The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Vol 15 Chapter 26: Newton's painting

It was close to noon, and the temperature began to be arrogant. More than half of the warm spring has passed, and afterwards, it has nothing to do with ‘hui’, it is purely in the direction of heat.

However, Zac is quite comfortable, listening to Mr. Shuai's music list, sipping the food sent by Hughes Revro, and tasting Mr. Shuai's collected artworks ...

Mr. Shuai can be changed, Kendrick Walsh. Friends called him Kent, yes, that is the male version of the Barbie doll, which was considered by the times to be a symbol of handsome men. How did Zack know?

Zac read the letters from Kent and others. His friends call Kent in this way, and it is not the kind of ridicule. ‘Dear Kent, love you Kent, miss you Kent, hope you are here Kent ...’ Does this seem to want to ridicule.

Ah, why did Zack read his private letters? This is the same reason Zac enjoys here. Zac is at home.

Illegal invasion? No no no. The first time the night before yesterday was an invasion, feed Xiaobai, save Kent's life, and then leave. This second time was not an invasion. Zac kindly sent Kent home unconscious, and then made sure that he was sleeping peacefully, and then stayed here to learn about this person in a vampire way.

I understand that the more you explain the more problems, no hurry, we say one by one.

First, why Kent was comatose.

Connected with Zac's self-introduction last night, "Zacree Grande."

"You are that Zachary Grande ?!" In the middle of the suburban road, Kent showed a surprised look, "Why are you here (Newton) ?!"

"You know me?" Zac has completely walked out of the darkness, "It seems that you really have something to do with the people of Button ~"

"I ..." Zac squeezed the back of the neck lightly and passed out.

Second, why did Zack want to know this? Ask Mr. Kent Wash.

In fact, there are two reasons that everyone already knows. The first is that Kent revealed in Winston that he has contact with Barton.

If the situation at the time could be regarded as Kent threatening Winston after being unable to pay the price of Xiaobai, then when Kent knew the name Zachary Grande, it would be confirmed that this guy was indeed Relationship with Barton.

Secondly, Zach has given Hughes Revelo the work of saving some Newtons. The reason has also been explained. The final "living corpse" vampire can't bypass Revrow, then simply let the process advance. It ’s unacceptable (Zack knows that many people such as Miley will definitely strongly oppose Newton ’s living corpse to become a feast belonging to the vampire. Let Revro participate in the rescue operation early, and the result will not be so soon Difficult to accept).

The core reason Zach would use is that Revelo was a good descendant when he saved the Newtonians. He couldn't stop the water from pouring into the sea. So, for the same reason, even if it is to appease a person like Miley, Zac, can't you fall in love with your favorite descendants?

Oh, after all, Kent's appearance standards have definitely reached Toledo's standards. And, what Zac can't ignore-a small white user who is still alive, reported the list of small white markets given by the collection of all dead white users.

Judging Kent as a person in a social way, he also meets Toledo's standards.

The question is almost answered. Let's see what kind of artwork Zac is enjoying.

It ’s a painting. Zac swayed his glass and fell into memory—

During the colonial war, the 13th clan poker for the feminization of vampires and colonial soldiers was not the only work of Mocavi. Mocavi also painted the war, which is now hung in Kent's living room and presented in front of Zac.

But this is the war in Mocavi's eyes, so don't expect it to be strong and serious. The painting in Zac ’s eyes is a group portrait. Women of all ages and sizes bathe in the forest with red liquid filled with strange colors.

Zac heard a gasping sound, turned his head, raised his cup, and smiled at Kent with a puffy face (just woke up), "Your collection is amazing ~"

After the initial surprise, Kent adjusted his emotions and used a calm voice, "Do you know this picture?"

"I know ~ I also know the author ~" Zac took a sip of wine.

"Huh." This hum is instinct, but Kent soon recovered his senses-he didn't have the memory of Zac's self-introduction last night. This is enough for a reasonable person to make a judgment of the situation. What. Take away the momentary sarcasm, seriously, "Under normal circumstances, I will not fight with others, but I know you, you are not an ordinary person. My friend in Barton ..." Sure enough, this guy knows that Zac is in Barton It ’s not easy to judge what it is. Kent did n’t say this and shook his head. “You ’ve seen the world, then I have to tell you. The author of this painting was an ancient man four centuries ago. So, Don't talk about this kind of joke in the future. "It's thoughtful for Zack ~

Zac just smiled, "How did you get this picture?" The red in the sip cup.

Kent was quiet for a while and frowned. You should understand that for Kent, discussing a painting here is definitely not what he expected. But does he have a choice? This is his home, but does Kent seem to be the superior?

Kent was reminded by the wine glass in Zac ’s hand, and walked to the wine cabinet, wondering if his wine reserve was not low. He glanced at the red color in Zac ’s glass, poked his mouth, and drew the bottle and Zac cited The wine with the most similar color in the east and the west, "I bought it in an auction in the middle of the country a few years ago."

Do you know what Zac thinks anymore-

Fanzhuo, sure enough to defeat all the accumulation of Torrido in the hidden alliance!

Remember, when I learned that Mocavi was left alone in the Federation, the secret alliance led by Fan Zhuo left the central part of the Federation and entered the Republic, using Mocavi's support of selling clan collections. At that time, it was concluded that Fanzhuo but Mokawi clan was for money! Realize the work of Toledo's three centuries of support for the Mokawi clan a little bit! Hey.

Zac ’s next words, caused by emotions, did not pass through the brain ’s filtering, “So, I hope you spent a lot of money.” This painting is not the only thing that Zac sees in Kent ’s home that evokes memories. .

