The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Vol 15 Chapter 29: Detective Barton

When the aliens on Zack ’s side, seeking Newton ’s future would not be a tattered bag, could provide Newton police with a perfectly intervening case, on the other side, two detectives from Barton were also doing The same thing.

A seafood canning factory that was supposed to usher in major reform and development suddenly suffered the death of the factory director. And, this blow is not over.

The motive of the case has already been confirmed-while others are moving forward, some are left in place. Compared to catching up, someone decides to eliminate those running ahead. Don't use any distortion of human nature to define, be sincere, this is human nature.

Haven't you seen the sheep at the tail of the crane going to kill the leader, right? You haven't seen the leaves of the crown being strangled by the branches below, right? Only wise humans do this ~

I am ironic, sorry.

Two things that happened in this city—the interracial Newton University project and Detective Patton ’s cannery—was given by outsiders when the city ’s law enforcement could n’t complete the work they were given. assistance. But the meaning of these things I understand is really not optimistic. Tolerate me a little bit-

Detective Patton, James and Weiss, at least figured out the cannery employee, the middle-aged Martin, entrusted the illusionist with a motive for murder. The vampires at Newton University did not know why the anti-socialists wanted to rebel against this society. Patton ’s detective scored a point, and the vampire deducted a point.

The vampires of Newton University have actually grasped the actions of criminals, the pictures provided by Hughes, the desires provided by illusions, and the ability to be informed of current events to help antisocials attack every process of social action. Detective Patton is never able to master Martin ’s actions, because it is not Martin himself who will carry out the criminal behavior, but an illusion beyond the scope of Patton ’s two detective abilities. The vampire scored a point, and Patton ’s detective deducted a point.

A group of people hated this society, so they decided to attack the most important project at the current stage of the city government and are acting human anti-social elements. All actions are mastered by several non-humans who actively live in humans. No one scores, is not accepted by some human beings, and one point is deducted from the society controlled by the mixed 'foreign objects'.

A small citizen who lags behind this social process and therefore decides to resort to forces other than humans to kill the advancers and has succeeded once. At this time, he is trying to punish him, but it is not the law enforcers of this society, but the two are not law enforcement here. The right detective. No one scores, it is not accepted by some human beings, and one point is deducted from the society dominated by the mixed 'foreign objects'.

Take the total score. Zero, zero, negative two.

Outside the Newton Police Department, the two detectives of Barton were in the final discussion. It's actually a quarrel, we should listen. After all, we spent almost a day to pay attention to Zac and the new descendants, and did not track what the two detectives were doing. Anyway, they were people who came out of Barton together, and cared about what they did on this day-

"We can't surrender Rich's office directly!" Weiss was firm. "It doesn't make sense! The police can't find any murder-related clues from Rich! Even we don't know how Rich killed in the aquatic market. People! The police who told Newton will only make them think we are making trouble again! "

James is not determined, but it does not mean that he is not determined. His current dominant emotion is dysphoria, so he will not talk about it. When is he not irritable? Yu-"Then we don't have a case to give Newton Police!" He waved his report that they sorted out, "We know that Martin let Richie kill, and we also know that Martin wants Richie to continue killing people. ! But all the support that can constitute a murder case is on the commissioning Richie! We name Richie's participation and we have no case! "

"We have!" Weiss remained firm and snatched the report in James' hands-by the way, this report was obviously not formal and not bound. The paper full of words was sandwiched between the messy paper clips, without the Newton Police Header, or the Barton Police Header, but the paper supplied by the hotel, fancy headers and lintels, also There is a faint fragrance ... "Financial report!" Weiss, in order to explain his theoretical support, "Martin is not rich! And we also get from the testimony of the workers, all employees who did not sign the new production line training are dismissed by agreement! In this bad economic situation, Martin has several huge donations! "

Don't ask questions first, look first.

Weiss threw a copy of the intercepted financial bill with the Button logo in front of James. The above shows ... everyone needs to concentrate on this, this information is very important-

A division of Barton ’s Quest Group, called the cooperative enterprise compensation prepayment organization, made consecutive donations to an unknown organization in Newton three times in three days. It was the ‘Harmony Newton Foundation’ that received the donation.

Because it is the company of Barton that advances the money to the employees of Newton, under the accounts, the applicant for the advance to be paid is Martin's mark.

Realize that meeting Mr. Quest, our acquaintance of Barton, in the canning factory where Martin works is the best thing James has done in Newton. Under Quest's eagerness to get rid of the suspected suspect, the Barton's control madman provides James and Weiss with detailed assistance!

It can be corresponded to. The three payments made by Martin are the first commissioned deposit and the final deposit, and the newly commissioned deposit.

This was exactly what James wanted to say, grabbed the copy and stared at Weiss, "This is where Ritchie laundered money for his office! You are helping me prove that we must say Ritchie to the Newton Police Department. The presence!"

Weiss pouted, "Why can't you turn your head! Our purpose is to use Newton Police to suppress Rich, but let Newton Police know that Rich's office makes sense ?!" James held the hand of the copy and straightened rudely on James's face. It was too helpless that his partner's **** tip was, "Can the police suppress Rich's office?" James, who was blushing to avoid his partner's attack, "You once luckily suppressed Rich, now is the beginning Gone! "It was James's" accidental "event that used Zac's long-term 'bullying' grievances to break through the illusion's defense and obtain Martin's information." You think everyone can make a difference Is the illusion person's ability to do things according to his own heart ?! "

James had a sullen face, and said nothing.

