James slammed the phone, turned around irritably, and looked at his mini bar. Bayi Chinese Network W ★ w√W ★.く 8√1z ★ W√. On the countertop of CoM is spread coffee and a newspaper soaked in coffee. That was caused by James' reaction after he saw the newspaper today.

James walked sullenly toward the bar, picked up a pile of toilet paper and threw it on the table, and did not continue to pack it. He picked up the newspaper that was still dripping coffee, and carefully identified the writer who was looking for a report on the character's page.

"Kate!" James read the name, twitching his eyes and losing the newspaper, grabbing the car key and going out.

The phone remembered behind him, and James looked back with a somber grip on the key, very hesitant.

Come tell everyone what he is hesitating-

Yes, although James took the initiative to call Zac, but fortunately, Zac did not receive it, and transferred to the answering machine, giving James room to hinder his emotions, but James also Let it go, just a regular, almost rotten thing to Zack, 'what did you do! ! ’, And then just to be specific about the report in the newspaper today, James automatically stopped and ended the message with a dirty word.

James really wants to know what other bad things Zac did, was targeted by the newspaper like that? No, James is much smarter than this, well, it's much more forward-looking. The report has come out, the vampire has been described as a mean and shameless villain. So, what the vampire did and carried such an attack is not important, the important thing is that the person who wrote this report, this reporter named Kate, she should not be far from the end of her life, and the way this life ends It's a way that ordinary people can't imagine ... not to be surprised, James's first reaction is always-vampire is, well, vampire, it's not human anyway.

James doesn't need Zach to come over a phone call now, to pull out the moral ethics he can't refute, to whitewash the fact that a life that dares to tell the truth is about to end. James doesn't need it!

James doesn't want to hear Zac's voice now!

But one must acknowledge the fact that James really wanted to say a word to Zac himself, full of malicious and absolute sarcasm, ‘Finally! Someone has revealed your true look! Oh no! It ’s everyone! The entire city of Button! ’

So hesitated.

The hesitation is still a little long.

Drip-transferred to the message.

"Lance! You better be on your way to the police station now! The chief is looking for you!" Coulson's voice.

James, who had lost all his mentality, threw a punch into the air, "*!" Turned around and went out angrily.

After sitting in the car, James calmed down a little. He has two directions of advancement, a Barton Daily newspaper, to the reporter named Kate, and one to the police station honestly. The calm reason told him that Kate would be safe at least now. If Zac let the reporter on the first day of this report, cough, Zac would be stupid, so James went to the police station Too.

Weird, it feels.

Regardless of the state of mind of James himself, there is no difference between Barton's early morning and peacetime. Pedestrians, buses, and cars have not yet reached the top, and they can only lean on the sun ...

Even if I occasionally saw a passerby who was waiting for the newspaper in the car, there was no special emotion on his face-James kind of rushed over, and the key line on the report on the character page impulse.

But in reality, there is no difference. Button didn't show a difference because a vampire living in the city was skinned.

James's heart was full of this weird feeling, and he reached the police station.

The first to be covered is the policewoman Emma who is still at the front desk (this girl has a good opinion of Benjamin), "Detective Detective Lance, today's newspaper ..."

James Xun bypassed the worried face. He didn't want to hear a word that someone was talking to Grande, not at all!

"Uh! Finally!" Coulson greeted him directly, and didn't let James go back to the desk at all, pushing James directly to the elevator.

If you think Coulson will not mention something, then you will underestimate the police's attention to Patton society ~

As the elevator went up, Coulson: "Oh, right, did you read today's newspaper?"

James looked at his partner. Seriously, James couldn't predict what Curson would say, defending Zac? Not at all. Like James himself, ecstatic his inner dark side? Not at all. It is even more impossible to proactively worry about the safety of a reporter's life.

Coulson said something unexpectedly--

"Over the Port of Massa, the Fisher Group stopped two freighters ..."

