The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Vol 2 Chapter 2: Ridiculous thing

Grande just finished a farewell, Yuehua and Baiying. Bayi Chinese ≥ ≧ W ≦ W≤W <. ﹤ 8≤1ZW. The COM statement is this. They have been in Barton for a month. The things they should see and understand are almost the same. They, who had been the advance team of Salem Black Witches, should go back and report their conclusions-

"Now that Siberia ’s enchantment, uh, or who knows what to call that thing ... anyway, the original reason she invited us to no longer exists. But we, we saw a lot in Barton, strange Eh, something interesting, Grande, Wizard, Rimmer, Demon Feast ... I think we should have some interesting discussions when we go back. Eh, maybe we will meet again. "

Do you think this is all the farewell? of course not.

Yuehua and Baiying worked hard for the last time, "Zack, you haven't answered the original question."

Remember, the death caused by Colt was invisible to the black witches. It's just like a person who has no meat and no joy, and I don't know when to start. There is one less meat in front of me. Chickens, goats, fishes and pigs are missing cattle. Why? What does this represent? What is a strange sign?

Zac pondered for a long time, "Come." The two guests who occupied the Grand's only room for a month came to the basement.

Take a handful of ‘colt’ in a humble box.

"Don't ask." Zac handed out the magic gun, and any two black witches played stiffly. "I don't know what happened. Oh, it's true, well, its effect is true. , I tried twice, spike. "Please do n’t break through Zac ’s terrible marksmanship. He said seconds are seconds.

Yuehua gave this answer, "Well, I think, after going back this time, in addition to Patton, we have something new to discuss. Then this" Colt "..."

"My only suggestion ..." Zac took back Colt and threw back the humble box. "Don't be caught by its muzzle."

This is all.

After that, as the master of Grande, everyone thought that Zac would at least try his best to send the two to the station. No.

After Yuehua Baiying left Grand, there were other places to go, and Zac was not suitable to follow. There was, of course, many things to be said about Spira. Gone? and also. Rimer in the West End, Eve. The crushed puppets in the corner of Grande's back porch made the two black witches have to take this trip. Understand. This is really gone.

Watching the two leave Grand, Zach returned to the office. On the table are things stuffed into Grand's mailbox today, bills, advertising flyers, poll letters, "Urban Legends", Barton Daily, police questionnaire ...

Things that didn't care were naturally thrown aside. Zac left magazines and polls in front of him, pouted, and took back the police questionnaire. How could he not care, as Susan said, Pierce had a way to get Southern District to support Isela.

"In view of the recent fierce protests against Alan ’s Funeral Home, the protesters are all the people of the Southern District, friends, relatives, and people who are familiar with each other. Seeking opinions on handling methods ... "

Zac frowned. Was it funny? Law enforcement law enforcement officials asked civilians for law enforcement advice?

Zac shook his head and threw the ridiculous thing aside.

Opened the polling letter, did not read it, and ticked all the options that supported Anthony. Inevitably, I saw a certain canvassing remark from Ethela's side-"This is a male-dominated world, women, let those people see our strength and support me. 』

Zac twitched his mouth, put a big cross on this sentence, and wrote the following sentence, 'This is not a world of anything. When we elect a mayor, we choose one who can represent the entire seat. The people of the city come to lead us, not to choose a poster, or to choose someone who will only display half of the population to promote their power! If you are calling for equality by men and women, say this, you are the most unequal one! ’

Zac shook his pen and felt that it was not addictive. He added, 'If Ms. Ethela is only willing to represent her own gender and abandon the other half of the population of Barton City, I would like to express my own small voice of civilians As a voter, her rights should be limited to expressing her own opinions, representing a group of people she thinks she can represent, not worthy of leading all. ’

Depressed, Zac folded up the poll with satisfaction, squeezed back the envelope, and asked Matthew to send it out later.

