Fisher came ... wrong, Zac went. Bayi Chinese website www ★ W ★. 8 ★ 1z√W. ★ CoM

In the evening, the Fisher, who had contacted Grande, got down and brought Zach into the car in a black formal dress. Zach could only confess to Maya, "Alice came back and told her that I knew that It ’s an event. I ’ll talk to her when I come back. Do n’t tell her what she does n’t need to know. ”

Maya ’s answer was, “No, I do n’t want to be a whistleblower, I do n’t want to say it. You find a way to talk to her yourself, and, no, want, mention, come, me!” The image of a well-behaved guest shattered.

What Zach can say ... With a mood that I haven't had a good day today, I entered the trip to Fisher Manor.

The car took the same path as when it came, slanting northwest from Grande, and inserted into the West Side from below. Therefore, after passing through the West Side Grande, it is now the property of Liszt and is under construction.

The car was too quiet, Zac asked casually, "What is Liszt going to build here?"

It should be vaguely remembered that people in the West District do not want List to be in the Liszt Business District of Jianbei District in the West District. This is because they do not want the demographic structure of the West District population to be disrupted.

"Club." Fisher replied. "High-end club." He also answered in great detail. The people around Fisher should know a lot. "The venue here will become a golf course, and there will be restaurants and parties. Venue ... "explained to Zac in the car," The first batch of memberships has been bought out, and it is said that new members will not be registered for nearly a year. "

What can Zac say, "True, high-end." It is conceivable who the members who are already fully registered are. Liszt is also a good way. Not only did he not disrupt the class in the West End, but he also consolidated his assists.

Zac can only hope in his heart that the former cemetery was ‘cleaned’, otherwise when those people knocked the ball on the land, they had to apologize to their ancestors and kill more scenery.

When it arrived at Fisher Manor, it was dark. Fisher personally greeted him, but he didn't know whether Zuck had good luck or Fisher had bad luck. Zack arrived with Fisher's son, Xian Di.

The little fat man (Yu Di) rushed in front, and the big fat man (Fisher) chased in the back, "Yu Di! Yu Di! You stop for me! Where are you going again !!!"

"Ask **** (Xiandi's new driver)! Anyway, he is not the one you sent to monitor me !!"

It seems that Xiandi's exclusion of class privileges has risen to another level, and Zach pretended not to see it.

In this way, in a very bad atmosphere, Zach sat on Fisher's table. The atmosphere is worse.

Not at all flattered, Zac looked at the overly rich dinner in front of him—human dinner, placed on the silver tableware that symbolizes his status. “Sorry, I ’ve eaten before I came.” Zach even tried hard to play No mood at all.

"Uh ..." Fisher, who had picked up the cutlery, looked ugly on the faces of his two old men-the old Fisher couple.

Zac has seen it more than once, funerals, dinners, luncheons ... but most of the time these two old people are in the circle of the old man in the West District, smiling at Zac and not talking, it is not necessary.

The two old men still smiled as they did to Grande before, waved their hands, and they should be indicating something. Then instructed the servant to take some food and left the restaurant ... unknown circumstances can wait, it will be clear.

After the two old men left, the second one was Fisher's wife, who also instructed the servant to leave with some food.

The last one left was Di Di, looking at Zac, not knowing the emotion in those eyes, and took the plate away.

Only Fisher and Zac were on the table.

"Hey." With a sigh, Fisher ripped off the napkin between the collars, and the tableware was dropped. "Huh! It's my problem! I should let you know as soon as possible."

What to notify? Inform a funeral owner in the Southern District, Fisher's family, to invite him to dinner today?

Zac was sitting on the dining chair like a statue. "Although it is my honor, can you explain it." Zac knew that Bumi told him, but he still had to ask.

Fischer stood up from his throne. "Go to my office and talk." It seems to be abandoning the full table.

Zac was able to keep away from the things that vampires hated, keep up, and visit the Fisher Manor, after all, for the first time.

Unlike Quinn ’s ‘Inan’, Barton ’s gorgeousness, Smith ’s ‘Lonely’, Fisher ’s Manor, and unexpected ‘wild’. Zac didn't know what mentality to pass by the head of an animal hanging on the wall of the corridor, nor what mood should he use to see the animal fur spread under his feet ... wild.

"This is my, uh, hobby." Fischer explained in the front, because the things on the table are not very good, "If you are the kind of 'animal protection' type, I can only say that I I paid a lot for these things. "

"I'm not." The vampire is an animal protection type guy? Don't be funny.

Fischer gave no energy, and entered the office. The wild style continued. Zac followed Fisher's instructions to sit down on the skin of an unknown creature.

"I'm trying to get closer to us." Fischer said, not forgetting to hand Zac wine-at least the color would not be repelled by vampires. This is what the West End people know, "So the whole family, three generations Human gesture invites you. "

Zac used his most sincere acting skills, took a sip of wine, "beauty." I'm sorry, Zac really can't say any more appropriate adjective, "why?"

So grand?

"It is sincerity, it is my determination." Fisher raised his glass.

Zac can only respond.

"First of all, I want to thank you for your help at Port Massa." Fisher raised his glass again. "Last time you reminded me to go to the estuary to find it. I found the missing goods." Fisher didn't even want to say "corpse" , Directly used 'goods', or 'missing goods', "Thank you."

Zac also politely took a sip, "No, I said I will help. But I'm sorry, too, I can't help later."

"Don't be sorry." Fischer raised the glass again. "You promised to help me so readily. It is already a surprise to be able to give results so quickly."

Zac can only continue to raise the glass. Unfortunately, a bottle of good wine is in the hands of people who can't appreciate it at all. "Well, thank you for accepting it, but Mr. Fisher." In order to show sincerity, Zac used the respect Saying, "I will be there if I can do it, and accept my apologies, but I can't help Mr. Trouble more." He said, shaking his head.

