The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Vol 15 Chapter 19: Newton Hotels

James and Wes stayed in the hotel, James has money, don't care.

James was very angry when analyzing the security arrangement of Hughes at Newton University. "There is a complete blind zone passage !!" He pointed to the schematic map of the engineering map.

Weiss is doing daily activities-hone his body. Hey, it's normal fitness. We don't think that Weiss's tendency to violence against a certain thing is born, don't joke, it is maintained by the day after tomorrow.

After a set of sit-ups approaching the limit, Wes breathed heavily. "That guy is Revro. There is no blind spot for him in this world." Wes grabbed the side ready to replenish the drink and swallowed it.

James is still angry, "He used it without a blind spot! The Newton Police Department has rejected the portrait of Yuehua. We need to be able to clearly capture the evidence of the criminal's appearance! We need photos, we need videos! Not a mine. Fro's vision! "Staring at Wes with exudes 'heat', the inexplicable bias," Why don't you go to the gym! It's on the second floor (hotel)! "

How to say, if James and Weiss practiced together for an hour, the pictures in this room will make some people like it very much. Who doesn't like young, beautiful men to release their heat? There are two such people here.

Wes was very attentive in adjusting the state, preparing for the next group of sports, and answered, quite perfunctory, "I don't want to smell the sweaty smell of other men."

James's mouth twitched, knowing that the topic could not go on, then continue to criticize Revrow's security plan ... No, "Will you be a best man."

Suddenly enough.

Weiss's body lay flat again, looking at James. After watching it for a while, James began to feel a little embarrassed before saying, "You still have to ask? Do you have any other candidates." This is a mockery. Of course, malicious.

You have to understand that James has not explained to Wes why he had calculated Louise! If James feels that with such kind of grace, ‘honour’ will allow Wes to accept reality, then James will be too failed to be a man.

James deflated his mouth and pulled open the schematic of the monitoring, his eyes fixed on the rotation of security personnel. It was naively pretending not to hear it.

Weiss stared at James for a while, pulled the corner of his mouth, laid back on the ground, posed, followed me, exhaled, inhaled, exhaled, inhaled ... the male heat in this room continued to climb.

"*!" James started swearing again nervously, "There are three empty days in this security rotation every day! I swear that Hughes Revro was intentional! He ..."

Weiss should have reached the limit. He was paralyzed on the ground, and the supplies next to him were unable to get it. He could only breathe hard, listening to the shouting of James.

James grabbed the map and arrangement, angry, "This guy is intentional! The entire security arrangement is deliberately selling loopholes to those criminals!"

After taking a deep breath, Wes recovered a bit and looked sideways at James. Discuss Newton University's engineering with James? No, "Is it true, your wedding plan revealed in the newspaper."

James blushed for a while, because the topic he wanted to talk about was ignored, and the topic he was talking about was not the feeling he wanted to talk about. Uncomfortable is right.

James prepared to continue pretending not to hear.

"I don't think it's fake." Weiss continued to look at James. "Your guest list written in the newspaper has our former commander and liaison in the army ..." Weiss said something other than The names of military personnel who will not be known to outsiders will appear on James ’files.“ Seeing Hughes today made me aware of these. Unless you told these names to the media yourself, they could not write them out. This guest list. "

James probably felt that he had to argue, "I didn't tell the media any list!"

Weiss lying on the side is the most lazy state after the whole body strength is used, but it is very sharp, "Don't be funny, the person you want to marry is the media person."

James's complexion began to darken, his whole body staring tightly at the opposite of the whole body-loose to the extreme Wes, "Otherwise! I don't want to discuss with my wife my own wedding guest list!"

This is admitted.

"Fiancee." Weiss corrected a meaningless title, and recovered a little energy to get up. I didn't look at James's waved hand again, "I take a shower." The notice-style notice, the meaning is-when I am refreshed and full of state, we continue to talk.

Not surprisingly, men usually interact like this, offensively? No, but mutual pressure is undeniable.

James knew he was at a disadvantage and he was very upset. James knew he had done nothing wrong in discussing the wedding with Kate, but the feeling of being penetrated was that he enveloped himself. But James also thinks that he has the possibility of turning over, that is, not talking about the shameful topic, talking about Hughes Revrow.

When Wes came out, James said to Wes, ‘we ca n’t let a Feast Vampire do whatever he wants in Newton! Especially now when the Newton Police Department is weak! Once human law enforcement agencies are suppressed by the magic banquet vampires and turned over, it is impossible! This is a consensus that everyone can realize.

Of course, James also understands his shortcomings, taking advantage of Wes's bathing time, and plan his own words ...

"Open the door."

James turned to the door, "Who?"


James felt a cloud of air in his chest and walked toward the door somberly, opening the door, staring at the two vampires standing outside-Hughes Revro, with Zacree Torredo, "How do you know We live here! "

"Newton's most expensive hotel, do you think Ravrow will not stare here." Before James invited, Hughes had stepped in and looked back at Zac who was still at the door. "You don't Come in? "

Zac smiled kindly, "I'm waiting for the host's invitation. Hughes, you're not in the west now, you'd better change some habits that might kill you." In the western part of the country where assets are acquired, there is nowhere to go.

Hughes's face was wrinkled and he agreed with Zach's teaching, but based on the situation, he naturally had to quibble, "This is a hotel."

"Still, some habits, you have to start cultivating now."

Hughes taught, and glanced at James, "Aren't you going to let the Toredo ancestors come in."

James ignored the door and turned back to the room.

Zac enters the room, and the well-educated person helps the master close the door. As Hughes and James walked to the sofa to talk about things, Zac leaned against the bathroom and tapped on the door—the guests naturally had to notify all the hosts of their arrival, "Hi, Weiss."

