The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Vol 25 Chapter 22: Creation and Personality

When Sam told Zac about his experience in the world of Maitreya, Grande came to a guest. Republican girl Maggie came to Annabel to play, and the two chatted in the entertainment room.

"Mile hates you!" Sam was a little excited and was in the office with Zac and Lily. "You told him that the Republican government was right. He shattered his conviction! In that constantly circulating world, he kept talking to himself. It is impossible for the Republic of the Continent to be born from the debate. It is impossible for them, monks who are trying to understand the truth on the Republic of the Continent! "The blurred bodies are flashing to show his excitement. Bad excitement.

Zac has nothing to say about this, "So does his self-defense have a conclusion?" Purely curious.

"No! Every time he walks to a dead end by himself, the world is destroyed, and then reset! Start all over again! Over and over again!"

Poor Maitreya, but Zac doesn't sympathize-the characteristics of vampires determine that vampires can only exist in this world. Vampires have no choice. This world is the home of vampires. Vampires can only love this family.

But the republican monks and aliens are different. They have a choice. They chose to be the **** who went to heaven, so they should bear the burden of this choice-abandoned by this world, abandoned by the Republican government.

"Did Maitre hurt you?" This was what Zac really cared about.

"Uh, this is hurt!" Sam covered his face, "constantly looping, forced to listen to his own debate with himself ..." Sam's eyes emerged from his fingers, inexplicably apologizing, "Zack, I fought ... "

It sounds like Sam is going to announce something special.

Zac gave a relieved expression, "You can say these things to me. I have been in the expansion of my soul. I know how much of that kind of world that keeps repeating makes people crazy."

Sam took a deep breath, apparently anthropomorphic, put his hands down, and looked at Zac seriously, "When time has circulated to a certain number of times, I realized that the only way to avoid the constant reset of the world is to let the argument of the debate prevail. . "

It sounds reasonable, just like Zac tried to stop the time loop by preventing the explosion of the soul while trapped in the expansion of the soul.

Sam, "I was of course helping you in the beginning. If republican aliens want to go to heaven to be gods, they can't complain about the republican government that serves republican humans abandoning them. These aliens who don't want to serve the people!" Listen, nodding your head, this is the universal truth of civilization, and it is also applicable in the Federation-Zac helps mankind, Mayor Anthony will give Zac convenience, right?

But Sam, "But I can't persuade Maitreya!" Sam's lips are tight, "He is the world! As long as it is for your opinion, the world will collapse and accelerate to collapse! It seems that he is in Maitreya himself. Collapse! Together with this trapped in that world I will collapse together! "

Zac pouted, watching Sam's life, making sure that Sam hadn't suffered any damage in the world collapse that the ghost knew how many times ...

"Then everything resets! The debate begins again!" Sam's face was gloomy, looking at Zac, "If you insist on a point of view, and the whole world collapses, time and time again ..."

Zach, realizing it, shook his head, "Your point of view will be shaken."

Yes, Annabel said long ago that those enchanted creatures would brainwash normal creatures. The devil is not a good word in the republic, the reason is here, the devil will erode people's hearts.

Sam closed his eyes as if he did not want to recall those, but in order for Zack to understand the enchanted world, he had to say, "The only way to make that world's reset not so fast is to help Maitreya's own opinion! Let His absolutely wrong "truth" prevailed in the debate! "

Zac was silent. Because inexplicably thought of something-

Remember the creation legend of the republic, an ancient lonely creature separated the world and created the world by himself.

Zac used to think this legend was very romantic.

In addition to romance, it is Zac who knows that vampires can never touch this romance-vampires, the immortal race created by the delusions used by the Lord, have not inherited the romance that other all things in this world have obtained from the ancient lonely creature.

The soul of a vampire is rotten.

The basic elements of creating the world, a sound soul, a vampire, no.

Therefore, vampires in this world can only do one thing, that is, learn and adapt to the truth of this world, and then hope to be able to stand for the side of the truth forever in their own eternal life, not to become aliens abandoned by the times, such as Wings and goblins were eliminated like that ...

In other words, vampires cannot formulate their own world truth. Vampires will always be prisoners of the laws of this world.

For Maitreya, the situation jumped into another dimension. Sam said that Maitreya was debating with himself. The outcome of the debate ended with the world collapsing, resetting, and restarting. Think about it, is this really a debate, no, this is the truth that Maitreya is the essence of that world, building a new world!