Do n’t ask about the trouble. The two shipments are missing, not missing, but all, missing.

"Don't use it." Fisher shook his head. "Please, Fisher. You've already helped, and indeed helped. You don't need to be sorry at all. The sorry should be me." The key is coming, "Yes I should n’t take it for granted, relying on a nameless “help” ... ”Has it become clear,“ If I believe in you without doubt, I should n’t be selfish and hope to limit this matter to just one "Help"! "

Zac looked surprised, "Fisher, do you want to ..."

"I'm going to entrust you, entrust Grande! Formal entrustment!" Fischer stared at Zac. "It should be me who apologized. I initially restricted you and the Grande for the secret considerations of my family. Ability, so that you clearly made the result for me, but unable to continue to investigate ... "

This is a misunderstanding.

The thing that Shun Shun Fischer is going through is that the illegal workers who entered the Port of Massa have disappeared strangely, and the whole batch has disappeared. Let me talk about the former first.

With the help of Zac, the former had a result, and the dead worker's body was found, but the only result was given by Grande. Why did these workers die, disappeared from the ship, and finally found dead in the sea. Grand who helped did not give an answer.

Besides the latter, when two batches of labor collectives disappeared, it was when Fisher needed Zac's help most, and what did Zac give? We saw that, no, Zac did not contact Fisher in the past few days, and even went to Massa Port to perform an investigation.

Fisher then concluded that all he asked was 'help', which limited Grande's ability. Zac will not clarify the misunderstanding.

Fisher continued, "... Now, I will correct this error. I still need you, I need Grande's help, but I will not restrict you, I will officially entrust you!"

The skin on Zac ’s forehead, pushing his eyebrows, gathered in the middle, this is a worried expression for the other side, “Fisher, no. You know I ca n’t take this commission, I ca n’t investigate this matter without restriction You understand, once I let go of my investigation, I will use various resources, resources of the gray professional circle. This means that your private business is no longer a secret, at least in those gray It ’s not a secret in the eyes of professionals. "

Isn't that why the two originally reduced the commission to help, and Fisher doesn't want anyone to know his business!

"Gray professional?" Fisher actually smiled, shaking his head, helpless, "Zac, tell you something, don't talk about gray professional, Kyle, Kyle!" Suddenly stressed, "Barton's The kid knows! Early this morning, this kid came over and questioned me, what the **** did I let his classmate do on the ship! "

The seeds dropped by ‘unintentional’ blossomed.

Fisher shook his head and continued, "It's impossible to know from his father. Only Falken knew that I was doing this!" He had said before that this business was originally planned with Falcon. In some 'accidents' (Aix Security and Saddle Security), the people of Falken failed to reach Port Massa, "Huh, and this kid, because a classmate who didn't go to college, came to question I am! "Fischer had an incredible tone." Oh, do you understand, Zac, concealing, no use! People will always find clues, and then appear! "

Fisher took a deep breath and calmed down a bit, but continued to shake his head, "And, I don't know if you know, the goods last night were missing again, all! I ordered this morning, and the people on the boat were all shelved this time. Resting in Barton, not allowed to go out to sea. Two crew members, there may be a third batch, the fourth batch ... "Is he concerned about the missing workers in the third and fourth batches? Haha, forget it, everyone understands it, do n’t continue to forge the personality of Mr. Fisher, remember that his hobby is to pay a lot of money for "wild", I do n’t want to shift the focus, "People will doubt , Sooner or later! Well, it ’s not just Kyle anymore! The only thing I can do is to resolve this matter before more troublesome people are suspicious! "

Looking at Zac, "I need your help! To solve this matter! Without any restrictions! So, entrust!"

Zac lowered his head, lightly tapping on the glass wall with his fingers, thinking for a while, before speaking, "If I investigate without restrictions, I will use my gray professional colleagues." He looked up. In the eyes of solicitation, but also to inform, whether it is sincere, needless to say, "will also make the necessary information exchange for intelligence, and will also ..."

"As long as you can solve it! No matter what you want to do, do it!"

"The secret of your business will depend entirely on the professional ethics of gray professionals." Zac still uses the tone of the notification, just like the doctor before the operation-you may die during the operation, "even, you I should know some of the relationship between Grande and the police ... "Zach was not about to bring James, but to break away from the black and gray parts of society and give the white of this world an entry gap," If I let go completely , Your secret, not only in the gray profession, but also in places that are extremely dangerous for your family ... "

The reason why Zack said this is to pave the way for Anthony. The conversation with Bumi has revealed that Zach accepts this commission only for Anthony. The only thing Zac can do, Zac is going to do the dripping.

"If you trust some people! I trust!" Fischer interrupted. He apparently thought Zac was talking about a detective. It didn't matter what the Westside people thought of James. The point was that Fischer had clearly made up his mind— -"Like any entrustment that is handed to you! I have no extra questions, I will leave it to you to handle! Just give me the result!"

Zac took a deep breath and raised his chest for Fischer. At the same time, he lifted his glass, touched Fischer, and turned his head to kill. "Well, you put all your trust in me, I accept Delegate. "

Fisher also got rid of it and pushed away the glass, regardless of whether Zac was ready to grab Zac's hand and yanked towards himself. The broad face was on the side of Zac's face, and his voice was low in Zac's ear. Why is it low-

"I have no way out! I hope you can understand my determination to show the whole family to you today! My trust is completely up to you! I need you! Don't let it down!"

"I won't." Zac used a normal voice, and, can't wait, "Go ahead, I need information, who is your next home, who is buying these goods in the federal ..." (to be continued.)

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