The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Vol 2 Chapter 9: Bumi and Dora

Not in Button, in a city in the middle. Bayi Chinese ≥W ﹤ W ﹤ W <. ﹤ 8 ﹤ 1 ≦ Z < W. Com seems to be a big city. Wait a minute. It is not the prosperity of this city that can draw people to this conclusion, but something completely opposite to prosperity.

Under the city, under the road on which people step on and walk, all the brightly isolated places-the city's abandoned subway station. Compared to Barton's villas (Exton), which can only be abandoned, most of the investment failed to give up the sea view villa (Saint's current home). Here, this city has boldly abandoned the transportation hub that can connect the whole city.

someone is coming.

Footsteps sounded in the empty and dirty abandoned station, and the hooded guys came out of the darkness, "finally came back," the guy with the male duck voice said.

Yes. It was the guys who appeared in front of the Kozil store in the easternmost city in the west a few days ago. Phils.

We should not call others by their external flaws, let us expect them to reveal their names in the dialogue.

"Why no one came to pick us up." The pit-faced guy was impatient. "Where is everyone going? Dora--" he cried, and the end was drawn.

"Bumi! Stop shouting!"

The little girl's voice is pretty good.

The shadow on the inside of the railroad looked out, and then twisted, and then appeared. It was hard to tell whether she had always been there or had grown out of the shadow.

"I have to make sure no one is following you!" The little figure named Dora came out of the shadow. She had a fairly normal face, but her body seemed to be skewed into a strange angle, and her hands were shrunk. Side, as if it can't grow normally.

She lifted her thin, shrunken hands in a distorted posture, and beckoned, "Come in, you are much earlier than expected." Dora walked into the darkness with a group of people behind him, as if on the side of the railway A door opened. "Either, the transaction with the Demon Banquet went very smoothly, or you didn't act as planned at all!" The tone was irritable.

The guy called Bumi replied, "We didn't trade with Kozil."

"I knew it!" Dora was very impatient. The voice of the conversation soon fell far behind in the darkness. The vampires moved quickly and suddenly!

The new, abandoned subway station, thunderous rumblings and tiny vibrations came from the other end of this underground space. It is a new transportation network that replaces these abandoned places. And those roaring noises just happened to cover up the noise here.

Noisy in what should have been a deserted place.

People with pale skin are crowded and shuttled here ... Occasionally hit by strangers, they will stare past with their red eyes. Of course, the same red will be greeted.

Here is the world of vampires.

Hidden Alliance? Don't be kidding, if the Secret Alliance knows that someone like this kind of guy crowded in the underground derelict facilities of human beings is the them, the Secret Alliance will let anyone with this idea know what is naive.

Dora stood in front of a stall, and before looking at the stall, the old man raked in his waist and retreated silently.

That ’s right, it ’s a street stall, with stacked blood bags on a dirty blanket like a yoga blanket.

"5o Dore, I want two bags." A guy who couldn't even put his teeth in was close to the stall.

Dora ignored it and shrank her fingers to the cardboard next to the stall, which said, ‘Human blood, a bag of 7o, without consultation. "You go back and help others. Now we are suffering. Bumi can stay and tell me why."

Bumi had to squat beside Dora to make her height equal. "We still don't believe Kozil, and ..."

"I say 5o!" The guy with long teeth has crimson eyes and sharp hands grabbing Dora, who is short and twisted. "The deformed guy !! Otherwise I let you hope that you were not born at all !!"

Dora's eyes were red for an instant, and the shrunken hand suddenly stretched, as if a small hand like a plastic toy shovel, directly penetrated and penetrated the other person's jaw. "Bumi." Indifferent command.

Bumi's face was full of pits. He turned over behind the stall, pulled out a poke, and placed it where the other party fell down.


Dora's hand was drawn, and the blood spewed out into the bucket, turned around, wiped off the blood on his hand, and pulled out a new card, 'Vampire blood, 1oooo a bucket, pre-ordered, cash, not negotiated . ’

It's impossible that nobody noticed the movements here. This little blood booth was crowded with people. The first few people who arrived didn't even look at the bloodletter who was going to death, and discussed with each other to collect money.