Then, I took "Urban Legends", and the title of the cover has been seen, unexplained-"Woman's Monster Love Story". Zach opened it, and only read the first sentence, "But in the early spring of the beginning of the year, Louis has begun to shake her money tree on the street at night ..." Zach pouted, he already knew that this was written What's wrong, don't let Louise see it well.

By the way, speaking of Louise, Louise went out early to see Susan in the nursing home.

Yesterday's itinerary was interrupted, and Zac's attempt to restore what he did to Susan was completely delayed, Louise knew.

Surprisingly, Louise was the one who prevented Zac from reversing Susan's insanity.

Louise said:

"That's it. In Esra's eyes, Susan is useless, let her return to normal, and she can't go back to the life that she thinks is 'proud', she will have nothing and still have Ai in a clear body There are countless secrets that Sera can't disclose. Even if Esra no longer cares about Susan's troubles, there is no guarantee that we, Anthony, will not use Susan in reverse. Her life will be painful. It is better to be I think it is good for everyone to live abnormally in my own world. "

Zac nodded, but still confessed a few things, using the vampire method, blood exchange, "a way to make her more comfortable."

Louise accepted it and practiced with red eyes before leaving.

Benjamin appeared in the office, watching Zac stayed, grabbed the magazine in front of Zac, and read, "Is this about you and Louise?"

Zac was speechless, "I haven't finished reading." It means to return.

Benjamin glanced at the newspaper, "Newspaper."

Zac had no choice but to get the newspaper. The photo of Director Darcy surrounded by the microphone made Zac pouting again. Forget it, just look at it. Turned over the headline.

The new chief of police who was just a week old was assassinated. This report easily occupied two pages. Now I am afraid that no one in Patton will know that his chief of police has been replaced.

Zac wasn't really curious about how Darcy compiled this lie, because the previous news had already airborne this, no, the mayor Anthony "digged" the police chief to the end. Darcy is a very famous person in the west. He is a family of policemen. He has stayed in the military. He has won countless honors and commendations. The criminals who fight can build a city ...

Not to exaggerate with you, Darcy ’s father died when he was born to fight criminals, Darcy ’s grandfather died when his father was born, and Darcy ’s great grandfather died when his grandfather was born. Fighting with criminals ...

Can you accept it, interracial?

Inheritors in captivity.

Oh, this single-generation family has accumulated its own honors and merits. Apart from those who were dug by our Mayor Barton as a measure to improve this year ’s frequent abuse of Barton City, they are also accumulated in this heritage. Own enemy.

So, in this generation of Darcy, he said, someone assassinated me. Barton Daily listed two pages of fierce suspects, and by the way, once again turned the glorious deeds of the new police chief.

Zac looked, sincerely, really boring.

Wow! Closed the newspaper, and circled on the desk without energy.

Well, Zac must be too boring, and took the police questionnaire that was thrown away.

Zac still maintained his attitude, the law enforcers asked the civilians for law enforcement opinions, which was funny. For example, if you are robbed, the police will not pursue you, but ask you, "You are robbed, can I do anything for you?" "**! Go chase!"

Well, anyway, the Southern District Police Station is not stupid enough to solicit this opinion.

Zac failed to abandon his prejudices and began to read the survey.

Cause Zack was a little impressed. I saw it in the corner of the newspaper once.

Remember Grande ’s tomb move, remember that Grande ’s mill was crowded out by his peers and there was no profit, remember Allen Funeral Home (Barton has three funeral homes, Ford North, Grand West, South South Allen. Now we are familiar with the Grand Funeral Home, where old Grande and Hank left the West End, where they lived in seclusion. There was no business, and Zac took it. Grand live)?

Roughly speaking, some people are unhappy with Grand's tomb movement. Because the cemetery of the people in the Western District was moved from the cemetery in the Western District to the Southern District with compensation from the government, the point is that there is still a cemetery.

Other funeral homes have been treated like this. Ford remembers the matter. Welsh also complained that when dealing with the Ford cemetery in the North District, they were beaten by the people who were angry at their relatives and dug from the cemetery.