Uh, James withdrew his gaze and looked black. Now he feels good ... incurable--the only one who wants to think about Zac is him.

Coulson continued, "And there has not been a public statement, and Seidir, who is in charge of security over Port Massa, hasn't moved. I feel ... No, I'm sure! Something must have happened!"

In the mood that James himself was not saved, he was too lazy to respond to Coulson.

"Hey! Speak to you! Didn't you wake up!" Coulson pushed James next to him. He probably also prepared a speech called "Intuition of an experienced old detective", but James didn't Cooperate and suffocate.

The elevator door opened.

The layout of the top floor of the police station has also been said before, it must be intentional-as long as the door of the chief's office is looked at, people who come out of the elevator can be seen for the first time. This time too, not only did Commissioner Darcy see Curson and James coming out of the elevator, these two detectives also saw Commissioner Darcy in the office, and, well, someone with a high exposure to Barton recently , The owner of the men's chain from the west, Oz Kozil.

Darcy only glanced, and his eyes turned back, "I only called Lance."

Curson, who hadn't even stepped in the office door, looked hard for a moment, glared at James, and returned to the elevator tightly.

James closed the office door casually and sat across from Darcy. The first person who spoke was Oz, the heart reader—

"Darcy, it's stupid. Letting your partner hate James is not good for James' future."

Need to say something formally? Ok.

This is a dialogue between the three westerners.

I think it ’s enough to have this sentence.

"Have you read hatred in Coulson's heart." Darcy glanced at Oz, without expression. "That's trouble, it's better to change partners." With this direct statement, I hope everyone can keep up.

James's pupil shrank sharply, staring at Oz.

Oz had a helpless face and shook his head and smiled. "I didn't say that, I just said that if you always treat James and his partner so differently, hatred will appear sooner or later. And." Blinking at James, he stood beside Darcy, so he did n’t have to worry about Director Darcy perceiving, "If it ’s always so direct to say this in front of James, hehe, I do n’t need my reading. With the ability of heart, we can see that James will only be more and more exclusive to us, the West, and the Demon Banquet. "

"Humph." Darcy glanced at James's sullen face, "Is it getting more and more." The words were still saying to Oz, "Then you have read our ..." Pay attention to his words, " Master Lance, what do you think of me. Say it and listen. "

Oz continued to blink at James, and the meaning of these two blinks was only one-we, you, James Lance, and I, Oz Kozil, are on one side. Do n’t forget to read Oz ’s dissent, and from that sudden change, tell James that it was the feast that killed Georgina and prepare to manipulate James, and finally reach a covenant with Zac.

There are still three Westerners in this office, but he, Oz Kozil and James, are now Bartons.

Listen to what Oz said to Darcy again, "Oh, don't say it anymore. At Barton, regardless of personal mood, the three of us are people who represent the Western Devil's Banquet. We are a whole. Some words, too It ’s good to hurt your feelings and always bury it in your heart. "Blink.

Director Darcy shook his head. For a person who didn't know the situation, he calmly waved his hand. "It doesn't matter." James glanced at him, throwing up a document and throwing it in his tone. Ironically, "Since it is a whole, there are some things that you better know."

"What's this?" James said the first sentence after he came in. It was a question of dull tone, the reason-as a document thrown over by the police chief, there was no sign of Patton Police on it. This is not a case information or anything, but a simple goods transaction.

"This is a transactional backup of the Republican goods ordered by the Feast through Massa Port." Oz explained.

James tried to ignore the word "Magic Banquet", "What deal?" James quickly turned over, not only the name of the goods was obscured, but even the seal that should exist on every legal transaction slip was not seen , "Why show me this ?!" The unstable tone began when James began to have an unknown hunch.

There was a moment of silence in the office, and no one answered James.

"People." Darcy frowned and looked up at Oz, unhappy, "illegal labor, republican."

