The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Vol 21 Chapter 10: Intellectual disability


Zach was held in the corner of the bedroom by Dora and Bumi.

Before continuing, explain the situation.

The four Bruges, including Sald, were ‘sealable’ in the Grande ’s basement.

The end of the description.

Dora was about to touch Zac, pulled the bedside table next to it, and stood on it, keeping her line of sight with Zac, "Why !!"

Zac moved his face silently, so as not to stick with Dora, "Why did Salder suddenly expose the biggest secret in the hidden alliance?" Zacary Toledo, Sald Bruch Teacher's secret!

Zac asked himself, "Because I took advantage of his most vulnerable moments. With your Norfil attack, Alfa Benjamin's surveillance, and Roy Zmithi's gaze, Sald knew he couldn't escape this Dilemma, so he played the ace. "

"I'm not asking you this !!" Dora continued to approach Zac's face, and the small hands hanging on both sides of the body waved vigorously to express intense emotions, "I am asking you ..."

Bumi took Dora off, "I'll ask Zac."

Dora struggled, gave up, was put on the ground, looked up at Bumi for a while, and turned out of the bedroom.

Zac relaxed from the wall next to him and glanced at Bumi, "Thank you."

"Don't thank me." Bumi did not rescue Zac. "Begin to explain."

"Explain what." Zac sat on the bed, his face expressionless-Zac had already answered a question, but it was obviously not the answer that Nofeller wanted. Then ask the other party to clarify exactly what to ask, and Zac will respond again.

"When did you start to teach Bruch the way of survival."

"From the beginning." Zack answered.

"When are the thirteen clans assembled?"

"No." Zach shook his head. "Before the thirteen clan was called by the Holy Lord, I started when the clan Bruch existed."

Bumi's face was somber, "Your relationship with Bruch started so early?!?"

"Friendship?" Zac shook his head. "That's not friendship." Zac put on a comfortable posture. "Work is almost the same."

Bumi's face was instantly confused, but immediately, gloomy, "Say!"

"Okay." Zac tilted his head. The story seemed to be very long. How could it be comfortable, "You know my work before the assembly of the thirteen clans."

"You are representing aristocratic vampires, cleaning up the alien vampires wandering in the dark!"

Zac nodded. Here, we need to remember what Zac had said to Curden when he retaliated against Benjamin. "Alien vampires corrupt the reputation of vampires in human society. My job is to eliminate this bad influence." Zac gave Take for granted the expression, "Bumi, you are Nophire. You like to stay in the dark to hide yourself. The foreign vampires you did not intend to make, even if you do not share the same world view with you, but at least have the ability to hide in the dark. , Right. Then I asked, which bloodline clan of the vampire alien do you know has the worst influence on the reputation of the vampire. "

Bumi's face was dark, and even if it had nothing to do with the situation at this time, the answer was, "Bruch's alien vampire!"

Zac nodded, "Bruch is too strong, even the alien vampires they inadvertently made. They are too strong. The sense of existence in human society is too strong. Do you know how many Bruch alien vampires I have executed? ? "

Bumi didn't want to answer, "So before the thirteen clan, you had contact with the bruch clan!"

"Work is needed." Zack shrugged. "I was born (as a vampire) for a short time. The only advantage is that I have the blood of the second generation of Toledo, and my father's love and nobility. I have no way to long-term and fast-growing Bruch alien blood-sucking battle, I can only find the source of the birth of these unexpected orphans. "

Bumi rubbed his lips, "You found it!" Gee, the obvious answer.

Zac nodded, "I found Sarder, who was one of the many sons of Bruch's ancestry at that time, nothing special. Slow, confused, but powerful second-generation Bruch."

Bumi noticed that Zach's evaluation of Sarder was not positive. "If you have the ability, you should clear this clan that corrupts the reputation of vampires!"

