Zac hoped that the angel Harrison would say in more detail, "Can you give an example?" Regarding the situation of the Republic. It's not that Zack really has a continent on the other side of the world, simply because Louise.

The angel Harrison thought for a while, "Today is a service." For an angel, today he is running in with his body, and he may have some bad emotions. "In Republic, we will try our best to prepare worship services for our believers."

Zac didn't immediately express his opinion because in the Federation, such activities as "Worship" are not prepared to say anything. Hey, it's not the kind of preparation that some people will bathe in before going to church, it's this religious ritual event itself, no preparation is needed.

Because this activity is bound to happen once a week, this is the habit of the entire federal society. Obviously, in the Republic, this necessity no longer exists.

"The venue is a problem." Angel Harrison's voice was quite calm. "Although the Republic has also started to have churches this year, the location is not comparable to the federal situation first. The location of the city center is too expensive to pay. There is no popularity in the suburbs. "

Zac imagined it and felt the helplessness of an angel preaching in a foreign country. Nodded sympathetically.

The angel Harrison suddenly smiled, "Oh, let me tell you something interesting. We usually refer to Sunday as a Sunday, right."

Zucker gave a cry.

"Sunday as a religious vocabulary was misunderstood by the Republicans when we preached. He thought Sunday was Sunday. Then they called Monday Monday and Tuesday is Tuesday ..."

Zac's first reaction? "Is the Republican so religious, praying seven days a week?" After he finished, Zac knew he was funny, and he laughed with the angel Harrison and waved his hand. "This is probably a misunderstanding in the process of cultural communication. "

"Yeah." Angel Harrison smiled. "I can now face such misunderstandings peacefully, but you have to imagine how our angels felt when we first heard the statement on Monday."

Zac nodded, "The Lord has stipulated a day of the week for rest, the Sabbath, this day for worship, and faith in the Lord. But every day for rest, it is disrespectful. People in this world, After all, it is to work, to live, to accumulate the soul mark ... "Zac's objectiveness to the faith of the Lord, this is not the first time we have seen," Let the soul grow ~ "

Yes, seven days a week, six days, please humans cultivate their souls, on the seventh day, please come to worship the objects that humans should devote their souls. This is the holy faith.

Angel Harrison nodded, "It's really difficult. Then you add the aliens of the republican culture to those misunderstandings of these cultures, those republican 'God'."

Zac raised his hand and touched his chin. "Do you mean the aspect of prayer?"

The angel Harrison kept a peaceful smile, "Yes, the right way for our Lord Lord to pray is to thank the Lord Lord for letting the praying humans have food, love, everything they need for life, and finally, believers who wish to pray We entered heaven after death. Prayer, in the confederation we are used to, is a thanks to faith. "

Zac already had some hunches. Thanks to Mexico. When he was living in Grande, he explained to Zac the "Prayers" of the Republicans. "And the Republicans will not thank the" God ". Their prayers are true. Pray, they want more wealth, better friends, better food, more children, more beautiful love ... so there are so many gods in the republic, and republicans, from different gods Pray for a better now. Republicans support God, and God must respond. "

The angel Harrison nodded with a smile, "Republic has a word, unacceptable. It can't be more accurate to describe the situation of our Lord's faith in the Republic."

"It's hard for you." Zac didn't mean irony, it was true sympathy.

"Yeah, we've worked hard." Angel Harrison was a bit humorous, self-deprecating, "but we can only do this in the Republic." Zac glanced, "we even touched Less than Fanzhuo. "

The topic suddenly became serious.

Zac also smiled, "I believe this is also the purpose of your early republican period, and the news of West came from Barton, um ..." Zac thought for a moment, "After Barton's republican trip last year, The angels in your Republic should also know about West's situation, and should also give up arresting Fanzhuo. "

The angel Harrison no longer laughed, "In fact, we gave up before your republican trip to Patton. The archangel felt the decay of the Lord and sacrificed himself to become Madison when we came to Patton, we give up."

