The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Vol 17 Chapter 18: Monday's case

On Monday, Zach watched Alice and Maya leave Grande to go to school, then returned to the office to receive the impatient Detective Coulson who had been waiting ...

This matter has to start when it is not yet bright.

When the sun was still below sea level, choosing a point from which to look out, a group of angry people broke into the Grande.

The first employees who were passively affected were the Grand employees in the living area.

One of the former criminals was actually sent by the grand boss of Grande to travel alone. This fact made the group sleepless all night. Controlled by various positive or negative emotions, they intensively discussed certain topics about their own future all night.

Are you curious about the topics discussed by these former criminals. Just give two typical examples.

Some people positively think that this is the beginning. Grande is giving them some freedom. Today, they are assured of sending someone on business. Tomorrow may be a day off on their work schedule without rest to let them move freely.

Some people think negatively that they will never see the person who is on a business trip ...

Almost this kind of topic, everyone can make up for it, it is not important anyway. The important thing is that in this atmosphere of discussion, no one is drowsy. So when a group of strangers broke into Grande, they heard the sound for the first time.

The employees in the living area turned on the lights, trying to find out who the influx of people in the backyard was and what to do. By this time, the masses who had broken into Grande had not yet had any impact on the people in the living area.

But soon.

The living area is the first to light up. Having entered the scope of Grande ’s property, the crowd in the backyard judged Grande ’s public buildings to see the light. I do n’t know which one of them shouted, “Must live in this building! Come out and ask! "

This group of angry people who didn't know what they meant was not the first to confuse the allocation of Grand's architectural functions ~ Don't forget, the detective Bell who sent Darcy also missed it.

It's just that Bell had Zac audibly remind him in front of the window of Grand's main building. And now the Grandes are coming at night, ah, without Zach reminding, Zac is still lying on the bed without Louise like the corpse, suspending the life of life-commonly known as vampire sleep.

A group of strangers was misled by the lights and it became logical.

Next, the door of the living area broke open. Yes, the violent destruction, holding weapons whose main purpose is household goods or sports equipment, such as wrenches, bats and the like, directly flocked to the area where Grand employees lit up.

Subsequently, the former criminals ...

I'll skip the specific scene. What happens when someone who has broken through the legal boundaries and two groups of people who are breaking through the legal boundaries. It is enough to think about it with our toes. We will not waste time describing it here.

The old Hank who was awakened by the movements downstairs awakened Bain, asked Bain to wake Zac, and then squeezed into the chaotic scene downstairs. If I can, I would like to describe the heroic behavior of Old Hank, but I'm sorry, an old man disappeared in the crowd instantly, let's continue to imagine with toes.

Zac was able to wake up when the sun finally appeared a glimmer of red on the horizon. All the parts of the body were dull listening to Baine describing the situation in the living area, "Oh", ink marks ... No, the word is too subjective, another, stiff, stiff moved to the door of the girl's room, knocked When Alice woke up, she ordered Bain to go to the basement and fetch her breakfast.

"Grande's death hasn't happened these days." Alice said affirmatively after listening to Zac's retelling of breakfast.

Zac ‘oh’ again, emptied his breakfast and went to the office, “Hey, Director Cologne, someone comes to Grande to make trouble.” He hung up the phone.

In the end, it finally reached the living area slowly, and it was not a waste. It directly pulled the fire alarm. When everyone rushed out of the living area in chaos, a pair of passing people, "people who do n’t know me stand up Go in the middle of the backyard and the Grandes go to surround them. "

Under the red vision, there are still a few guys who have no ability to move in the living area, including Old Hank. Zac asks Baine to take Old Hank back to the room and glance at the few left without action. The stranger shook his head. He should call an ambulance when he called the police.

But it didn't matter, Alice said, there was no death among Grande's people. Old Hank and others would treat Zac's personal treatment unavoidably, ignoring his subjective wishes, and as for those who are still lying on the ground, the employees of Grande, anyway, have Alice's affirmation that they can never die, Feg Stranger of Rand, who broke into my territory and beat me, why did Zac save?

Back in the backyard, the situation of Grand staff surrounding the intrusion of strangers has been confirmed. Zac ignored it, and his red eyes returned to normal. "Watching them, the police will come right away."

Then ... Ignore it and start Grande normally for a day.

Normal opening means helping Alice prepare a girl's breakfast in the kitchen, opening the door of Grande when Serris comes to work, and taking over the newspapers and work reports from the mill.

The Southern District Police Station moved very quickly. When Serris sat behind the counter in the showroom with a confused look, the police car and ambulance had already drove to the door of Grand.

"Grand employees have priority." Since the ambulance was brought by the police with foresight, Zac naturally wanted to stick to his principle of being the master of Grand, "We are the people who were attacked and the victims. "

But people should have common sense. After the identity of the law enforcer was invented by human civilization, the person who defined the victim and the perpetrator was never the party itself.

So it doesn't matter what Zach asked the emergency personnel who didn't even bother him. Everyone in Grand's backyard was targeted by the police.

Grand employees surrounded a bunch of strangers, and the police surrounded Grand employees. Zac once again put the matter in the backyard aside, and let the police officers led by Coulson do their work. During the breakfast time of Alice and Maya, they talked to Serris about their husband and wife's life--

Serris said: "Brill was excited all night, and she said she couldn't wait to share the habits of wild animals with new employees ..."

Zac is ignorant, "Are there any new employees in your ancestors office? Who?"

