When Zac returned to Grande, Benjamin and Mocavi had disappeared ... leaving a note.

"After working every day, I or Mokawi will come to see Grande in Adam."

What does this situation look like? For example, Zac is a nanny hired by his working couple Benjamin and Mokawi for his son. Their normal work continues, and all the work of babysitting is left to the nanny.

The only twist in this situation is that they have not yet provided Zac with accommodation. Zac wants his own home to take care of the children of others ...

Zac thinks, Benjamin was really angry this time.

Every time Zac bowed his head to show his favor. This time, Zac felt unnecessary, and it was Benjamin's turn to turn around.

Bumi didn't stop at Granddor, partly because there was no Mokawi's harassing-harassing Nick, and he stared at Bumi with unwilling eyes throughout the journey. For Nick, the existence of Bumi, no, the existence of Norfil, is a threat to the magic feast.

Regardless of the relationship between Norfil and the wizard, consider the relation between Norfil and Torrido. Nick can count on Zac to hate all the clandestine clan of the hidden alliance, but it is Zofak who can't hate Norfolk alone.

Everyone can understand this kind of psychology-

You and a group of people form a society, and you work together and develop for the society. There is bitterness and joy, there is revolutionary emotion. But one day, you found that one of your backbone members is outside your community and has a good friend. And this good friend, it is impossible to join your community.

Nick's kindness to Bumi's eyes was strange.

Bumi just left.

"How are you going to deal with Nofeller." Nick deliberately used neutral and derogatory words to stimulate Zac. "Gangaro has disappeared. Should you think of Rimer and Nofler of Barton? Fan. "

Zac ’s answer: “Yes, next week ’s Feast Meeting, let ’s discuss how to deal with the Rimmer and Nofile clan of Barton. You and Roy are well prepared, do n’t ask you again like yesterday How do we deal with republican aliens, you have no opinion. "

Nick's face seemed to be eating shit. But he could n’t say anything more, everyone must understand that, compared to what he forced out of Zac ’s mouth here, he did n’t believe it, Nick had to really count on Zac ’s hands on the secret old part of Button, only in the formal The Demon Banquet made plans that Torrido could not refute.

Nick went to think about the magic feast meeting a week later, let him think about it, Zac was not worried at all.

Grande, very busy, Hank is preparing for his trip abroad, nestling in the room to fill in various documents. The Midway House project also has some more things to deal with today-the city government sent someone to send a document when Zac went out, asking Grande to start the so-called employee psychological review procedure.

Don't think about it, Mayors Anthony and Isela deliberately make trouble for Zac. revenge? Boring, at most naive resistance, resistance Zack suddenly claimed to take over the city. If Mayor Anthony is a bit conscious, he should realize that the result of his long-term 'push away' of Zac is now-Mayor Anthony said he can use this halfway house as an excuse to find something boring. Disgusted Zac.

Zac called the nursing home directly in his office. "The city government asked me to regularly conduct psychological examinations of Grande's former criminal employees. Do you accept this job?"

Boque Quinn, "Neuropathy." Ready to hang up.

"I'm giving you a chance to put your eyes on Grandry. Such a good opportunity, don't you catch Papa at midnight?"

The phone did n’t hang up. "Neuropathy. I live right next to you Grande. I need eyeliner to spy on what is happening in your house?"

"Neighbor, I am providing you with a fair environment, so that you can go to the Grande Ann in a fair and honest way. You do n’t want to take a clean and correct way, you must use the" sneak-peep- "kind of flat and depraved way . "

"What do you mean?"

"Emilia's recent changes, you can't help but not know it."

"Huh, I know, you gave her the identity of Toredo."

"So, you already have my people there, and I should have yours here, just and fair."

"Oh, is it fair here? Emilia is a specially appointed doctor in a nursing home. She is independent and free. Which one of your Grand employees is free? What's the use of that kind of eyeliner!"

"Useful Pochi." Zach's call was not boring. "Grand employees are not free, because they are all part of the municipal government's community renovation project. You also know that I don't care much about your nursing home What Emilia does is not an eyeliner job. Emilia controls the aliens entering Barton for Toledo. ”Zac gave time for Pochi to respond:“ Convinced you to let Emilia do The reason for this interracial review project is to give you a good impression of entering the Baton alien. Now you should also understand that the real goodwill will not be to you, but to Toledo represented by Emilia, Even if it is expanded, it is also extended to the present magic banquet. The aliens will not have any impression on you, Boque Quinn. "

"Thank you for reminding me, I'm going to drive Emilia out of my nursing home now."

"What are you in a hurry." Zac waved his hand at the air. "I mean, in terms of interracial, you have been waved by a vampire. The only way you can get back is to control these community transformations in Grandry. Humans in the project. The eyeliner statement, I ’m just trying to whitewash you. The employees you want to control in Grande, the function of the representative, is not just the eyeliner. ”Continue to give Pooch time to respond,“ You know my Does that mean? "

The position of Grande ’s halfway house has been explained. Grande is the apex. In order to prevent Grande from gaining loyal human subordinates, Ethella and Anthony will control Grande ’s ability to control employees. The disappointing weakening was carried out, and all employees in the Grande could not be retained and would be circulated in batches to other companies in Barton.

If the alien censorship project carried out by Emilia is to control the aliens that flow to all corners of Barton. Grande, the current Halfway House project placed by the city government, is a project to control the flow of these former criminals back to all levels of society.

Since the municipal government used this disgusting little method to disgust Zac, the Zac pushed the boat and let the municipal government have nothing left! Give the control of the Halfway House to Podge under Papa's midnight!

It's exciting to think about it. Poki Quinn, a bad criminal who escaped the punishment of the system based on his background, wants to get a ‘unfortunate’ criminal caught by the system ~

No one expected, Zac began to take over Barton, it is for human well-being.