Every time Sam helps Zach ’s point of view, the world collapses and resets, and the collapse of the world can only be delayed when helping Maitreya-this is no longer obvious, this is the intentional destruction of Maitreya after he became the world Old world thoughts must create a new world order that satisfies his point of view!

The enchanted world, the new creation, whether or not Sheila ’s body enters, is already in order!

Oh, perhaps what is missing is just Sheila ’s body to mark the time and let the new world continue on the timeline!

This is probably Pucci's warning to Zac. This time, Maitreya will create a new world without killing Maitreya!

Lily has been on the sidelines. If everyone is silent, she has nothing to hear, so, "Then? When will the Maitreya world last for the longest time? Do you see anything worth mentioning in that world?"

Sam was reminded and stared at Zac. "The last time I lost my sense of time, it felt like countless years have passed ..." Sam paused, but Zac felt Sam's face. Confused, "But after watching countless world collapses and resets, you have to understand that this is something that I can't feel in this world. In this world, the sun rises and sunsets, the time does not stop moving, in that world It is indeed a constant destruction and rebirth, I think I ... "Weird complexion," Enlightenment to what. "

With that said, Sam extended his hand and opened his palm.

In an instant, the blazing light filled Grande!

Zac and Lily both covered their eyes, "Sam!" The warm, dazzling brilliance caused the vampire's blood to boil-Zac instantly recalled the life of a vampire when he was still unable to travel, the fear of sunlight .

"Ah!" Sam's hands closed, and the radiance and enthusiasm disappeared. "I'm sorry! I just have a weird feeling. I can make this thing that continues to shine on the world ..."

Sam, with his ghostly creation ability, shines the sun ...

Zac and Lily put down their hands blocking their sight, and at the same time saw each other's anxious and embarrassed clothing-Lily's eyebrows seemed to be gone ...

Zac just wanted to talk, "What's the matter?" It was Annabel, who was staring at Zac with one hand protecting the Republican girl Maggie who was still rubbing her eyes.

"He made a sun !!!" Zac didn't have time to speak again, angry Lily yelled out, and then rushed out of the office, seemingly to go directly to his room to change clothes.

Zac is also prepared to do the same thing, after all, there is a girl, Zac does not want to ruin his image.

Without talking, he got up and walked out of the office, Yu Guang, but saw the other hand that Annabel placed behind him-the black, red blood line climbing, the hand slowly healing itself ...

Zac froze for a moment before he could speak again. "Maggie faced the direction where the light came in. I helped her block it." Annabel replied herself.

Hearing this answer, Zac turned his head back and looked at Sam in surprise.

Sam is also shocked, and then, Sam: "Ah! Zac! Are you okay? !!! Are you injured? !!!"

The sun created by Sam can burn vampires in another room? ! !

Zac's movements did not stop, and he bowed his head and began to examine himself.

Three seconds later, Zack confirmed that he was not injured except for his poor clothes.

Zac's eyes returned to Annabell, frowning, not speaking, no longer delaying, and went back to the master bedroom to change clothes.

The voice of Maggie who had restored his eyes was heard outside the door, "Ah! Annabel, what happened to your hand?"

"It's okay ~ I'm healing myself ~"

"Did I create trouble?" What a good girl.

"Relax, it's not you ~" Annabel's voice was also very relaxed. "Let's go back to the entertainment room ~ Continue the myth story we just talked about ~" There seems to be nothing to hear, no, "Oh, right, the legend of the Republic Is there a fairy who can make the sun? "

Zac floated eagerly to see if Zac was well, Sam pushed out and ordered, "Go listen!"

Sam floated helplessly into the entertainment room, watching the two women chat.

"Make the sun?" Maggie thought, "I don't know if it counts, but there is a legend that the sun is actually a very, very, very powerful child of God, there are ten."

"There are ten suns?" Annabel asked, smiling for granted. "One sun has held vampires in the night for more than a thousand years. I can't believe there are nine more."

"Oh, don't worry about it. Legend has it that the other nine suns were destroyed by a hero, and he has become a **** ~ he will ensure that there is only one sun in our world, no matter who the children of the extra suns are ~ "


When Zac changed clothes and came out, he saw Sam keeps beside Annabel and urged Annabel to ask Maggie the name of the hero. Obviously, Sam knew that he had shown the ability to cause big trouble!

But Annabel was indifferent.

