Ysera stayed in Grande and the new former criminal employee was sent to Grande. Because the Halfway House project prepares Grande with a work transfer charter, Grande ’s number of employees will double in these days. Zack also had to pull Hank and pretend to know these new employees one by one.

When Zac is doing these useless efforts to obey the system. Winston, after it became clear that Ethella had explained herself clearly, began to act.

It must be said that bringing Winston back to Hank ’s hands is really Zack ’s most wise decision for Hank—

Winston began to contact Newton's Shelter (Harrison) and Newton's Fantasy Office (Magic Rich). These are considered to be Winston's personal relationship households: the shelter was formerly a hotel in Winston, and the Richie of the fantasy firm began to go to Winston for foreigners from early in the morning.

The reason why Winston contacted the two people was to obtain the list of aliens now moving east of the Federation.

Ethella was ordered to suppress Hank as the second generation of Lesenbla at Barton, right? But do n’t forget that Hank holds the power of an important magic feast in his hand—to investigate the migration of the Federation ’s alien population to the east.

In addition, the west where the Demon Banquet is currently undergoing human alien confrontation movements, Winston is very clear to screen the aliens coming from the west in these aliens entering the east!

Since Esera is the tool used by Lesenbula in the west to suppress Hank in the east. Then Winston, trying to find a way to reach Hank's hand inside the Devil's Banquet in the West!

The thinking is correct, the method is correct, everything is very correct. Zac was very pleased.

One afternoon, it is to deal with these things. The sun was tired of the world, and it went away and fell into the night.

Allen's funeral came to Grande. Not Nainard, but the surprising Mr. Allen himself.

Mr. Allen rarely comes to Grande. Everyone knows that he used Grande as an enemy before. The only time he came to Grande was to kill Zac ... We know how that thing ended up-Allen. Successfully tossed himself into a vampire.

"Are you alone?" Zac was surprised, unable to guess why Allen came here. One is that Allen, as a descendant of Nenad, is very nonexistent, compared with Cyrus. The second is that Allen, as a magic feast vampire, is very non-existent. Everyone knows, but Van Zak needs to talk to the vampire who is buried in the funeral of Allen, but it is not the turn of the fourth generation of Cappadocia, Allen.

"One person." Allen made a face mask with Sirius who came home from work. "I said that I would come over with Nainard." This means telling Serris not to bother to inform Nainard to come. Rand.

Ceres has no special feelings for this Cappadocia brother ... Remember, Cyrus once said that because Allen was a malicious person to Zac when he was a human, after becoming a vampire, Nainard wanted to give him a special 'brainwashing' to let Allen "love" The existence of Kerry Torredo.

Zach intended to bring Allen to the office to talk, but when Allen passed by Grande ’s restaurant, “Do you still have the habit of making dinner?”

"Benjamin needs to eat." Zac explained at will. But this is actually just a statement of the facts in front of you. The true explanation is known to everyone. Grande will fake the way he eats. Especially now that there are new employees entering.

"The dining room and kitchen at my house (Allen Funeral) are almost decorated rooms." Allen seemed to sigh at what he was doing. "My son, Chris, no one would go there after going to the Republic."

Zac had taken people to the second floor to see Allen's emotional state-Allen, at this time is a father whose son is no longer around him. And listening to Allen's sigh, it seems that the only thing that can remind him of his son's existence is the dining room and kitchen, eh. This is the problem that the father is a vampire and the son is a human being. It's also wonderful.

Zac pouted, "Want to see Alpha eat dinner?"


Zac led people into the restaurant. Since entering here, Zac took a bottle of ‘wine’ and sat down on the throne.

Benjamin glanced at Alan and sat down, ignoring and continued to deal with his food.

Zach reminded Alan while pouring ‘wine’, “Grand ’s food, you may not be used to it.”

Alan took a sip and left the glass without comment. It seems that there will be no more cups.

This is already very good ~ Imagine being the former human Alan, but it would not be polite to tolerate Zac's hospitality!

"Did you come here?" Zack asked.

"I'll talk to you ..." Allen should be instinct, paying attention to Benjamin, "The vampire's plan for my son."

"Chris has a bright future." Zac said this because it was the fact-the Republican-Federal Exchange student representative, right, the magic banquet gave Chris the path that this human arranged.

Allen was quiet for a while and looked at Zac. "I refused when the Demon Banquet made the decision to let Chris go to the Republic to practice."

Finally, when we learned the direction of Chris's life in the morning, we were helpless to realize that this human child was eventually used by the magic banquet vampire because of his father's vampire status. And now, we know that Alan, the father, has an attitude towards this matter.

Allen looked at Zac. "The Demon Banquet choked on my son's life until his humanity no longer made sense to the Demon Banquet. This is not a bright future."

Zac roughly guessed the reason why Allen came. This Cappadocia really ‘fall in love’ with himself-Allen knew who was calling for help in the Federation, so he asked Zac to help him!

Zach then turned over everything that was once, directly, "What do you want me to do?"

"Save my son." Allen also said directly, "I don't want to let him fall into the affairs of the magic feast. He is just a person, a child ... I have lost the ability to protect him, but you can."

Although this statement is worth ... moving. But is it a little late?

Zac took a sip of his own glass, "Chris has gone to the Republic, and he has taken the first step as an exchange student representative assigned by the Magic Banquet. This process has to be affected now, it is no longer possible." Isn't it? Allen should come to Zac early.

The reason why Allen could n’t come to Zak for help earlier is: “I ca n’t come to you while he is still in Barton.” Allen lowered his head. “Strictly speaking, before Hamilton left suddenly, the entire Ai The funerals are all under Hamilton ’s management, and I cannot do anything against the orders of the Demon Banquet. "


And to continue, "Even if Hamilton is gone, Nainard takes the position. Although Nainard will sympathize with my situation, he will not openly allow me to violate the order of the magic feast."