Zac nodded, "But the problem is that I don't have that ability. At that time, I couldn't even beat a fourth-generation Bruch." Uh. "The only thing I can do is to supervise all his actions." Zac shook his head. "It is still under the reality that Salder is too dull. Supervision, if he realizes that I don't like him, he stays in him. If I were around, I might have been killed by him in seconds. "

Bumi's eyes twitched, "You, have you lived with Bruch for a while?"

Zac raised his hand and put it down again. "It's true." His eyes turned to the corner. "It's better to be a nanny than to live. Bruch ..." Shaking his head again, "I'm afraid it's a group of mentally retarded people who can't take care of themselves . "

The bedroom was quiet for a long time.

Bumi's face was ugly. "You're not kidding." It was to confirm that Zac's sudden words were not exaggerated.

"I haven't." Zac also looked at Bumi. "I've never seen a simple creature with a behavioral pattern. If you tell Bruch to use a knife to cut wood, they will really use a knife to cut. The whole forest. "Zac waved his hand." I once thought that Sald's father had been tricked into doing coolies. "

Bumi was quiet for a while, and suddenly got angry, glaring at Zac, "You lied! How could such a clan live in the world once! The country where we used to have no vampire alliance, vampires of their own lineages are fighting each other , Snatch their respective living spaces! If Bruch is so low-energy, he will be annihilated! "

Zac also stayed quiet for a while, "Bruch wasn't annihilated, there was only one reason, they were too strong." Zac looked at Bumi, "I've seen that Sald lost because of an obvious trap. It was used to slaughter an entire interracial village. "Zac closed his eyes, paused a little, and then opened," Then came back dying and dying to prove to the person who set him that I had completed the game. "

Bumi's open mouth shuddered, "You, you sympathize with the Bruch clan !!"

"Isn't it." Zac looked at Bumi with no expression. "I had an idea for a living vampire sibling. What an incredible thing. Should I watch Sald get beaten up again and again? Will the eventual use of humans eventually lead to extinction? "

Bumi's face twisted together, and began to breathe in a big mouth-no practical meaning, just need to fill the chest and abdomen with air, and feel the "living kin" in Zac's mouth.

Zac looked at Bumi, waved his hand, and looked away, "So I taught Sarder that I could no longer be used by other people who were coveting Bruch's power, and I wanted to turn to Torrido, Like Lesenbra, it has been squeezed into the nobility of the human social class, the superior Van Gogh. "

The bedroom door opened suddenly.

It's Roy Zmithi. Hey, no doubt, everyone is listening at the door, but, Roy, wants to participate.

Roy entered the bedroom and closed the door—meaningless. Looking at Zac, "No one dared to move the nobleman Van Gogh's men! This is how you taught Sald Bruch to survive!"

Zac glanced at the incoming Roy, nodded, and at the same time prepared, facing Roy's anger--

Sure enough, Roy's face was twitching, "And this is the reason why we in the colonial war, we Zmich died on the battlefield! And no one can make Bruch take a step away from Fanzhuo !!"

"Yes." Zac looked at Roy calmly.

Roy took another step forward, preparing ...

Bumi blocked Roy and helped Zac? It can't be considered, "It's not your turn! Zmithi!" Pushing Roy away, staring at Zac, "When the Toledo clan is surrounded by the secret alliance! Fanjo orders Bruch to encircle and tortoise The main force! Zac! Is this the way your saved clan repays you! As Toledo, your vision, did you not see that day ?! "

Taunting ... Probably not, Bumi just expounded the fact that a Zac planted cause and reap the fruit.

Zac still had no emotions. "Actually, I saw it." Zac didn't look at anyone, his eyes focused on the hand he placed in front of him, and Zac's hand was similar to the state of being restrained when questioned. ——Zac is being interrogated now. It fits the situation.

"Torido loses power, and Fanzhuo becomes the leader of the hidden alliance in one fell swoop." Zach said slowly, "This is just the right proof I gave to Sard, right?"

Bumi's face was almost cramping. "Who cares if you are right!" His anger now no longer wants to be controlled. "You just made Bruch the reason for the destruction of the Toledo clan ?!" He Angrily: "Why did you let Bruch go back!"

