Zac was ‘kidnapped’ by James on the grounds that “My car is in Wes, you take me to the police station.”

While driving, James himself turned on the radio. It ’s also wonderful. We ’ve seen too many people want Zac to stay beside to talk to Zac. James clearly does n’t want to talk, just needs Zac ’s company?

The drive was not long, and James did not get off at the police station, forcing Zack to circle around the parking lot. "I did n’t see my car. If Wes did n’t come to the police station today, you still have to send I'm going back!"

? ?

What do you mean? Let Zac wait for him here?

Zac wanted to understand, but before speaking, James had got off the car and gave Zac a figure that disappeared quickly. Uh.

Forget it, wait. Anyway, James didn't really go to work anymore. As James always disrespected Darcy, he should rush directly to the director's office to vent, and it won't take long to come back.

Zac waited completely boring, probably only 5 minutes.

"Detective Lance says you are waiting in the parking lot."

Zac looked sideways, "Detective Levine?" The undead floated outside the door. Zac's surprise was real. "Are you still here?" This refers to the present world.

I remember that after the undead floated out of his body, he told Zac that he would entangle Director Darcy, who murdered his life. This entanglement persisted.

"Yeah. My wife hasn't settled down yet, of course I am still." The undead Levine floated into the car, a blue translucent face with a smile of "you understand", "I have to stare at Darcy Fulfill his pledge. "

Zack didn't understand, "Sorry, I don't understand what you are talking about."

The undead Levin was stunned for a while, "Oh, I forced Director Darcy to add my wife to the witness protection plan, and he arranged a new life for my wife."

"Sorry." Zac is still apologizing. "Now I don't understand what you are saying."

"You know." The undead Levin shook his head. "Aren't you also wondering why my wife commissioned you to investigate the cause of my death, but didn't look at the result of the commission and suddenly moved."

Zac raised an eyebrow, "Is it because of you?"

"Well, it's me." The undead nodded. "Seeing her for my death, I risked contacting people like you, worrying me. I threatened Darcy and let him perfect it. It was for him. The aftermath of the incident that happened has completely kept my family away from Patton and restarted life. "

Zac was a little unhappy. "Explain what a person like me is."

"Oh, I mean a gray professional." The former police detective, now the undead, smiled at Zac. "My wife should have asked you when I entrusted you, you gray ethical professional, For a family of law enforcers like me, it's nothing, um, the people to contact. "

This explains that Zac can accept and understand the doubts before him, "Witness protection plan?"

"It's just like your vampire's identity rotation. Use a new identity to completely cut off from your previous life and re-live. This kind of common thing in the police world can still be easily done by Darcy." Undead replied, adding , "My wife knows this process, who asked her to marry a policeman ~ Ha ha, so she gave up everything she had done before."

Zac shook his head, "As for that."

"As for." Necromancer said that the translucent body did not substantially coincide with the seat in the car. He fluttered up and down and adjusted his posture. "In my current identity as a necromancer, I know a lot Understand something. Just like my death. "The necromancer smiled at Zac." Anyway, you seem to have nothing to do, listen to me. "

fact. Zac made the gesture of asking-

"When I was just dragged into hell, I had accepted the fact that I was dead, but what I understood at the time was that I failed to please Secretary Darcy in a small errand and lost my life. . "

Zac didn't comment and kept listening.

"Then I saw the real demon." He looked at Zac and smiled. "You have never seen it. It's not the kind of demon in the present world that can only show people with black mist, or possess others. Real Demon using their true posture. "

Zac nodded, not agreeing, but just telling each other, ‘I know the demons of this world cannot show their true bodies’.

"I thought at the time, well, the story in the holy scripture is true, I will be eaten by the demon, or become a plaything that will always be tortured by the demon. However, these have not happened, a few demons surrounded me and started Ask me how I died. "

Uh ... this should be the time when James threatened the demon of Mary's Church and questioned Levine's soul.