Oz shrugged and said to Darcy, "Don't look at me like this. I've noticed that the person who told him the truth will be disgusted. Kozil and Lance are friends, and I want to protect our friends ..."

"What ?!" James had already got up from his chair, and Oz was still babbling, glaring at his supreme boss, Director Darcy, yelling, "Man ?! Demon feast is buying from the Republic?" ! "

Although James is a ‘little’ homicide group detective, if he were to be told, he should be able to list a bunch of federal laws touched by human trafficking. No, no, it ’s not that simple. This is cross-border trafficking. I am afraid that federal law cannot cover this thing that Oz described as ‘will be disgusted’.

Darcy raised his hand to wipe away the spit on James' face. It was extremely calm. "Let's be louder again, so that everyone in the game knows the best."

James shoved the chair behind him and turned to leave. Really mature, once things are out of his acceptance range, he will either collapse or ‘die’ or he will turn around and walk away.

Darcy was useless at this moment. Useful is Oz, which can read the mind, with only one sentence.

"But two consecutive shipments disappeared." When James' footsteps revealed a stagnation, Oz continued, "Yes, what you are thinking is right, just what your partner mentioned in the elevator just now. , Two ships out of service at Port Massa. "

James stopped completely, his hands were already on the handles of the office, and he turned his head with a gloomy face that was too indescribable.

What got was Oz nodded, "Oh, yes, Fisher's ship. This transaction was completed by Fisher of Barton." It is so unreasonable to communicate with Minxin.

"Sit down." Oz took advantage of Darcy to shake his head and pick up the scattered documents-this thing must not be mixed into the police's documents. There is no need to explain such a simple reason. Oz once again directed James The scholar blinked, "Sit down, before you have any new ideas about the Demon Banquet, you will want to hear the whole reason for this."

James was not so obedient and stood by the door.

"Darcy." Oz once again gave Darcy his words. Oh, it is estimated that it was something that James would hate, so the mind was slyly given up.

Darcy frowned and glared sullenly at Oz, but he couldn't help it. The status of Xinxin was higher than him. It had nothing to do with social attributes.

"It's not just Fisher, when the Feast first made this plan, it contacted the five parties, Fisher, Falcon, Smith, Bishape, and, Ethella."

James regretted it because he wanted to sit down now. It is the weakness that the information heard cannot be contradicted by the logic of the existing relationship of the characters in the brain.

Darcy rubbed his lips, "The whole thing is not what you think, hum, 'Magic Banquet is disgusting', is a complete plan, for you, for, hum, the current mayor Anthony, and Button ... … "

"Straight, Darcy." Oz actually urged, "Your presenting will only make James more exclusive, tell him all and let him judge."

Darcy yelled, "From the beginning, uh, Ethela, this woman in the mayor's campaign, you have to be clear, the devil, don't want to see Ethera higher, this is the premise ..."

Let's put it here first. In Grand, Zac's waiting call finally came.

"If you don't call me again, I'll look for you in the past." Zach held the receiver and expressed his dissatisfaction with the mayor.

There was only Anthony's breath on the earpiece, and he did not respond to Zac.

Zac frowned, waiting for a while, "Anthony?" Still did not respond, "Ann (name)? Talk, don't worry me."

The breath became a stretched sigh overshadowed by exhalation, "Uh-I didn't sleep last night ..."

Zac raised his lips, not knowing how to respond. If he could see Anthony's face now, Toledo should be able to say something appropriate.

Anthony, "Why can't everything be simpler ?!" It seems to be a question, the object of the question, I don't know who it may be, it may be the air.

Zac pouted, "Anthony, tell me directly, what do you want?"

After a brief silence, over the receiver, "If I were re-elected as mayor, things wouldn't be any easier, right."

"No, only worse." Zach said.

"So." Anthony's voice affirmed, "I need all the advantages I can get, right!"

"Yes." Zack nodded.

"Then do it! I want the Demon Feast to know that I am the mayor, because, I am, the mayor!" (To be continued.)

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