"Do you need to do this? Eight ★ one ★ Chinese website www.81zw.com" Zac frowned, looking at Wes suddenly visited. He didn't think about what it meant for Silbera to hang up suddenly, whether she simply didn't want to talk to Zac, or if Nofeller didn't come back, and Silbera just knew.

At the same time, the police brought by Weiss's colleagues were apologizing to the people in the Grande while entering and leaving the Grande's room at will. They are searching.

Weiss didn't look better than Zac. "Sorry, I don't know what Director Cologne is thinking. Gee." He twitched, "I don't even know what James is thinking!"

Zach, once again looked at the search warrant in his hand, "I know what they are thinking." The corner of his mouth twitched, "They think Grandry has stolen stolen goods." The search warrant in his hand snapped back Weiss's chest, needless to say, is proof.

This is the case, a group of police officers came to search Grande with a search warrant. In addition to the master Zach, the other people in the Grande now-

The construction site on the south side, Austin and his workers, with green light in their eyes, are excited. The last time they worked in Grande, Grande Master was tortured (James), hehe, this time, come search! Working at Grand is really a surprise in life.

"Certificate, please." Not only the search, but the police also did some other job-confirm the identity.

Mo did n’t feel the tension that Grande was experiencing in the crisis. "You want to see my documents? Do you want to see my documents ?!" Nervously excited, "Come on! I will show you my documents!"

Maya is treated in the same way, but Maya just took out her central ID card, "I am here to play and stay in Grande."

The phantom Danny didn't show up at all. Instead, the old Hank who came back to rush to lunch was entangled with the police for a while, "Laozi has lived in the Southern District for more than ten years! You need to see my ID! Look at me! This face! You do n’t know! I ’ll do the funeral of your Lao Tzu! ”— Who can think of it, Old Hank is the only one who does n’t cooperate.

That's it, the other members of Grande, either these police officers can't see, or they are not.

"The case handed over from the North District clearly stated that the cableman saw the thief entering Grande, hug, sorry ..." Wes was still sorry.

"Informer." If Zac can still keep smiling now, it's really abnormal, and his face is gloomy. "What an informant!" Zach shook his head irritably. "James doesn't even have the courage to come by himself!" Turn over to the Southern District? Hum, yes, James, Spella, hum, even better! "Don't even want to hide the mockery.

Wes tangled his face and did n’t know what he was thinking, "Uh, that, the transfer is a normal procedure. After all, James is not the policeman who handles such small cases ..." Wess glanced at Zac ’s somber face. , Not to mention.

The case is indeed a small one. Yesterday, North District ’s Youth Activity Center was stolen.

After waiting for a while, Wes continued to tangled with the opening, "The event center side also said that before the West District Liszt assets were on the ground (Old West District Grand), when the game console auction, Grand was competing, suspected revenge "" The sound is automatically silenced again.

Zac has nothing to say, it was Benjamin who helped a group of otakus film the so-called "treasures". How long has it been, it can actually be connected with the present. In order to engage in Grande, Spella really missed everything.

Waiting a little longer, Weiss continued to correct ... "Well, I think, James, well, just don't want to be caught between you and Spella ..." The same silence.

Zac looked at Wes, "So let you get caught in this? Really a reliable good friend!" Taunting James, Zac really has no mental burden, "At least he and Spira are familiar, can be on both sides Adjust, how about you? Apart from being sorry to me here, what else can you do? "

Weiss didn't speak at the beginning, and his face was as ugly as he first came. It seemed that Zach didn't need to remind him. He had already thought of this. James is really not kind. It is clear that the privately settled matter between the aliens has been brought to the human table, and this matter will not end well.

"Sir, can you open the basement ..."

The ordinary policeman's request was not finished yet. Zac had red eyes. "You have checked the basement, there is nothing."

The policemen froze for a moment. After the redness in the field of vision faded, they dispersed and went to the next place to be searched.

