The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Vol 2 Chapter 13: Cause and effect

"It's so good. Eight √ One Chinese website W√w ★ W.√81ZW.Com" There is an emotion called 'Morning weariness in the morning', and Zack is in this emotion now, so whatever he says, go against it It ’s just right to understand, “Waking up surrounded by corpses of plants is exactly what I need.”

Before describing the situation at this time in detail, I have to explain to everyone that, um, things, things that might make some illusions disintegrate.

Everyone probably knows a certain scene, it is a hero and heroine, and the beauty of waking up in the early morning-Chen Shi's shimmering light-Fu-on the skin marks after a fierce night ... almost this kind of thing. But, uh, for vampires, it's something completely different.

First of all, this is Grande ’s basement, and there is no shimmer worthy of romance.

Secondly, the way the vampire woke up, he was completely untouched by beauty. In the fairy tale, Pilocchio was lying in the corner of the warehouse, stiff and pale.

In the end, there were no signs of lingering overnight, only after regaining consciousness, I felt that the parts of the whole body were not my own. I rubbed my face and flicked my limbs with the same person who felt the same around me. Feeling.

When Louise was n’t a vampire, she would also be keen to wake up the corpse-like Zach early in the morning, with a peculiar, er, uncanny mindset to complete this ‘magic’ activity. Now, only the two ‘magic’ bodies turned into living people together. Just like opening your eyes every day, you must first take a breath of each other's yeast overnight ...

Therefore, the morning weariness.

It was Zac ’s “plant corpse” that escalated this bad emotion.

"This is not a corpse of plants." Sam pouted his lips. "This is dried psychiatric seeds."

Louise's face was still a bit stiff, and she couldn't interpret her emotions correctly. She looked at Zac. At the same time, she clumsily put a coat on her body. Fortunately, all she needed was a coat. Otherwise, the first blood woke up by the couple of vampires might have been the wizard who appeared consciously in the basement at this time.

Zac ’s movements were n’t flexible. The stiffness helped Louise zip up and send them out of the basement, and some loose pupils turned to Sam. Will guarantee that I will not do anything that you regret. "

This is related to the threat of the vampire's ethnic nature (when the vampire in the sleep state is the most vulnerable), but because of the interference of the raw organs and the facial function has not been restored, the change really makes people unable to take it seriously.

Fortunately, Sam took it seriously, but said it was not pleasant to hear, "I am your wizard, and if anyone can approach you while you 'sleep', it's me."

Zac couldn't refute, he could only continue rubbing his face to make the blood run faster. "Yesterday, this is your harvest? Where did you get it?"

If Zac's memory is correct, the spirits seeds are scarce in Barton, and only Sibera has them. This question just said that Zac already had a bad hunch.

Without being directly proved, Sam waved his hand, "It doesn't matter where it comes from, what matters is that I have the resources now."

The twitching of the corner of the eye indicates that Zac's face is recovering. Zac glanced at the plants ... well, for the vampire, it was still a plant corpse, it could not be all dry psychiatric seeds, "What are these ? "

"Some other materials."

"Why put it here?" Zack is still in the questioning stage. Only when he fully understands the situation can he fight back, uh, fight back? It seems wrong ...

"This is your basement, isn't it. I think I should put my things here too. After all, these herbal resources are as important to me as the blood is to you, they are all things that support our strength."

Blood to vampires, witchcraft materials to wizards.

Zac opened his mouth, unable to say a word, and turned away. He didn't want to say inappropriate things when he was in a bad mood.

Seeing the first morning light, Zac breathed in a vampire style, feeling the full return of the vitality of his body, and turned to the kitchen. Early in the morning is Grande ’s busiest time-to resolve breakfast before Alice goes to school. Louise has already been there to help. It is worth mentioning that Benjamin is also there. That ’s a bit better. Benjamin did n’t return last night. The only reason he is helping in the kitchen is-

"Mocavi doesn't like meals in nursing homes."

"So, this is the only thing you care about right now. It's really intimate." In fact, Benjamin was kind enough to explain to Zack that Zack would almost be 'grateful.' Zac's world weariness hasn't faded, it may be a little more serious.

"Ha ha ha." Benjamin had no consciousness. "It is impossible for a painting to do such intimate moves, ha ha ha ..."