Suddenly mentioned Madison, Zack has no mood changes, focusing on his theme, "If your angels are so declining and there is no threat to the hidden alliance, why does Fan Zhuo still seem to be afraid of you. The hidden alliance will be Accepting him by deceit, on behalf of the hidden alliance, in the time of the Republic, I have never been able to take what your angels do. My logic is correct. "

"That's right." Angel Harrison confirmed Zach's statement, "Although angels can't directly affect the vampires, but even if we have many obstacles and difficulties in preaching in the Republic, we still have some Republicans, those Mankind is our weapon against the hidden alliance. "

Zac is more serious, because this is the relationship between vampires and human society. "The life of vampires is too close to humans. The most basic source of food requires the cooperation of human society. Your angels are using those believers to destroy the hidden alliance. Is it a republican society? "

"Yes." Angel Harrison admits that there is helplessness on his face. "In fact, when we gave up the capture of Fanzhuo, the contradiction between our angel and the secret alliance has disappeared, but the dispute between humans is not so easy. "He stopped." He paused. "This is not the fault of us or any of the secret alliances. The humans of the secret alliance have been shaped by vampires. Angels are ghosts that deceive human souls, and our angels also shape vampires for our believers. It ’s a vampire monster who betrayed the Holy Lord. "

Zac pouted, "Aliens who hurt each other." Sigh? No, just sympathy.

Angel Harrison also sighed, "Angels and vampires are already there in the Republican grudges anyway, and often have to be provoked by Papa at midnight." Shaking his head, "It's really difficult ..."

With a sigh, the ending dragged on for a long time. Zac is going to ask when-

"Suffocating me!" The ghoul Harrison's control of the body began for five minutes. "Deserve it! Make yourself!"

Zac pouted, "What people say is the soul you used to be, and a little empathy won't let you lose flesh."

"What is the same ?! I won't go to republic! I won't go to the vampire trouble like a neuropathy! I don't need to preach, and deceive those innocent republicans into the struggle of aliens!" Makes sense.

Zac waved his hand and didn't want to talk to Harrison anymore, it was easy to be confused.

Zac asked Harrison to practice body control in Grandry himself, and he went out of Grande again, watched the movement of the living area for a while on the back porch, and entered the living area again.

This time I didn't go to Hank. Hank was supervising his employees to write carnival feelings, like a teacher who was in charge of a bunch of elementary school students. Zac is looking for Winston.

No need to talk about things in the living area. Zac took Winston to the warehouse. Roy was not there anyway. "Your hotel is in a good location. Will you sell it?"

Zac is preparing Newton's shelter site for Harrison.

Winston blinked, "Who sells?"

"Harrison." Zack replied, and still called Hank, too lazy to explain to put the situation in the blood to Hank, and then Hank acted as a relay to give the information to Winston.

The whole process is about three minutes. Three minutes later, Winston fell into thought, "So, what do I use to make money?"

"I can hire you to work in Grand. I pay you the salary."

Winston froze for a moment, a little excited: "Can I be a member of Grande again ?!"

We have also felt this for a long time. Winston has a real feeling for Grande.

Zac nodded, "You may not feel anything to me, but I know you miss working under Hank and Old Grande."

Winston's mouth moved a bit, instinctively to refute-apparently his nostalgia for Grande has evolved after so many things. But he hesitated for a while without refuting Zac. "Of course it is good to continue to work under Hank."

Zac only needs this answer, "Do you agree? Harrison's offer may not be too high, after all, it is a public welfare shelter, but I can personally make up the difference for you, Grande this year. There is also a lot of gray income, and I have no place to use it. "This truth is too straightforward.

Winston was a little speechless, "I don't mind the amount of money, I probably don't need any money in the future ..." Yeah, already a vampire descendant, the first reaction is that money is probably human inertia .

Remember Zack's past lack of money, those days of relying on government subsidies to support his family are gone forever ~ Today's Grandry, no one needs to support.

Zac took a picture of Winston and gave a smile, "This attitude is good. That's how it was decided."

