The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Vol 20 Chapter 23: Something unexpected

It took a little time to fetch the flowers. Trivia, Zac's flowers and someone's wedding hit, Zac spent some time waiting for some arrangements. Then I went to Ripter.

This delay directly made Zach miss the graduation ceremony for the graduates. It doesn't matter much, just in time for the high school students' summer vacation to start the party.

The location is what Zac knows. The beverage shop on Becky East Street. When three adults are about to squeeze into the crowded store of high school students, Zac glances at Hamilton.

Now we can summarize the reason why Hamilton rushed to Zach. Two points-

One. Hamilton was worried about the outbreak of social conflicts in the west, and wanted Zach to help.

two. Hamilton could not ignore the request made by his elders and brothers at the Feast: to collect Hank's information.

In the former case, Zack dropped the hypocritical blunt, "I can't help the social problems in the west." Needless to say, this is Barton, a mile away from the west.

The latter, "Do what you should do, I will not hinder you." Zac gave a persuasive suggestion, "but you must be conscious of yourself, the future direction of the Lesenbra clan, now fell into your hands, How you measure it depends on you. You should understand one thing. As Toledo, I am the last person you should ask for. "

Persevere. Zac is so bright and upright!

Hamilton sighed tangled outside the beverage shop gathered by high school students and left.

Zac and Benjamin held flowers and walked into the beverage shop where high school students gathered.

Facts have proved that every time Zack and Benjamin appear together in high school students, it will cause a small uproar that makes people vanity ...

"Who are those two men?"

"Man? I am also a man!"

"Go away! Are you a boy? That's a man!"

Teens, everyone understands.

They found Alice.

"Thank you!" Kyle took the flowers, "Chris! Chris, here!" Summoned Chris Allen, who graduated with him, to accept the congratulatory bouquet.

Zac had already looked over there again, "Is Mr. Allen here too?" Zac did not see Allen, but only felt the blood of the fourth generation of Cappadocia.

"Well, I'm going to the graduation ceremony and ready to go!" Kyle explained. "Chris! Where are you ?!"

Zac has seen the height advantage of adults. Patted Kyle, "Forget it, talking to Sissi, don't disturb." Zachdor was intimate.

"Oh!" Kyle rolled his eyes. "Alice! Take Zac to the back!"

Seeing Alice's obedient way, Zach and Benjamin glanced at each other, not wanting to speak.

Who wants to see his sister being instructed by one, hum, ‘boy’? ? But this is the reality, Zac and Benjamin can only suffer.

At the back of the beverage shop, this is obviously the only place for boys and girls who are popular in the school. There are billiard tables, small baskets, and for the convenience of all kinds of need to be together, uh, seats provided by young couple ...

Benjamin drew Zac, "What's the situation?"

Zac glanced at-Maya and Caesar, in a posture that would make Yuehua Baiying question Zac's guardian's ability, stuck together, not knowing what to say and laugh ...

Zack realized that Benjamin missed more of the high school students' dynamics than he did. Zac's answer was this: "Caesar suddenly had the idea of ​​becoming alien in the time of republican training. I told him straight that with Maya and Alice, he would not succeed."

Huh, do you think Zach will explain the dog blood relationship between Maya and Caesar to Benjamin? Don't think about it, Zack can't explain clearly. Therefore, Zack can only explain in Zack's way: "Guess what he is doing?"

Benjamin raised an eyebrow. "Oh, it's worthy of Ethra's son."

Yeah, worthy of being Esra's son.

Benjamin looked around again and realized that he and Zac were the only adults here, "Are we suitable for staying here."

Zac ’s answer: “It ’s not suitable to stay here.” It ’s not about being considerate, simply, “Tomorrow they ’re going to republic, this is the last time we spend with them for two months . "

Benjamin grabbed a passing teenager and took away the cup in his hand. "Alcohol?"

"No! Absolutely not alcohol !!"

Benjamin took a sip. "It tastes alcohol."