But the fact is that Alan is here now, so Zac asked, "Now you are here, and say your son." Ninaard allowed, why?

"Because Sissi." Allen said a name that made Zac speechless.

Zac raised his glass again and glared at Benjamin, who was already watching the show, "Eat your dinner!"

This is a simple werewolf race watching the joke of the vampire race-Sissi confuses vampire secret Benjamin not only knows, but also knows that Zach tried to find Sissi's theory failed. So this joke in Benjamin's view is very worthy of attention to follow-up.

Zac looked at Allen. "What's wrong with Sissi." It meant that Allen continued.

"At the funeral, Sissi revealed the relationship between the complete vampire and purgatory." Allen continued. "Later, she told the curious aliens that the Holy Lord cleaned up the secret of the vampire Cain and the son of Cain." Nick Giovanni has already told us, "Published the secret of the Holy Lord's transformation of vampires with souls and aliens." Allen paused, "that is, the vampire is the essence of the Holy Lord's faith."

What Zac can confirm is that, besides the key to Heaven's Gate and the reward of the image ability, Sissi shook out the secret of the vampire.

This is probably not Sissi's kindness. For Zac, the biggest secret in Zac's body is temporarily retained, but Sissi has greater plans for these two secrets!

Allen looked at Zac. "Chris had foretold me what Cici might do before leaving the Republic, but I didn't care at the time. Now I know why Cici wants to reveal these vampire secrets." This is probably not Cici. Qian, kindly, for Zac, the biggest secret in Zac's body is temporarily retained, but Sissi has greater plans for these two secrets!

Allen looked at Zac. "Chris had foretold me what Cici might do before leaving the Republic, but I didn't care at the time. Now I know why Cici wants to reveal these vampire secrets."

Are you serious? What Zach has been puzzled about Allen was noticed before the high school students left the Union? !

Zach didn't mean it implicitly, "Why did Sissy want to reveal these secrets?"

"Cici is protecting Chris."


"When Chris and Sissy reunited for the first time." Allen began to explain. Instead, Sissi and Chris's first reunion ... "It was before Sissi told you the essence of the vampire, in the compound date that she and Chris arranged under the arrangement of their friends, Sissi told the vampire's secret to Ke Reese. "

Zac didn't know how to respond, and there were countless why in his mind.

"Chris told me that he and Sissi thought they would always be together. That's what they faced in the future." Allen answered the countless reasons in Zac's mind, "Reckless, young, love."

Benjamin suddenly interjected, "So you mean, in this world, who knew the secret of the vampire's essence at that time, in addition to Grande, and Madison who had been writing about Zac, there was also a human being, your son K Reese? "Benjamin's summary was meaningless, just to sort out the time.

Allen nodded, and then continued to Zac, "But then, the Holy Lord suddenly decided to leave this world." Allen proved at this moment that he was actually a good father, because-"Cici immediately and Chris Break up. "At least, as a father, he has been concerned about the love life of his son! It ’s not Zack ’s half-guardian attitude towards the girl in her family!

Zac lowered his head, frowning and thinking.

Allen shook his head, "Chris didn't tell me too much about Sissi, but it felt like that. After that, Chris began to worry about Sissi's condition. When Sissi decided not to go to the Republic Chris was even more worried during the Xi activity. After returning home from school every day, he was calling Sissi. "

Zac's thinking has also made some progress-Zac has never thought that it was the departure of the high school regiment that made Sissi jump. It turned out that the real reason was not this, but the departure of the Holy Lord, which caused Sissi to change.

The saint is the spokesperson of the Lord in this world. Although Sissi used the saint's identity to do many speechless acts, such as trying to obliterate the presence of a classmate. But we know that this is Sissi's "integrity", she has the responsibility to adjust the doctrine of the faith of the Lord in this world! Remember that she gave James the feathers of angels and made James the standard ‘specimen’ for the soul of this world to go to heaven?

That problem appeared. Now Sissi, who will you speak for?

‘Jian’ once commented on Sissi, saying that the God of the Republic does not need God ’s spokesperson and is meaningless.

Now when we go back to the review of "Jian", we can realize that for the belief of the Lord, what is meaningless to the Republican God-it is necessary to have a saint in this world. Because the Holy Lord is not the **** of this world after all, it needs a human being who believes in eyes and mouths in this world to serve the faith he made in this world.

The Lord is gone. We can understand that Sissi's boss ran away. That very modernist consideration of Sissi's future, is that Sissy still have to take on the company's affairs-the boss ran away, the company is still there! Holy Lord faith, still in this world!

Do you feel the trend of Zac's thinking ~

What kind of spokesperson is needed for the faith of the Holy Lord.

Simple, a spokesperson who can reveal the essence of vampires to so many soul creatures (angels and demons) in the faith of the Lord!

Is Sissi jumping? No, Sissy is doing what she is supposed to do now!

Zac's face went dark.

Sissi, choose to be the enemy of the vampire!

Gee. Do n’t make such a conclusion yet. Zac still remembers talking to himself at this time. Allen was talking about Chris ’s safety. “Sissi is protecting Chris.” Zac can only give a definite conclusion now. Thing, "Chris also foresaw this matter-Sissi broke up, and actively revealed the secrets of vampires, so that the relationship between Chris and Sissi was not so vague in the eyes of vampires ..." Zac considered words. "Obtrusive."

Allen nodded, "Now everyone, the Demon Feast, the entire Federation of interracial people, almost guessed that you did a lot of things in Barton, and they are guarding against the contradiction between the future Holy Lord belief creature and the vampire.

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