Pooch was quiet on the earpiece for a while, "Do you realize what your proposal will give me?"

Zac shrugged into the air, "Give you a group of the most agitated humans in this society, do whatever you want, I do n’t need to realize, you only need to pay attention to not being proposed this beautiful vision 'community transformation' The city government just seized it. "

The significance of the community transformation project to society must be taken seriously here.

What is a criminal. It was the person who deviated from the social rules when he was initially free. They committed crimes, were punished by the system, completed their sentences, and were released from prison. What do the human systems punish criminals for? The most common argument seems to be that the degree of punishment is equal to the degree of crime. The punishment is for atonement. Multiple crimes are cumulative levels of punishment in legal procedures.

It seems that the punishment of the human system can only correspond to the crimes already confirmed in the system. As if there is a frame, standing in the human society, once you step into this frame, you are a criminal, and you get the corresponding punishment.

The question is coming, this box will be invalidated. When the time is up, the government in the human system will no longer spend time and money to frame the criminals. It will throw people out of the box.

Did the criminal spend the time in the box, did he reflect on his own crimes, and change the reason that made him step into the box in the first place?

This question is just like what the world is like after death. You do n’t know if you do n’t die. So, no matter what, the criminal, who became a former criminal, was thrown back to society.

Community transformation is a patch-like buffer. It creates a place that is not as completely free as society, but does not want to be completely restrained like prison, allowing those who have just come out of the box to adapt.

Speaking of, what exactly is it suitable for? There is no need to maintain tolerance for those who have made mistakes. Are they adapting to a new life, or are they adapting to make themselves more careful not to step into the system?

Grande already gave the answer when he assumed the job of the Halfway House.

There are former criminals who have been given work tasks by Grande and are confident of going to the west to promote privatization, and there are former criminals who threaten reporters and commit crimes again in Grande!

Community renovation projects have been given too heavy ... 'expectations'. Is not it. The prison only deals with the punishment prescribed by the system, it is just atonement! But what the halfway house is facing is the real test!

A patch of the social system that has been created just because of the mayoral campaign and the legacy of political prestige operations, huh, how can it bear such a heavy responsibility? Let this realistic joke be even more ridiculous. The owner of this halfway house is a vampire.

Boqi, "Aren't you afraid that I will confuse this group of people into voodoo beliefs and become Papa's dead at midnight? Finally scattered in all corners of Barton?".

"Then the dead can walk into the streets of Barton? The scene is quite spectacular ~" Zac said with an indifferent attitude.

"*!" Boqi cracked his mouth, "You just say it! What the **** are you thinking ?! How can you just give me this way? I just think you have a conspiracy !!"

"Hehe." Zack smiled. "Don't blame you. I do have a conspiracy ~" Uh, admitted? "Well, I can tell you, I'm very upset that the city government suddenly increased the workload on Grande. I'm unhappy that Anthony doesn't accept the realistic attitude." Zac's smile disappeared, "This city is mine, It ’s better for everyone to wake me up and accept this fact quickly. All those who refuse to accept the facts will be punished. And I have all kinds of punishments. Now, it ’s a measure I take . Used to punish the human government that wanted to trouble me. It ’s cheaper for you, Boque Quinn, and finally asked you, you ca n’t pick it up. ”Zack shrugged, and the voice in the motion stopped blank. Accurately convey Zac's current attitude to Boqi on the other side of the earpiece, "Except for you, I now have several plans that can be carried out in my mind, you don't want it, I will send it to others ..."

"Wait!" Boque Quinn called out over there.

Zac heard the sound of the earpiece being lowered. Did Boge Quinn go to someone to discuss? Who can he find? Is Papa now in the nursing home at midnight?

Zac didn't think much, Zac was not in a hurry.

Pooch didn't let Zac wait too long, "Well, I took it!"

"Yes." Zack didn't waste much time, "I will pass on the information of the city government to you in a moment, and the psychological report of the employees of the halfway house will be submitted to the city government by you." Zac just said bluntly. Is n’t it just to let Barton ’s human government know that Grande gave the psychological state of a group of former criminals to the most suspicious Boque Quinn in Barton!

Putting down the phone, Zac inks for a while, feeds baby Adam, and asks Bain to talk about the arrangements for the employees in the future living area to go to the nursing home for psychological review. By the way, Bain got a stroller they no longer need. Something like that sent Bain to his bedroom ...

After the ink was over, Zach passed the city government information to the nursing home.

It was Hank who took the initiative to get in front of Zac. "You sold the Grand staff, and I left Grand to investigate the origin of the vampire. Ethela was in Barton, the second generation of the feast. What should I do if Sunbra obtains intelligence from my second-generation Lembura? "

It's really rare, Hank is finally thinking about this kind of thing. It was supposed to be yesterday ’s Feast Meeting, which made Hank feel something. It would n’t happen if he pretended he did n’t see it ... Zac passed the city government ’s information to the nursing home after the ink was over.

It was Hank who took the initiative to get in front of Zac. "You sold the Grand staff, and I left Grand to investigate the origin of the vampire. Ethela was in Barton, the second generation of the feast. What should I do if Sunbra obtains intelligence from my second-generation Lembura? "

It's really rare, Hank is finally thinking about this kind of thing. It was supposed to be yesterday ’s Feast Meeting, which made Hank feel something. If he pretended not to see it, it would n’t happen ...

"Isra ’s position will be awkward, but since she has chosen to sit next to the mayor and sit in the Lesenbula vampire and get involved in Lesenbula ’s power struggle, she is ready to be thrown away at any time. , Believe me, this is a good thing for her. "

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