"I killed Madison." Zac stood in front of the altar in the Church of the Son, facing the people who attended the funeral below. "I killed Madison." The funeral? At Madison's funeral, Zach is now making a farewell speech, "I killed Madison."

In the same words, Zac has said three times without expression. Now, let ’s say the fourth time, "I killed McGrady ..."

"Uh, Zac ..." Father Dans interrupted Zac, "If you have nothing else to say, you should let others ..."

Zac broke Dans' words, "I killed Madison." After finishing what he was about to say, he nodded to the audience, "This is what I want to say." Organized his clothes and stepped down.

Father Dans pursed his lips and returned to the podium, "Who else wants to speak up?"

Zac has returned to his seat, with Benjamin sitting beside him. Benjamin looked sideways at Zac for a while and raised his hand, "I will say a few words."

"Please." Father Dans gave up.

Benjamin walked onto the stage, cleared his throat first, "cough cough." Then, "No one killed McGrady ..."

None of the words were finished.

Zac stood up from his place, "Don't argue with me about Benjamin. I said I killed Madison, and I killed Madison."

The guests at the funeral, look at Zac under the stage, then look at Benjamin on the stage, just watch.

Benjamin was quiet for a while. "Well, you killed Madison. I'm done." Giving a glance to Father Dans, he stepped down ...

"Then start free time, please say goodbye to the dead ..." Father Dans did not dare to address the people. The person based on the funeral home does not come to control the flow at all, only his priest came to make a guest appearance. Hey.

Free time, farewell begins.

The first to leave the seat is West, the new West that everyone knows. Holding a bunch of flowers, he walked towards the coffin in front of the altar.

When looking at the things in the coffin, he pouted and looked back at Zac, "Are you serious? Did we get us to a funeral and there was a pile of garbage in it?"

Need to explain.

This funeral is not a public funeral. Cunxi is a "private funeral" that Zach insists on. The reason why he insisted, he just said-he killed Madison.

People attending the funeral? Without human beings, or accurately speaking, without ordinary human beings, when Zac personally invited people to attend Madison ’s funeral, he went to the only human acquaintance of Maddice that Zac knew, that night teacher Morris.

As a result, they watched Zac for a long time, "He died? How did he die? Was it eaten by the monster he wrote himself, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ..."

It doesn't matter whether this is the normal play of the Morris teacher's meanness, or it's just his normal way of dealing with death. Zac used the enchanting pupil to remove Madison's memory from this human brain.

So, no ordinary human came to Madison's funeral. The ones who came were those "monsters" written by Madison.

Zach looked at West. "That's not garbage. That's the only thing Madison left in this world. Please be respectful, Ms. West." Zack said blankly. "No Maddie." Sen ’s reminder, you are now a waste. ”

‘Garbage’ is indeed rubbish, it ’s Madison who gave up the colorful hair left every time after shaving his hair outside. Zac turned out of Madison's apartment ... somehow it was part of Madison's body ...

West frowned and whispered in his mouth, whispering not wanting to publicly dispute with Zac, "Hey, he just gave me a suggestion to maintain West's social identity relationship (visit Ripter High School Principal), without his suggestion, I will not let West's identity be abolished, I am a god, a republic of cents! "

Despite mumbling so much, West put his flowers in Madison's coffin. I stood in front of the coffin for a while, not knowing what I was thinking, and looked at Father Dans, "Should I say something?" Hey, West just didn't know the federal funeral customs.

"Say goodbye."

West sighed, the irritable kind, "Then, goodbye." Turning to get back to his seat, he took two steps, and then turned back, facing priest Dans, "Just to confirm, goodbye in the federal language is to say goodbye Does n’t it include the implied meaning of seeing you next time? ”

Yes, for New West, the Federal language is not a mother tongue after all, and it is difficult to understand.

Father Dans was ready to answer, and was preempted by Zac. "What about the meaning of meeting again? Isn't there reincarnation and birth in your republican culture? There is no absolute meaning of farewell. You think this is to Madison's Farewell is not right. Do you want to say goodbye to Madison, so you do n’t want Madison to have rebirth or birth. "

West regrets that he should not come up first! This funeral was caused by Zac ’s waywardness, and now it turns out that Zac is going to maximize his willfulness-it is clearly Zac ’s responsibility to take Madison ’s sudden death Now it seems that Zac's appearance is to make everyone bear this inexplicable responsibility!

West opened his mouth, but immediately closed it, not worth it, ignoring Zac and walking back to his seat to sit down.

With West's first example, the church has been quiet for a long time, and there is no second person willing to go to 'goodbye' ...

Everyone may be curious-did Brian attend the funeral? Yes, he did not, he refused to admit the fact that Madison died, even if everything happened before him. When Zac asked him to attend the funeral, he said to Zac: "Madison is not dead. He said that if he is attacked by his ancestors, he will go to purgatory. Purgatory is not death. I want to stay at the mill. , Replace the furniture and debris that he asked me to replace, and wait for him to come back. "

Finally, a second person stood up.

It's Roy Zmithi. The reason he ... stood up was that he and Maddison had nothing to do with each other. They were simply unfamiliar, so it didn't matter. Roy came to this funeral, the only reason is that Zac was in a wrong state.

Roy didn't bring any flowers, but stood in front of the coffin. His body wriggled and pulled a pendant-like thing out of his palm that he didn't know it was made of. As he lowered the thing, Roy glanced at the slightly curious look of Father Dans, "Indian's amulet, someone else gave it."

‘Sent by others’.

Hey, who will give a vampire Yin'an amulet? There is no one but Curden.

Forget it, don't pay attention to these inexplicable things at Madison's funeral.

Roy returned to his seat.

The church fell silent again.

