The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Vol 24 Chapter 27: It's okay!

right now.

The food brought by Grande was filled with the table of Boque Quinn's house.

No one would think that this social event in the neighborhood will start with accusations—

Andrew glanced at Grande ’s elaborate and hearty food for the whole afternoon. “Why are there no traditional Indian cuisine? How can you four of you come to the Indian ’s house as a guest? The home of the three Indians. You too disrespect your master. "

This is not the opening Zach wants. Zach feels that he suddenly finds a reason to come here. As a male host, Pooch should be conscious and know that this is an adult meeting. So Zac looked at Pooch and motioned for the master to control his son.

Pooch saw Zach's gesture, but he bounced back — looking back at Zach's eyes, ‘the reason why my son is so sensitive is you. ’

Yes. Andrew's sensitivity is his attribution of the confident In'an race, something Zac has imprinted on his life track with the pupil of enchantment!

Row. This pot is Zac's, then Zac will take it. "Ander ..." Zac's name is not all.

"The next time you come to Grande, you can fill the Grande's dining table with In'an food." Nana glared at Andrew. "I know we are not In'an. Do we have to ask us to be in you The level of Xiuyin cuisine in front of the three Yinan people? Of course, bringing food to be a guest is to bring your own specialty dishes. This is to respect the master. Did n’t your parents teach you? "

Andrew blinked his eyes and looked at Nana for a while, then tilted his head and looked at Mu En, "Mummy, is this the case?"

"Ahaha, that's it ~"

"Oh." Andrew lowered his head and didn't know what he was thinking. When the adults at the dining table were ready to think about the topic to ease the embarrassment, Andrew looked up. "Nana? So when did you invite our house to Grande?" Guest? "

Wait a moment, this is to hold onto the words in Nana's words, are you ready to occupy Grande's restaurant?

"I don't know, tomorrow?" Nana seemed to just casually say that before Lily tried to stop it, she had lost some time.

"Okay, then dinner tomorrow." Andrew nodded and stopped talking.

The adults on the table were a little speechless. Children don't understand, social activities between families ... cumbersome, adults know. Especially for families like Pooch and Grande. Today ’s dinner is a negotiation hidden in ordinary neighborhood gatherings, which is related to some negotiations of life and death, and even the direction of the world.

It is because of this ‘absolutely significant’ reason that Grand and Boque Quinn families are likely to get together to eat.

Just to meet the children's casual agreement and let the two get together for dinner? Imagine how far that scene will go.

Now every adult on the table can anticipate the embarrassment of tomorrow's dinner, looking at each other.

Zac can't save tomorrow's dinner. The embarrassment at the moment can still be eased. "Lily and Nana don't need to introduce it. I should introduce this ..." Zac is going to introduce it. Annabel.

Zac did not take the initiative to invite Annabel to come with him, nor did he reject the fact that Annabel followed. The reason, as everyone understands, don't talk about it.

At this moment, Zac can be used as a primer to start the republican topic, which is also useful for Annabel.

But Zac failed to finish.

"I know who she is, Countess. The first to discover the werewolf's fatal threat to vampires." Boque Quinn had already eaten the food brought by Grande, but he was not interested in food. Looking at Annabel, her eyes are not provocative, it seems more curious. Then, the atmosphere at Boque Quinn ’s successful dining table changed from embarrassment to strangeness-"What about your soul container?"

Zac could understand that Pooch asked the numb woman who came to Barton with Annabel.

Annabel replied to Pooch, and the answer was to make Zac a little confused and alert. "In a place that you will never find you ~"

In fact, the woman was standing in the corner of the Grand Entertainment Room.

Poki's response made Zack more alert. "Yeah, then you can hide it."

Zac's eyes turned back and forth between Poki and Annabel, seeing nothing more. Zac can only guess now that at midnight in the Republican Papa, he shares his soul with the living corpses made by Xiaozhu using Xiaobai.

And Pooch got the information shared by Papa at midnight.

This information may be important, but it is not something Zac can worry about now. Zac gestured at Lily.

