The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Vol 17 Chapter 27: Vampire and Alpha

Zach under the full moon finished West according to the plan. Benjamin, who rubbed a tree with the wolf's body, was considered to have listened.

Zac needs to test Benjamin's attitude. After all, he is facing a plush wolf face. Zac's control of the human heart is useless. Zac needs Benjamin to say two words: "Madison is against Wei The situation in the Federation after Steve ’s departure is quite clear. "

The wolf's nose lifted up against the moon shadow leaking out of the canopy, "Woo."

Zac was patient and followed Benjamin, "Wife."

The wolf's head glanced at Zac's side, "Woo ~ husband ~"

Zac accepted the challenge, "Woo ~ Huh ~"


This is not a boring imitation. Zac already knew Benjamin's attitude-Benjamin didn't want to talk at all. Zach had only one choice. "Answer me a question and I won't disturb you."

Benjamin was no longer "wife", but did not cooperate with Zac's intention, left the tree rubbed for a long time, and began to walk in the direction of Highway 27.

Zac kept up. In this situation, Zac considered that Benjamin did not want to talk at all, and Zac couldn't control the rhythm of the dialogue. Zac is also somewhat prepared, not talking about the past nostalgicly, or simply facing the reality:

"I've taken care of your most recent way of doing things. I said," Listen, if you're not correct, please feel free to correct me. "Zac also took time to glance behind him, one side of the tree shadow was Gangro and the other side was Matthew the yellow hair. Under the influence of spices, no one attacked anyone crazy, but they dare not learn to walk side by side like Zac and Benjamin.

Zac estimated the distance from where they are now to Highway 27, and the speed of speech is slightly faster-this can't be said on Highway 27, because Anthony is sitting on the roadside. Gee, it was estimated that I slept in the afternoon, but now I have no energy to play at night, so I came out for a night tour.

Zack: "Accept the commission to meet the needs of ordinary aliens and set up the Zumen Office. I started to run the blood trade market of Devil Vampires in the West by my relationship. Because of the needs of the fallen angel Jessica, I succeeded and the Central Wolf Dotted and started to operate the werewolf blood market. Now, we have mastered the exclusive source of the Gangro blood transaction. Benjamin, you have taken off, where do you want to fly? "

Benjamin glanced at Zac while stroking his limbs.

Zac is actually using a very simple method of opposing each other, called ‘slaughter’. It ’s a drop, which is to compliment each other and let the other person swell. Like a balloon, the swell will expand, and the weak part will be enlarged and discovered by Zach.

Although Benjamin didn't have Mokawi as his think tank, he exposed Zac's thoughts. However, the dozen or so four season rotations that I once spent with Zac are not in vain.

The funny thing is that before Zac spoke, the opening is welcome to correct me. What can you do to correct Benjamin's great achievements in facts?

"Hum." Benjamin uttered two human-like tones before moving on.

If you do n’t answer a question, it ’s okay, Zac still has it.

Zac: "You have the reputation of an ordinary alien, and after the vampire's blood transaction is stable, you have cleared the relationship with the outside world." This happened before the start of the werewolf's blood transaction, do you remember, "but You still maintain the relationship with Mokawi. Even under the commission of Mokawi, you started to help the fallen angel Jessica and enter the werewolf blood market. So, the situation is very clear. You seem to have foresight to see When it comes to the problems that vampires face in the future, I chose vampires from the Demon Banquet, including me, to keep a distance after controlling the blood market outside the West, and then enveloped all non-humans outside the Demon Banquet. Now I can foresee, even As the representative of the vampire, the magic feast is targeted by all aliens in the future. Your location is very safe. And, you may be another magic feast, is this the case? "

Since it is high, it is naturally a combination of fact and exaggeration. Benjay is definitely suspected of enveloping all non-vampire aliens, but Benjamin ’s ancestral firm is not a hegemonic alien like the Demon Banquet, but a commission to meet the needs of aliens in human society. If you want to compare Benjamin to a vampire organization that holds a high class, the hidden alliance is actually more appropriate.