The silence did not last long, and the third person stood up.

Probably the identity of Roy Zmithi, the vampire of the feast, gave this third person courage-this third person was Hamilton.

Hamilton left his seat and shivered when walking, causing him to be extremely slow.

Hamilton stood in front of the coffin and looked inside ... uh, hair, flowers, Amulets, Hamilton pulled up his sleeves, turned his head to look at Zac, his eyes ... not good intentions--

Hamilton spoke, dull voice, "Madison, I don't know who killed you." Don't understand it literally, please contact Zac's speech to establish a logical relationship.

Hamilton saw Zac was about to speak, but just opened his mouth, he was suppressed by Hamilton with a gloomy and unwilling look! Hamilton continued to watch Zac finish what he was going to say: "But I know you killed my father! Rut Lemblas!"

Zac's mouth closed and he didn't speak.

Hamilton finally turned around and looked back at Madison's coffin. His arms are completely naked-exposed outside the sleeves, "Madison, you erased my father!" Gloomy, "But I want to tell you Madison, he is still here!" Hamilton's fingerstroke He broke the skin on his own arm, and the bleeding blood dripped into the coffin. "Did you see it, Lesenbra, no death!" After that, Hamilton turned and the wound on his arm healed automatically. He stared To Zac, "Zacree Torredo! Farewell!" Then disappeared as a residual image.

The creatures at the funeral were stunned for a moment.

Or Roy stood frowning and asked, "Do you want to deal with it?"

"It seems that Hamilton knows his father well." Zack replied indifferently, "Follow him."

Roy sat back, but looked back at the location of Hamilton's seat-where are the vampires who were buried by Alan.

Everyone has been around Zac for a long time, and they all have the instinct to pay attention to their identity and position at this time-this time it is Roy Zmichy who is in Barton at this time, except for the highest-ranked Demon Vampire with Zack ’s crooked status, using his eyes to signal other Vampire of the Demon Banquet, pay attention to your words and deeds.

The fourth person stood up, Nenad Cappadocia. Nenad's movements were very stable, leaving the seat and walking directly to the coffin, "While that guy is gone, so that the civil strife in Lesenbla may not affect our career in Barton." After that, he looked back. A glance at the Reveros, "What do you mean?"

Revelo nodded.

A new power class has been established, and Nainard must have become the main theme of Alan ’s funeral.

Nenad stood in front of Madison's coffin for a while, and seemed not to know what to say. But when he spoke, Nenad said something to the people behind— “Although you have n’t been in Alan ’s funeral for a long time, your serious work attitude makes me full of respect. Goodbye, Madison.”

After speaking of this official, without touching the real Madison's farewell. Nenad returned to act.

Finally, the creatures in the church began to stand up continuously.

Soon, Madison even lined up in front of the coffin. Everyone said, "I like the story you wrote in" Urban Legend ", it's not so joke ~"

When the line in front of Madison's coffin disappeared, the church was quiet for a while.

Tam, a guy who regretted that he didn't say goodbye to the big army just now stood up-the reason he didn't follow the big army was that when he was about to stand up and join the stories written in Madison, there was nothing special The role was fixed in place by Sissi.

Why is Sissi doing this kind of thing? Who knows.

Anyway, Tam now walked to the coffin under the eyes of everyone, "I like you in" City ... "

"Did you say anything else?" Sissi suddenly said, "Madison went to purgatory, Tam, purgatory. Do you have anything to say to Madison in purgatory?"

No one knows what Sissi is doing. Including Zac.

Zac was on his seat, looking sideways at Cici, with a sullen face-on the one hand, Zac was unhappy with Cici interrupting the funeral process (Zac himself can, others can't!) On the other hand, since Alice and After Maya ’s high school regiment went to the Republic, Sissi began to jump ... Not only did he use the ability to split the space when he sent Harrison back to Grand a few days ago. Everyone is patient--

Sissy also looked at Zac, not afraid of Zac's gloomy expression, "Look at what I'm doing, do you still want to keep those boring secrets Zac?" Sissi bent her lips and stood up ... No, It floated, with the support of the golden light, "Today people are quite together, then I will tell you a secret. Because our Zachary Toledo did not invite Brian, Madison ’s only true friend, to come , So we are all missing an important piece of information-that is, Madison is not dead, he just went to purgatory. "

A detailed buzzing discussion began to appear in the church.

"What are you talking about?" Tam stared at Sissi, who had almost lifted to the ceiling of the church.

"You heard." Sissi doesn't seem to mind repeating it again, "Inferno, Madison was killed by Bruch's ancestor, and the ancestor, the highest representative of the vampire, is a complete vampire, with connected purgatory. Power. It is the most faithful of the Lord ... Oh, the final work. "

"Sissi." Zac had stood up.

But only the name of Sissi.

Sissi had already carved the sculpture on the ceiling of the church, and no one could get her. She continued: "Do you know why Madison is not publishing his manuscript in the future?" For all the following interracial, "Because of Zac ’s story The protagonist has obtained the deepest secrets of the Holy Lord's faith and vampires from me and the ancestors. Madison does not want these secrets to be known by other creatures. Ha ha, after all, Madison is ultimately responsible for the mission of the Holy Lord's faith angel. "

Then, Sissy looked at Tam, "To you, you probably do n’t care about the faith of the Lord, you care about purgatory, right ~ Then I will tell you, your" friend "Leo, was sent to purgatory by Zach, Uses the weapon 'Cort' made with Fanjo's blood. So now, Madison should be reminiscing with Leo in purgatory. "Sissi smiled," Tam, think about this, and then tell Madison Farewell ~ "

Gold burst, the church ceiling opened in the middle of the gold, and Sissi flew away.

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