Lily deserves to be a professional in administrative work, and is very aware of the situation where this topic tends to be dangerous and needs to be transferred. "Mun." Lily raised her glass. "Thank you for your help at Parker Elementary School."

"No thanks ~ should ~"

After a round of guest packages, the atmosphere of any inexplicable dining table is relatively reduced. Zac considered the situation at the dining table and motioned Lily to strike while the iron was hot—

Everyone knows the two purposes of this dinner. Zac will use Porky to contact Papa to rescue Sam at midnight and work with Lily in Barton.

The former will bring the topic to the Republic, Zach has just tried it, right, don't want Annabel's situation seems to make this topic too dangerous. Therefore, Zac decided to slow down and let Lily get the job of the nursing home first while gaining favor in front of Mu En.

Lily's business ability is really nothing to say. After clinking back and forth several times, Mu En has completely fallen into the trap of Lily's "Single Mother's Life Is Not Easy"-Lily is really powerful and has learned the most sensitive places of Mu En!

Do n’t forget, the difficulty of a single mother, I am afraid that no one in this world can understand better than Mu En who once tried to protect his son in the wolf pack!

Mu En has been helping Lily speak with all his heart, "Husband ~ (Pochi) You know a lot of people. Do you know where you need talent like Lily? The secretary of the former Mayor of Vega, this resume Barton may not have a second person! "

Poki's face is black. Look at Zac frequently-

On a social occasion, this Toledo actually gave up the stage, and the progress of the dinner was almost half. All of them have listened to the experience of exchanging mothers between two women (Mu En and Lily)! What does Torrido want to do?

In the many times Pooch looked at it, Zac did not look back at Pooch again.

Bo Qi was ordered by Mu En, and there was no clue from Zac. He could only vent his discomfort on the food. The knife in his hand cut back and forth the meat that was already fine enough. "It ’s not afraid, there is no second person. "Boggie looked up at Lily's method, and said the following in a gloomy way-" The once master of the feast, the secretary of Rut Lesenbullah. I am curious, from your hands, sent How many social policies have unfair treatment to the Indians in the entire west? "

It ’s no wonder that Portage Quinn has become the least attractive guy in the third generation of the West End. Look at the skills that ruined the social atmosphere, not one day.

"I just know someone who likes" beautiful resumes "looking for job seekers, and I won't introduce you, Miss Lily. Do you think your single mother's life is very difficult? I enjoy listening to you describe those difficulties, and, I still I hope your life will become more difficult, which will make me more enjoyable. Just like you once enjoyed the hard life of the Indians in the west. "Boqi put the thin meat into his mouth and glanced at Muen by the way. , Tell your wife, it's time to shut up.

*! Zac and Lily looked at each other.

This was Zac's negligence, and he actually forgot this.

Boqi Quinn is not a psychological sunshine guy. The first "twist" to appear in this story is Boqi!

Now the bogey, at a critical place, began to distort.

Hurry, hurry, Zac is thinking. Do n’t let Pozi ’s distorted psychology continue to ferment, and become the same kind of messy thing as Mrs. Quinn! Mu En ’s only strong resume chip was completely countered, and Mu En, who had already faced grievances and remained silent, could no longer provide help. Zac can only rely on himself to open another way to achieve his goal on this dead road! And this road really needs to have the effect of reversing the world!

Zac hasn't figured out yet.

"It's fine if you are my boss." Lily put down her wine glass. "You can squeeze me at any time and at work, making my life miserable, and then enjoy my suffering in the nearest distance. Stepping on my feet, I have to admit that most government decisions have been passed by me. Unfortunately, Lut has already hung up. Then, the best revenge, is n’t it now that I stepped on my feet personally? "" Lily seemed to be sighing about the ruggedness of her life. "I have sent it to myself."

Is this okay? ?

Zac's eyes turned from Lily's face to Poki's ...

Pooch's chewing motion paused for three seconds, and his mouth opened and closed. "Good idea."

Oh, hehe. This ... is ok!

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