The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Vol 2 Chapter 10: Can't say you

After returning to Grande, Louise went straight into the basement and shut Zac out of the door. Bayi Chinese W] W] W]. ) 81ZW. COM

"No ink." Zac stopped the ink that was going to accompany Louise. "You won't be effective if you go there."

Ink frowned, not sure about Zac's meaning. In the past few days, Louise's mood has been problematic, and he is obviously avoiding Zac. The only thing that accompanies Louise is ink, but it has not improved. Mo didn't know if Zac was saying that her comfort was useless.

Zach ’s eyes are a little weird. “Sorry, I do n’t mean that. But, I think I know the reason why Louise is in a bad mood. Your company will be counterproductive.”

At the request of Zach, Dora and Bumi did not directly follow Grand, but went to the southeast to throw away stolen stolen goods. So Zac explained that there was no burden, "Dora and Bumi just killed a republican ghost."

Mo, who had originally followed Zac, stood there, his head down.

"Hey." Zac must be comforted. "You know this kind of thing will happen sooner or later, and Louise also understands. If it can make you feel better, Dora Bumi they waited all night, if the ghost can and Things may be different in the Federation ’s interracial communication, but she does n’t. The only thing she expresses is the “do n’t” before death, or the republican language. Only Louise understands ... ”

Does this make people feel good? From Zac's perspective, yes. ——

"Even if she is not in our hands, she can't communicate with the federal aliens. She can't survive in the federal."

Mo looked up and his face was not good. "You just misinterpret the facts for your actions afterwards. Whether you can communicate or not, you will not let her survive here. You told me clearly yesterday."

Zac nodded, "I just said a factor that helps everyone understand the facts. No matter how you understand it, this is a different species bred by the two sides of the land, touching on one side of the land. This cannot be a peaceful touch, you Did n’t you read the news? Even before that, through the international trade agreement, all the federals thought it was the start of foreign capital, labor, and even cultural invasion. Even if they can communicate, there will be other reasons for hostility. We are aliens, no humans Such a complex system of political interests, so let ’s keep things simple and do n’t touch. You do n’t come, we do n’t go, there is a whole ocean separating us and letting us maintain this state. ”

"Now you're just arguing indiscriminately." Mo rarely gave Zac a bad face. "In order to defend your actions, you wiped out the reasons for the existence of the Federation. You and the local aliens in Inner ... "

"We fought a war, and then created the Federation." Zac didn't care about being stinky. "Are you suggesting that we should fight the war against the Republic, and then have to stop each other and build peace."

Mo was choked, "I can't tell you."

Zac did not have a triumphant victory, and shook his head. "I know what you think, this is unfair, the secret alliance is republican. It was an unabashed invasion, but, tell me, what is their situation?"

Mo sipped his lips, "Not good. Republicans regard all aliens as monsters and are things that need to be eliminated. They have no future. I recently heard Dora talk about your previous history, and I am more certain that your Brahma Zhuo, even if our interracial aliens ignore these invaders, they will sooner or later perish. "

Zac shrugged. "So it's the same, where people should stay where they belong ..."

"Then I shouldn't be in Grande." Mo frowned tightly.

"You are here to save your relatives." Zac raised an eyebrow and glanced at the Great Dane Jin who had turned his **** around. "You want to thank you for this 'family' who came here to live at the beginning of the birth of the Federation, you This is a special case. "

Mo Wuyan said for a while, and then pouted, "Okay, I get it. What you say makes sense." Shaking his head, it seemed that he had completely given up the debate with Zac, and changed the subject without warning. The notice, "Mr. Walker called, and he said that my identity was made, and he started to look at it. He came to talk to us in a while."

"Steve?" Zac bent his mouth and said that when he was hungry, Mo was a special case. This special case of the province was a step forward in becoming a federal. No wonder that Mo gave up so simply, "When?"

"Just now. You just sent Louise away, and the phone came."

Zac nodded. "Did you think about yourself?"

Remember, at the time Steve Walker said, if Mo is willing to wait, instead of using the real identity that already exists in the field, Steve can use the imperfect channels for federal and Republican identity information exchange to create a Identity.

"Think about it. I'm 28. I'm a chef. I'm good at dim sum making, I love animals, I love TV shows, I don't like outdoor sports ..."

Zac pouted, a little speechless, "Don't be so, uh, personal details, you should pay more attention to identity, such as family, parents or something." Zac is suggesting with experience.

"Oh!" Mo was completely reminded.

Zac waved his hands, hoping Steve could be more reliable, and went to the second floor because the phone rang.

The guest's car drove into the backyard when the phone was picked up. Steve came down with his briefcase. He smiled at the window on the second floor and walked away.

"It's me." There's Madison over the earpiece. "Uh, work first." It seems that there is more than one thing to say to Zac, "I just received the single funeral, and according to your request, said the various funerals now. Specifications. "Single cremation, conversion to traditional burial, plus Grande ’s new service project that recently appeared, cremation plus traditional ceremonies," Customers intend to perform traditional ceremonies. "

"Well, then you send the information." Zach looked down the window and looked at the construction site on the west side, mainly to see the construction team in Austin. While at the Herman factory, Louise did say Because she was afraid of trouble erasing a memory of these people, right, so Zac is proud of seeing the past at this time, Louise has a very good grasp of the enchanting pupil, worthy of Zac ’s personal biography, these days There is nothing unusual about Austin—pleasant work, pleasant laziness, and pleasant pitting of grand money in certain projects ... Zac certainly knows it, but it is really unnecessary.

"I don't want to go." The receiver over there unexpectedly directly, "You let Matthew take it."