Wes was watching next to him, glancing at the basement, and closed his mouth. No idea is impossible, but what can you say, do you want to be photographed by Zac Chihong's eyes, ruining the mutual understanding with Grande?

Good things always come together.

With a murmured motive on the dirt road in front of Grande, the closer, a reporter with a very excited expression on his face, um, reporter Kate, jumped off her grandmother's old car and jumped into Grande, " Good afternoon, Mr. Grande, oops, is this a bad time ~ "

"Okay, okay." Can Zac say it bad? The reporter has already pulled out his press card and stood in front of Weiss with a smile.

"Miss Kate." Weiss frowned and glanced at the other's press card. "Meet again." Church of the Son, "We don't accept ..."

The recording pen is already in front of Weiss. Now, Weiss is not a police officer who maintains the scene, and Kate is not a reporter who is being maintained. Therefore, the relationship between the two is only a prepared reporter and a policeman who is suddenly visited: "Yeah, I met again, so coincidentally, then, Detective Weiss, it is said that Grande was searched by the police for allegedly stealing the property of the Pasing Youth Activity Center. Is it true?

It is said? Is Kate blind, this is said to be born before her eyes.

She was n’t blind, she just knew how to advance her question a little bit, and by the way, disgusting Master ’s master, she completely ignored Weas ’s constipation and looked at Zac ’s face, tumbling over her notebook, "I just interviewed the person in charge of the activity center. He told me that the stolen coins were used for coin games and the meal replacement rolls that the activity center gave to the young people of poor families ..."

Zac stood beside him, not ready to speak, not worried. Kate came here, not for Wes, but for Zach, so if anything is urgent, he will come to him.

"The person in charge told me that these things are released alone, and they are all worthless. He never thought anyone would steal these things. Officer, you must be the detective responsible for this case. Can you analyze the theft? Is the motive of the caller? "Blinking to Zac," or, I should say, Grande's motive ~ "The ending couldn't help but rise.

Weiss was probably not very good at dealing with such scenes. He withdrew his body to avoid the recording pen that was pestered in front of him. No one should be good at it, relying on the enthusiasm of the reporter who took the initiative to eat, "We have not found anything stolen, do n’t end it ..."

"Not yet." Kate blinked at Zac again, "The person in charge of the activity center also told me that when the autumn fell, Grande once competed with them for the game console auction in the West End. In that auction, Ge Rand was forced to let go because of insufficient budget ... "

It was wise to be interrupted by Weiss. When he told Zacti at this time, Zac did not give an answer, so Weiss did not know how to answer Kate, for Zac, and in order not to let himself be a reporter. Pushing to the corner, "Miss Kate." Frowning frowning, she pressed the recorder in front of her, "Please don't affect our handling of the case. If you are interested in this case, please wait for the announcement from the police. Now, please leave ... "

The pressed recording pen pointed to Zac. Look, do n’t worry, come, "Mr. Grande, can I ask you a few questions?" Look.

It ’s useless to know what to say and have experience, so Zac simply said, “No.”

Useless ‘no’. Kate will continue anyway, "Mr. Grande told me last time that the owner of the Allen Funeral Home, who was with you, applied for a restraining order against you, right?"

Zac was too lazy to answer, the other party said it himself, Zac said it himself.

"I investigated it and it seemed that the cause was Alan ’s Funeral Home trying to sell it, but after deciding not to sell it later, Mr. Grande went to the Alan Funeral Home personally and got angry. Is life threatening true? "

"True." Does the rebuttal make sense? It is better to watch where the reporter is going to say something.

"Oh, for a person with such a small capacity, Mr. Grande is honest ~"

"Do you want to write your personal comment in the report?" Zack didn't care, he asked.

"Ha ha ha ..." Kate smiled and continued. "Last time Mr. Grand said I did not do enough homework. This time, ha ha. I also interviewed the widow of the former Southern District Police Chief Pierce."

The passing police, including Weiss, have changed their faces a little.