Allen never mentioned it, but it was not fortunate for Grande. After Ford gained a step after gaining experience, the compensation plan after the re-planning of the cemetery was still unsatisfactory.

Of course, there are also some time and geographical impacts. Ford in the North District is a contradiction. After the city government ’s compensation plan comes out, it will be normal after the appeasement, because it is the compensation that the citizens have obtained through the struggle.

The Grand Cemetery in the Western District, because of the class characteristics of the Western District people, was naturally favored by the municipal government with some experience in dealing with it. In addition, Grande just kept Barton ’s only cemetery in the Southern District, and the wave of compensation for the tomb removal naturally came naturally. Was born.

The last Allen funeral home saw the contradiction of Ford, saw the Grande being treated preferentially, but he got it on the average-Allen had no cemetery, and the compensation plan of the municipal government was only a pension plus re-creation, it seemed to be Fair, right, after all, Ford's final solution is the same.

But there are people who are dissatisfied-from ‘we have a cemetery in the south, and Grande, people in the west can move the tomb. Why ca n’t our loved ones move? ‘To’ North District, they won compensation, and we should also fight for something for ourselves, do n’t we? ’

But the scale of this protest is very small, I mean, really small. Most of the people in the Southern District are simple farmers who are not good at it and do not want to do such things. At least in Zach's vague impression, it seemed that a few people held a sign on Allen's side for a few days.

Seriously, the method is wrong, this kind of thing is completely ignored. Forget it, Ford in the North District, the city government that the people protested was beating civil servants, but not the innocent Ford funeral home.

However, the rusticity of the Southern District people is also expressed here. Remember that the last time Serris and Brill brought people to block the mill. They also blocked the wrong people. They should go to the prison where the incident was actually carried out ...

But the investigation that Zac is seeing in front of him now seems that this farce-like protest has escalated, which has caused trouble for the operation of Alan ’s Funeral Home.

Zac does n’t understand that things have passed for so long, from the beginning of compensation to now, it ’s been a little half a year. Hey, Ford ’s original cemetery and Quest ’s new city have been completed. Special new industries have already started construction. On the Allen side, if the cremated ashes can still be deteriorated, I am afraid it should be turned into air, and there is nothing to protest.

"In view of the unsuccessful efforts after persuasion and reconciliation several times, the police had to arrest some protesters and popularize the city government ’s explanation of the compensation for the cemetery recovery and then release it, but the effect was minimal. Our repeated people who have been released continue to participate in the protests and intensify conflicts ... "

Zac frowned and said that it was an investigation. What is the meaning of this publicly admitting incompetence? Prisoners continue to commit crimes, then you continue to arrest, explain that education is not enough, then increase the punishment! Zac was really not interested, and looked towards the end, the only place with options.

Then Zac widened his eyes, what the hell?

"1. Severely punish those who protest troubles. (Choose this carefully, our police have been trying to maintain the peace of everyone's life, do not want to intensify conflicts)

2. The police representative protests the public and submits a petition to the municipal government for additional compensation. (The most feasible way)

3. The police will act as an intermediary between the Alan funeral home and the protesters, and make additional compensation. (Citizens, please do not choose this. It is useless. We have negotiated with Alan. The compensation allocated by the municipal government has already been paid. The Alan funeral home itself cannot afford any additional compensation.)

You read that right, these brackets are right after the options.

Zac does n’t want to read 4 anymore. He lost the questionnaire. Who is it? It ’s so ridiculous. He made such a thing that lost all law enforcement agencies and even the government ’s face.

Then Zac frowned. Zac felt responsibility, yes, responsibility. This has become obvious to the speechless seditious investigation, and it is Zac's responsibility.

Zac hasn't returned the film to Cologne, isn't it? Cologne only got Danny's sentence "Zac has already processed it".

Cologne, watching such ridiculous things in his game, could only hold back.

Zac thinks it's time to do something, at least it can't make Cologne so cringe that it really becomes a name ... (to be continued.)

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