Zac's triumph was interrupted, pursing his lips, "Why?"

"Brian ..." Haven't forgotten this double-eyed guy caused by the failure of the enchanting pupil. He needs to be self-reliant. He works at the mill. "It's not comfortable these days. I'm going to see him."

Zac will not forget, because every time he goes to the mill, he can see this guy who repels the vampire and hides from Zac. Zac frowned, and sat down at the desk by the way, gestured to Mo and Steve who came in to start, "What's wrong with him?" Anyway, the other party also lived in Grande for so long, and experienced the Bishop family together. You still need to be concerned about the drastic changes.

"Huh, he lives in the southeast, why do you say?"

Zac sighed, "What did 'General' do?"

Steve raised his eyebrows, apparently caring about his former gray professional colleagues. By the way, now the ‘general’ has stopped participating in the gray professional circle ’s [**] party. This is a natural change, and can you still remember the essence of the "General" once in the gray professional circle-using Barton society's indifference to the southeast to provide an unconditional head back.

Although the southeast is now cleaned, the police ’s indifference to the southeast has not changed for some new reasons. At least it is obvious that the Aix gang, which caused the chaos in the southeast, has transformed into a pure security. Company, the police didn't say anything at all, did they?

Uh, it ’s not far away. The southeast is still in that embarrassing situation, but the ‘general’ can no longer continue to provide the gray professionals with the head of the blame. The 'general' gang has ceased to exist during the cleansing. The 'general' has no place in the gray professional circle.

"Uh, again." Madison just recovered a little impatiently and immediately withdrew. He is really a good employee now, for the knowledge of aliens. So I wo n’t lose my temper with Zac. “You know what‘ General ’is doing in the southeast, right?”

"It's not clear, I'm not a fool. I can see some clues." Zac realized the microphone and just looked like that, giving Steve a sorry look. "Otherwise, you go to the entertainment room first What. "

Steve nodded intently, he knew something about ‘general’ and Zac, and there was speculation that it might not be human. But Nuo did not explicitly mention ‘general’ at the party, and Zac did not. Therefore, there are not many people in the professional circle who are curious about the status of the ‘general’, but everyone also has a professional insight, unless the ‘general’ joins the professional circle again.

Steve gestured to Moo consciously and left the office.

The receiver was quiet for a while, "If you can, you should let the" General "pay attention to it. If Brian can show some unusual places, other ordinary people can also notice."

Zac recalled the last unpleasant experience with ‘General’, “Lyon said, if Mason and Briz felt they could control it, I probably would n’t say anything.”

"Then you don't need to say." Madison was still a little emotional, "Don't say this. I have other things, do you know, uh, Lily, she ..."

"Engaged." As Madison grinded the tail, and Zac guessed the other party's words, he completed it directly.

"Uh, how do you know?"

It's troublesome to explain, "She announced it at Quinn's private banquet." The twists and turns will not be explained. The relationship between Quinn and Grande has been able to explain that this news will definitely reach Zac. .

"Uh. Then what are you going to do? I mean, she and Bi Sharp ..."

Zach is actually a bit curious about what Madison is going to say. For example, if Madison said 'not worthy', Zack would ask, 'So what do you think the demon is worthy of?' s life.

But Madison's tail dragged up again, until Madison dragged his breath, and Madison's hard breath began to sound from the receiver, and Zach failed to wait for the follow-up.

"I'm not going to do anything." Zack replied, "She needs more money than Sharpe (the demon Lily owes Liszt money), and I need to personally control Bishape." What Bishape wants, no one cares, "I think this is fine."

There was a moment of silence over the receiver, "Okay, you think it's okay." The thing changed again, "Lyon said, **** dogs frequently ran to Massa Port these days." There was a pause. "You Do you already know it? "

There was a smile on Zac ’s face, "I know. I also know that the reason they went has nothing to do with the soul of the Federation." Zac said another cruel thing with a smile, he did n’t say it all, "You do n’t need to control By the way, if there is no report or news mentioning this kind of thing, you should be like an ordinary federal, as if you do n’t know this kind of thing. "

"Detective detective Lance ..."

"They are federal police detectives, serving the federals." Zack ended the topic, "Do you have anything else to say."

But Maddison did n’t seem to be prepared to give up, "Namo on this matter ..."

"Mo, now I'm talking to Steve Walker, the identity businessman, about her new identity." Zac listened casually to the entertainment room. The progress was good. Steve was reliable and ready. The template for identity is now adding details that are too richly painted, and a federal person is being born.

Continue to the receiver, "Madison, ignore this kind of thing, you are just a part-time author of Fantasy Magazine, not a current affairs reporter. You won't want to know this kind of thing."

In the process of Zac's nonstop interception of Madison's speech, it is impossible for us to know what happened at Port Massa. However, it is good to confirm that entering the Port of Massa is not only imported porcelain and ghosts hiding inside, but also something that will attract **** dogs.

I remember I mentioned that Zac, Louise, and Nofil will go to Port Massa, and mayor Anthony has a relationship, right. Put it here first.

"I don't want to write a story about the West Side this week." Madison was silent for a while. "Bishape has been written many times by me. I'll write again. It's a personal guess which family I am mapping. I need a new story." theme!"

The reason, uh. In order not to write about Riley and Bi Sharp, Madison was really saved because he had such a reason.

Zac smiled and shook his head, "Madison, I regret to tell you that" Urban Legends "is not a best-selling magazine, nobody cares. And, I am sure that neither Riley nor Bisharp will care."

"It's always so happy to talk to you." Madison held back, "Goodbye." Hanged up. (To be continued.)

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