"She told me that Pierce once confronted you, Mr. You, about what the people in the Southern District generally believed that Grande had a relationship with the Southern District Police, so she could sign a cooperation agreement with the police and have a mill, Yes or no."

Zac glanced at Weiss. The action in Kate ’s mouth was that he had just sneaked into the club with James when he first came to Patton. Grande was monitored by the Southern District Police because he knew certain undisclosed intelligence. Can't go out, do you remember, at that time, Pierce and Zac faced each other, he didn't want to be seen as a bureau chief for Grande by the Southern District. The reason, he is Esera's, and for any reason, it is impossible to benefit Grande.

Zac has nothing to hide, "Yes."

"Oh, Mr. Grande, the former Secretary Pierce, where is he buried now?"

"North Park." Need to ask, won't this reporter check the obituary?

"Hehehe." Need to ask, in order to write the phrase "Grande's master is a stingy person" into the newspaper. It's not surprising that Kate's boring psychology, she hates Zac. So don't be surprised, she will go further and further on this boring coercion, as long as this recording pen records what she wants. "Good" reporter.

Kate continued, "I also got some news reports. It is said that Mr. Allen is not the first person to give you a restraining order against Mr. Grande. The first is Liszt, isn't it?

Zac knew for a long time that it would be turned out, and it was not surprising at all, "Yes, but not legally."

"Oh, it doesn't matter. The cause is said to be Mr. Grande. At the luncheon held by Mr. Herman at the Liszt Hotel, it was very, very!" She must emphasize, "The act of rudeness. Is it true? ? "

Weiss dispersed the eavesdropping policeman and looked at Zac. As long as Zac spoke, he could invite Kate out on the grounds that it was a private place of origin. Because Kate did not continue to harass-harass-Weiss, the reason for obstructing the police's handling of the case is no longer available, is it? The only one that can be used is from Zac.

But Zac didn't give Wes any sign, still answering Kate's question honestly, "Really."

"Oh, since it's very, very rude, I won't ask ..."

Huh, does she expect Zack to thank?

"... I want to ask Mr. Grande why you were originally invited to the luncheon because Mr. Herman had already talked to Grande about the workers' compensation, right?"

This is not a problem, Zac did not answer.

The question came, "I'll care if I ask, how much did Grand get for the contract with Herman at the time?"

I didn't wait for Zack to answer, "Oh, sorry, I asked a little straightforwardly, but, oh, Mr. Herman's son, buried in Grand."

Zac is not ready to answer the obituary.

That would only allow Kate to continue, "At that time there was a lot of suspicion in the outside world, why it was not Ford. By the way, I listened to your suggestions, your peers, or, I should say, competitors, interviewed. At that time Ford is struggling to adapt to the transition and needs money. Oh, the money. The money that is not needed is your Grande. I remember the last time you said Ford had gratitude for Grande and helped Grande a lot, including now. The Grand Show, I even transferred the business to Grand, I wanted to ask, when I talked to Herman, did Grand ever think about it, even if a little, introduce Ford to go to Hull Man ... "She didn't finish it deliberately, just looked at Zac and smiled.

Zach bowed his head. He was recalling the situation when Herman came to Grande and offered to cooperate with the mill to offer prices. Zac shook his head. Why didn't he recommend Ford? Because Herman was drunk, he held Grande wholeheartedly, in order to let Grande target Esera in the future, and avenge his resentment of blowing up the factory himself. Grande can only take over.

Zac looked up and looked at Kate again. This is the case, it depends on who spoke the words, with what purpose, what Zach said, this matter can become fair competition, nothing wrong, Kate said-

Zac pointed to Kate's recording pen, "So, you will write me as a stingy, narrow, unassuming, selfish person who doesn't know how to return."

Kate tilted her head and turned off the recorder with a smile. "I said I'm going to ruin you. Let's get the public opinion up ~ I have a good chat today, goodbye."

The magic came, the magic went away. (To be continued.)

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