Roy Zmysh has been staring at Zac, and now he can almost feel the indescribable things in Zac ... er, twisted. Roy opened his mouth, somberly, "He probably also encouraged Bruch to execute Vanjo's orders!"

Bumi glanced back at Roy, then glared back at Zac, "Are you encouraged ?!"

Bumi doesn't need to ask, he knows--

Zac nodded, "I encourage." We have said before that Toredo's siege was an event involving all members of the Secret Alliance, except Gangro who did not know what happened. Because the Toledo clan exposed the secrets between Toledo and each clan for three centuries, and successfully achieved the status of public enemy.

"Why!" Bumi pressed.

"There is no reason, my reason for teaching Bruch the way of survival is to allow Bruch to survive the eternal existence of no one. I have no reason to use them for my own reasons halfway. Then I use the cloth There is no difference in the power of Ruhe. "

"The guy who is hypocritical." The door opened again. It was Benjamin who came in this time with an indifferent smile on his face.

Benjamin was the one who came in to help Zac free. He kept the door open and looked at Bumi and Roy. "You should really admire him for taking this hypocrisy to its extreme, right?" Benjamin looked at Zac on the bed and said nothing, gestured. Door, "Salder is calling you."

Zac got up and was immediately approached by Bumi and Roy.

Benjamin stopped two vampires as Zac passed, "Sald said he only spoke to his teacher."

Zac entered the basement. Vampires who looked at the walls on the four sides and had their limbs fixed with wooden stakes walked to Salder. "Are you ready to be honest with me?"

"I am Bruch's messenger."

Worthy of intellectual disability.

Only then did the deepest secrets in the secret alliance emerge, and now the biggest secrets of his clan have been revealed. Although it is not a surprise at all.

Zac expressed no expression, "Congratulations, your father trusts you most." This sentence is wrong. The relationship between the ancestor and the messenger cannot be described by trust. Zac is not Toledo's messenger, because we have discussed a lot, and I won't repeat it.

Sald's IQ is really not good, actually smiled at Zac at the moment, "Thank you for teaching me a lot."

"No thanks." Zach went to grab a pile of old newspapers and sat in front of Sald. "So, why you violated my words and weren't beside Fanzhuo."

"Van Zhuo is in danger." Salder's ability to speak has not been fully restored. Let's make up for the intermittent dialogue state. "Van Zhuo has degraded and they are no longer powerful. They are being attacked by the Mokavi clan I……"

Zac may be impatient. "You come to the Federation to wake up the ancestors to save Fanzhuo." Finally, the information obtained from Louise was revealed.

Despite the fact that on Zac ’s side, as a teacher of Sald, the people around him appeared more or less, uh, shake? But Zac was not very worried. Benjamin summed it up very well. In everyone's mind, he is already a 'hypocritical person'. Zac is still Zac. This has not changed.

It was because of the fact that the ‘teacher’ was exposed that Zac ’s purpose had been achieved—Bruch ’s position in Button was already nailed into the ground. While the strength was completely suppressed by Barton's forces, morally, it was also suppressed by Zack!

No matter what everyone is thinking, Bruch at this time has become a ‘toy’ in Patton ’s palm.

Now that the position of ‘toys’ has been fully expanded, it is meaningless to play tentative games, or to play tentative games with intellectual disabilities.

So Zac said straight.

Salder's tired eyelids reluctantly opened and closed, looking at Zac, "No, I don't want to save Fanzhuo. What you taught me is to go to the strongest clan and let the strongest clan replace Bru He became a rake for others. Four centuries ago, this rake was Fan Zhuo ... "

Zac raised his eyebrows, intellectually, mentally retarded? ?

"Now, Fanzhuo is not worthy of being called the strongest clan, Fanzhuo cannot protect Bruch."

Zac looked at Sarder seriously, "Why do you come to the Federation and why come to Barton."

"Ask who is the strongest ..."

Gee, it's still mentally retarded.

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