The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Vol 23 Chapter 23: Republic god

A faint scent lingers in Zac's nose, not Zac's familiar aroma-the smell of perfume or cosmetics used by people. Zac also confirmed that the fragrance was not from the girl Vicky. When listening to the girl, Zach began to look for the source of the fragrance.

"I've never seen a boy like Caesar." The girl said non-stop, and occasionally Zac would give each other a glance, but did not interrupt.

"I don't know how to describe him. He is enthusiastic and energetic."

Is Caesar passionate? Uh, in a way, yes. For example, the reason why he posted to Sissi, right, Sissy had something new to attract Caesar, so Caesar took the initiative to lean in, even if Sisie had already determined that Chris was her boyfriend at that time, she could only yield The dog legs and Ban Caesar clung to each other carelessly.

Is Caesar energetic? To some extent, too. People who are interested in the pursuit of novelty and excitement are of course full of energy. Have we not seen Caesar immediately post it after discovering the value of Maya?

But Zac didn't think the girl in front of him was as objective as Caesar's—Vicky was blushing.

Zac turned his head, not knowing why, feeling that Caesar is now part of the reason why he is wandering on the edge of scumbag. As one of Caesar's grown-up adults, Zach found that he had not given Caesar any positive guidance ...

"And he is very studious and very motivated. Before the holiday, almost every day, he took me to the library to learn Republican."

Zac found the place where the aroma originated, just in the direction of his head, in a cabinet-like thing, there seemed to be something burning.

Vicky noticed that Zach's attention was attracted by something other than what he said, "That's a Mazu statue."

With that, he got up and walked to the "cabinet" Zac was looking at-actually a shrine. Under Zac's somewhat surprised eyes, he opened the door of the cabinet and showed it to Zac.

Apparently the statue of the Republican style touched the height of someone's forearm, and looked at Zac and the girl outside the station with kind eyes. The scent that Zac smelled was from the Republican-style censer in front of the statue.

"This is the **** enshrined in my house, keep it safe ~"

"I thought the republican abolished humanity's offering to aliens ..." Zac temporarily changed his mouth, "the offering to immortals."

"This is not a republic." The girl's answer was very concise. Then he smiled at Zac, "Do you know 'Xian'?" He noticed Zac's words.

"I know one."

"You mean the West who has become a federal?" Vicky smiled and closed the door of the shrine.

In Zac's view, it seems to avoid the gods of her belief from hearing some filthy words ... Maybe Zac is sensitive in a strange cultural environment.

"Do you even know West?" Zac asked, deeper because he was curious how much Caesar told the girl.

"Well, Mazu told us that the old man's magic weapon is also in the Federation."

"Who is the elder ..." Zac regretted it as soon as he spoke, and even if the other party answered, Zac didn't know what other people said with his shallow understanding of the republican mythology. But it sounds like something alien is not what Caesar told Vicki, it was this ... uh, Mazu.

Zac ’s eyes continued to look at the closed shrine, wondering if he would pose in a defensive position ... offensive ...

"Well, I do n’t know if you understand. I might describe it as a fairy with high authority. Probably, it is equivalent to the archangel of your Lord ’s faith."

Seeing Zac put on an expression of understanding, the girl continued-in fact Zac didn't understand, Archangel? Madison? That's not a pretty god. But Vicky did n’t need to know what Zac was thinking, and continued, “Is that the magic weapon in the Federation a‘ Jian ’, right? When I heard Caesar talk about West ’s abilities, I felt I should‘ Jian ’.”

"It's her." Zach felt that he still didn't want to make any conclusions. The feeling of beating his face this second was not good-the news that Zac just felt that the interracial was not Caesar told Vicki.

"It's it." Vicky corrected Zac, "'Jian' is the spirit of the artifact, no gender."

Zac tilted his mouth. Although rude, Zac decided to leave-Zac did not have time to be educated by a young girl here. Zac should not agree to enter her house.

Zac got up, "I still have things, I'm glad to meet you, Miss Vicky, if you are free, welcome to Grand ..."

Zac did n’t finish, and Vicky was disappointed. “Are you going? Are you going to find the person on the east side downstairs? I did n’t know that you were Mr. Grande before, and I told you he lived there, If I knew you were Grande first ... "I changed my tongue," Zac's words, I won't tell you. "

Zac didn't hurry to answer the call. Sure enough, after a pause, Vicky said, "I'll remind Zac that you are not a good person. For Zac, you, Uh, the federal alien."