"I said that I was shot and then died of excessive blood loss. I can see the dissatisfaction in the eyes of the demons. I was thinking again. Now they are going to eat me or torture me as a plaything."

Zac can already feel the tendency of the other party to express-

"But this didn't happen again. They patiently told me that James was investigating how I died. I was shot. I lost too much blood. James saw it. They don't need the information that James already knows. , Let me start from the beginning. "

If everyone treats this as a person and becomes the mental journey after **** and spirits, then everyone is wrong. This is a life (human) living in this world, in the worst way-after death, passively understand the true appearance of the world after his lifetime.

"Do you know how many doubts I had at the time?" The undead Levin kept a smile on his face, "a bunch of I believe that I will eat my demon, in order to James Lance-I always thought it was just A lucky second-generation guy investigates the case. "The smile is even worse," I answered the information they wanted, I also saw that they passed the message I gave, and I saw that they received Orders from this world say that James is very satisfied with the information. "

Zac remained silent. Because Zac can already imagine that the worldview of this undead collapsed.

"Finally, I think that the reason for my continued existence should disappear with James’ satisfaction with the information. I think I ’m definitely going to be eaten. "The undead continued to laugh," But this did not happen, I personally watched the demons discuss what to do with me, and the first option they crossed out was to erase my existence, because, I quote a demon, 'Who can guarantee that the guys in this world will not Looking for this person again? Can we fool James Lance, but can we fool Grande ’s vampire? '""

The undead Levin was silent for a while, "Then they threw me back. I was in Mary Church, Mary Church filled with demons. I was confused for a while, I was scared for a while, I was happy for a while, then I calmed down Down. I realized that from now on, no one will give me guidance on how to live, and I ca n’t think of what can happen, so I went back to the police station, saw my body, and stayed there, I It takes time to think about how I want to live. Then you know, I was sent to Grande, I met you, the vampire of Grandry, I asked you if Darcy would attend my funeral, you Come on, I saw Darcy, and I was entangled with him. "

After a long pause, Zac thought that the other party had finished speaking, and was about to speak. The undead Levin took the first step, "I am still thinking about how I will go in the future, but no matter what the result of my consideration is, I know if I want to "Hug" the present self, I need to solve the problems that I have left in this world. "

Zac said again, "Your wife. The point is not that your wife wants to start a new life, but that you want a new start that is completely cut off from the human life you once had."

The undead Levine nodded, "Now you understand me."

Zac recognized, "Good attitude, I support you spiritually." This is not a fun word, but Zac can provide, and only spiritual support-we know, Zac and I don't want Mrs. Levin to restart the disappearance of a new life. Zack also expected Detective Bell to use Mrs. Levine's chip to defend against Darcy's possible targeting in the west. Of course, the undead Levine here does not need to know so deeply.

"Now I know why the Barton aliens I have come into contact with during this time, why are you always talking about you. You are ... someone worth talking about, Zachary Gran ... Hehe, sorry, Mr. Toledo."

"Thank you." You don't have to ask Barton to talk about Zac's content, just use it as a compliment.

"So what is James Lance doing this time?" The undead Levine asked himself, still smiling. "He threatened Darcy. If Darcy doesn't listen to him well, he will come down and call you. Let you teach the inheritors personally. "

Zac pouted, "You should know that the Indians who committed the North District Police Station to the South District Police Station committed suicide."

"Sibella, right, she is a wizard. Darcy blazed a lot of fire in the office when he received the case application. Yesterday, Coulson blazed a lot after the briefing at the Southern District Police Station. , I was in a bad mood when I sent the notice to Barton Daily today. "Oh, this necromancer knows it clearly." I asked for a long time before I knew something from his mouth. Ingan, wizard. , Devil feast, vampire. "The undead Levine actually had a sympathetic tone," Darcy is actually quite pitiful, but my previous role did not allow me to look at him from outside his subordinates, now, hehe, inheritance The person is really a funny species. I sometimes find it ridiculous now. I hang up because of the entanglement between these creatures ~ "

Zac understood at least a bit from this contact, that the adjustment of the undead's mentality is quite good. As mentioned before, life attitude is very good.

