Zac returned to Grande.

The wedding party continued, Zac still did not participate, went directly to the master bedroom, closed the door, and entered the vampire's sleep.

A vampire entered the most private and unsafe sleep of a vampire when a large number of strange humans and aliens were in his own home. This behavior may not be believed, but Zac did so, and he was at ease .

Can you still be killed? Ha ha, on the wedding night of Benjamin and Mokawi, the godfather of their child was killed ~~ This is too funny.

Yes. Zac decided to be the godfather of the unknown child.

I feel the morning light. Zac was naturally awake. After sitting up, he looked at Benjamin at the head of the bed and the blood bottle in Benjamin's hand. "Is my food back in place."

Benjamin did not answer, but asked, "Is this revenge?"

Zac's face was still stiff, unable to make an expression, "Yes, how does it feel to give a vampire a vigil."

"Excellent." Benjamin passed the blood bottle. "I'm very happy when the victory came so early." There was no expression of joy on Benjamin's face. The ghost knew how he had spent the night. It was impossible anyway. It is the first night of enjoying the marital life with the bride! Just said, he wants to keep Zac from sleeping from being killed!

Zac filled the breakfast-I have to say that yesterday Zac actually ate too much. In the afternoon, he always drank ‘wine’ from the ‘general’. In the evening, he was fed a supper in Nuo. Now I am not hungry at all, but since it is the first day of my grand brother's marital life, Zac wants to face it radiantly.

As you all know, Zac looks radiant, and for Benjamin, it's just smelly.

"Where is Mokawi." Zac is moving his body, not controlling blood, so that the deliberately controlled body odor is fully displayed. "I want to see my son."

"Entrusted." Benjamin remained expressionless.

"Oh ~" Don't blame Zac for free. "Start working just after getting married? Don't you spend your honeymoon?"

"Mokawi's body is not suitable for intense sports now." I don't know if Benjamin is seriously answering or showing off.

Zac wouldn't delve into it, "Just, some words are not suitable for her mother to listen to."

Zac recovered most of his body and got up except the bedroom. The first expression, triumphant—Grand's hallway was full of wine bottles, food, and the residues of various aliens. There seemed to be a lot of things about the vampire in Grand's master bedroom last night.

Everything that proves that Benjamin worked hard all night can make Zac happy. Zac crossed the trash, "your party, your work." And, "Today Ethela will bring the review team of the halfway house to review , You better clean Grande before then. "Then, go downstairs.

Regardless of the dog-blood conflict between the members of Grande, at the social level, the process of Grande continues. On the back porch, Zack can already hear Hank on the other side of the living area urging the employees to quickly recover and organize their condition from yesterday's party.

Benjamin followed, and halfway through, Slime Beer at the restaurant who didn't know what to eat, "Clean up."

"This is not my job ~" Slime bounced a few times.

"I said yes, yes." Benjamin didn't seem to be expected to be rejected.

"Then this is not counted in my probationary work performance? Can it increase my chances of staying in Grande?" Slime's brain circuit, if any, is probably a strange look.

"Yes!" Benjamin broke the expressionless expression he could maintain in front of Zac.

"Immediately!" Slime Bill began to act.

Benjamin walked to Zac again, readjusted his emotions, "What do you want to say." Zac said upstairs just now, not suitable for the mother to listen to.

"Are you in a hurry." Zac glanced sideways at Benjamin.

"Now that I won." Benjamin said that he achieved the goal of making Zac his godfather. "I have no reason to stay here anymore. I'm very busy. The ancestral firm still needs commission ..."

Zac interrupted, and there was no need for Benjamin to show off, "I'm worried, Alice gave the room." Zac stepped off the back porch and walked to the warehouse--

The original owner was Benjamin's warehouse. It is now Roy Zmithi ’s residence.

At the back of the warehouse, Corden, the Inean who lost his wife, was preparing to go to work-to be Emilia's assistant at the nursing home in Portage.

