The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Vol 15 Chapter 15: Newton's phone

On the third day of Newton, the two hostesses of this family, Baiying, went to work, and Yuehua also went to work, leaving the guests at home.

Zac borrowed the owner's phone, and the number dialed was Grand.

While waiting for the connection, Zac's mind was a little confused.

Talk about what happened yesterday.

Yuehua's words to Zac, it sounds that the vampire's immortality may be threatened by witchcraft has been temporarily lifted. Yes, only temporarily. Analyze the words of Yuehua:

One, the Black Witch can be assured, but they will never hurt Toledo. Vampires outside Toledo, they don't care. What Zac considered was the safety of life for all vampire races. Obviously, the black witches had no consensus with Zac in this respect.

Second, the most fundamental reason why black witches are reluctant to obtain that kind of witchcraft is that they do not want to be used as a tool of the wizarding family against vampires. This is to mention something about the dark side of society-the society of the Western Devil Banquet, discrimination against the Indians.

This discrimination is already hateful. You should remember that when Weiss was in Barton, when he asked to investigate the wizard and the Rhemer ’s Tongtian Tower laboratory, he was rejected by the wizard family, just because Weiss had lived in the west background.

In the current political environment of the Federation, the expansion of the Devil's Banquet is absolute-there are no hidden obstacles in the central part. The tone set by the Demon Banquet society—Indian people's impossible access to social resources will definitely cause bad influence in the central part.

Then I am embarrassed, the Black Witch is also an Ingan. The Black Witch may not want to be a tool for others, but it is also very obvious that they will not want to be a race discriminated by the whole society.

Then please join to the first point. If the future is bad enough, the black witches will not become a tool for anyone (wizard family), they will only defend themselves.

In summary, what Yuehua expressed is actually just a comfort to Zac-as long as you Zacree Torrido, you can also work among various races, interests and faith groups in the Federation to provide peace, Even if there is no lasting living space, our black witch will not make the worst plan.

However, this also allows Zac to know where the bottom line of the black witch is, which is converted into Zach's logic, that is, as long as the magic feast is sensible enough not to threaten the black witch's living space, the future magic banquet will be done with the wizarding family in the middle. At least, do n’t worry about the magic banquet's own expansion plan will cause the vampire to be annihilated by the black witch.

Everyone should have seen that Andrew's wizard is no longer a witchcraft that can save Newtons, but is starting to have strategic significance.


To put it bluntly, the black witches are also watching the situation. In the death of Newton, they just don't want to set a rake on themselves too soon, so that the magic banquet or the wizarding family has the opportunity to target them.

Yesterday's dialogue with Yuehua has follow-up. Based on Yuehua's expression, Zac also bluntly stated that if the Black Witch is not going to save the Newtons this time, the only way to revive the "living corpse" is to create a vampire.

Taking advantage of Miley ’s shocking education on Wes ’s anti-social behavior in the living room, Zach said frankly, “When I told them (Louis, Murphy, Miley) this plan, use "Vampire is not a magic feast." Zac said this time, he did not avoid the audible Louise and Murphy, Zac just did not want Miley to hear, "I consciously guide them to think , Especially Miley, I feel that if I were to save the people of Newton by vampires, I would definitely not be a vampire who expanded the magic banquet. "

Zac ’s confession is meaningful, and Yuehua responded to this meaning with a brief surprise, and then nodded quickly, “I understand that when you consider the safety of the entire vampire race, you do n’t want to let the black witch touch that Andrew's witchcraft. "

Zac nodded,

Yuehua continued, "In order to make people choose not to choose this option as much as possible, you can only describe the other option better." Candidly exchanged Yuehua's understanding. "Using the non-magic feast of vampires as the basis of the option, it gives people The first reaction is that you, Torrido, are finally beginning to expand your empty clan members, ha ha ~ and everyone trusts you. "

Zac continued to nod, "Lewis needless to say that the Assamite clan represented by Murphy has regarded them as Toledo (clan merger, Murphy has said that he does not mind changing his surname to Toledo). Miley, as long as she can increase the strength of the opposing vampires, she will be happy, not to mention that it is me who is the one who gets the population. It is Torrido. She ca n’t wait for me to create a crazy man in Newton City now. ”Helpless.

We are also Qin Chu, right, Miley has already shown her enthusiasm for solving Newton ’s death with a vampire. Of course, we now know that this is Zak ’s deliberate use of ‘non-devil vampire’ as a bait to lure Miley to support.

Yue Huaneng can keep up with Zach ’s words, “But the fact is that it is impossible to bypass Revrow who is already in Newton, right, if you propose to make a vampire in the city of Newton, right.”

Zac nodded again, "Yes. So I can only balance the advantages of this option for the reason that I don't want to create a new vampire group."

"Then what makes you really embarrassed is if you really want to use the vampire maker to solve Newton's death, which vampire's blood is used."

Zac nodded for the last time, "No need for Revelo, the purpose of Revelo's experiment in Newton is a joke. Newton's interracial including you (Black Witch) already have various relationships with Barton's interracial (I) You can also see Revelo ’s situation. If it were n’t for me, I suggest that they go to get the security company to get a foothold here, and they still have nothing to do in this city. The vampire power of the feast, whether or not Toledo, can be said to be devastating to Revelo ’s living environment in this city. "

Zac began to shake his head, "Revrow did not improve in Newton, and the Revelo clan at the Demon Banquet could not pose a real threat to Lesenbull. Now in the Demon Banquet, Lesenbull does not care about Qiao Fan at all. Nepal and Cappadocia have strengthened their strength by dividing Zmihi ’s industry, which means that none of these things can affect the rights of Lesenbra. Revro ’s ability to monitor the world under all light is the only one. The possibility of threatening Lesenbull. If Revro is self-interested, there will be no gaps within the feast under the rule of Lesenbull ... "Not surprised ~ Zac always thinks about how to adjust At the top of the feast, Lesenbra, "The feast as a vampire alliance that has no natural enemies in the federation, will be invincible in the federation." Not to praise the feast, but to return to the original topic, "Finally, the feast unified the federation Time. "Look at Yuehua.

