Three vampires are playing in the basement ... It ’s not good to say that, respectful, the job is started, and it ’s already in advance to make up for the deceased who needs to be seen for tomorrow. Bayi Chinese Web www. 81ZW. Com

"Kapp (Nofler, the indistinguishable male or female), will absolutely love this job." Bumi, who was talking about holding a jar of paste that did not know what it was, painted the face of the deceased.

"You also like it." Dora rolled her eyes and put a ring on the finger of the deceased. It was requested by the family of the deceased. Because of the stiffness of the joints, this is a dexterous job. Dora did it in a relaxed manner, put on the cuffs of the deceased, straightened the cuffs, and patted them satisfactorily.

Zac was the one who had nothing to do. He watched the two of them busy and bent the corner of his mouth for no apparent meaning.

"Zac, Spella came over." The illusion's light spot penetrated from the ceiling and shrank up after giving the news.

Zac just clapped his hands, "I went up, here, I will give it to you."

The two guys waved at Zac, indulging in jobs that wouldn't get a little salary now.

Zac smiled and ignored it, and went back to the ground, just to meet Sibella who got off. Not too surprised, John also came, glanced at Zac with his lips, and went directly to Benjamin's warehouse. It should be about the progress of their experiment. The last time John came, Benjamin asked important questions, remember?

If John researches out the witchcraft that reverses the werewolf, Papa ’s midnight creations, including the werewolf, can be freed from this ‘curse’ and returned to humanity. Then, the retained personality is human or wolf.

It happened that these wizards ’experimental materials just added a batch of fresh‘ goods ’. I do n’t know if there is any progress.

Out of the master's generosity, Zac still reminded, "Mokawi is in Benjamin."

John's footsteps toward the warehouse paused, and he habitually questioned Zac's character maliciously, "I'm not afraid of Mocavi!"

Oh, this thing is not even afraid of the top of their own witchcraft belief-Papa at midnight, a small thirteen clan ancestor will naturally not be afraid, no one said he would be afraid.

Zac pouted, disdainfully explaining, beckoning to Siberia, and beckoning to the office.

Zac waited for a while in the office because Spella was delayed in the backyard for a little while. No surprise, just a few words with Ryan, nothing more than—

"How long will you stay in Grande, when will you go home."

"You can't control it."

"I am your mother."

"Then if I'm still alive, I can't control you and move out of your house. Your family is old!"

Uh, it actually makes sense. If Ryan is still alive, he will be twenty. Spella defeated completely and gave up to the office. In fact, the more reason is that it is not good to continue talking to the empty backyard with a bunch of workers on the west side, everyone understands.

When I first entered the office, Zac was about to speak first-the reason why Siberia came should not be mentioned again. Such an important and epoch-making thing, Zac wants to control the rhythm of dialogue from beginning to end, so he needs to speak first but.

The first word of Zac's open mouth was pressed by the ringtone, and Spira only glanced at the phone, and consciously sat down opposite Zac with a cold expression, "Do you want to answer the phone."

Zac took it, and did not know when it was the norm. People who call Grand always like to start with "It's me." This call is no exception.

The James words on the other side of the earpiece were quick, "As you said, the mental hospital in **** city (Novole, Mokawi's original city) has confirmed Mokawi's absence certificate." Basically It ’s just to inform that everything is going well. “When Darcy was attacked, Mokawi was being treated. It was impossible to teleport from the middle to commit crimes and then go back.” Although the words were all positive statements, James ’s tone was indeed I do n’t believe it. “Even now, Mokawi is still there for treatment, the police there have confirmed it personally, Mokawi ’s wanted, can be confirmed to be removed.”

Um, Mokawi, let John pose at Benjamin to draw a portrait of John, so it is necessary, the daily question of James comes, gloomy, "how do you do it!"