"Yes." Winston nodded. "Shall I go talk to Harrison? Tell him about the situation in my hotel?"

"Is there anything to pay attention to?" Zakti's proposal, which valued the hotel on the edge of Newton, could provide first-hand protection for Harrison's condition and was close to Barton. What's the matter, Zha Ke Neng supports as soon as possible-Revenge is the purpose of Angel Harrison, he can play a role, but Zac has no intention to let the angels play a role and take the life of the ghoul Harrison. So Zac really didn't really think about the Winston Hotel and other things to pay attention to.

"Isn't Magic Ricky always stuffing 'people' over my hotel now." Winston pouted, "I'm still at least looking for those guests to collect money, some are really poor and have nothing Guys, I can still block it with a businessman's attitude. Later, it will become a shelter. That Rich will probably be more diligent to stuff people inside. Harrison must prepare for this situation. "

"Uh ..." Zac tilted his mouth and almost forgot this. If Newton ’s shelter only became a free place for foreigners, then Harrison used to be meaningless ... No, the meaning is still the same. Harrison ’s trip to Newton will do, but the venue of the shelter is opposite New Zealand. The meaning of the Dunton society is gone.

All have let Jessica build the public opinion of the current situation of the Newton Rangers. To open a new shelter, although the essence is for interracial affairs, try to let the social significance of the shelter play.

Zac thought for a moment. "You'll wait." Called Harrison over.

Time went round again, and now the ghoul Harrison controlled the body. Zac directly focused on, "Harrison, if you let Newton open a shelter and manage some mobile aliens, can you be competent?"

"Manage mobile aliens?"

"The aliens from the federal city to the eastern city, Emilia evaluated those who wanted to enter Barton in the Pooch nursing home, but a large number of aliens were blocked in Newton." Pointed to Winston, "In his Find a chance in the hotel to inquire about our Patton. Then his hotel becomes your shelter, those aliens will only come over endlessly, can you assign them some work, and provide some socially meaningful things to the mobile aliens to do? . "

The ghoul Harrison raised an eyebrow. "Can I help Emilia?"

Zach mentioned Emilia deliberately, so nodded, "Of course, you can even provide Emilia with the heterogeneous information that needs to be evaluated."

"So we are like a husband and wife, contributing to the harmonious society of Barton!"

"That's it." Saying that Zack did not use the feelings of the couple's love is false. Zac suddenly brought his boyfriend to Grande, settled in a soul, and made a series of follow-up arrangements to make people home. Happy cohabitation-living-life has become a distant relationship not too far apart. Zac needs a reasonable reason to leave Emilia speechless.

"It should be fine!" Harrison, the ghoul, was positive, because of course he himself was also troubled how to explain the situation to Emilia.

"Perfect." Zach clapped his hands, "Harrison, Winston, you should be able to start talking about hotel deals now." Catch Winston with one hand, "Rich sent to the hotel's interracial situation, many Talk to Harrison. "Pat Harrison in one hand." Five minutes into a deal, five minutes become two minutes of body rotation control, mutual respect and mutual understanding. "

Winston and Harrison chatted.

Zac contributed to another ‘big thing’ and was in a good mood, giving the warehouse to two people and returning to Grande.

In the answering machine in the office, there are more messages when Zac is doing things:

"Sorry, I met Mo during the day (Republic) yesterday and went out to play ~" Louise's message, replying to Zac's missed call last night (federal) to find Louise's situation, "just back, now It ’s Gonghe night, ha ha, it ’s time to wake up Eli and go out again ~ "

Zac pouted, worrying about himself here, but Louise was very hi ...

The message is not finished, "There is a tour guide with ink, I feel that it is different ~ I feel that I am more and more used to the republic ~ This is really good ~ I like this ~ Oh yes, the thing about the republican angel I talked to you last time. Goer seems to have learned something from the hidden alliance, and I will find the opportunity to tell you again ~ Eli is urging, bye ~ "

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