Zac didn't want to stay in the kitchen anymore, and turned to go to the office. It just happened to be completely okay. Dora didn't show up at the first moment with his eyes open, telling the situation at Port of Massa last night that Zac had every reason to call to inquire. Where to call Call Spella! Nofile ’s ally, just yesterday, Nofeller arranged for a new settlement, right.

Upon entering the office, I saw a thick envelope on the table. Old Hank should have taken it back casually with the newspaper.

Zac glanced, raised his eyebrows and pressed the call bell, "Mo!"

It was sent by identity businessman Steve Walker, and Zac could think of Mo's identity.

The ink is very ink, intentional.

Zac had read the life experience of ink in the envelope, and then Mo came in with a lip in his mouth, "Why!" Uncomfortable tone.

Zac glanced at it and said, "Don't be mad at me, I hate him too." Don't look back at this sentence. Zac is talking about Sam. This is the inappropriate words that are spoken under typical emotions. How can people hate a person whose life is given to them? This is the reason ... No, it makes sense.

But it was exactly what Mo wanted to hear. A white eye added a lip, and took over her new identity, "Why do you still keep him!"

Why are all the ‘people’ in Grande still here, except Old Hank. So this question cannot be answered.

Zac still had a note in his hand, which was also in the envelope, but not for ink, but for Steve.

Mo Scan glanced at the proof of his legal status in the Federation and leaned over to watch with Zac--

‘Hi Zack:

What happened? ! Why did Siberia summon us again, to you, yes, you! Very specific to you! A block order was issued? ... ’

Zac and Mo blinked together, blocked?

‘Brother! What have you done! I didn't attend the [** bar] party yesterday! ’

Yesterday I had an in-depth adult communication with Louise, so ...

'Uh! I think Sibella is serious this time! Uh, I didn't want to care how she described you, but, uh ... you said that Siberia was right last time! I'm really tangled! ’

Just a note, Steve also used vulgar words, but it can make Zack fully feel the other party's emotions. Zac was actually a self-inflicted feeling. Do n’t forget, Zac is the guy who made Steve realize that he should take Sibelah ’s Inean rally seriously. As a result, this stone is now clearly hitting Zac himself.

'Uh! I originally wanted to send this thing to you personally, but now I can't help it. You have to pay attention to it recently! Now the entire community of Indians has a very bad impression of you and Grande! I, uh, pay attention to it anyway!

Steve. ’

"Uh ..." The first comment was actually just ink that looked beside him. "This is really strange ~" He tilted his head.

Zac pursed his lips, and the "plant corpse" in the basement was not easy to forget. Zac's eyes began to twitch unconsciously, rubbing the note, and rang the call bell again, "Sam!"

Mo raised his eyebrows and quitted automatically, not concealing the happy look under his eyebrows.

The world weariness is a little more serious, Zac patted the call bell impatiently, "Sam!"

There was no movement from anyone. "Sam!"

The starlight began to show through the floor, but this time Danny the illusion hadn't had time to speak.

"Sam is out!" Grand Air, Ryan actually appeared in the office, with excitement on his face, "I don't know what witchcraft is! Use it! See you!"

The colored light sinks back to the ground and disappears. What the illusion has to say has already been said. Ryan was still in the office, transparent body suspended in front of Zac, dancing, "He is very powerful! I have never seen my mother use such witchcraft easily !!"

that's nice.

Zac pursed his lips, good news? The wizard of Zac is powerful, bad news? Sam, very powerful!

Zac didn't even want to, and he didn't take care of Ryan's completely nervous excitement, this guy was not saved. Directly out of the office, now, it is Zack's opportunity, Zack needs to know the reason-why Benjamin will support Sam!

Now think about this problem, which directly leads this Sam to become a wizard of Zac, isn't Benjamin's instigation beside him! Plus Benjamin's unabashed support for Sam at the previous lunch! Zac needs to know why! In order to think about the next direction with this own wizard!

"Benjamin, we need to talk." Zac spoke at the door of the restaurant. Alice hadn't left home. "Parents" discussed serious issues. Avoiding children is common sense, right.

Benjamin didn't care about his attitude, but Yu Guang saw Zac's serious look, pouted, and explained to Mexico, "Don't put any condiments, don't cook, the better the better." Uighur prepared food, right, so it is blood products, don't look at it with general standards.

