The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Vol 23 Chapter 30: Shameless zack

Zac has a ... anxious feeling.

This feeling lasted until Benjamin and Martin returned from their perfect settlement. Martin insisted on asking Benjamin and Zac for dinner.

Martin was obviously not the first time he had invited an alien meal. In his room at the Yuri Hotel, he took out the blood of a vampire to entertain Zac. Benjamin didn't say anything. Benjamin didn't turn into a wolf to eat anything.

Zac looked at the blood contained in Martin's exquisite wine glass-Revrow's blood.

"Why do you have Revrow's blood?"

The answer is very simple, "Protect yourself. After all, I am away from the west on a business trip. I need to cross the chaotic west and enter the unknown east. I have to use a little self-defense."

There is no problem here, the blood of a vampire can defend itself. Needless to say, the ability to heal can also be traded as a bargaining chip. Isn't it? In the central part, the blood market of vampires is very big ~

But Martin should not use it in front of Zac, because do n’t forget that the Demon Banquet has cut off the blood of vampires with humans! It is to prevent the need of the vampire blood of the wizarding family and the werewolf in the middle!

So Zac must ask, "Did you buy it? Where did you buy it?" As soon as Zac got a name, he would call Alan Funeral immediately, and then be informed by the current leader of Alan Funeral, Nenad. Magic Banquet, to deal with this 'merchant' who is already trading vampire blood.

"Ah, no. It's me ..." Martin blinked. "The boss gave it to me. He is Revro."


Zac tilted his mouth, "So this blood isn't for you to entertain, it's for your own use, right."

"Um ... right." Martin nodded and looked at Zac. "The Ravro clan is using the security industry to expand the surveillance network throughout the Federation. Every security company in the west has an airborne Ravro boss or informant. Of course, there are people like me who are directly selected to become Revelo in the future. "

It's still a fart, blood back, it's not Zac's style to drink people's future eternal life. Zach looked at Martin again, "So the expansion of the special security market is not as simple as you confessed before. It is simply that the special security in the west has made huge profits. It is a step in the expansion of Revro's security, right."

"Yes, uh, not right." Martin is honest. "All security markets will expand. It's true, but the Revero clan also knows that Barton is yours. It's Toledo. So, I was real in Barton. Only a simple special security business inspection, Revelo did not mean anything to Barton.

This attitude is quite right. But Martin, who can't continue to stay in Barton-Zac just used Hank as a reason to send Barton's Revelo away. Is it necessary to leave a Revelo to reserve descendants in Barton? Zac is not so contradictory now.

"I know. Now that your market research in Barton is over and the business has taken over, go back to the west as soon as possible." No need to stop. Zakra took Benjamin to leave the Yuri Hotel and returned to Grand.

On the way back, Benjamin briefly talked about the process of Aix Security-Ax Security received Martin's agent, took the initiative to contact the southeastern residents who gave up Ax Security, and agreed to use low-cost compensation. Those households are under new security configuration.

In general, it is a win-win situation-Martin's security company in the west officially has the agent of Axe Security in Barton. This first batch of business does not have to be too profitable. Axe Security not only saved its own customers, but also justified the continued introduction of vampires under the ‘general ’s presence to control human security in the southeast against aliens. In the end, the human residents in the southeast were protected as they wished, and they also saved their former life in a foreign country. No matter what, they had less burden.

Having said this, Benjamin is also a little unhappy. "Why do I think the good guys have been picked up by your vampires in advance."

It's also very funny to say, Benjamin's favor for Martin is based entirely on Martin's cooperation. I didn't think Benjamin had any need for obedience. Looking at Matthew, Benjamin also specifically told Matthew that if he made any inexplicable requests as Alpha, he would ignore Matthew and concentrate on living his life.

So Zach only said that Benjamin was talking, "You have a son, true son, do you care about the so-called wolves like ordinary alphas."

The orientation of these words can be large or small. The big thing is that Benjamin's current rank has exceeded the limits of the werewolf and Alpha. For those wolves that are still struggling with hatred (for vampires and wizards), it is already another dimension. The small thing is that Benjamin is a man with a real family. The wolf body "curse" one day a month is really not worthy of defining Benjamin's life at this time, so don't care about those boring little things.

