The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Vol 18 Chapter 28: Yesterday and today

on Monday.

The biggest thing in the North District is James Lance's wedding. The biggest thing in the Southern District is the funeral of a police officer. Darcy, the North District Police Chief who intersects the two incidents, came to Grande with two western guests in Grande to make a shift-like shift. Darcy came to the funeral, and General Lance and Roy Zmithi went to the wedding.

By the way, there are still many things that were not explained yesterday, right?

Roy first, after all, he is the most tightly connected where we left yesterday, he is still waiting for Zac to explain West to him.

After Craig hung up the phone at the Feast, Zac did not let Roy continue to wait, "Do you still want to know the situation of the Lord?"

"of course!"

"It's a pity, I decided not to tell you."

"What?" Roy looked dumbfounded.

"I said I won't tell you anymore."

Roy did n’t have the blessing to know what Zac ’s sudden change was about, but we can know—

Zac is reassessing the value of Roy Zmithi.

It seems that this means Roy is very materialized, but I am sorry, now Roy Zmirch is an object, which is regarded as a tool that can be used by people.

If Craig does n’t make this call, Zach will use Roy Zmic. We have also seen that Zac is already using Roy to lead Roy to a path that is in the interest of Zacree Toledo. Roy will be Zac ’s thing, and I can assure you that Zac will excavate all the values ​​in Roy, make the best use of it, or even abuse it. Kee is ruining and hurting Roy, but no one said Zac was too much.

But Craig's call came after all. Zac can't use Roy anymore, because Craig wants to use it.

Everyone should be clear about the difference between Zac and Craig using Roy: Zac uses Roy to do things in the federal country. This is understandable. Zac will use Roy to deal with the magic banquet Rut Lembranbra in the leader position. Craig's use of Roy was definitely not used in the federal state, but returned to his northern country.

Can't turn around for a while? It doesn't matter, think about a question, now Roy Zmiche has a bird in the Federation?

Zmihi wanted status, no status, no resources, no resources. The weapon industry was divided by the Magic Banquet, and the sideline medical experiment was detained by Rut Lesenbla. Roy has lost his power and ran to Torredo to take refuge. He is in the Federation. Is there a bird? No, this question should be a little more specific. Is it useful to Craig, the messenger in charge of the Northland Zmiche? ?

So on the surface, this is the difference between using Roy's region, and the essence is actually the difference between people using Roy. Out of nothing, twisting the facts is Torredo ’s specialty. Zac can do things, but the Zmirsi messenger has no time to entangle these bad things in the Federation and the Demon Feast. He still has a whole Zmitshi clan in the North to manage.

Craig deliberately refused to explain to Zac why he needed Roy, but Zac didn't really care about this explanation. Retain the bloodlines of the second generation of Zmish Obtaining the secrets of the federal weapons industry for the Northland? It may even be the use of the civil war hatred that made Roy lose, to put pressure on the Zmitihe self-healing medical experiment in the hands of Rut Lesenbula to compete? ...

It doesn't matter what, the important thing is that if Craig wants to use Roy, Zack has no reason to fail.

Therefore, Zac needs to re-evaluate Roy's value in Grandry. It doesn't make sense to continue to let Roy know Barton's gods, and let him continue on the task of Rout Lemblas.

So Zac unilaterally interrupted Roy ’s hope to continue to understand West, and replaced it with, “You also know that the ancestor and I are a group of people, and you should understand that it ’s not only Frank of Lesenbla, but also With your Bob, we are all federal vampire ancestors ~ Craig's call was just made. You should have heard it. I can tell you this is not the first time they contacted me. Go to the Grand Morgue Basement Let ’s see, the results of the Zmiche medical experiment you disclosed to Craig and Bob, I ’ll keep two of them in Grandry. Go and see why Rout Lembulla gave up on you. ”

Roy Zmithi should also become an object that can only be used by people. It is too easy to take away the rhythm. "What's so good! I know why Rute gave up on me! He sees from the expansion of the soul of Zmitshi in the north." To Zmiche ’s better usage of self-healing ability ... "Do n’t be surprised, when I talked to Zac before, I misunderstood my brain and filled so many things. Taking his rhythm is really not for Zac. What operation.

Zac interrupted, "So, Ruth, who personally dismantles your arms industry in Zmithi, has no way to go to the Northland to obtain soul expansion, but can only grasp the experimental research of Zmithi in his own feast, but you. "Zac deliberately put a sullen face on his face." But you, you still have a relationship to get real soul expansion technology from the Northland, don't you. You used Banlin to attack me on the day of Mayor Patton's election vote. "

Roy's face flushed for a moment. This has nothing to do with the anthropomorphic emotions, just the result of the blood flow of the vampire-at any time, Roy can have two more machine guns in his hand, and it can shoot Zac who may suddenly retaliate.

