The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Vol 20 Chapter 18: Full body vampire

Zac knew West's address, and after finishing Grand's work, he set out with Roy to the North District.

Standing at the door of West's house, Zach and Roy didn't step forward and knocked on the door, looking at the black cat licking the hair in front of the porch, "What about West?"

West is not at home, and it seems that he accidentally left his pet outside the door.

"I went to visit my relatives." The black cat answered.

"West has relatives in Button?" Zac raised an eyebrow. Wait a minute, everyone knows that West is the Republican ‘Jian’ now.

"Of course." The black cat continued to lick the hair. "You have seen it."

Zac frowned and recalled. After the recall, "No, I haven't seen it."

"Hey." The black cat lowered his paw and jumped into the window, but he didn't see anything. The window opened automatically and it jumped into the room. After a while, the door opened, and the black cat wagged its tail at the door. "Zacree Grande, think about the surname of the principal of Laipute High School ~"

Now that the door was open, Zac and Roy stepped up and entered West's house.

At the same time, Zac suddenly realized, "West, the principal of Leipter High School is also surnamed West!" Immediately, "Why have I never noticed before?"

"Don't blame you ~" The black cat waved its tail, as if the owner of the house led the guest to the living room. "It's impossible for anyone to notice ~"

Zac doesn't pay attention to this issue anymore. It doesn't make sense. West is not an ordinary person. Black cats are not ordinary cats either. Trying to rationalize their experience in this world? Ask for trouble.

"When will West come back?"

"I don't know." The black cat sat in front of its food bowl-a very high-tech food bowl with a timer on the jar full of food. It seemed that it was time to fill the food bowl automatically. Looks like.

This is how New West keeps black cats ... really, casual.

Zac and Roy did not sit down, and Zakra stayed with Roy, who continued to the living room. "Then we won't wait. Let West have time to visit Grand. We have something to ask her."

The black cat chewed the food, "Is it about the medical experiments of the vampire ancestors and Demon Cimic?"

Zachla held Roy and walked to the living room again. "How do you know?"

"Madison came in the morning, spoke with West for a while, and talked about what was happening in Grande."

Gee. Ask one by one--

Zac frowned, "Does Madison still maintain a friend relationship with West?"

"That's right." The black cat was eating food, and he didn't forget to occasionally glance behind him, as if he was observing whether he was grabbing food. Okay ~ right ~ "

"Isn't it Madison's idea to visit relatives?"

"Really ~" The black cat shook its tail. "West's previous life, too ..." Ga Biao Ga Boom, "Fantasy, and she has no consciousness. Ha ha." Black Cat said the truth— -"Occasionally writing a diary with a pen, you can convince yourself that this is the fantasy life of real life, which is not applicable to the new West ~"

Feel it. Can the diary of the old West practice writing and the diary of the new West keep the buffer of the life of the old West, can it be an effect? !

Zac shook his head helplessly, "Now West needs to really manage his life."

"That's what it means ~" The black cat's appetite didn't seem to be big, he was satisfied, he jumped on the sofa, and looked at Roy in a ball. To Roy, "Your medical experiment in Zmithi, made What an amazing thing ~ "

Anyway, Zac is also asking, "Madison told West about my conversation with Roy?"

The black cat still looked at Roy, "Say, it's a reminder, lest West shouldn't be ready to answer when the two of you come."

"So what did West want to answer?" Zac asked.

"Of course not ~" The black cat yawned. "Otherwise, you will not rush to visit relatives ~"

Zac did n’t want to go around with the black cat and turned his side to block the black cat ’s eyes. “It ’s about the vampire race. I do n’t accept evasion. I do n’t ask West to be ready to answer me and tell me the facts. "

The black cat smiled for a while, "Okay, facts ~" closed his eyes and snore comfortably, "these vampire 'corpses' made by Zmiche's medical experiment are essentially the same as the body of the vampire ancestors now fully . "

Zac and Roy glanced at each other, "What about the essence?"

"They are corpses, so they will not take the initiative to eat without consciousness ~" The black cat closed his eyes, the end of the body clumped together, and the tail rocked freely ~

Zakra lived with some stunned Roy, "I remember you never treated these corpses as vampires at the Feast. The entire Feast society was rejected because the corpse happened to be similar to the symptoms of a human disease. They are ignored by human beings, and you, Zmich, who studies medical experiments, also treat them as a waste of failed experiments. It is proposed that these corpses are vampires that occurred in Grande. "

Roy couldn't keep up, "So?"

Zach's thinking is very clear, "So? So the whole Demon Banquet was wrong!" Zach was not excited, but found something, "This is the finished product! Your research by Zmithi finally produced a complete vampire body! "

"No one wants to make a complete body." Roy did not refute anything. "This medical experiment is a side job created by a group of people who do not want to work in my weapon industry. The purpose is only to study the healing ability of Zmiche's blood. . "

"The purpose of the medical test is not important." Zach waved his hand. "You can say that it was an accident, but what is important is the result now. Disobedience to your side job of Zmitshi created a full-body vampire."

Roy was a little upset, mainly because he didn't understand Zac's meaning-"That's not a complete vampire, it's a disgusting corpse!"

Zac insisted, "That's it." Staring at Roy, "You heard, the essence is the same. It's a body that no longer has a soul! The only difference is that the complete vampires we have seen are ancestors, they They are all alive, they have their own consciousness, they will eat by themselves, replenish themselves, heal their own bodies, and maintain eternal life. And lying in the body of Grandry, there is no such consciousness, so they are slowly decaying in the way of vampires ... … "

Roy began to understand Zac's words, "You mean if you give food to those corpses ..."