Roy chats with Corden across the door, the content is not important. Roy saw Zac coming in and glanced at Benjamin after birth, ready to evade.

Zach seemed to deliberately bring Benjamin and Roy to meet, "The technique of using Zmiche's body to make Banlin, Roy Zmithi, you know, right."

The opening is to reiterate the words of grudge.

Roy instinctively stood and looked at Zac, his eyes were ‘what do you mean. This is a long time ago, do you have to worry about it now! ’

Yes, this is a long time ago. Barton's original Hamilton Squad was punished, slain and slain. Even the mayor's election, the attack on Zac's soul expansion became an important practice for the Holy Lord to leave this world. in accordance with.

"A new life was conceived in Mokawi's body." Zach ignored Roy's eyes, because there is no need to pay attention, Zac is not to turn the old account, but, "This new life may be the class that causes the soul to expand Lin? "

As soon as Zac's question was exported, Benjamin spoke, very sure, "impossible."

"Why not?" Zack picked up faster than Benjamin. "Are you sure? Or do you know that you and Mokawi's children have no soul?"

Benjamin frowned, "'It' has a soul."

"Are you sure?" Zac continued to ask.

"I'm sure, Yuehua Baiying confirmed that it was a complete life, with both body and soul!"

Zac was very satisfied with Benjamin ’s mood swings. "There is a creature with a body soul in Mokawi's body with Zmithi abilities. Why can't this creature be Banlin?" Zac also deliberately added, "Barton Research The main force of Ban Lin and the expansion of the soul is the wizard family in the middle. Benjamin, did you ask them to confirm it? "

There are too many traps to step on. Benjamin shut up and stared at Roy.

Roy is actually very innocent. He has already used his actions to show that he does not want to participate in the conflict between Zac and Benjamin. But Zac has blocked his way, he can only sullen his face, "Banlin in Zmiche's body has a characteristic, because Banlin should not have creatures, so they can only rely on Zimixi's body. The ability to heal remains and they will not grow. "

Roy finished speaking and looked away at Benjamin. "If your child hasn't grown up in a few days, you'd better be careful. You may have created a class forest!" Roy Ben doesn't need to be a brother with Benjamin. Relying on Zac's relationship to maintain peace is already his limit, and now he has seized the opportunity to take a malicious hand. Roy looked back at Zach, "As a vampire, we can't allow this child to exist!"

Zac made a natural expression, "Benjamin, did you hear that? Let me formulate what I should do as your child's godfather now."

Obviously, Zac is retaliating--

"First, if your child is a living soul expansion holder who threatens the life of a vampire, Banlin, I will start for you and Mokawi and kill him."

Benjamin squeezed his fist, and he endured it. If he didn't hold back, it would be the shortest victory he has enjoyed in Benjamin's life. Because Benjamin knew that no vampire could bear his fist now. The godfather of his child will die before the child has played ...

Zac had already reached the purpose of coming to Roy Zmithi, waved his hands, let Roy move freely, and walked to the bathroom at the back of the warehouse, "Coden."

Kirden was taking a shower, and apparently just heard the conversation outside, "I am busy."

"It's okay." Zack hugged his shoulders and leaned out of the door. He looked at Benjamin with a fist and smiled. "I'll talk to you about the new job. The cooperation with Emilia is also Are you used to it? "

There was an obvious sigh in the sound of water, not to the topic, but to the vampire who had no choice but to talk to himself at this time. However, you still have to answer the call.

Everyone remembers that Corden ’s attributes in Grande are vague. He does n’t even count Grande ’s guests, but he has lived in Grande for almost a week.

It would be too rude to continue to ignore the rare social behavior of Grand Master.

"It's okay, Emilia's understanding of aliens is worse than I thought, and only a deeper understanding of ghouls."

"Oh ~" Zac looked relaxed. "After all, people used to hate interracial people. It's reasonable. With the help of your interracial professional, her work should be much more correct."