Zac suddenly wondered, "Can I ask you a question, and answer me in the way you thought of a detective before?"

"You said."

"If malicious behavior against a certain group occurs in society, what is the attitude of your law enforcers."

"Are you saying that this time the Paisan-Indian culture was threatened?" The undead Levine quickly entered the role. "This is really not to blame Darcy. Let me give you an example. Some time ago, West End The nightclub in which the Tong family master Blake Stone was involved was attacked ... "

Similar events are really used for analogy-

"... that can be an attitude as a law enforcer, because there is a clear perpetrator and a clear victim. The legal attitude is the attitude of the law enforcer."

Zac nodded, which was the same as Zac's idea, but it was frustrating. "But the West Side people temporarily suppressed the incident for some reason and let the case pass the opportunity to create a social attitude."

The undead Levin seemed to agree with Zac ’s words, “Yes, I was alive at the time, and I did n’t understand why Director Darcy did n’t use that opportunity to hug the thighs of the Western District. In the future, it will be very helpful. But of course, I now know that he is already hugging, because the West Side missed the opportunity. "

Zac was not prepared to confuse the theme, "What about the Indo-Chinese culture now?"

"Those threat letters received by Paisin's Carnival Committee are not harms that can be measured by law." Necronomicon Levine said something professional. "Verbal words are not in the form of violence before the law. Hey, It ’s unethical to say this, but in fact, if a person threatens your life, but as long as he does n’t take action, the law ca n’t tell how the threatened person is. This is your answer. No attitude. "

Zac pondered for a while and accepted. This is not the time when you can use perseverance to persuade anyone, the reality is like this, the law is like this, but, "In addition to the verbal threats, has n’t the carnival preparation actually been destroyed? Can these be countable injuries? ? "

"You are also destroying a trash can by the roadside." The undead Levin answered very simply, "but you don't see any police force in the city, wasting resources to hunt down a criminal who destroys the trash can, do you?"

"The exhibits of In'an Culture, Mrs. Quinn's relics, are not trash bins." Zac responded with a pouting lip.

"So what you mean is that if something is put on a special label, the law enforcers should use different standards when measuring it?" The undead Levin asked Zac very seriously, "All equality before the law , Do you think the slogan only spoken by humans? "

Zac was actually a necromancer, and he couldn't respond to the topic of human law. Zac pursed his lips, not knowing how to respond for a moment.

The undead Levin shook his head, "The Ineans on Paisin's side, the wrong is wrong ... and they can't be wrong, they can only say that they care too much about their labels, in fact, the label of 'In' , Will not bring them any social preferential treatment, not to mention in certain areas of the Federation (western), which is still a very negative label. "

This Zack understands, "It's all human culture. No one is lower than others, but it is certainly not higher than anyone."

"Yes." The undead Levine actually sighed. "Every day in this city there are signs, street lights, public seats ... being maliciously or unintentionally destroyed. These are all things created by human culture and human civilization. You ca n’t expect you to set a "minority", or "ethnicity", or "tradition", but expect everyone to let you. This is impossible. "

Zac also wanted to sigh a little, "The fact now is that the things that are labelled will not only be treated preferentially, but will also be used as rakes by some people."

"You said it well." Levine, the undead, shook his head. "If Paisin is honestly caring for the carnival, who will not engage in any gimmicks of the Indo-Chinese culture. Who will engage them. People just have their own selfish intentions and want to promote their culture, then they should not look past someone. In modern society, no one's mouth is closed, hands are tied, everyone is a free person. "

The conversation is over. There is no room for this topic.

The undead Levine accompanied Zac for a while, "I have talked so much with you, I, and I miss my law enforcer's life." Suddenly, I missed the human life that he could not return.

Zac glanced at Levine, "You are a free" person "."

"Well, I am." The undead Levine smiled, floated out of the car, and disappeared.

We should give Zac a new title, life tutor, how?

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