There is something to remind. When I mentioned Norfolk, Dora did n’t say that Mocavi ran out of the psychiatric hospital, and she asked someone to replace her there. , Will not show that the owner has no idea when to start shaking outside.

The point is not that Mocavi had already ran outside at that time, but Mocavi ’s identity, which was officially recorded in the mental hospital in that city. This is the absence certificate that James just said with confirmation.

Therefore, it is not difficult to remove the wanted order from Mokawi, and the identity verification can be lifted. But now, Zac, Nofile, and Mokawi are all in Barton. There is a person with Mokawi identity in the city. If the police go to confirm it, it can be found. It is not Mokawi. Mu Shi said, the police there confirmed. So James naturally asked.

"It's not me, it's Dora." Zac glanced at Sibera helplessly, asking her to wait a moment. Siberia ignored it and looked sideways, "Dora still has some prestige over there." , So please ... "is the order," the vampire over there cooperated, so the police over there would naturally think that it was Mokawi. "Zack did not want to give James the opportunity to continue to interrupt here, So the connection is very tight, "Do n’t ask me how many vampires there are, I do n’t know, it ’s not something you can control, you just need to know that those vampires are indifferent little characters, they are weak, so this effect will not last Too long, James, the next step is to transfer the Mokawi in that city to Barton, so that identity and myself can be together. Focus on it, James, do n’t care about those boring things, our purpose, It is to lift the threat that Mocavi will cause riots at any time. "

I took a deep breath over the receiver, "I have investigated the source of the case (Barton Police Station) and asked the psychiatric hospital over there to transfer‘ Mocavi ’to Patton.”

Zac is quite satisfied, James is still very reassuring. It does n’t matter how he questions it. It ’s still in place. “That ’s all right. I ’ve greeted Mr. Green (nursing home). The matter will be left to us. Thanks ... "

Thanks for not being able to finish it, and being forced by James. Under malicious speculation, James just really did n’t want to say “no thanks” to Zac. People, if he ... "

Then let's interrupt it serially. "When you say Darcy, how about adding the director." Zack seems to be bitter. "I doubt that when you talk to Secretary Darcy, your attitude will be more chatting than ours. Good time. Hey, James, with your attitude, would n’t it be too hard for him to nod ... "

Interrupted, "Is it related to my attitude? If you teach you how to convince, if it is hard enough and does not require my attitude, he will answer ..."

A series of fights, "Why do I teach? Do you view the facts I have stated to you? Isn't Mokawi's wanted identity a threat to human society? If you say that, I feel like I'm worried about unnecessary things ... … "

Serially, "Don't tell you, Coulson is here." Hanged up. Good reason.

Zac looked at the receiver, pouted, and lowered it. Re-looked at Siberia, the first chance, after all, was robbed.

The first one to speak is Spella, "Are you going to hang Mokawi's identity to the nursing home." Now it's Barton's, Mr. Green's nursing home. It's no wonder that Siberia is so quick to seize the topic, there is also a `` angu '' in the nursing home, and Siberia will naturally care.

"Yeah." Zac can only respond first, and try to lean the topic forward, a little bit, "You can't keep the wanted criminal's identity on a vampire ancestor, right?"

Spella also cooperated, and took the topic of 'vampire', "also, there are so many vampires in Patton, what is the so-called small role accident, a ancestor accident, hum, it is not easy to say." Not only accepted, but also active Relying on the topic.

Then, Zac took over 'Barton Vampires so much' to continue, "Yeah, Rimer and Gangaro I can't guarantee, but the largest number of Nophire, plus me." Torredo, don't Just looking at Zac and Louise, in such a context, the people on the side of the "General" must be added, "It will definitely stand close together."

Spira also taunted Zac, "Huh. You're fine, what do you have, this year's show has been cleaned up by you." Spira remarked, "It's Norfil, instant kill. The strength of the wolves is to make all of us who are comfortable in Barton open their eyes. "

Zac pursed his mouth and seized the opportunity to be important. At this point in the topic, it can already be seen who is taking the initiative. It is not Zac. It is apparently speaking of Nobile's Spira in the form of praise.