Benjamin didn't continue to complain, but said something that might represent, "Revrow's descendants are scheduled to save my son, your godson, Adam, you better remember this."

Zac will remember. If Zac doesn't remember it himself, then it becomes a bargaining chip in the hands of others. No, now that the story is developing, there is nothing pink, beautiful, and independent in this world. Everything is the node that triggers the next ring of events. Either Zac controls this node and dominates the future. Either this node is controlled by others, and Zac becomes passive.

Then again, there was no communication on the way back, Zac and Benjamin returned to Grand, directly recruiting Nick and Roy, sitting together peacefully without knowing when the fight was over.

The topic was very heavy, "If the **** of this world wants me, will you protect me."

Benjamin and Mokawi were both going back to their ancestors' office. When Zac said this in the office, they left.

"What are you talking about?" It doesn't matter who asked.

Zac was not prepared to answer directly, but instead, "Now think about it, the Lord ’s plan never ended in a failed colonial war." And listen to Zac slowly, his uncomfortable reasons--

"The colonization of this continent four centuries ago, the use of vampires against the wizards of this continent, the use of war, and the struggle for ownership with the original gods of this continent have never been the ultimate plan of the Lord. Papa ’s midnight is just the Lord. A **** to be dealt with in this world, an almost negligible god, because there is only one Papa at midnight. If the Lord believes in the world ’s most powerful fighting force, the vampire, even Papa at midnight can be ignored No single **** can crush the past. "Zucker paused." The belief of the Holy Lord was four centuries ago, and he predicted his own end. No, it was even earlier. Thousands of years ago, the Holy Lord discovered that the vampire was fully capable. It ’s foreseen when it leads to purgatory, otherwise, the Holy Lord has no reason to make the decision to go to purgatory when there is still human soul in the world that can be harvested, right? "

"I ..." Nick was speaking. This may be the first time he represented everyone under the roof of Grande. "We don't know what you are talking about."

Yes, Zack ca n’t just immerse himself in his emotions, he needs to explain the transition to these people—

"I can make gods." Zac looked at everyone who was watching him. "Vampires, Torrido, can make gods and destroy them."

Benjamin was impatient first and left. Benjamin had no problem in doing so. When Zac suddenly declared that Patton was his, Benjamin could not bear Zac ’s arrogance. Benjamin at the time was gone, and now it is the same.

But Mokawi stayed.

Mokawi can tell Benjamin what he missed on the pillow, so don't worry.

"Now I, now Torredo, can instantly change people's memories and people's consciousness on a large scale." Zach looked at Roy. "Roy, you admit, the ability of image is the most suitable. Toredo, right. Because among the many vampires, it is Toredo who has the ability to meet and play a role. The Toredo image preserved and spread by modern technology can ignore the charm of the space and time. . "

"Huh." Roy replied.

Zac picked up today's newspaper in a timely manner. "It's like this." Today's Barton newspaper has news that the Republican high school group contacted a local charity to establish an orphanage under the name of Mrs. Quinn. Is this the third generation of the Western District using the name of Mrs. Quinn to continue to plate gold on herself? No, we know that this is the way Mrs. Quinn wants to change everyone ’s impression of her.

The photo of Mrs. Quinn in the newspaper is not the same as Mrs. Quinn we once knew, but a strange old lady.

But no one has any sense of disobedience about this stranger ‘becoming’ Mrs. Quinn.

"Changing people's senses of Toredo has always been the most ridiculous application of Toredo's abilities." Remember, we mentioned a story of a long and ugly Toledo who charmed others at the banquet and let others Thinking that he is as beautiful and handsome as other Toledo jokes, "What if we change what we know about God?"

Someone understood what Zac was talking about. Nick, "Are you saying that Toledo can change people's beliefs."

Zac nodded, before Nick's eyes lit up, "Don't think about things against Sissi again." This is what Siss wanted to do when Sissi began to spread Zac's secrets. In order to avoid Torredore ’s reward for the Lord ’s Faith from being targeted by other clans, first create public opinion and let the vampires target the reward sender Cici, “We ’ve just successfully cut the relationship with the Lord ’s Faith and wait for the soul dagger to be recovered The end of the matter, the time when vampires existed for the faith of the Lord is over, we are an independent race, do n’t let the faith of the Lord have the opportunity to involve us. "

Nick nodded reluctantly.

