The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Vol 19 Chapter 1: Mrs. Levin and men in overalls

The man in tooling rang the doorbell, and after a while, the door opened. "Mrs. Levine at **** Street xx? Your pipe repair service last delayed?"

"Uh ..." The woman who opened the door froze for a while, "Yes, I'm Levine. Wait a minute, is it postponed until today?"

"It's today."

"Okay, okay." The woman named Mrs. Levin let out the door in a trance, "Please come in." There was some ... clutter in the room, and many unopened boxes were arbitrarily placed. Mrs. Levine gave way and pushed the box to the side. "It's the kitchen sink. The living room turns right, just behind the dining room."

The tooling man didn't intend to look at other people's families, but he couldn't help. He walked all the way to the restaurant, and the table was filled with trays wrapped in tin foil and plastic wrap. A bunch of noodles, meatballs, salad, biscuits.

The man in tooling did not show any curiosity. He came to work.

The kitchen is filled with more food, including the sink.

Mrs. Levin trot into the kitchen, "Sorry! It's a bit messy ..." She moved out the tray in the sink, "That's it, every time I use the faucet here, the basement will leak ..." Levin The lady stood with the tray and explained the situation, "Um ... that, do you need to look at the situation?"

"I need it." The tooling man nodded and gestured for the tool in his hand. "Before I have to knock on your floor and wall, I need to know how serious the problem is."

"Yes!" Mrs. Levine also carried the plate. "You need to see ... I should, uh, put this aside first ..." Said the plate in her hand.

Mrs. Levin went around in the kitchen, and found no empty space, with a confused look.

The tooling man frowned and looked at the refrigerator next to it, but then turned away. Judging from the dining room to the kitchen, the refrigerator should have been full. "I'll open it to see the situation. Soon." The man in tooling started it himself and turned on the tap on the sink.

The two watched the water flow in the sink, and there was nothing unusual on the surface. "Incoming water pressure seems to be okay, there should be a problem with the drain, you said the leak is in the basement?"


"It should be that the basement drain is broken."


The two stood for a while.

The tooling man frowned, "Madam, you should take me to the basement."

"Yes! Basement!"

This Mrs. Levine seems to be in a wrong state, as far as a normal person is concerned. Forget it, the tooling man pouted his lips, watched Mrs. Levine put the tray back in the sink, and walked ahead to lead the way.

The tooling man saw the unclosed box when passing through the corridor. There were a lot of debris in the box. The most conspicuous pair of frames occupied some space. The tooling man raised his eyebrows and turned away to keep quiet.

It was a very old picture, at least now when Mrs. Levine, who was slow to respond, was still a young woman. She is not alone. There is a young man beside the young woman in a wedding dress. Definitely not a man in tooling who came to repair a water pipe.

But in this old photo, which was obviously a wedding photo, someone whom the man in tooling knew knew was standing in the best man group behind the groom.

"Wait, wait ..." Mrs. Levine had some difficulty opening the basement door. She didn't seem to remember one of the keys in her hand, which was in the basement.

The man in tooling said, "Ma'am, are you going to move?"

Mrs. Levin froze for a moment, "Yes, yes ... how do you know?" Somewhat surprised.

The tooling man glanced at the boxes everywhere, "looks like."

"Oh, sorry……"

"It's nothing. It's just that you know that if you want to sell a house, repair this kind of thing directly to your real estate manager."

Mrs. Levine froze for a moment, "I, I am not ready to sell the house ..."

"Then you are not going to live here anymore." The man in tooling has no intention to guide the lives of others, but just do it as a good deed. "Obviously you don't need a kitchen."

Mrs. Levine blinked her eyes, "Yeah ..."

The man in tooling was quiet, looking at the woman. After a while, it was a little speechless. "You still need to pay for my attendance, even tipping."

"Yes!" Madame Levine suddenly began to fumble around. After touching it for a long while, I apologized, "You go to the living room to sit down, me, I seem to put my wallet in, put it in ..."

Looking at the other person's eyes looking everywhere, the man in tooling pursed his lips, nodded, and turned back to the living room when he stopped talking. Wait patiently, and with Mrs. Levine's various rummages, the ghost knows how long it will be.

The tooling man didn't find a place to sit in the living room, hey. After looking at the mistress who was still looking around, the man in tooling took the lead himself, picked up a pile of documents scattered on the sofa, and sat down on his own.

It's just that there's no place to put the file in his hand. The tooling man kept the original order of the file and put it directly on his lap.

This can be regarded as intimate without disturbing the original rhythm of the master's life-after all, now looking back at the beginning, everyone can see that the lady Levine has long forgotten the maintenance, so the best case is that the men in tooling No one came today, no one disturbed Mrs. Levine's work at home, no matter what she was doing.

But, look at the man in tooling and restlessly lift the finger of the document, which is intimate, just pretending that he has never been there-he is peeking at Mrs. Levine's document.

This document is a bit heavy. It is a death certificate issued by the Grand Funeral Home, a life insurance document of an insurance company, and a certificate of honor for the sacrifice of business issued by the North District Police Station of Barton.

The phone next to the sofa rang suddenly.

The tooling man lowered his fingers and sat properly.

There was a mess of boxes crashing, and Mrs. Levin held her calf awkwardly, almost half-jumping, and gave the tooling man a sorry look, and then answered the phone, "Levine's."

The sound in the receiver--

"I am Zachary Grande."

The man in tooling leaned on the ear over the phone ... erected. Literally erected, the tip of the ear stretched sharply, and covered with a layer of fluff!

The short black fluff spreads over the temples, and when the eyebrows are almost connected, the end of the eyebrows is raised, and the distance is pulled away.