Zac waved his hand, "Relax, if I care about this, I won't wait until now. I just remind you, you know how Northland Tsimihi used his body to train Banlin, now you go and take a good look at Grandry's The corpses, those created in your brother's medical experiment, are not in the same direction as Banlin in the northern country of Zmitshi. "

Zach saw that Roy had shaken. Obviously, Zach said that Roy himself also felt a little bit-all made use of Zmiche's self-healing ability. Northland Zmitshi created Ban Lin, which cannot follow time in the laws of the world, and saved the attack against vampires: Soul expansion; Demon feast Zmithi created the death of the disease, but still has the physical characteristics of vampires , Uh, flesh.

Zach added a sentence, "About" jian ", meaning to print and identify in the Republic, as a god, it can identify the essence of things. It says that the body of Grandry is a vampire. Frank and I The results of the appraisal were verified together. "What expression did Ren Roy put on again, Zac no longer responded.

Roy finished. We said General Lance.

At the rehearsal wedding, General Lance returned to Grande at night. When he came back, his face was darkened. It seemed that he was on the way back, and some emotions were fermented.

As soon as I entered Grand, I went directly to Zac: "You! I thought you were a reasonable vampire, different from those in the West! As a result, you were no different from them! It was you who taught the sinister reporter to use his hands Evidence threatens me! "

Do n’t worry, everyone, the opening is very serious-obviously Kate used the chips in his hand. But without Zach ’s turn to defend or control the field, General Lance turned the rhythm himself. “Does James love this woman? Did he voluntarily marry this woman? Or was everything you manipulated my son? "It is worth mentioning that although General Lance used a very heavy tone every time, he still maintained a posture of superior humanity ... well, how to describe it ...

Use contrast-

James asked Zac a lot about what we saw. Most of the time, he stretched his neck and exploded with blue muscles and wished to put his iron blue face on Zac's face.

General Lance, with his chest raised and his stomach lifted, his hands still behind his back, if he disregards the content of the question, he may regard this situation as a general educating a soldier.

But personal temperament can't save this question that has been missed.

"What's the benefit of letting James marry a woman he doesn't love?" Zack asked sincerely.

"You are avoiding weight and you are light!" Uh, General Lance didn't realize that it was he who was light, Zach just asked. "The point is the evidence of organ predation in Kate's hand! You are not letting my son Married a human woman! Instead, my son married a proof that would ruin the reputation of the Lance family! "

Zac didn't speak, looking at General Lance and letting the other party react.

It was General Cairns who responded on his own, and the answer was that he had already spoken, wasn't he. James' love? Zac's manipulation? Is it important? What matters is James's marriage, a marriage to a piece of evidence. Is there anything else Zac needs to say?

The general's temperament still played a role. At least the attitude of not being humiliated made the general's pattern much higher than the kind of naive men who only wanted to fight each other.

General Lance left Zac and ran two laps in Grand's backyard—the soldier's style was still real. When I returned to Zac, "What's all this good for you, Toledo." It's not completely calm, but the exhaustion of physical strength makes General Lance no time to modify his tone, breathing. Questioning sounds unexpectedly calm.

"Benefits?" Zac raised an eyebrow. "I'm still going to ask the general you. As an ancestor of Toredo, I got the support of the Lance family in the magic feast. What benefits can I get. This is not a general Should you tell me? "

Some of the previous doubts should be solvable-the Patton South District Police Station, which can be controlled by the mill channel, actively considers them to be the meaning of the Western Lance family.

Was it controlled by the magic feast behind Allen ’s funeral, or by the Lance family controlled by, uh, our Zacree Torredo! There is no need to elaborate on the difference.

General Lance ’s good personal training ca n’t hold up anymore. His eyes twitch slightly, but it looks a bit like James. “That ’s your purpose? You played my Lance family in front of Patton ’s Southern Police Station, just to The Lance family continues to do what you were doing-playing with the Southern District Police Station? "

That's what I mean.

Zac nodded and shook his head again, "Yeah, neither. For Barton's Southern District Police Station, where do you go or where do you go after the wedding is over, and I am still the person arranged by the Lance family to assist James in Barton Nothing has changed. But. "Zac looked at General Lance." No matter where you go, you, the Lance family, are mine. "

"Why? Based on your ridiculous misunderstanding of a Southern District Director in Button?"

