
It is not a "labyrinth" filled with all kinds of confused eyes, but a "rabbit hole" with an infinite plane.

Leo looked at the two people in front with a confused look.

Sissi and Madison.

The two are chatting. Hey, there's nothing to do here except chat.

Originally, as long as the "thought" can be moved, and there are other living creatures in this purgatory besides his Leo, Leo will not complain. However, the thoughts of the two people in front of them were moving, but they moved too much ...

"You never said that I would be attacked by Mokawi !!" Sissy grabbed Madison's collar. The afterimage completely retains the movement trajectory of Sissi. Visually, Sissi's movement should be very slow. But hey ~ here is purgatory, without time, without time there is no speed, isn't it ~ the denominator of the speed unit is time ~ so ~

An adult man in Madison did n’t escape Sissi ’s hand, and was dragged and dragged twice with the residual image. "Madison asked back. After all, he was an adult. He grabbed his collar and pushed it twice, pushing Sissi away.

"I at least thought that I would take the" easy way ", annoyed Zac, and he collapsed with a" colt "shot!"

"Hehe." Madison was sorting the collar. "Don't you know how bad Zach's marksmanship is, a shot? You're lifting him too much." While saying this, he put on a mocking smile, "And Zha There is no 'colt' in Kerr's hands. "

"Don't say these are useless!" Cici stared at Madison. "What now?"

"We wait."

"Wait for Gangro?"

"Yes, wait for Gangaro."

Let ’s talk about how things became like this:

Leo sent Madison back to his own "rabbit hole" and returned to purgatory, where other creatures used to see a mini-colored space in the past.

Because Leo knew that this was the end of purgatory.

Infinite maze? No, the space of this labyrinth is no longer expanded, and the walls of this labyrinth are no longer extended. unlimited? Can only cheat the guy who can't see the true look of purgatory.

And Madison told him that this is because the "colt" in the world has lost its effect. why? Of course Leo asked, and Madison answered, maybe just because he did n’t want to be bothered by Leo again, "Because Fanzhuo collectively relegated, 'Cort' is weaponized Fanzhuo blood, Fan Zhuo is no longer completely Body, 'colt' will have no effect. There is no longer a way to send creatures to purgatory in this world. Understand, don't bother me if you understand, we don't need to build feelings, hehe, I tell you, I want Left here ~ "

So Leo couldn't help but feel sad, loneliness seemed to be his life again, he and his romantic world (purgatory) will be eternal ...

A new rabbit hole appeared.

Leo jumped into the new rabbit hole with Madison's wrong heart and greeted the new purgatory residents.

Leo saw Sissi.

"Why are there a thousand of me !!!" Sissi ran and jumped on the boundless plane ... was "hunted down" by the endless stretch and overlapping afterimages behind her ...

"Wait, wait a minute ... don't run, I can help you ..." Just like Madison did, Leo started with the afterimages, pushing them forward and overlapping until they were in front of Sissi. , Pushing the residual image into the body of Sissi, "Uh, you are the soul of the Lord's faith, the residual image will not disappear completely, but at least it will not affect the action. Just get used to it ..."

"Habit? Why should I get used to it! This is purgatory ?! Are you ... Leo! Where is Madison ?! Take me to Madison !!!"

A maze filled with colors.

"Are you wasting my time? Leo! How long have we been walking ?! Why haven't we walked out of this fancy mist ?!"

"Uh, there's no time here, and it's not a fog ... we're here."

"Here? Where? Ah !!!"

Sissi fell into Madison ’s ‘rabbit hole’.

When Madison ’s story written in the afterimage was-* Arthur received the food supply from Noah *, Sissy stood in front of Madison.

Then these two creatures of the Lord's faith began to chat.

During Madison's chat with Sissi, Leo couldn't intervene. Too many things related to time prevented Leo from accessing their conversations psychologically and physically. Now, in this so-called "waiting for Gangro" chat, Leo finally has a chance ... to express his confusion.