The sound of the water stopped, and Coden's bag came out strictly, glancing at Zac and Benjamin, "I hope so." Entering the house, dressing, and obviously wanting to speed up the process, so as not to be continued by Zac -Disturbance-.

But hiding is impossible. Zach followed Coden. The gentleman avoided it only when people changed clothes. The forced communication did not stop. "Codon, just think I am testing you. You are against vampires. How does Bruch know. "

Suddenly said one of the thirteen clan.

Kirden glanced at Zac suspiciously, "Why test me?"

"You and Emilia's work were all contributed by me, and I care about you." The person's speechless answer was an excuse that everyone could hear.

Kirden pouted, "I know that Bruch is the most powerful clan among the vampires. Because of their blood proliferation ability, the normal way of consuming aliens is useless to them."

Zac suddenly looked at Roy, who hadn't had time to leave the warehouse. "You said."

"I said a fart!" Roy left the warehouse. This is a topic he does not want to touch! The cause of historical scars.

Zac smiled and continued to ask Corden, "Although I don't think that the Federation still has the vampire descendants who really master Bruch's ability." Charlie, remember, "but I really feel that there is a failure in the middle of the devil. The hidden alliance orphan vampires screened by the alien vampire feast may come to seek refuge in the east. So ~ "Listen to Zac ’s Break," I think you and Emilia may need to evaluate such vampire aliens, and then I want to come and go Vampire aliens of Bruch descent should be the most watched, because they are strong, what do you think? Corden. "

Although I know that Zack is definitely not really related to his work, but ... this makes sense, Kirden's clothes changing movement is a little slow, thinking, "You are right. If there is really blue When the Hewais came to the east, we must pay attention to it. "He looked back at Zac," Bruch's blood appreciation is not only obvious in the combat performance, but also you know better than me, Bruch's growth Very fast, ordinary vampires need more than ten years to reach the power speed standard, they only need a few years. Even if the orphans of the hidden alliance in the middle are all abandoned vampire aliens, as long as they are the Bruch vampires still surviving in the federation Horror! "Or the same example, such as Charlie, who was chosen as the bodyguard.

Zac nodded, "Because of the ability to increase the value of blood, accelerated the growth of individual vampires." Then looked at Benjamin, without a sign, "How old are the children in Mocavi's belly?"

Time Zac can be counted, but Zac is not counted. Then, "You will not expect you and Mokawi's children to grow like human embryos."

Benjamin was momentarily lost. Zac raised his hands and snapped his fingers, "Wake up, Benjamin. I don't care whether your children will inherit the characteristics of you and Mocavi, but I care about the mother. Has Mocavi recently mentioned that she has cloth? Ruhe's feeling? "He looked at Curden again." You have a clearer picture of things like giving birth to children. The state of the mother's body still has an influence on the child, right. "

As the father of his two sons, Curden had no idea what Zac wanted to say, and could only instinctively, "Of course, everything at this stage of the child comes from the mother!"

Zac returned to the question just now and asked Benjamin, "So? How old is my son? How long will it be? Or is this deadline controllable? Mokawi can rely on Bruch's feeling Adjust the timing of the child's maturity ... "Zac has described a child as a product," or worse, this child was originally a banlin who should not have been born, but was forced under the control of Mokawi growing up?"

Benjamin couldn't answer a question, just stared at Zac, gloomy, "Are you going to be the second job of being the godfather, or will you kill my child."

"It looks like I have no choice." Zac also looked at Benjamin. "It's too cruel to ask you two parents to do this kind of thing. It's just me, isn't it."

Kirden had changed his clothes and didn't want to say hello, so he quickly left the warehouse.

Zac and Benjamin looked at each other for a while. Zac looked away first, "Continue to follow me, I'm too early to end." With a smile, "Mokawi has all the abilities of the thirteen clan, we have finished the discussion Mocavi, the mother, and your alpha problem needs to be discussed. Do n’t worry, let ’s take it slowly. ”

Revenge is pleasant.

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