The noisy trading sound completely overwhelmed a guy who was groaning in death. For a moment, the only reason he had not been beheaded-the bloodletting had also reached the end moment, twisted and turned into a ash.

Dora frowned, she realized that she was surrounded by a group of people, she and Bumi could not speak at all, "Nine thousand, plus clear the wreckage of this house, hurry up!"

The crowd clamoured, and quickly, a pile of money was delivered to Dora, and several people began to clear the ashes in front of the booth.

While Dora was impatiently waiting, someone tried to please her without understanding, "Noveler, there have been so many foreign guys recently, thank you for being here ..."

"Shut up and move quickly. Unless you want to be my next product too." Dora responded indifferently, glancing at Bumi, "The middle is getting chaotic, these don't know where to come out ' "Exotic" vampires also appeared frequently, which is already the fifth one I met this week. "

I remember Zac mentioned it. It ’s not that the descendants without vampires are all satisfied by their creators. Even the former family members are not as good as they are. They are discarded directly after they are made. . These are exogenous vampires. It means abandonment that is not recognized outside the genealogy.

And here, these guys who need to buy their own blood are all foreign species. The non-foreign secret alliance is no longer in the middle, right. Oh yeah, except for Norfolk who did n’t know why for no reason.

Bumi pursed his lips. "We should clear it once, otherwise they will attract hunters sooner or later, and then we may all be in danger."

"Already doing it." Dora ignored the grateful eyes cast by the 'customer' who was doing the cleaning up. "Huh. But we are not Bruch, we are not a clan that is good at fighting." A vampire who just killed a second The guy said that he was not good at fighting, er, he also used an uncomfortable tone.

"It's already pretty good." Bumi seemed to nod in agreement, and then shook his head. "We learned the trick of Torrito the Demon." After looking at the ashes that had been almost cleared, "The effect is not bad. Make up for it a little bit. "(This volume, 1. They were going to use the secret technique of Demon Toledo to trade with Demon.)

The clean-up person retreated, and Dora could speak without being disturbed, frowning tightly, "Just make up enough! We have to retaliate, and I want to pay the price of Demon Feast! Why did you come back early ?!"

Bumi pursed his lips, and seemed to be waiting for Dora to calm down a little bit. "Is there any report in the central newspaper, um, that ..." He was organizing a speech, "Darcy, a famous police chief in the west, was transferred to A small city in the east went, well, then he was assassinated, and then this case ... "

Noting the extreme frustration and irritability on Dora ’s face, Bumi would be wrong and speed up, “In short, this case has been broken in Patton in the east, but the prisoner was not caught and was wanted, but the above mentioned Something worth noting, about this wanted criminal ... "

Dora interrupted, "Huh! Isn't Mocavi married to a painting."

"Yeah." Bumi raised an eyebrow. "Central also reported. I thought only the east and west would care about this case."

"Reported!" Impatient, "Reported in a corner, a sketch photo, a few paragraphs, the case did not write anything, but wrote the joke clearly!"

Understandably, in the east, such as Patton, the case was reported in detail because Darcy was the director of his own city, and in the west, it was because Darcy was born in the west. Central? With the spread of the central meaning, the portrait of the wanted person has already fulfilled the obligations of the media.

Bumi seems to have a little anticipation, "So, what do you think? Outsiders can't know this joke. Is there a person in our secret alliance in the city of Barton in the east ..."

"Don't talk about the Secret Alliance anymore!" Dora stared at Bumi. "We have nothing to do with them !!!" These words are hateful!

Bumi pursed his lips for a moment and said, "We think there is a possibility, please ..."