"They will be eternal corpses ~" The black cat said suddenly. "The corpses are the corpses, the dead things are the dead things, and the consciousness will not fall from the sky ~"

Zac looked at the black cat again and advanced, "Where did the ancestors' consciousness come from?"

"It's everything accumulated in life, it's memory."

"Those corpses also have memories. They used to be humans."

"Hehe." The black cat smiled. "Vampires have corroded their souls for thousands of years. When the souls are wiped out a little, they use the body to remember the proof of their life. You let those human bodies that have only a few decades of life. Compare with you? "

I need to think about this.

It was actually Roy who responded first, "Although humans are accumulating memories, the thing that determines human beings is ultimately the soul, and the imprint of the soul is the cumulative consciousness of human beings. Those who participate in medical experiments are as short as a few months and long It ’s only a few years before they have been able to use their bodies to adapt to the way vampires accumulate life experiences, and they lose the only soul in their consciousness. "

Zac opened his mouth, "The quick vampire is completely unconscious." This is the summary. As if his brain had been folded a lot, Zac frowned again. "No, those corpses have physical instincts, they will be activated when they touch or approach the vampire, and a healing reaction will occur automatically."

"If you knock on the knee of a dead person, there will still be nerve reflexes ~" The black cat's voice has no meaning to mock, "After all, it is the body of a vampire, you have to be a little conscious ~ there will still be some physical instincts. "~" The following sentence made Zac and Roy uncomfortable and wrinkled their faces. "And you have to make sure that it is not a healing reaction, but a reaction that corrodes the soul ~ There is no soul vampire corpse, and I feel that I have not yet Corroding clean souls and starting work automatically ~ The corpse is trying to corrode souls for you backward vampires ~~ Unbelief, you can put those corpses in front of your real ancestors, I promise, they will devour you The reaction of not becoming a full-body vampire will not happen ~ "

Zac looked at Roy again, "Zmish, who didn't obey the management, really made something terrible." This is to remind Roy-"You think Rut Lesenbull was suddenly in Zmiti Greek abandon you in the civil war, is it because he realized what he knew about the medical experiment, so there is no fear of using Frank as a tool! "And," Craig has always been with Bob, Craig is also in the Northland Zmihi, who studied Zmihi's body's ability to heal itself, did he also perceive something before letting me keep these corpses for him! "

Roy was completely ashamed and looked at Zac without responding.

Zac waited for a while and pulled up Roy. "Let's go back." It doesn't make sense to think, there is still a dead body in Grande that Zac wants to verify--

Patton still has the ancestor of Mocavi, even if Zac does not want to deal with Mocavi, but it is related to the direction of the vampire race. Hey, it is uncomfortable that I do n’t know whether it is a good thing or a bad thing. Zac wants to get it. clear.

As Zac stood up, the black cat opened his eyes, "Zacree Torredo, you can't let this thing exist ~"

Zac paused. "Why."

"Although my present situation probably does not represent any side of the world of the Lord's faith." The future, the present, the past, the black cat that falls indefinitely, "but the completely vampire threatens the world of the Lord's faith too much. You Can you imagine that if this corpse is mass-produced, in this world, how many souls can be lost from **** and heaven ~ "The black cat really used the tone that it does not represent the faith of the Lord, ridicule," hold When Madison saw the ability of the future, I knew that you were already thinking about the harmonious relationship between the faith of the future Lord and this vampire. You are a visionary. You know that the vampire completely threatens the soul. You are now The combination with the wizard may give the vampire a clear way, but your relationship with the wizard is now only in the place of Barton, right? You do n’t have a good way to quickly let the vampires and wizards of the entire Federation reach yours. Degree ~ You need time ~ "

Yes, time! Time is the key!

The threat of the complete body of the vampire to the faith of the Holy Lord to obtain the real soul will gradually show in the passage of time as more and more vampires become complete bodies. In the vampire's eternal life cycle, this time is still very long. Zac still has a lot of time to change the pattern of aliens and restore the contradiction between the world of the Lord's faith and the present world.

But now, the nature of Zmiche ’s medical experiments is becoming clearer and clearer, and a quick, full-body vampire has appeared before Zac!

Do you still think that contradictions that take a long time to break out need not be anxious? Not good anymore! The contradiction between the vampire and the Lord ’s belief in the world is already in sight! Because a group of disobedient Ronald Zmics was nervous to study self-healing ability! !

Zac and Roy looked at each other. Roy finally kept up completely, "We need to destroy this medical experiment !!!" On the road to the future of this race of vampires, Zack was finally not alone.

"Yes ..." Zach was a little gloomy, glancing at his black cat, "Thank you for reminding me."

"No thanks ~" The black cat closed his eyes again, "Remember to close the door ~"

Zac and Roy left West's house and returned to Grand without a trace of stay. After contacting the ancestors' office, Zac called Rut Rosembra.

Zac didn't want to plan anything slowly. Zac directly asked the leader of this feast to destroy the medical experiment data he collected.

The phone rang for a long time, and Rute finally answered the phone. "Zac." He said nothing, "Is there anything?"

"Zmich's medical experiment, how much data do you have in hand." Zac is very direct.

"Huh, why, Craig is making you ..."

Zac does n’t want to talk nonsense, “Destroy, destroy all, unless you want the image of the supporter of the Lord ’s Faith that runs the four worlds to collapse completely.”

There was a froze over the receiver, and after a short silence, the tone was somber, "Torido, what do you know!"

"Anyway, more than you." Zack was not soft or tough. "I will also destroy the relevant things of the Patton Medical Experiment after the last confirmation, all." The final confirmation is to let Mokavi come Verify the words of the black cat, "Rute Lemblas, I will not save any information for Craig, and you better not to disclose anything. Bye."

Zac hung up the phone and went down to the basement.

What are you doing? It took a long time to burn away the corpse of appearance!

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