But of course Zac will not talk about the secret alliance. First, Zac is there for secret secrets. Second, secret has collapsed in the Federation. For example, it is not natural to say things with facts that have proved bad.

Benjamin moved a little. An honest Alpha, likened to a calculated vampire as a magic feast vampire? Everyone will feel a little strange. Benjamin glanced at Zac, and the hairs stretched out on the fluffy eyelids shook, "Huh."

Yes, without answering. Not afraid, Zac can continue.

It should be seen that Zac's thinking is to let Benjamin find that he is put to the extreme of not turning back without speaking out for himself in the process of pushing up. There are also sentiments and facts, Zac did not want to keep his hand.

Zac: "I think the most essential part is to look beyond the Federation. You have Maitreya."

The composition of the ancestors office is really peculiar. Cappadocia-Ceres, who belongs to the Vampire Department of the Feast. It belongs to Mokawi without a position. Gangaro, the orphan of the Secret Alliance. And, Maitreya belonging to the republican system.

Zac went on, "When the republican aliens have nowhere to go, it is your ancestors' office that they have found for them ..."

Benjamin finally spoke human language, "You can do it almost, don't wipe all **** on me. I hate Maitreya."

Of course, what Zac did not finish was to explain that when the federal aliens had not yet determined how to treat the 'refugees' from the Republic, Benjamin had given them the foresight. Benjamin ’s situation is best when the Republicans are all gods.

But Benjamin could not bear it anymore before he finished speaking. After all, Benjamin is a good person and has a conscience. I ca n’t see Zac ’s distorted facts and the whole universe is partial to his own speaking style.

But as long as Benjamin spoke up, Zach's purpose was achieved, "Do you hate me?" The words were received without traces.

Benjamin's wolf head shook, helpless. After all, the two grand brothers, the smart one is Zach.

Benjamin kept his pace, and the deep night created by the woods was perceivably diminishing, not far from Highway 27.

"I have to admit that I wanted to take Gangro to really control the central wolf pack." Benjamin was not unaware that they were followed by Matthew and Gangaro, and he glanced back, "Not at all in human society. No one can find Gangro if he does n’t show up. Not to mention the ordinary werewolves who have to live in human society for 29 days a month without field survival experience. Even if they have the method to make Alpha, there is no Gangaro Blood is useless. "

You can hear Ganggro after a pause.

Benjamin ignored it, "I don't know how Mokawi talked to you, but she is more meticulous than me. She knows that even if she wants to support the central werewolf, she can't directly hand over Gangaro. The ancestral office is in Barton, All the relations of the ancestors office are also in Barton, and Barton ’s resources should be controlled in Barton. "Looking at Zac," It ’s that simple, hum, not as far-sighted as you said me there. "

Zac was a little bit obsessed, "I am asking if you hate me."

Benjamin had spent so long with Zac after all, and Zac ’s thoughts were not completely vague. “You do n’t need to ask me this kind of hypocritical question, I know what you will say next. Rido is right. "Shaking wolf head," You know what your biggest problem is, people who are familiar with you know that you will not talk nonsense, every sentence you say has a purpose behind it. Once you realize this, you will Nowhere to play. "

"Aren't you still talking?" Zac wasn't irritated.

Benjamin is also straightforward, "but no one likes you."

"I don't like it or hate it. There is still some distance. I can accept this result." Zac also hopes to maintain an image in front of Benjamin. "Then next, you already know, I want to ask Torrido." Benjamin was also given. A little space, "You can ignore me and don't care about my safety. I'm asking about Torrido other than me, now Torrido, Charlie, the future dog brother who is clearly in the magic feast."

Although the purpose of the previous "slaughter" is impure, some words are true. Benjamin's and Devil's attitude to draw the line is not the **** Zac wiped on Benjamin.