Was glared, "We also think of what you think." There was a hint of hope in the peculiar tone. It was particularly obvious after the hateful words were just finished, but then she shook her head, "We have already It ’s been discussed, if, if that ’s a signal from Torre, we will finally have friends in this federation, and then there is hope whether it is to re-rise or revenge to the magic feast Torre. But this is very The slim if! Our most likely success is still your deal to go west and Kozil! "In the end was disappointment," you are back! "

"Sorry, Dora." Bumi turned away.

The anthropomorphic deep breath, "Forget it, come back when you come back. It is also a good thing to come back one by one." She moved her mouth and did not continue the topic. "Now we just need manpower."

"Do you want to clean up the foreign species?" Bumi did not continue. "Very well, we just need to save some vampire blood. The brothers who have been inquiring about Rimmer's news should come back, they will need this blood to practice us. New skills (Magic Fare Torrido's skills). "

"They're back." Dora shook her head, disappointed. "After the 'Varmina' channel in the central part was destroyed by the Federal Drug Enforcement Administration, they all disappeared. They couldn't find it. Their magic, if they don't want to make people Now, even we ca n’t find it. But they found a few wandering Gangro groups, and you do n’t need you to clean up the foreign species. You hand them over to Gangro. ”She pursed her lips,“ but, Gange. Luo brought back some news. They had a three-generation Gangaro who was with the saints ... "


"Well, go east, and then there will be no news."

"The devil has an absolute advantage in the east ?!"


The atmosphere was inexplicably awkward.

"There are more important things for you." Dora shook her head and forcibly boosted her mood. "Mocavi, escaped."

"Uh ..." Bumi's pitted face began to look weird. "Before or after that report?"

"Before." Dora shook her head. "But we did it afterwards. After the report came out, I at least felt it was time to discuss with the protagonist of her joke, and ask her opinion, only to realize that she had disappeared for a few weeks. . "

"Uh." Bumi wrinkled his face. "The patient in the mental hospital is gone. Why is there no news?"

"Because she is Mocavi's ancestor, she is very powerful. She has found someone to replace her and stay there!" Dora frowned tightly and finished the sentence with an irritable tone.

"Dora." Bumi looked at Dora seriously, "Don't tell me, you want me to find her."

"It's not you or me." Dora also looked at Bumi seriously. "We are the only two second-generation Nophiles. We can only do things with our ancestors. And I don't want to do it."

Bumi raised his lips, "Well, um, can't you ignore her? Why are we going to be nanny to Mokawi's ancestor?"

"Because." Dora paused. "We don't have our own ancestor!" Don't delve into it first. "And, she is the only lineage of Mocavi." Not only is Mocavi's ancestor, but only The meaning of the saved one is, "We can't leave her alone."

Bumi doesn't want to speak. Mokawi is a lunatic or a powerful lunatic. No one with normal psychology would be willing to be related to such a lunatic.

"Forget it!" Dora looked at her side. "I'll go, I'll go find her. If you didn't come back early, I should do this."

Bumi did not conceal his relief.

Dora pursed her lips, "You are back anyway, and the things I just gave up will be replaced by you."

"As long as it is not related to Mokawi." Bumi shook his head, helpless, he actually had what he wanted to do, such as the reason why they came back from the west in advance-go to the east to see what.

"When I was looking for Mokawi in a psychiatric hospital, I heard some news." Dora was disappointed, but the direction of disappointment seemed a bit strange, "They seem to be transferring a patient who is very concerned about the outside. Murderer , It seems, but it seems that because of having hired a powerful lawyer, he got rid of the crime and stayed in the mental hospital for treatment. Now, he will be sent out here and go to ... "He paused," Barton in the east, a place called Green Sanatorium . "

"You said Button?" Bumi's face was pleasantly surprised.

In contrast, Dora was disappointed, or, jealous, "Yes, Button." Shaking his head, "Anyway, we are going to send someone to Patton to listen to the information. I am now assigned to be a three-generation kid. What do you say? Are you going? "

"of course!"

"For the information we have now, Patton is a very complicated city ..."

"How are the three generations of kids! I'm going!"

… (To be continued.)

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