"Uh, you look so serious." Benjamin was still not very serious. Zac didn't speak, so he ran to the hammock and lay down.

Zach did not sit next to his usual "brother" and help shake the bed, "I need to know the reason, you want Grande to have a wizard's reason."

"I hope there is a wizard in Grande?" I wonder if it was intentional, Benjamin repeated Zac's question with a puzzled expression.

"Don't you." Zac frowned, without extra twists and turns. "You just wish I had a wizard?"

Benjamin crooked his lips, his meaning was unknown.

Zac's eyebrows tightened a little bit. Others may not understand the meaning of Alpha's expression, but Zac did. This is Benjamin's expression, and Zac's way of asking questions is wrong. Zak slowly asked his own question again, "You, hope, I have, Sam."

Was it possible to feel Zac ’s problem three times, an ever-concrete process?

To be so specific, Benjamin replied, "Yes."

"Why." Zac sat down next to him, watching Benjamin's performance, before deciding whether to shake it.

"Samuel ..." Benjamin focused on the first sentence.

Zach steals directly, "Did I tell you that his name is Samuel, is Sam just abbreviated?" At the same time, Zac is really recalling the conversation between him and Benjamin when he mentioned Sam.

But there is no need to recall Zach.

Benjamin: "The name I took." Pause is time for Zac to respond, and there is a little sincere smile, "You always like to tell your own historical stories at inexplicable moments, then, you think other People, huh, huh, there is no past, is it suddenly here? "

Zac frowned. "We talked to each other about the history of the past. I thought we had a consensus with each other. It's too irrelevant. Needless to say." It doesn't matter here. If you really want to be careful, I'm afraid it doesn't matter at all. But, try to understand-if these things are not the things that cause the vampire and Alpha to live together in the same room, in this context, the conversation between the two is really irrelevant. Can you understand ...

Benjamin laughed a little lighter this time, just to say it straight, "I honestly didn't think I would see him again, in my memory, he is still a baby. But the witchcraft lineage in his body, oh, I I wo n’t forget. That ’s what served me, no, the wizarding lineage of my former wolf pack. "

Zac pursed his mouth, unexpectedly and unexpectedly. After all, when he first came into contact with Sam, he clearly felt that the other party came to Grande for Benjamin, looking for Alpha across half of the Federation. Such a thing, if There is no reason for perseverance, Zach doesn't feel that normal people are doing it.

"I wasn't Alpha at the time." Benjamin glanced at Zac, knowing that he wouldn't take the initiative, and Zac would also ask, so save everyone's trouble, "My Alpha looked at him, Samuel was born , And then disappointed, angry ... "

The puzzling on Zac's face just appeared.

"Because he is a boy, this means that his lineage cannot continue."

what? ! Because it's a boy, so the lineage can't continue? !

"Males are always possessive and aggressive in nature. When the wolves are possessing wizards, no, a continuable wizard lineage, they are also protecting the only wizard lineage unique to the wolves, if they are girls ..."

It ’s already understandable, Zac ’s face is weirdly connected, “The wolf pack is easier to control. After all, it is the wolf pack wizard, and also produces the tools of the next generation of wizards. But if it ’s a boy, this lineage, in terms of species nature It is no longer a wolf pack. "

"Yes, men can inherit their own witchcraft family that is not part of the wolves. The wolves can control the will of the people, but they are not instinct. By nature, every male wizard is a threat to the wolves. You do n’t know how much Years later, the lineage of the wizards around you already has a family outside that can contend with the wolves. If you are in a wolves with extremely strong possessiveness, like me, being a wizard of the wolves, giving birth to boys In an instant, you will know the fate of this child and die. Unless, a werewolf who hates all this, resists. "

Finally, was Benjamin revealing why he became Alpha and why he insisted on not being a wizard? Probably.

After being quiet, Zach said two words, "Sorry."

Why sorry? Do n’t forget, how the relationship between the wizard and the werewolf has become like this. The ghost of possession or anti-possession is Toledo and Zac. At the beginning of the establishment of the Federation, the former wizards and their families called Werewolf for loved ones.

Benjamin waved his hand, "Say to yourself, the reason you planted, and now you bear the fruit yourself, Samuel, it's your wizard." (To be continued.)

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