James's commission-he prepared a dozen pits in the North Park where Zach went to the Grand Cemetery, saying he would bury people.

Zac will not doubt what James did. Zac will doubt anyone who makes such a request in this city, but James, Zac will not.

In addition, rather than being a delegate, it was James who, as always, asked Zac to do something, and then Zac did. But this is indeed an entrustment, because James paid for it, and said to Zac at the beginning that he will pay the final payment when the matter is over!

Zac took this as a ... sublimation.

This feeling, try to describe it-

Have you encountered the kind of procedures in your life that you don't want to go to the public office and want to solve that kind of thing by human relations? There are many examples, so I won't go into details.

James and Zac are the other way around. Put your personal relationship aside and let us go through the official process.

Then let's take a look at the official identity of James and Zac. One is the human policeman of the police station, and the other is the gray professional of the alien race.


It is as if the transition from human society to legal society is progress. Yes, it is ironic. But everyone knows the truth.

For the growth of James, Zac forgives James for being rude, "Shut up, shut up ~ do you sleep in Grande tonight?"

"No! There is a pregnant woman in my family who needs care."

"Okay, well ... good night, just tell me the commission before leaving."

James stopped looking at baby Adam and got up out of the bedroom. "You drive! Drive the old Grand Truck!"


"Yes! Pretend!" The body, after all, was buried in Beiyuan.

"right now?"

"Now! Tell you on the road!"


On the road.

The driving in the Southern District is too quiet, and the kind inside and outside the car is quiet.

The Southern District outside the car is naturally because when it is time for the Southern District to rest, no one will be quiet on the 27th road. The quietness in the car was because James didn't speak. Zac looked at the expression of people, guessing that James was organizing language, so he didn't bother.

When he left the South Zone and entered the North Zone, Zac had to speak, "Where is it going?"

"Police." James is ready, too. The people are not calm, they can see what is suppressing.

Zach raised an eyebrow. "Everyone knows that this truck is the Grand Funeral Home. How do I drive to the police station?"

Once entering the North District, the environment outside the car is different. The difference in nightlife between North District and South District has also been said many times, so I wo n’t repeat it.

Zac means: As a gray professional, being able to take over the commission of the police is worth showing off, but not to show off to this point for everyone to see.

I do n’t want James to seem to have planned the entire commission. “Just enter the police station.”

Zac glanced at James, and there was still a drive away, and he could ask what the commission was all about: "You said that's how it is. Then, at least you have to tell me what to install in this car People, who are you? "


This need not be said by James. "What kind of dead man."

"The dead addict in the waterfront park." James replied.

Zac raised an eyebrow, and Zac was expected to be dragged down in this case-not the kind of drag that couldn't be resolved. But did Weiss tell Zac? It was Barton's attitude to the junkie. The citizens of Barton disregarded this group, and the law enforcers who used the tax maintenance of the citizens would naturally not be concerned about such cases.

Speaking of it, Zac killed James, and Zac let James take over the case. At the time, Zac considered Gangro and Rimer. Now that Gangro is gone, Rymer ’s motives are also clear. It is to suppress the wizard ghosts represented by Siberia. The incident in the waterfront park has changed its nature and has become a negotiation between the old clan of the three secret alliances in the North District. Arthur was detained by Nuo in a safe house, but left the detective James with no way to go.

But Zac will not apologize to James. Without the dispute between Gangaro and Rimer, James can still play a role in this case, because the Smith family in the West End is still staring at the case. James' role in Button is not only his understanding of aliens, but also his political career, isn't he?

Zac raised his eyebrows wondering if the case was closed-the situation that dragged to the point of not wanting to continue wasting the police, why would it be that he had taken James's commission and drove Grande ’s car, and spent James Muse's money, dispose of the body?

If the case does n’t end, what does it mean for James to do it all?

James seemed to "hear" Zac's question, "The case is closed, but all the relevant personnel have been transferred away to deal with other cases."

Does it mean being idle? After all, Barton didn't care about this kind of thing, that is, the geographical location of the waterfront park (close to the Upper North District and Laipute High School) made the matter hot for a few days, and now the law enforcement of Barton even has an obligation to explain to the public. Too lazy to throw things out there.

James didn't finish, "According to the standard process of the police station, the relevant evidence will be preserved." A glance at Zac, "but there is no evidence at all. The scene did not know what caused the poison-product-overdose lethal. It ’s just a few blood reports provided by the appraisal tablets, and the filing will solve it. "

The rest are the dead people, corpses.

James continued, "The corpse will be stored in the mortuary of Ford funeral and police with a cooperation agreement according to the process. The corpse has little effect on the case. Those who are claimed by the family will return the ownership, and the corpse will always be kept in the mortuary. Wait for the case to be re-examined with clues. "

Speaking of Ford funerals, Zac knew that something must be wrong here. Pouted.

James was quiet for a while, "No one claimed the dead until yesterday." Emphasized, "Even if we contacted the family after investigating the identity of the dead."

Hey. Don't think it's impossible. There are still few families destroyed by poison-product-collapse, plus Barton's atmosphere ... This result is not surprising.

James's face became somber, "Then yesterday, Ford Funeral suddenly submitted an application for all the dead bodies to be claimed by their families."

"All?" Zach heard it.

"All." James nodded. "I visited a few families casually and tentatively figured out that they did so for the money."

It ’s almost impossible for Zac to use his brain to guess, “The Smith family did it. Or, it ’s Rimer.”

The same nod, "It's Rimer." But he did not deny that the Smith family did not participate. "The delivery service addresses provided by Ford Funeral are all in Paisin."

The reason James did not deny Smith's involvement was that James knew very well that the Ford Funeral would trade corpses to aliens. Forget it, James participated. So if the vampire Riemer bought these corpses, it would be enough to trade directly with Ford in the underground without having to go through the formal process prescribed by law.

But the fact is that the official process is gone, that must be what Mr. Smith and Eve or Lydia within the Smith family have reached a consensus. The fundamental of this process is that Rimmer wants to recover the body, but the operation on the countertop is Mr Smith.

Zac thought for a while, "Drug-Pin- was smuggled into the Union by Rimmer, and was ordered to be snatched by the descendants of Gungro who fought in the middle. He made this case in the waterfront park. "Recover these dead people's stop loss." Zac turned his head down, "Research?" Some information can tell James, "I can tell you that these poisons-drugs are the government-promoted vaccines in the Republic, against Republican aliens. Shrugging his shoulders, "It has caused a large number of deaths in the Federation, I am afraid that no one has foreseen the results."

James' face twitched and looked at Zac for a while. "Vaccine?" Obviously this was the first time he heard the news.

Zac waved his hands, not wanting to talk more, there was nothing to talk about, and more Zac didn't know.

James waved his hand, "Forget it, now I don't care about this."

Zach suddenly realized, "Wait a minute, now you let me collect these bodies on behalf of Grande. Is it for intercepting the process of Rimmel? You deliberately let me rush to the police station, is to let Smith And Rimer knew that Grand took their bodies. "

James looked straight ahead, "Yes."

Zach awakened, "That's why you have to leave the commission? Let me offend Mr. Smith and Eve Rimmer."

James glanced at Zac, "Yes." Quite calmly, "I have already paid, you can't refuse."

"Why?" Yeah, why? ?

"Because as a police officer, I have lost my ability to control this matter. I do n’t have the right to intervene in what Rimmer wants to do, what Smith wants to do. But if I catch you, I can still control the city. Everything that happened! "


James is already better than Anthony.

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