Mokawi spoke, without distracting the topic, "Ah! I get it! You mean that the Holy Lord thousands of years ago" saw "now, seeing the redistribution of heaven and hell, seeing the vampires out of the holy The control of the Lord ’s faith saw the gods of this world. Papa at midnight is the most harmless one. What really affects the humans and souls of this world is the reborn gods ~~ "

Sometimes I have to admire Mocavi's thinking of jumping freely and efficiently.

Nick and Roy are the only people here who are still struggling to follow Zac's thinking, so they can't find resonance from Zac and Mocavi, they stare at each other.

Zac, looked at the only Mocavi who thought of what he thought, "Yes. Papa at midnight has never been a fearful opponent. The reason why Papa became a **** at midnight is that he deceived death, and he Created a tradition to let this way of deceiving death belong to him alone. ”On why most wizards hate Papa ’s midnight and exclude mourning banshees,“ Papa ’s midnight is unpopular. The spirit of the In’an people believes in the Lord In other words, it ’s just a matter of how much you can get when you reach for it. It ’s just a question of how much you can get. Forcibly robbing with war and using slow erosion of enlightenment should be no different from the belief of the Holy Lord in the four centuries . "

At this point, Roy began to understand the meaning of these words, it may be that he was in Barton and stayed with Zac for a long time, and had a relationship with some specific events. Er and the wizard have studied before, and finally created the wizard ghost technology. It is the true enemy of the holy faith, and the soul without the earth-binding stage cannot be attributed to the trial of faith! The holy faith believes that the wizard's faith is an opponent ... In the guise! When the Lord Lord appears in this world, it should be clear that the true enemies of the Lord Lord's belief in this world are those souls that cannot be obtained by the Lord Lord's belief! The soul of the Republican! "

Zac is very satisfied, "And there is one more thing that happened before you came to Barton. The desire of the Lord ’s faith that happened in Barton affected Grande ’s phantom Danny, now the priest Stone, murdering the Republicans. In the incident of a Republican, the soul of a Republican was forcibly thrown into Hell, but this process was unsuccessful. The soul of the Republican was rejected into Hell, and was stuck in the world of time, and became a **** dog living in the cracks of the world. "

Nick joined the discussion without mocking Roy. "And I believe that when Roy came to Barton, he also took the task of Rutler Sembra to find out the reason why the Republican God contacted Toledo in Barton." (Ro Yi actually fled to Zac by taking political asylum. Rout whitewashed his conspiracy to manipulate the civil war of the Zmirsi ancestors to give Roy the task of forcing An.

Roy glanced at Nick, and it was completed. "I have completed this task. The Republican God, that 'Jian', the reason in Grande is to obtain the technology of the Holy Lord's faith to create a world beyond the timeline, the key to the gate of heaven. . "

Zac thought it could be summed up, "The faith of the Lord Lord thousands of years ago, he knew that his ultimate enemy was the continent on the other side of the world, those republican gods, because the soul on that continent is something that the belief of the Lord Lord cannot touch. . And those republican gods also know that the Lord ’s faith has what they want, past and future, out of the world bound by time. "

Mokawi is commendable today, not only that the Zac she painted is 'perfect', but also, "The Lord then made a way to avoid this ultimate conflict thousands of years ago-using vampires to hide from purgatory . And, continue to throw the vampire in this world to face those republican gods ~~ "

"Yes." How abhorrent the holy Lord's beliefs can be revealed at this time-"Thousands of years ago, the holy Lord continued to experiment with vampires and soul aliens of this world, and finally created a large number of different characteristics. The vampire clan, and most importantly, the vampire clan that is able to deal with the reason why the republican **** became a god, Toledo. When the vampire clan gradually gained rank and influence in humans, the thirteen clan The land where Phra at midnight threw the most powerful clan of the vampires on this continent for the coolest trial-the colonial war? No, it was a reward for snatching this image. The faith of the Lord has been encouraging since the colonial war The magic banquet's search for the key to the gate of heaven is proof, right. Everything is for the sake of everything. "Zuckerton said, shameless," make me who appears. "

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