"You ... finished talking?" Confirm it first.

Madison and Sissi looked at Leo together.

Leo felt a sense of being targeted, shaking his head, "Uh, let me confirm first, what do you mean when you say that Zac was intentionally isolated?"

Unsure whether it was a long or short silence, Sissi turned into golden light to explore this endless plane.

Madison didn't have this ability. He stayed where he was and looked at Leo. "Why, do you sympathize with the vampire."

"Uh, anyway, I can go back to the world where I should be, and he helped. I should thank him." Lips, "But I never have a chance, at least, I can hope that he had a happy life ... "

"Oh." Madison laughed. "I don't know where the process of this world is, but it should be time for him to need this blessing ~"

"Really?" Leo blinked, and then his face became worried, because this is a simple logic, the vampire Zacree Torredo, not the kind of person who needs someone to bless. But if a person who wrote Zac as the protagonist now says that Zac needs such a blessing, then ... "Is Zac's life so bad?"

Madison snorted, "He deserves it." Raising his hand, he continued to write the manuscript with the afterimage. But the hand stayed for a while, "Where did I just write?" After talking with Sissi for a long time, the afterimage had long disappeared.

"You wrote that Arthur in Nuo's safe house received food supplies." Leo remembered.

"Oh." Madison shook his head and began to write with the afterimage--

* "Who is downstairs!" Arthur grabbed the promise to leave. "I see someone in your car!"

"That's Torrido. Zacary Torrido." Nuo pushed away Arthur easily.

"Vampire ?! How can you bring a vampire here! You broke the contract!"

"I didn't bring him, he came to me by himself. Oh, what should I do? Is the cover up suspicious? Ha ha, don't worry, this safe house is something I used to (under the influence of the pupil of charm) Made by vampires. "Pointing to the wall," It's all silver. You are safe here ~ unless you go out and die yourself ~ "


It ’s not that the story is over, but Leo ca n’t see it anymore, “No ... No, that relationship with Zac, er, a complicated human friend? What is he doing? Even he betrayed Zac?”

"Betrayal?" Madison glanced at Leo. "Hehehe. If it's that simple, that's fine ~~" Madison's tone was like mocking. But no, Madison is ready to continue writing.

"Don't write! Don't write!" Leo interrupted Madison. "What the **** is going on ?! Why did you and Sissi just say so much about Zac? What are you doing?"

"Did you hear it all?"

"Yes! I heard it! Sissi began to spread vampire secrets everywhere, and the mysterious attributes of Zachary Torrido in the Demon Banquet were constantly destroyed! But why ?! Why can Zac be isolated this way?"

Madison ’s hand was caught by Leo, so he could n’t continue to write, and he had no choice but to answer ... “Because Zac did a lot of things, his motivation was vague in the eyes of others.” Madison looked at Zac , "Like he sent you back to purgatory. You told me Leo, why did Zac want to send you back to purgatory? Do n’t forget, when you first came to him, you just wanted to leave this world like the Lord, Zac Take the initiative to return to purgatory, return to your home, and put this option in front of you. Tell me, why is Zack so good to you? "

Leo was stunned for a moment. The first thing to sigh was that Maddison, as the person who wrote Zac, did not miss Zac's things. Even if you are just a dragon ...

"Uh, I, I don't know, because Zac is good? He sympathizes with me, the messy eternal life in this world?"

"Oh, yeah, that's the question. Why should a vampire treat you as a purgatory creature?" Madison looked at Leo.

"Because he is a good person!" It seems that this answer is no problem.

But for Madison, the person who wrote Zac, the question is bigger, "‘ He is a good person. "Well, who can convince him at this point? The person in the story, or the person who read it?

Leo opened his mouth, and the problem was beyond outline.

How do we understand the reason why a person does something, we attribute this understanding process to the traceability of motivation. That tells me, how often do we end a conclusion when we think about a person ’s motivation to do something?

There is no such moment.