"Gran ..." Mrs. Levine's momentary surprise was suppressed. Strangely, what seemed to suppress the surprise seemed to be fear. She glanced sideways and just turned sideways to give her a smiling man in tooling. Mrs. Levine saw the patience and kindness of a polite repairman. She did not see the inhuman ears on the side.

Mrs. Levin returned to the earpiece and lowered her voice in a meaningless way, "Sir! Did you call because there was something going on with that thing?" There was a hint of worry in the tone.

"Yes." Zac's voice in the receiver continued into the sharp ears. "Does Madam have time now?"

"Now?" Mrs. Levine looked back at the man in workwear again, and the natural smile was still a patient smile. Looking back at the receiver, "I ... I ..." did not answer directly!

This is weird, isn't it? The man in tooling will definitely not affect Mrs. Levine's itinerary ... the wallet must be lying there, waiting to be found.

The way Mrs. Levine dodged the question was to advance with another question, "Do you need me to go to your side?"

"It's not coming to me, I'm going to see the truth I found. You want to know what Darcy asked your husband to do that day, which led to the death, right. I found the" that person "in this incident, he It ’s still in Barton, but it wo n’t be too long. If you want to know why your husband died, this is your only chance. ”

Mrs. Levin held the receiver and stayed in place.

Zach in the earpiece seemed to be impatient, "You understand what I mean, if you want Darcy to be responsible for your husband's death, 'this person' is your only evidence. Or do you just want to know The truth, then, do nothing? "

"Me, what can I do, what can I do ..." Mrs. Levine's voice was a little trembling, and she was too emotional to consider the presence of men in tooling. "I have accepted their arrangements, and I have also received insurance money. "

Zach on the other side of the receiver seemed to be confused, "Huh", "Then why do you entrust me? Just want to transfer the insurance money to me?"


"Sorry." An apology sounded from the receiver. "This is not my decision. Then I, uh, I'm just telling you the progress of the commission. 'This person' is now in Patton. I'm going to find him and get The client, you, Mrs. Levine needs the truth. You can come or not. Your choice. "


"I know." Zac said over the receiver. This was not an interruption. It was the end of Mrs. Levine's "I", which was thoughtful before the end of the breath. "Tomorrow I will pass the whole incident. Sort it out and report it to you. Have a nice day today. "The phone over there hung up. Zach on the other side of the receiver seemed to be confused and said, "Why do you entrust me? Just want to transfer the insurance money to me?"


"Sorry." An apology sounded from the receiver. "This is not my decision. Then I, uh, I'm just telling you the progress of the commission. 'This person' is now in Patton. I'm going to find him and get The client, you, Mrs. Levine needs the truth. You can come or not. Your choice. "


"I know." Zac said over the receiver. This was not an interruption. It was the end of Mrs. Levine's "I", which was thoughtful before the end of the breath. "Tomorrow I will pass the whole incident. Sort it out and report it to you. Have a nice day today. "The phone over there hung up.

The man in tooling didn't need to quickly restore his non-human ears, holding Mrs. Levine who only hung up the earpiece and stood for a while to make new movements.

The man in tooling gave a smile when Mrs. Levine looked over again.

"Sorry to keep you waiting."

"I'm fine." The man in tooling shrugged. "I have no other work today."

Mrs. Levine stunned the sofa and continued to look for the wallet.

Things here can be put here. Let's pay attention to Grande. Follow Grand.

The man in tooling didn't need to quickly restore his non-human ears, holding Mrs. Levine who only hung up the earpiece and stood for a while to make new movements.

We are going to pay attention to Grande. Follow Grand. When I looked at it again, I gave a smile.

"Sorry to keep you waiting."

"I'm fine." The man in tooling shrugged. "I have no other work today."

Mrs. Levine stunned the sofa and continued to look for the wallet.

Things here can be put here. Let's pay attention to Grande.

Zac put down the phone, confused.

What happened, Mrs. Levine's attitude was completely different from the excitement of entrusting herself after the funeral. Zac doesn't feel that a woman who has the courage to wait for the North District Police Station to have the courage to find the woman she entrusted will suddenly change her will.

But Zac also has no time to think about the psychological changes of a passerby. The opportunity Zac said on the phone is really only now--

Bell, the inheritor at Cliff Farm, just called Zac and said that he had made a decision and was ready to leave Button and return to Vega.

Zac left the office, went downstairs, and glanced at the crowd standing in the backyard.

James and Kate are here. They came to say goodbye to General Lance.

General Lance had no intention of spending the honeymoon with the newly married couple here, and was preparing to return to the west.

The same as James and Kate came to send the general, as well as the Southern District Police Department's Cologne chief, Cologne also brought a follower, Detective Coulson.

Oh, how embarrassing this scene is, how embarrassing-Cologne and Coulson are very intimate with James Make up.

The result is that James always keeps a "what a ghost" face. As for General Lance, there is no better than James. While saying countless times to thank Cologne and Coulson for training James, while Countless times emphasized that he still has a train to catch.

Zac, who caused this situation, appeared on the back porch, "I'm sorry I can't join your team, I still have work."

The inheritor's farm is not too far away, Zach chose to walk. The idyllic scenery in spring is still good ~

Zac had just been out of Grande not long after and was caught up with, Roy Zmithi, "If I were Lance (general), I would pull through you in person and let Cologne and Coulson know that you were Under the service of the Lance family, you do everything for your own lust! "

"You talk about what my **** is?" Zac laughed. Roy has brought a lot of happiness to Zac. It seems that this happiness can continue ~

"You want to struggle with Lut Lesenbull against everything!"

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