"You tasted it wrong!"

"Give you another chance, is this alcohol?" Benjamin looked at each other. Do you still remember Benjamin's body type? Once Grand, Zac was the brain, Benjamin was the muscle.

"Ah !!!" The teenager screamed and ran away.

Benjamin looked back at Zac, "You are right, we should stay here."

The boundaries of life stages are already clear. This is the last time Zack and Benjamin can still treat these children as children. Tomorrow, the child will fly away, and when he returns, hehehe ...

Alice seems to have acquired the ability to read the mind, staying with her two elder brothers and introducing the friends of her school to the two elder brothers. Of course, it is estimated that most of the reason is that Kyle as a graduate is busy communicating with other students.

The high school groups that Zac is familiar with are naturally skipped. Alice mainly introduces the students who will go to the Republic to study together.

There are some comforts for Zac, and many people who seem to be domineering do not adapt to this party occasion and concentrate on reciting the words of the Republican language. However, she also kept just the right kindness and politeness when Alice introduced it.

But there are also some people who feel inexplicable. Alice directly responded to their enthusiasm with indifference in the introduction. "This is xxx, and his home is Barton xx."

Zac asked Alice why he was cold to those people. Alice ’s answer is simple, "It ’s not important to be with us," he said.

Barton is a city after all. We are familiar with people from the West District. There are still some rich and powerful people outside the North District political circle. But this story has been going on for such a long time. Since they did n’t show up, it did n’t affect Patton ’s changes a little bit. Then there is no need to show up. Attitude.

After the introduction, Zac obviously felt some teenagers nervous about the practice and asked Alice, "Are you nervous?"

"No ~" Alice answered simply and honestly, "Our lineup is too strong ~"

Zac did n’t want to make Alice too proud, "Cici does n’t go, only you and Maya ..."

It ’s not over, ”Lola persuaded Matthew to go with us. In the Republic, we will also find Louise and Mohui and Kyle will also bring his guardian angel Gavier, and Jimmy also beat Maitreya. Greetings, Maitreya arranged an entire group of monks to meet us in the Republic. Our lineup ~ can conquer the world ~~ "

Please be proud. This is a force greater than Barton's current alien force.

"Can I return Alice to us?" Laura, who was impatient next to him, rushed over.

Zac and Benjamin nodded, and Lola ran away with Alice.

Zac and Benjamin lost the people who led the way among a group of boys and girls. Although they decided to rely on it, they really didn't know what to do.

The two adults stared at each other for a while, and reached a consensus by tacit understanding, staying at the drink supply point, and scaring away every ‘child’ who tried to get a drink.

Keep on guard.

Zac looked down, looked at the hand on his chest, his eyes moved with the hand, turned his head when he reached his shoulder, and looked at Benjamin, who was already half leaned on himself, "Do n’t tell me you drink the child ’s The soda is drunk. "

Yes, Benjamin's hand is not honest again. This is no longer a problem of the hand. Benjamin is now lying on Zac.

"Are you leaving Louise for too long, are you afraid that your body will touch you." Benjamin didn't look conscious.

This trick Zac has seen through once, and forcing the topic to be biased is really not suitable for Benjamin-Benjamin has never been such an ambiguous-joke person.

But since this is the direction that Benjamin tried, Zac took it in a funny way, "This is not, but you, shouldn't you be interested in the body of the vampire after living in Mokawi for so long, think Would you like to make up for what I missed. "

Do you want to crook? Zac has four centuries of life experience, which can be more thorough than Benjamin!

Sure enough, Benjamin deflated his mouth and sat upright against Zac's body, his hands back.

After a few seconds of silence, "What the **** is going on." Zac asked no more.

"Matthew also wants to go to the Republic." Benjamin replied in a frank way, pulling other topics.

Zac shook his head, it didn't matter, let Benjamin go, "Yeah, the ethical **** of the wolf pack seems to have no effect on Matthew under our education."