"Gangaro! Hey, you don't know! Yesterday Mokawi actually brought the Lesenbrunn ancestor to us, she had to finish the painting, I don't understand, she wanted Why do you want to use the ancestor of Lesenbull as the model for painting the Galaxy! I finally finished the painting. I do n’t know if the ancestor of Lesenbulla deliberately asked the vampire of Mocca Barton if she had painted it. , Mocavi said no, only painted Toledo and him (Lesenbrunn ancestor, Frank). That Lesenbrunn was definitely intentional, asked Mocavi if he was interested in renewing the thirteen clan Portrait! "Serris said more and more angry, and finally gritted his teeth directly." He was absolutely intentional! Before he left, he pulled everyone into the water. "

Still a ignorant of the progress of this incident, "So why has Gangaro become your new employee?"

"Isn't it possible who else is Gangro? Will Revelo, who was buried by Alan, will be close to our ancestors' office? Nofile of Paisin We found someone (hidden in the dark)? Remer in Smith Will Seoul come to the South? Isn't it only Ganglo who was raised by Sissi to be tricked by us! "

"Oh, that's right." Zac finally showed a clear look. "It's good, after all, the facade of the ancestors' office is an outdoor survival store, and there should be a few outdoor experts. Just sit down. Your wife Brill ’s habit of studying wild animals is motivated ~ "Patting Serris helplessly to comfort the impermanence of this world.

After chatting with Cyrus, Zac also took over the breakfast and ended the two girls, fulfilling the duties of guardian, and instructed the two girls to study and improve every day.

Finally, now that Zach finally stepped into the office, "Sorry, Detective Coulson, I will trouble you early in the morning."

"Trouble is not necessary. It seems that even if the police did not come, you have already controlled the situation!" Coulson's tone was only because of his impatience, and what he said was true. If it were n’t for Zac ’s mouthful of shouting to the medical staff that Grand employees had priority, any policeman who saw a crowd of people surrounded by former criminals would not consider the latter a victim.

"Is it clear what's going on?" Zach asked Coulson to wait for such a long time. Naturally, he was not bored. Zac was too lazy to ask what happened. Someone can tell himself the result directly, why not?

Detective Coulson sighed first, and it was considered to adjust his emotions. The Southern District Police Department has already cooperated with Grande-although the police station even the Chief of Cologne is not clear why Zack just said that he can help them. Increasing the system of the Southern District Police Station, the Southern District Police Station really got the city government's budget and began to expand.

However, since Zac has already achieved what Zac should accomplish in the police cooperation, the Southern District Police will naturally not let Zac down.

Detective Coulson took out various styles of notebooks. These were just collected from the policemen. The records of the on-site interrogation were summarized and summarized by him. The incident has been clear: "This group of people is actually looking for Yours, and this is not the first time they have made an illegal invasion. "

Zac raised an eyebrow, and Coulson paused deliberately, apparently hoping that Zac would participate. Zac cooperated, "Look for me?" Looking from the window to the backyard outside the window, the double encirclement of the backyard has long been scattered, and now only the moment when the police accept the suspect. Strangers whom Zac had never seen before were handcuffed to the police car. As for the employees of Grande, they placed their hands freely according to their own wishes, some were followed up by the police, and some The medical staff dealt with some skin trauma. Zac looked at the scene that was enough time to make a conclusion. "So this time it is their wrong building and wrong person." It is estimated that God is blessing these mobsters, you can imagine that they broke into a vampire What happened to the place where the banshee slept, "Before? Did they even find the wrong location."

Detective Coulson used this to open the case deliberately. It seems that he has not told Zac about the incident, but he has revealed two important points. One is that the other party ’s goal is Zac, and the other is that this is not the case. People's first crime.

Zac extracted these two important points and merged them together, which made Coulson's next story very easy: "They didn't find the wrong place before. No one in Patton will find the wrong Grande." After all, there is such a high exposure rate, "Grand is not their first choice."

Zac withdrew his gaze from the backyard and glanced at Coulson. Although Zack had just cooperated with Coulson's desired participation, he was not satisfied with the way Coulson was talking about it. Isn't it straightforward to say anything? But Zac ’s upbringing is there, "So, then I sincerely hope that their first goal will be well."

This means that since these people have arrived at Grand, which is a non-preferred target, the preferred target is likely to have been crushed by violence.

"It's okay." Detective Coulson looked at Zac, seeming to be satisfied with Zac's instant doubt, "because their first goal sold you Grande."

Zac frowned, and finally lost patience, "Inspector Coulson, we are also acquaintances, how can you say something?"

Detective Coulson pursed his lips and rolled his eyes secretly. "It was Ford's funeral. It was Ford's funeral that brought people to you."

"Sorry, you said Ford funeral?"

It was Zack who told Detective Coulson to say it straight, that Detective Coulson would not return to the position of taking care of Zac ’s feelings, declaratively, "The gang led the confession of Ford funeral and said they took them When Ford's funeral was about to happen, the boss of Ford's funeral, Ford asked them to come to Grande directly and said. "Put on for a while and make sure Zac has kept up." Yes, but Grand Funeral is holding Ford ’s burial management rights and the joint qualification of industrial insurance, and privately took away the two cremated remains. ”

Zac actually understood every word that Coulson said, but it seemed that he couldn't understand it. "What cremation, what body?"

"This is what I want to ask you." Detective Coulson looked at Zac, actually judging Zac's expression with the police's qualities. "Is there any secret transaction between Grande and Ford funeral recently?"

Zac was just about to speak, closed, and looked at Detective Coulson with no expression on his face, and said nothing.

Grand and Ford were buried in a secret transaction. At this point, you can't talk to a police detective. This needn't be explained, it's the same as you wouldn't show off to a traffic policeman that you dare to race on high speed after drinking!

Detective Coulson is also spiritual, using Zac's original words-"We are also acquaintances, tell me, I will not report."

Zac pouted, and no longer ink. "I bought two bodies from Ford some time ago." Since Ford was unjust, I'm sorry, Mr. Ford.

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