Anyway, I finally got in touch with Zac's business here. Zac sat down again, "Why do you say that?"

"Mazu reminded us in his dream that that person hates the vampires who control this city, Zac, you bear the brunt."

"Dream?" Zac thought of the demon for the first time.

Vicky seemed to know what Zac was thinking, "Are you thinking about Mazu's abilities?" He smiled and shook his head. "Caesar also thought of your federal alien, dream demon when I first mentioned Mazu, right? Vicky glanced at the closed shrine. "After hearing Caesar describe the dream demon, I will tell you what he told him. Mazu is not a dream demon. Mazu just uses dreams to tell the people who worship her something. Our collective name is 'Dream dream.' The common way for republican gods to contact mortals may be convenient for them. After all, there are too many people who believe in them, and they really appear in front of humans and cause commotion, so they only appear in Dreams that will be disturbed can also be tangled by mortals. "

Zac feels ... his worldview is being refreshed, and has lived for four centuries. Believe me, this feeling of being refreshed is not good!

Zac shook his head, clearing his thoughts, "Control the vampires in this city." This was the first point Zac grasped.

Maggie nodded, "Mazu told us that man ..."

"Arthur." Zac reported Arthur's name in order to facilitate the narrative.

Maggie did n’t say anything, ”Mazu said that Arthur was the first to hate Rymer because Arthur did n’t even know that the Smith family business he wanted to rob was the Rymer business lurking in Smith. It ’s not a human monster, he wo n’t go to the 0711 pharmacy. Well, then, what he hates becomes Toledo, because he is now imprisoned in that apartment, because a traitor thought Ask for Torredo vampire. "

This human traitor, it should be that Noh Repet has not run away.

Zac suddenly reacted to something, "Wait a minute, I can easily ask how Mazu knew what Arthur was thinking?"

"I don't know about it. Mazu knows that I have a crush on Vampires, especially Torrido, so remind me to stay away from Arthur who hates you."

Zac responded to this sentence for a while, "Do you have a crush on vampires?"

"Yes, because Caesar likes you ~" Blushing again.

Zac was unable to figure out the reason why the girl blushed, but felt helpless in her heart. Caesar likes herself, hehehe ...

Needless to say, Caesar likes Zac, because Zac is the first novel stimulus in his life, nothing more.

Zach only cares about what Vicky said-"Mazu, uh," Tormon ", to many people about Arthur hating vampires in Patton?"

Vicky blinked, "Well, I know that there are several houses in this building also offering Mazu, but I just don't know what they need to worship Mazu."

"What do you mean?"

"Oh, the gods of our republic all belong to the kind that you have to ask me, because I am a friend with Caesar, and he often asks me how to translate some strange words when learning republican ..." Zac, "such as vampires, aliens, holy Lords, angels ..." hesitated a little, "I won't translate what I don't know, so when Caesar explained, I also knew that there are some non-states in the federal country Human and wonderful lives are only very different from what we recognise. "

Vicky seemed to just say the beginning, and Zac already understood what the other party was saying, "Your family now lives in the Federation and lives in Barton. You just said that you want Mazu to keep you safe. So how are these in Barton? Life in a non-human race is your prayer to worship Mazu, and Mazu ’s response is to tell Dream what kind of people you should be alert to. "

Vicky nodded. "This is just my experience. I don't know what other families look like. Maybe they have other ways to recognize the federal aliens. They prayed to the **** they worshipped and got a response." Vicky hesitated again. "Barton is a city controlled by vampires. There is a news about a human who hates vampires in the southeast. Someone wants to know, they will know ..." The girl is a little cute, "Oh."

"Closed." Zach heard another important point.

"Yeah." The girl nodded. "Probably a gray-haired person will go to the apartment to deliver daily necessities. The person you call Arthur has never been out of the house, but the sound of his smashing the door often appears. . "

Zac understood that Arthur didn't even spread the news of the aliens. It was a **** enshrined by the Republicans in the southeast and told their believers the news!

It's time to meet with Benjamin. Benjamin came from the security company and should be brought back to the fourth generation of Toledo of the security company. How did he decide that Arthur was a trouble and needed to be cleared. Only by merging the news of the two parties can the truth of this commission be truly clear.

"Thank you for telling me. You helped me a lot." Zac got up again and handed a business card. "Go to Grande at any time when you are bored at home."

"Oh ~" the girl was very happy.

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