During the period of Toledo's Secret Alliance, the way to support the Mokawi clan was collectibles, antiques, artworks and the like. The reason is naturally Mocavi ’s “love” art. Of course, there is also Torrido who does not know how to satisfy the “crazy”. According to conventional cognitive bias, the art guy is addicted to being not understood by normal people. The social relations that lead to Mokawi are all such people. Therefore, the Mokawi clan has the richest collection, and these are the things. Zac saw many things in Kent's house that had passed his own hands.

But to trace the origin, you should all return to this Mokawi handwriting when the Federation was not born. This is the basis for positioning Mocavi's social presence in the new federal state.

Zac's subjective thought of lamenting the past, thinks that Kent must go bankrupt for the secondary painting.


"No, this is almost the cheapest thing in my collection in recent years." Kent approached Zac and looked at the painting in front of him. "It's just that I personally like this painting, so I hang it here."

Zac took another sip of wine, "Do you know what this painting is painting?" It is impossible to say that there is no frustration. Zach's sentence is not a question, but is ready to educate the other party.

"It's war." Kent didn't give Zac an opportunity for education. As soon as the words fell, he immediately connected and looked at Zac, "Do you like this picture, give it to you if you like it?"

Zac raised his eyebrows as soon as he wrinkled. "Well?"

"I'm dying, and I don't have a family." Indicate his home, and there is no trace of the existence of the hostess. "I don't have children. My parents are from Northland, you know, they are not alive when I am still alive. Same. So, you want to either, I want to give you. "

Kent leaked a little personal information. Parents are from Northland-the war ended eleven years ago, we know that it created a war orphan like Weiss, Anthony once missed the city of Barton on the battlefield ...

Now, we also know that this creates a situation where parents and children do not recognize each other as being alive. Oh, long-term knowledge.

Zac looked at Kent for a while, and then looked at the painting in front of him, "Do you think these reds used for bathing desecrate women of all ages?"

Mocavi once said that all she said was what she saw herself. People who may see paintings also think so.

Since Kent gave personal information, Zac naturally wanted to follow up.

Kent seems to have completely disregarded his 'checkmate' life and used it to discuss art with an unintentional outsider. The quotation marks on the death just tell everyone that this guy can't die. He has caught his little finger with eternal life, but he doesn't know it. Kent replied, "Isn't it the green forest that was blasphemed." Kent seemed to have entered the situation, shaking the wine glass in his hand unconsciously, "You see, everyone is attracted by the skin of these women, Disgust is all the red paint that covers the women's skin. But isn't the fact that this beautiful green has broken into the women who have to bathe in unsuitable places? "

Zac opened his mouth ... Is this what Mokawi thought about the colonial war ...

It seems ... that is correct. The Lord ’s faith tried to intervene in politics. What should have happened behind his door, blasphemed the land of the Indians, resulting in the green of the tree in front of the painting, white skin, and blood red .

Zac suddenly raised his hand and held Kent's shoulder, "Kent."

This was the first time Kent heard Zac call his name, or a friend's advanced version of the nickname, and he was amazed, "How do you know mine ..."

Zac interrupted, "You should go sit down. Next, I will tell you something." While pushing Kent to the living room sofa, he took away the wine glass in Kent's hand-fragile.

Zac's decision is simple. If the dog brothers in the west are positioned as their descendants, it is because the dog brother's vision for the future has been recognized and appreciated by Zach. Well, at this time, the decision to recommend Kent and Eternal Life was due to this person, who had a vision of history that Zack did n’t even realize ... well, the word vision does n’t seem accurate, but everyone understands me meaning.

"Kendrick Walsh." Zac looked at Kent, who was sitting down in confusion, "I'm Zachary Toledo."

It is quite now.

Tell you a fact.

Twelve hours ago, a person introduced himself in front of you, "My name is Zachary Grande." After twelve hours of lethargy, this person introduced himself again to you, "My name is Zachary Toledo. "How would you react.

Kent's answer after being quiet was quite reasonable, "Okay, so is there a middle name for you, what is your last name?" Mindful, it was actually Zack who called out that only his friend could call it ' Kent's thing, this emotion, reflected in his response, "Toledo is still, Grand? Or, I guess Torredo is the surname before you found your father. Do you like others to call Which one of you? "Kent revealed something again here-he really knew Zac! Actually knowing Zack's human identity, he was a middle-aged man who came to Patton to find his father! Is n’t this what Zac defined in Patton, the identity file that most upper-level people know, “I ’m willing to send you a painting that I ’m dead and useless anyway, does n’t mean we ’re familiar with calling each other by name To the point. ”Not to mention the nickname.

Zac was shocked by this response ...

Get the details of the other party in the dialogue, so as to intervene in the other party's heart and control the rhythm of the dialogue to enter your own control. Haha, do we still use Zac in this way? How many times have we witnessed Zac take over the interlocutor ’s emotions with such a trick and finally achieve his goal.

Zac's emotions are directly expressed in the words, "Oh, Kent, I like you ~"

Kent frowned on the sofa, and at the same time, his body moved away from Zac. Also frank.

Zac had no intention of teasing a descendant of his choice, "I am a vampire." As a supplement, Zac lifted his wine glass, "This is blood, because it is the food sent by the vampire of the Revero Clan , So human blood. "And, red eyes," Now I want to release your memory that I have tampered with when we actually met for the first time. "

The real memory, back to Kent, is still in the brain that reflects "human blood".

The first side where Zac and Kent really met-

Zac and Hughes looked at Kent who was struggling on the ground.

Hughes, "He is dying."

Zac extended his hand with a thimble. "It looks like we just caught up." At the same time, Xiaobai stuffed Kent's mouth. "Now, forget all this ~"

After the memory was restored, Kent's first sentence "You ... saved me ..."

"Yes ~ Now, we can have a good chat."

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