Yuehua followed Zac's thoughts and realized, "We black witches also have to fight for ourselves, and then the whole life of the vampire will be threatened."

Now that Yue Hua has figured out the roots of Zac's embarrassment, "What are you going to do?"

"Hey, look."

Yesterday's continuation ended.

Zac now called Grand and his phone was finally picked up. I have an obligation to tell you that this call has been waiting for as long as we have learned the follow-up conversation yesterday.

Zac hadn't had time to speak yet. The person over the receiver spoke, female voice, "Grand Funeral Home."

Zucker had a bad mood because of confusion, and it was even worse because he recognized the female voice. "Kate. Why did you answer the phone in my office."

Yes, it was James's girl friend ... fiancee, reporter Kate.

Kate, "Zac?" Then he chuckled, "It seems that I misunderstood you, you are still a little bit conscious of being the owner of the Grand Funeral Home, although people don't know where, but at least they will call back today Call, care about your ... "

Zac was not in a mood to listen to Kate, but had to admit that something that made Zach curious appeared in Kate's words, "What happened to Grandry today."

"Wait a minute, don't you know what will happen to your Grand today?"

Zac responded, "I don't know. Will you tell me, Kate?"

The other party apparently didn't expect Zac to admit that it was so refreshing, and heard a clear "Huh." Then, "Two things, the Ford funeral was held today by the Newtonian funeral hosted by your Grand cemetery." Gram reaction.

Kate's reaction time is a little long, Zac can only adjust his mood and calmly ask, "What about the second thing?"

"The employees of your Grand who injured my colleague were arraigned today."

Zach asked directly, "Which incident caused you to appear in my office?"

"If you ask like this, I'm so sad." Do you think that Kate and Zac are talking a little bit ... Anyway, it's definitely not Kate, the former reporter who fears aliens. Everyone ... Oh, it ’s as powerful as marriage to give a woman a sense of security, "You have at least read the whitewashed report I wrote for you Grande."

It was the article that Zack thought the author very objectively explained the bottleneck of the Halfway House, and felt that Grande was not the main responsible person in the case of a former criminal employee committing an evil act.

Zac ’s emotions have calmed down. Speaking of it, if it ’s not Zac who wants to discuss with Kate, why she will write this report, and wo n’t be hit by Wes and James on Highway 27, just Nor will he come to Newton, now troubled by the future of vampires ...

Since it was unsuccessful to take the initiative to find someone at the time, now the other party proposed it, and Zac would be welcome, "I read it, so are you coming to Grande for a follow-up interview."

"Of course, after all, the purpose of my report is the bottleneck of the Halfway House. Now those of you who are still enjoying the Midway House policy, they must have some worthy ideas to listen to their colleagues and can give our rulers. To improve the halfway house project and provide a reference. "

Zac ’s comment-Kate ’s answer is too, too straightforward, "That ’s why you are so focused on the stability of the Barton society?" We can definitely be sure that we can now communicate with Zac the vampire in such a smooth voice. Kate, not honest—

Remember the hole Zak made in Kate's heart? The honest reporter has now released the evidence of James' father, the famous General Lance's treason. Instead of getting engaged to the traitor's son, James Lance!

"Don't believe me." Hearing this, this tone. Kate on the other side of the earpiece continued calmly, "Then you should be my gesture. After all, I am the ultimate winner. James Lance is going to marry me, not Louise." Please combine Together with the gossip news published in the Barton Daily, I sorted out the logic here, "As a winner, I naturally do n’t have to write the kind of defamatory Grand article as I did before because of private anger. I can use the winner ’s High, objectively gave Grande a fair judgment. "

If you can't see the irony in this remark, mock yourself, Grande, Zac, everything. It's too troublesome to explain ...

Zac felt it, and the mood was complicated again. Forget it, it was necessary to have too complicated emotions for Kate, shook his head and put aside his thoughts, "Then I will not disturb your work, the future Mrs. Lance, now, Please call my staff, Cyrus, I have something to explain to my staff. "

"Cyrus?" Kate just confirmed the person Zac was looking for, and then, "He's not there. Your Hank was sent to monitor the funeral in the cemetery."

Zac frowned, "Why didn't Old Hank go by himself." Zac's idea is this-this funeral that was deliberately manipulated by the Westside people attracted attention at the purpose of Barton. Only the attention was paid, and the media reported hard. Only then can the Westside people export public opinion on the relationship between Newton and Barton, right?

It is too dangerous for Cyrus to monitor such funerals. And Old Hank is well aware of this disadvantage of vampires.

"Are you asking me?" Kate answered directly.

Zac pouted, not knowing what to say in an instant.

Kate was also quiet for a while, "Do you want me to ask you a question, eh." This reporter, although his personality is probably being questioned by us now ... But Kate's personality seems to have always been bad, don't forget The real reason she used to slander Grande was just because Zuck smashed her camera ... well, not to the point.

Kate ’s ability as a reporter is recognized by everyone. After a short thought, “Well, just use what other employees in Grande think of these halfway house projects and how the two employees get along. Yes, how about the relationship? Let me try to help you explore your Mr. Hank. Why did you get a vampire in front of a bunch of shots, do you think? "

Zac pursed his lips, "You are a reporter, you don't need to ask for my opinion about what you want to ask." What else can I say, praise this reporter for staying in Grande only a few times, I have already discovered that the Grande 'Family differentiation'? Sorry, Zac does n’t want to praise Kate.

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