"Yes, based on this ridiculous misunderstanding, I control anything the Southern District Police Department does." Zac's face was smiling. "In the eyes of the Demon Banquet, it will be hung as James Lance. The name of you. You, the Lance family, in the eyes of Rut Lesenbullah, have been bound by my Toledo. "

General Lance's cheeks twitched, and said to himself, "That Cologne doesn't care about Alan's Funeral Home, so he will only listen to you, because he is convinced that you are my men. When the feast passes through Ai When Lun Funeral tried to make the Southern District Police Station achieve something, you could easily change the Southern District Police Station's goal. And in the end, the object of the magic banquet investigation was me, my Lance's surname. "

This is a self-talk, Zack does not need to respond.

General Lance didn't go to the lap anymore, staring at Zac for a while after talking to himself, "What do you want from me?" The temperament no longer exists. It should also be true that, after all, the human general is only a personal general. He is facing a vampire.

"Now?" Zac was still a bit disappointed after all. Kate was right. Some humans have really given up human dignity. Can you save it, and try your best. In the end, it depends on the sky, "I want you to rest well, and tomorrow I can bless your son's marriage with full spirit."

General Lance ended.

The unfinished business yesterday was not over.

At about midnight, a person who Zac did n’t think he would call Grand again called—No, “Your human detective is on duty and caught half of our party to the police station. Including 'General'. I have tried very hard to ignore your existence, but you continue to affect my life. Vampire, my patience is limited. "

The interracial friendship that once understood each other, because Toledo, a protector of the other's charm, came to this step, it is quite sighing.

But in fact, this is Zac ’s purpose-let Wes take James to Popo to say goodbye to the bachelor party, right here.

James is so good at predicting, that childish character doomed him not to endure a group of gray professionals to exchange information under his nose.

As for James ’s eve of his wedding, he still does not forget the role of the detective and the meaning of arresting a group of gray professionals. It is impossible to explain in the ultimatum phone expressing his tolerance limit. Let ’s go back Today.

Director Darcy attending the funeral: "I've let go of the" General ". I have to close the others for 24 hours according to the procedure."

"No one questioned why 'General' was released early?"

"How could it not be, don't you know your gang of gray professionals, there are several lawyers!" Darcy looked at his face and knew he hadn't slept all night.

"You still have to be careful. Several of your lawyers are now from the Bisharp Group (formerly Bishapo Restructuring the Lawyers). Don't offend." Is Zach reminding Darcy? That's right.

"I know." Darcy waved his hand, annoyed. "It seems that I don't have enough things right now! A large group of human figures in the west come to the wedding. I'm here to attend this ghost funeral! And the western Heirs ... Forget it, you don't want to listen to this! This James gave me the West Side! This guy really made me ... "Darcy punched the air.

Zac did not answer, looking at the coffin ready to be transported to the church, "Family sent the badge in front of the deceased, meaning that it was placed on the chest of the body to show his identity during the farewell ceremony." Zac put it in plastic The badge in the bag was handed to Darcy. "I think it's up to you to let it go. The ritual is stronger."

Darcy wandered like a wanderer and took it.

What will happen next ... just say it directly-

The undead on the body will entangle Darcy who goes up to complete the ceremony. Then Darcy knew from the undead that James had already known that Darcy had set a trap for the inheritor's dispute, which led to the death of the detective. Then Darcy realized that James was rectifying him as the director. James didn't need to check a case that had long known the truth and threatened him to do this funeral. When we are not worthwhile at Zac ’s wedding, let ’s sympathize with Darcy, just a little bit.

What does James mean by catching gray professionals?

It's naive and effective, isn't it, what can express James' dissatisfaction with Darcy after James can't blame the fact that a detective died? Oh, get a vampire, get some people Darcy can't offend, go to the police station to drink tea.

Zac deliberately suggested Pope to Weiss, making James more and more hated by Darcy.

So, what can Zac get for this situation ~

Please connect with General Lance's "Epiphany"-the more the North District Police Station represented by Darcy hates James, the more obvious the Southern District Police Station's position toward James is.

When Zac wants to achieve a certain goal, Zac will go all out.

No one thinks that Toledo once fell to the point of being surrounded by the hidden alliance, because Toledo is a very clan of the Buddhist lineage. Toledo, who is not Buddha at all, is devastating. From the seizure of the human class into a noble on the mainland, to all the alien divisions in the continent after the thirteen clan, history is proving the evil of this lineage.

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