When Sam was about to build his body and asked himself, Zack recalled Sam to his body.

Then, it is waiting. Waiting for Maggie to leave, when the sunset is red on the west side, Zac personally confronts Annabel, "I will wait for Nick and Roy to come back, and then let Sam release the sun he made again, and then confirm whether the sun It's really a threat to the vampire. "There is no disguise, Zac almost directly predicted that Annabel will be burned by the sun again!

It ’s not that Zac has any bad taste, but that the reference to what happened does not have a representative—

Zac, the only vampire who received the final reward of the Holy Lord, the image ability, has a binding relationship with Sam, and Zac's not being burned by the sun created by Sam, can't explain anything. It may be Zac ’s uniqueness as a vampire, or it may be that Sam himself, as the maker of the new sun, does not want to hurt Zac.

Then Annabel.

As Annabelle ’s current state, is it contrary to common sense to completely retire the vampire? Sharing other human souls? What's even more strange is that this technology was given by Papa at midnight, and it was intentionally flawed.

Neither Zach nor Annabel are good enough to represent vampires!

Who can represent? Poor Nick and Roy. They must make some sacrifices for this experiment.

Zach ’s words did n’t end, “So you better explain why you did n’t ask Sam the name of the sun-destroying hero before they return.”

Zac had a weird feeling, and Annabel concealed some information she didn't reveal. After all, Zac still didn't like Annabel and didn't trust her.

Annabel replied, "The hero who destroyed the extra sun is not a threat. Since Maggie said that he has also become a god, it means that he and the father of the nine suns, well, reconciled. The world can only have A sun is a truth recognized by the Republicans. "

It ’s also worth breathing. Do n’t look at Annabel and Maggie talking and laughing very easily, but you can imagine that there are a few more suns suddenly in the world, and there is no more Lord to upgrade vampires here. Continue the day trip ...

Dare to think, dare not to think.

"But you still asked the legend of the sun." Zach didn't pass it so well. "You must think that Sam created the sun to be a certain threat before asking. Then don't ask if you care about the vampire race. You are the only one in the Federation. You are alone. Strictly speaking, all the vampires in the country of the Federation are not your friends. You do n’t care if the federal vampires will be burned to death by the new sun. "

"I care about you ~" Annabel resisted meaninglessly.

Zac waved his hand, "I wasn't hurt, did I. I don't want to find a boring reason, you know you can't tell me. Tell me the truth."

The truth is--

Annabel looked at Zac, "I really care about you, but not because you might be burned by the sun, but because of your relationship with Sam."

Sam came out of Zac's body in response, "*! Are you jealous, woman!" We also need to remind everyone, who was the first to realize the embarrassment of Annabel and took the initiative to talk to Annabel? That's right, Sam.

"Yes." Admitted, "Zac did not hesitate to change the world perception of the four centuries in order to save you, standing with Papa at midnight. Then he will do more to save you." Annabel did not Sam initially refrained from Sam ’s eyes as he kept talking to her, and looked at Sam, “And more, that ’s what I worried about. Sam, the legend that Maggie told, has proven that there is already a Republican God God has penetrated the sun. The sun used by countless republics to perceive all things in this world, there is already a very very very ... "This is just the application of Maggie's words," The powerful **** represents. And you Sam, you are in peace with This guy who has become a **** grabs the truth of this world. "

Zach did not keep up, "Will the truth of the world be robbed?"

"Of course." Annabell closed her eyes and opened it again. "The southeast Spira consecrator asked to see the sea to be punished by the world. It was not that person who chose the wrong world truth, but that he was robbing Mazu. Hai. I do n’t want to lie, but Mazu is my friend. I do n’t want you to hate the Republican God. They did n’t do anything wrong. No one wants to be robbed of their own things. In particular, this thing is still a god. ”

Zac kept up, "So, the Republican God will kill the monks who fought with themselves." Looking at Annabel, "I will not hate the Republican God, but I will not like them either, at least Pucci will listen to me , No longer kill federal citizens on federal territory, and your friends, hum. "The difference is already obvious and doomed. The vampire represented by Zac will definitely choose one of the two republican gods, and Zac has firmly chosen Pucci, who can make the world with everything!

After being quiet for half a minute, immersing all knowledge into the optimal theory of action——

Zac made the decision, "Sam, hide your new abilities and never show them again."

Nick, Roy, escaped.

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