concealed his piety (the content of the prayer just now) , Firmly imprinted in the eyes of middle-aged people who are approaching themselves quickly.

Piety is Zac praying that some people should go to hell.

But naturally, the middle-aged people did not encounter Zac at all—

The bottom line test on the occasion was considered successful. It has long been noticed that the clergy here caught the middle-aged man out of control.

Not surprisingly, a vampire, Zach, has been watching since the first moment he stepped into this church. The conversation between Zac and Crowley, Zac ’s short and boring wait, and, Zac suddenly came to harass-harass-a prayer believer. All the actions were in the angel's sight, and Zac didn't even want to hide them.

The result of the test, Newton ’s church, has no hindrance to any assumptions about heaven and the interpretation of the faith of the Lord—

That's right, Zach made the statement that people who are too stinky should not go to heaven. The clergymen came to stop it, didn't they? Ha ha ha. The stinky people should go to hell, you can say anything at Newton Church, everyone remember ~

What Newton Church will prevent is a human being ready to attack a vampire.

You don't need to over-interpret it, this is the fact.

See, the clergy here didn't stop any behavior of the vampire, but dragged the human who almost fell on Zac and dragged him towards the back of the church.

Not surprisingly, a vampire, Zach, has been watching since the first moment he stepped into this church. The conversation between Zac and Crowley, Zac ’s short and boring wait, and, Zac suddenly came to harass-harass-a prayer believer. All the actions were in the angel's sight, and Zac didn't even want to hide them.

The result of the test, Newton ’s church, has no hindrance to any assumptions about heaven and the interpretation of the faith of the Lord—

That's right, Zach made the statement that people who are too stinky should not go to heaven. The clergymen came to stop it, didn't they? Ha ha ha. The stinky people should go to hell, you can say anything at Newton Church, everyone remember ~

What Newton Church will prevent is a human being ready to attack a vampire.

You don't need to over-interpret it, this is the fact.

See, the clergy here didn't stop any behavior of the vampire, but dragged the human who almost fell on Zac and dragged him towards the back of the church.

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