"Hi, Zack." There was a response in the bathroom.

Zac admired the rooms in this Newton's most expensive hotel and found a corner seat.

Zac is a nanny, as long as Hughes does not do ‘dangerous’ behavior, the nanny will not intervene.

Guess who spoke first ...

Hughes saw something on the table, and the security information he had arranged for the project at Newton University.

It's time to criticize James' resilience. When he is still sullied by the chest-when you are about to maliciously injure someone, someone comes.

The opening opportunity that Hughes grasped, "Yes, you can see that you have carefully studied my security arrangements, so I don't need to say it. I believe in your profession, this is called fishing law enforcement, right, deliberately released Bait and other criminals are hooked. "

The blood vessels in James's forehead are on the edge of the blast, "Fishing law enforcement is illegal!"

"Really?" Hughes really didn't understand. "Why?"

"Any intentional incitement or criminal activity is illegal!" For example, extreme terrorist attacks, "I can now arrest you with the crime of impersonating law enforcement and public safety breaches!"

Hughes looked at Zac, a very instinctive behavior. This was to say to Zac, ‘Look, let me tell you, fortunately looking for you to stare, otherwise the ghost knows what these two detectives will do. ’

Zac maintained the nanny's kindness, but said nothing.

Hughes shook his hand after taking back his eyes. "It doesn't matter, this arrangement is useful." There is a distracted look on his face. Now, please pay attention to Hughes's eyes. In the brown iris, there is a picture that does not belong to the space where he is now. "Someone has discovered that I deliberately leaked the surveillance blind zone. He is now observing the security shift period ..."

Before this was finished, James stood up and watched the movement-he habitually checked the badge and weapons, and it seemed that he was going to enforce the law ...

James sat back gloomy again. As he told Wess before, what happened in the blind zone was not available to the police.

Hughes looked at James' performance, "Huh." Let's feel the meaning of this auxiliary particle, then glance at Zac, wave your hand, and take over before changing the topic, "When I need you and Wes When the detectives act, I will inform you, do n’t worry. "The two vampires come here for the real theme," I have a very bad thing, and I need to report to you two detectives. "

Feel the next words of Hughes with heart-

"The ancestor of Toledo and Zach, I discovered the office of Newton Illusion Rich, and are engaged in a disturbing behavior." Hughes gave a schematic glance to Zach-- The source of this little action was when the two vampires had not come here, and on the road they discussed how to describe Wes and James's illusionist informing Newton citizens of their inhuman influence.

Zac's idea is simple, it is enough to cut in from the detective's professional attributes. The citizens of Newton began to rely on inhuman power to satisfy their own desires, enough for Wes and James to hook.

But Hughes, in addition to the truth revealed by Zach, also had private goods-"Magic Man Ritchie, showed his true appearance to his client." Concentrated on understanding, "A low-level soul alien, actually Dare to be ahead of us and take the lead in occupying public opinion, it is unforgivable! "

Zac continued to be kind, even James looked inexplicably here.

As soon as James's eyes touched Zac's still and kind face, he exploded. "What are you talking about?"

Did Zac speak? No, Zac is like a statue named ‘City Vampire’, quietly placed in the corner of this room.

Hughes is also honest. The spatial visual effect of this room has been transferred. Hughes sits in the original position, but accepts the light in his space, but after being refracted, it is cast in the direction of James looking at Zac and is cut off. James' original vision.

"Hey, I'm talking to you." Revroo snapped his fingers to attract James' attention.

The shifted space vision is returning to its original position, and James' gloomy gaze returns to Revrow following the shifted space.

I won't cover up for James. The first time I saw Revro show his ability, he was frightened.

"And I haven't finished." Hughes returned to his satisfaction with James's gaze. "A soul alien, preemptively implanting a sense of existence in human society is the first behavior I don't allow. Second, this Illusions are destroying the racial rank of the world. "Hughes shook his head, as if to say something extremely disrespectful and heart-wrenching." Humans in Newton, actually have to pay for real property and trust and rely on Souls that should not exist. Wrong, this situation is wrong! "

For those who may not understand Hughes' words--

First of all, the western society that Hughes is used to, the vampire, is the race with the most sense in society. Secondly, in the west, commissioning ordinary aliens requires only one burger and one portion of fried fish, and commissioning soul aliens is free. If human beings want souls to do anything, they do n’t have to pay anything. Instead, doing something for the humans in this society is the only way for the souls in the west to exist and preserve their lives.

Hughes stared at James, "This illusion Richie has already been offside to a position he shouldn't touch! Detective, are you ready to do something about it."

"What can we do?" This was not a rhetorical question, but Wes came out of the bathroom frowning and looked at Zack and asked, "We are not Newton's detectives, our affairs with Illusionist Rich" There is no chance of control. "

Zac's kindness ... continue.

Without Zach ’s notice, Hughes knew that Weiss was the one of the two Patton detectives when he was in the security company, so he turned his attention to Weiss, “You ’re talking about the key point. You can only rely on Newton ’s law enforcement agencies to control this phantom office. ”No need to hide,“ The purpose of our visit to Revelo in Newton this time is to conduct social experiments and verify the capabilities of our clan. How much influence can be exerted in society. We do n’t want to appear on the countertops of society, so as a vampire, I regret to admit that for Newton ’s illusion, we will not come forward to control. ”

Wes doesn't need Revrow's explanation. Wes actually repeats the question, "So what can we do?"

"Thank you Zac." Hughes gestured to Zac. "Zac learned that Illusion Rich had completed a human commission yesterday and killed a man. Today, the human went to the Illusionist again. This is you. of……"

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