Zac simply didn't speak, leaning on the back of the chair and looking at Spella. Zac felt a little sad-

Spira was looked at for a while, impatient, "What do you mean by looking at me like this?"

"Sorry." Zack replied directly, then shook his head, helplessly, his eyes turned away, "Straight on, Sibella, Meng, knot or not."

"Knot." Siberia also rose directly.

"But not with me, with Norfil."

"You are roundworms in my stomach." So far, Spella looks indifferent.

Zac continued to shake his head helplessly, "At least, before I started to complain like the situation of the Black Witch, I did the work, but in the end I had to bypass me. This kind of fact that makes me sad, let me listen Your reason. "

Spira pouted, with a look of ‘you are so sorry to mention the black witch’, “Yuehua and Baiyingben were the ones I invited to Patton, and you stopped halfway.”

"However, people don't care about your business in Barton. I came to Barton because of me, and Grande kept them, and now they will be stationed in Newton and become your shield."

"That's good. I didn't use you unintentionally. You have to jump out and intervene. Anyway, things can be regarded as normal. You don't intervene, and you don't have to complain here now."

Zac was teased, "It sounds like you were chesty."

"It doesn't matter." Siberia didn't show her weakness, she smiled back, "The result is that people bypassed you, and the real help is me." Siberia has not forgotten the true meaning, "Maya, is a little comfort you get Award. "It is true that, in the end, Maya sent the letter from Yuehua Baiying, and let Zac run errands to inform Sibella and Eve that the black witch arrived in Barton and kept in touch with the person. The truth is that ...

By the way, this consolation prize has occupied the phone of the exhibition hall for more than an hour, and they discussed the strange death seen in the basement with Yuehua and them. Louise had no way to contact customers.

Zac raised his hand, and when it came to this, he recognized it. "You won, now I don't even have to complain. Tell me your reason."

Spella didn't smile, but shook her head instead, and gave Zac a step down. "Sam." Continue to shake his head. "I think he should be very clear. He personally treats me and John. View it. "

"He said, you can never look at each other, you are not the same way." Zach just repeated Sam's words.

"It's obvious, isn't it? He has locked Grande up and down, Benjamin has no hope, so it's you." Siberia exhaled for a long time, changing her sitting position and adjusting. Put on the shawl, "You have been booked, and you have been booked by a wizard who is not good with each other, why? I still have to take the initiative to come over." A less obvious white eye, age qualifications, if the girl's completely white , It just feels weird, "That's right, I don't think you are too pleasing, the two guys got together, hum."

Zac could n’t help but laugh at himself. “So the two guys that you do n’t like are the first to create a precedent. Finally, it just gives you an opportunity. I ’m the one who wants to intervene, but in the end, Things are in your favor, your wizard, and the most powerful group of vampires in Barton today, Nofeller, because I created it, but it has nothing to do with me. I am very honoured and bypassed. . "

Spira shrugged. "Look, what you think is so clear, what should I say."

Zac nodded with a smile, okay, accept it. In fact, it is the same no matter how it is interpreted. The vampire and the wizard created a precedent for the combination, and Siberia gained an alliance within Barton.

"What about Sam?" Zack asked.

"My laboratory." Siberia glanced at Zac. "He listened to your message, knowing that this has been done, so he has begun to pay attention to the experimental progress of me and John. A piece of information. "

Zac pouted, okay, this time the consolation prize, this guy who is willing to become a vampire wizard, what he wants to offer, has nothing to do with our vampire. Isn't it, Spira's experimental process, about the vampire Zach fart, that was for Alpha Benjamin!

Forget it, forget it, Zac did n’t want to ask, anyway, I knew early on, this Sam came for Alpha, care about this, does it make sense?

Hey. (To be continued.)

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