No one thinks that others are good people.

This is not a so-called pessimistic idea of ​​human nature, but a fact. Everyone is an adult, and no one will do anything because of ‘I am good’! The world does not allow us to be so simple! Not to mention that the guy who wrote Madison is a vampire!

It's a vampire who is always in the center of the world. Zac is a good person, hum, who can convince him!

This is what Madison is saying now. He looks at Leo, "He is a vampire, good to you, an outdated creature, you can think so, but no one will think so! So no one can figure out Zac. Motivation! "

Leo shook his head and exerted some force, "But this is the truth! There is no conspiracy at all. I came back to purgatory, with the blood of the vampire completely connected to the secret of purgatory. Help me not cause any loss to Zac , He did it for me! It ’s such a simple thing! Nobody else thinks it ’s useless! "

"Oh, your defense should be listened to by Zach, he will be happy." Then, Madison chatted his chin, "You go defend Zach, and convince others."

"Okay! Let me go!" Leo released Madison, turned around, and took two steps. Sullen face came back, "I can't defend Zac! I'm here !!!"

"It's a pity ~" Madison shrugged his shoulders, and the meaning was already clear.

People who think that others are good people, stick to this beautiful idea, hehe, those who have left the world that is noisy, complicated, and does not allow people to be pure ...

Leo watched Madison raise his hand again and continue Arthur and Noir's story. But Leo didn't care about Arthur and Nuo, because no matter what, they were two human beings, weak human beings. Even if it caused trouble to the vampire, it would n’t be a big deal ... Leo cared about it, “So Sissi is spreading vampire secrets everywhere, Zac ’s secret! What do you mean?”

"Let the Feast know Zac, or rather, let the Feast think that Zac's motives are clear." Madison replied.

"What do you mean?"

"It means that Zac recently did a series of things because of the possible conflicts between the vampires and the creatures of the Lord's faith. The vampires of the Demon Banquet all cooperated with Zac at the moment. The first action to gather all forces of the Demon Banquet. "

"It's a good thing, isn't it ?! Zach is prestigious in the feast and shows his ability, right?"

"Yeah, the previous Toledo was so popular and capable in the Secret League, then?" Madison shrugged.

"That's because the people at the Magic Banquet are too careful! They either trust Zac or don't trust Zac! Those swaying guys, get rid of it!" Leo naturally felt that he was saying this here, and it had no meaning in this world, so , For a moment of silence, "Doesn't Zac also have true friends in the Magic Banquet? They will help Zac."

Madison shook his head, "They won't. They are also questioning Zac's motives. Torrido has been proven by history to be capable, but it is a clan that cannot be completely relied upon. I don't know when Torrido will be. Madness repeats the course in history. "Madison looked at Leo." The division of the thirteen clans caused by the failure of the colonial war and the recession of the hidden alliance were all caused by Torrido. No one can understand what Torrido is thinking. , So Rut Lesenbullah is so obsessed with understanding Toledo ’s style of acting. "

"Okay! Even if the Devil Banquet questioned Zac's reasons for doing these things, Zac did these things, after all, for the vampire race, and the beneficiaries are obviously the current Demon Banquet! What else can they complain about?"

"As long as they don't understand Zac's true motive for a while, they will always complain. This is the life Zacary Toledo has to face." Madison, the author, gave the attributive, then, "Qian Qian spread the secrets of vampires, the secrets that were originally held only in Zac ’s hands, which made the demon believe that he had mastered Zac ’s motives. Zac was for himself, for the reward of his holy Lord ’s faith, for him to be in complete Sometimes there are ways to avoid the holy Lord ’s belief in biological evil. Everything is for his own sake, and he is selfish. "

Leo looked at Madison for a while, "Not fair! Zack did these things for the vampire race, otherwise he was more free as a funeral boss. Now? But he is considered to be such a selfish guy ! "

"Humph." Madison smiled. "You should really go up and comfort Zac ~~"

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