Weiss also let go, closed his mouth, stretched his two nostrils to take a deep breath, and calmed his emotions, "What the **** foundation, but the Newton Police Department can control! Do you understand! This is a control of Newton Police Department The only way to pick up the phantoms in random! "

If you cannot block the input, squat at the output. The simple truth.

James was quiet for a while, looking at the tired and impatient Newton policeman coming and going out of the car window, and said nothing.

Weiss adjusted his emotions again, "We don't even need to tell Martin's case to the Newton Police!" We ripped our lips, "Quirst is our Barton business, we are because our city's business pays for their own finances Doubtful, and investigate in Newton! "

James' head turned aside, if Wes was not his friend, the following words must be ‘if it was n’t for you to offend the Newton Police, we need such a curve to save the country? ’Sarcasm.

No need to explain. If James and Weiss talked to the Newton Police Department about the aquatic market case, huh, would anyone care?

But Wells is the only friend of James after all. He did n’t continue to ridicule James. He carefully analyzed his thoughts, “So for Newton Police, they must receive and listen to us! Because we are not consultants of unnatural death cases that they do not want, but law enforcement officers of Patton! We are investigating cases involving Patton ’s corporate interests. It is them who must cooperate with us in changing our positioning! "

James still didn't speak, but he could hear his breath, dull.

Weiss continues, "and very 'coincident'." The quotation marks are to restore Weiss's accentuated tone, "Coincidentally! We found out that the expenditures of Qusit Enterprises in Barton have something to do with unnatural cases in the fish market! The person who paid in advance was the employee of the deceased! "Then Wes picked up the scattered reports." Then our investigation revealed the situation of the upper and lower levels of this cannery! Finally! "The tone increased again," We only found out Motivation that could lead to the death of the owner of this cannery! For the first time, an independent incident in Newton ’s unnatural death case was clues that the police could advance! "

All the informal reports with the quiet fragrance of the hotel were all thrown on James, "So! We have a case that can be done!" This is to force James to admit that 'I Wes is right, and You James are wrong! ’

James was still silent.

The corner of Weiss's mouth twitched, and he turned sideways, pushing James 'body deliberately to force James' seat belt, and then drove the door to push James down.

It doesn't matter if James doesn't admit his mistakes. Weiss doesn't care about James' opinion, this is what will happen next.

Weiss also got off the bus, led the way, and stepped into the Newton Police Station.

The sky is completely dark. Although the artificial light source in the room makes it easy to forget the natural forces that dominate the world, everyone at the Newton Police Station still knows the time.

On their faces, in addition to being in the police station just now, James saw tiredness and impatience-the police force of Newton Police Station has been operating under maximum load for a long time, everyone understand. James and Weiss also saw the panic that appeared on the faces of every Newton policeman as night fell.

You can know where this panic comes from without asking anyone.

The citizens of Newton are about to die again.

This is not a routine criminal behavior that loves the city under the night, but a shadow that has been entangled in Newton for a long time-when everyone sleeps, someone will die. An organ in the human body suddenly decided to stop working, and then led to the collapse of the entire human body.

Not a consolation, but in the past two days, the number of deaths has been declining. James and Weiss had a chance to hear the Newton police conversation-

"Yesterday we only received two reports of death, and hope that no one will die today ..."

Two Detective Patton have two different reactions to this conversation. Weiss is comforting because he knows that this is Zac's rescue of the Newtonians. As for James, because he knew that Zac was saving the Newtonians, he (brackets). Let's add your own words in the brackets, just add everyone's understanding of James ~

Weiss ’goal was clear. He did not want to waste time facing the bureaucracy that exists in any official organization. He came in with the positioning of Detective Patton asking Newton Police to cooperate with the investigation of the financial loss case of the Patton company, right? What he was looking for was only the top of the Newton police, not going to be intercepted by any meaningless little person.

No one intercepted them, as if there was no effort.

When someone noticed these two unwelcome outsiders from Barton, there was a riot in the Newton Police Department.

"What ?! Where ?!"

Various shouts began to appear in the Newton Police Station, it seems that various departments received a large number of unexpected situations at the same time.

Weiss and James are no strangers to this situation, and it has happened in the Patton Police Station. When a sudden change occurs suddenly in a city, the police station becomes like this. Because no one can characterize the incident when the incident happened suddenly, it was because when the police station accessed the information, it was impossible to correctly determine which department the incident belonged to, so all departments would receive action instructions at the same time.

No one intercepted Weiss and James, but someone ignored them and rushed past them.

Weiss was calmly observing and wanted more information, and James probably vented his need for grievances. A soldier's fighting skills touched a Newton policeman who rushed past him, "What happened!"

The downed policeman froze for a while, then immediately looked disgusted, "Turn off your **** !!!" He got up and was ready to rush forward again.

This time Weiss took action, grabbed the policeman who was about to run, and used the most benign look he could give at this time, "At least we are here! We can help!"

The other party ’s instinct should be to directly throw away this in the eyes of all Newton policemen, which is hypocritical goodwill-help? The two detectives who took the position of the inter-city cooperation case brought to Newton by Newton , Because I felt that the last cooperation was very successful. But this time James and Weiss came and ran unsuccessfully.) Did you help? ?

But in this short talk time, the three of them passed by several Newtonian policemen who rushed out of the police eagerly.

Instinct was temporarily suppressed, "*! At least two more people!" Manpower, for Newton Police, should be the most precious resource now, "It seems to have nothing to do with unnatural death cases anyway! Good Come on! Come with me! "After that, he led the way.

"First talk about what happened!"

"Newton University's water pipe burst! The whole area was flooded!"

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