Remember, the ethical **** of the wolves is similar to the suppression of blood ranks of vampires, and ordinary werewolves unconditionally support the leadership of Alpha.

But Matthew's life was not influenced by Benjamin. Even after Benjamin set up his own portal to get the ancestors' office, Matthew did not give up his life and return to Benjamin.

"Most are you." Benjamin responded.

"What's the most?" Zac didn't understand it for a moment.

"Education." Benjamin glanced at Zach and replied, "I just told Matthew the werewolf's racial skills, how he should see the world, how to understand vampires and werewolves, how to treat things in life, you taught . "

This is a fact, and we can recall the grand daily life.

This is Benjamin ’s rare direct praise of Zac. Zac raised an eyebrow. “Yes. But Matthew itself is very good, he is a good person.” Remember Matthew insists on accompanying his father to worship every Sunday. .

"Yeah." Benjamin nodded. "That's his family tutoring. Then you teach well."

Zac again praised. Zac tilted his head and looked at Benjamin. "You still touch me, I feel more uncomfortable now."

Benjamin actually reached out and caught Zac's hand in his arms, and looked at Zac.

The voice of the high school student sounded:

"Alice, are you sure that these are your two brothers, not your two dads?"


Zach heard it, trying to get rid of Benjamin's hand, but ...

Zac frowned, "How far have you evolved, Benjamin?" Outside the full moon cycle, Zac, a second-generation vampire, couldn't get rid of Benjamin!

"It's so powerful that you can't imagine it." Benjamin pressed Zac's hand. "The whole vampire race, no, the whole world should be afraid of me."

Benjamin said calmly, Zac was shocked to hear it.

Zac believes that he has obtained the real usage of the image ability, and with the assistance of the Republican alien wizard Sam, he has been the top of the aliens in this world, the vampire ancestor. But listening to Benjamin's tone, it seems that Benjamin has already surpassed Zac's stage and is already comparing with God ...

"But I'm already so strong and still not confident." Benjamin's next words left Zac completely confused. "Can you help me."

But Zac confirmed that Benjamin wanted to be honest about the reason for his strange behavior, "Help me."

"Be the godfather of my children, educate my children."

Zac was quiet for a while, and he drew his hand, not pulling it out of Benjamin's hand, "Let me go."

Benjamin let go.

Zac took out his snack can from his arms, twisted it, looked up, emptied it, covered it, and put it back in his arms. "Please say it again." To Benjamin.

"I want you to be the godfather of my children and help me educate my children." Benjamin satisfied Zac and said again.

Zac stood up and walked around for a week, disturbing a couple of grumpy teenage couples, and returned to Benjamin, "Where are you from, kid?" Child! Not descended!

"Mocavi's belly."

Zac instinctively touched the tin of snacks in his arms again. They all twisted away, only to find that they were empty when they looked up. I took the cup in Benjamin's hand, took the high school student's soda, and poured it. Going around again for a week, disturbing several couples and returning to Benjamin, "This is impossible."

"It has already happened." Benjamin looked at Zac. "In the beginning, Mokawi thought he had suddenly used Zmithi's ability to heal a small creature in his body, but ..."

Benjamin didn't finish, Zac had gone around again, and when he returned to Benjamin, "I don't care about what happened to you and Mokawi, but you don't have the ability to reproduce!" Zac can't hide himself. The emotions are too straightforward.

"It has already happened." Benjamin still looked at Zac, using the same answer mode. "At first, I thought it was Mokawi who used Zmithi's ability, but ..." Zac did not go around this time. , "At the last James wedding, I asked Yuehua Baiying to see them. They determined the time of life in Mocavi's body." Remember the experiment of the black witch ~ "I and Mocavi compare After a while, it was the two of us ... "

Zac went around again.

This time when I returned to Benjamin, a face was wrinkled, "What would it be? Vampire? Werewolf? Mixed breed?"

"we do not know."

Unexpected things happened.

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