When we first saw Benjamin trying to break off with Zac, he mentioned that Zac was free in the vampire circle. He was just beginning to contact his long-awaited werewolf circle. Benjamin did not have Zac at the magic feast. The kind of reliance-Rut Lesenbula's morbid attachment to many people in Zachary Torre, and Zack's own trouble-making attributes.

When Benjamin returned to the werewolf circle, his friendship with Zac's vampire was not something that Zac could use when he entered the magic feast, but an obstacle. Benjamin must speak to the werewolf community, who still hasn't figured it out.

Therefore, after stabilizing the blood transactions around the Demon Banquet, it is natural for Benjamin to cut his personal relationship with the Demon Banquet member Zacary Torredo. At least one thing needs to be done-in the view of werewolves, the blood trading of vampires in Benjamin's hands is not that Benjamin was drawn by the magic feast, but Benjamin actively controlled the chips in his hands.

Then there is Zac's current problem. Zac will not ask Benjamin to care for other Toledo at the Devil's Banquet because of his relationship with him, nor will he expect Benjamin to do so.

So in the case where Benjamin now uses facts to calmly analyze-after West's departure, when the vampire power, whose inevitable status has been shaken, represented by the magic feast, declines, it must also be because it has been established with each of the magic feast Werewolves represented by Benjamin will only rise in relationship. In such a contrasting situation, how would the werewolves treat Zac, the descendant of Toledo who gave Benjamin a career start.

Benjamin didn't know if it was intentional, "Don't you ask 'General'?"


Benjamin is not deliberately distracting, Benjamin is not so smart. At all, as he said, he had no vision, and he saw only Barton ’s things, and the ‘general’ was the descendant of Barton ’s Toledo. And although Zac has always ignored it, the ‘general’ goes down and is now the largest population of Toledo descent!

Zac waved his hand, "No. 2 (Tam's follower) is your employee." Zac responded quickly. "Just because he was born there, I won't worry about you." attitude."

Benjamin didn't respond, "What about Quinn."

"Westerners, as opponents competing with the Feast for the Patton City rule, I don't have to worry about them." Zack said very seriously, looking at Benjamin, "Benjamin." Suddenly lyrical, there is no chance without expressing, Highway 27 Already at the end of the tree shadow, you can see Anthony bored playing with a lighter, "When I leave, I will not bring anyone with me, Ian can't worry about me at midnight in Papa, 'General 'I always have my own goals, and I won't be willing to intervene. Quinn doesn't say that she is from the West Side, she wants to be a vampire. The Toledo clan and the West Side people do not need to compare their status in her mind. The last is my descendant of Newton, Kent. Newton will be merged into Barton in the future, and I do n’t worry too much. My only worry is Charlie and the dog brother who are in the magic feast. They will experience the magic feast in the magic feast. All the changes that will be experienced ... "

"You missed Louise."

Zac pouted, "Louise's play in the Republican unconcerned play, that's another me. Do you think I'm worried about myself." Say everyone has a feeling, Zac can do so by a bunch of people I hate living alive and safely, relying on his own carelessness, no matter what the collective interest is, everything is for my own sake. So Louise doesn't have to worry about it, it's probably more casual than Zac ~ because Louise doesn't have Zach's own history ~

"Oh." Benjamin smiled, and Zach saw his row of fangs.

Zach urged, "I need a reply."

"Come on." Benjamin shook his body and sprinkled a few fluffs on Zac. "It's rare that your Toledo clan revealed to me an Alpha that you are conscious of being a ancestor, then I will show you Make sure. No matter what happens in the future, I will look at the fate we have met on the battlefield and keep your Toredo clan. "After that, turn around and look at Zac," but you better be conscious and do n’t let you 'S descendants gave me a bunch of Toledo in the Federation. "

Zac pouted, "Charlie, the descendant of the Toledo clan, is in control. You can rest assured that he is very strict."

He came to Anthony.

"You really look like a bear." Anthony glanced at Benjamin.

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