Sam quickly came back when Zac dialed the second call, "You can rest assured. √ Bayi Chinese Network W く WW ★. ★ 8 く 1 く zW.Com" Sam sat directly Opposite Zac, it means 'now you have no reason to support me. Whatever you want to do, I will follow, or, in the current situation, watching you call you', "Steve accepted my transaction. Because I am a Grande. "There is a pause here. It is not the pride of being called the Grande. On the contrary, it is uncomfortable. He is more inclined to be called Zac, more specific and more in line with his Identity, "Give me a friendship discount."

Zac is in a good mood, and it's uncomfortable to sweep these days. Why? Anthony finally opened the door for him. From now on, Zac is officially a member of Anthony's campaign for mayor. Of course, a member under the table. Zac doesn't need to be grateful for Anthony's human feelings as he did before, while doing things that are not grateful.

Because of this good mood, Seth didn't seem so annoying anymore. Zac didn't mind waiting for the phone to answer the phone while he was on the phone. "I'm curious, how can you move quickly?"

"Which one do you mean for Grand Witchcraft?" Seth didn't seem ready to be taken care of so easily by Zach, a little uncomfortable, and adjusted his lower posture on the seat. "I stole it, from John."

Who made Zac feel good, "Oh." Zac shrugged. "I guess that John studied, Papa moved to republican witchcraft at midnight."

Seth raised his eyebrows, seemingly, "Uh ... so, that's why he has a large amount of undecomposable preparations for witchcraft rituals in his witchcraft notes! He himself doesn't know how this witchcraft works, just A bit of transformation ... "The lip curled, and actually said the following," I think I still look up to him, to this extent, hum. "

Zac smiled and shook his head, not wanting to comment, and left a message over the receiver. Zac hung up and dialed the number again, no hurry, "So, you are on Steve's side, did you choose a good identity?"

"Yeah." Sam didn't care much, "I found a suitable identity in Grande, but I'm not going to give up my name. I like my name." Zac looked at Zac as if he was exploring Zha Gram's reaction.

Zac, there is no response, but should also be said, "Samuel is a good name, keep it well." What reaction can Benjamin have said, the reason he planted Zac, he went to Zac himself Receive that fruit. Although the name was given by Benjamin, it can basically be said that Zac gave it.

Sam seemed to put a snack, "So he needs some time to change his name." After thinking for a while, I said, "After that, I am Samuel Creek, a funeral worker from the middle."

Zac raised an eyebrow. "Funeral industry?"

Sam has begun to adapt to this status, which is a good thing. "Well, obviously, I, Samuel Creek, used to work in the funeral industry. After cremation became popular, the income was greatly reduced, and the city government cut it and lost his job ( Privatization and cremation are two things. Only Massa was tried for privatization, cremation is popular throughout the Federation), looking for a place to continue the traditional funeral industry, and then ... "He glanced at Zac," I listen Speaking of the city of Barton in the east, under the privatization trial, there is also the Grand that has retained the traditional funeral and made a good profit, so here we come. "

Zac looked sideways, "This is ..." Sincerely, "Very good backstory."

Sam lowered his mouth and glanced at today ’s newspaper on Zac ’s desk, frowning. “Obviously when I heard about Grande, I did n’t hear that Grande ’s owner was a small person. "This is not to satire Zac himself, this is to try to explain to Zac that if his backstory is a real thing, then the central" Xi Mu "can hear Grande ’s good, and he can also hear Grande German master's bad. Zack should take this kind of report seriously affecting his reputation.

Zac smiled and waved his hand, much lazy to say something, but also a voice came from the receiver, and the phone was connected.


"It's me, Zac." Zac gestured to Sam, meaning to listen, don't disturb.

"Ah, Zac!" The other party looked surprised. "Is that you just now?" The call to the message was not connected just now.

"Yeah." Zac had a smile on his face, leaning on the receiver, relaxed. "Isn't the timing right now?"

"No, no." Smith's voice was a little lower, obviously speaking to someone outside the earpiece, and the tone could also confirm that it was not good. "I think we have finished talking, please." Then I returned to the phone. Regained the smile that was unique to Zac, "I'm talking about something with Liszt, and now I'm done."

Zac raised his eyebrows with a smile, "Liszt, huh, huh, I don't have any class stereotypes, but huh, huh, people in the West End started working so early." Private phone, because it is not working time yet, it is not yet nine o'clock.

"Hum." Smith smiled a little strangely. "Out of work, someone needs to come to me to talk about things outside of my working hours." That's the off-table conversation. Smith probably said this just out of emotion. Right away, I resumed my normal tone, "You rarely call me on the initiative, is there something?" With a smile, "It's not about today's newspaper ..." Replaced the latter words with laughter.

Everyone seems to have read the newspaper.

"Uh." Zack said in a helpless tone, "Don't mention the newspaper." Immediately entered the topic, "Smith, can I ask you a small question?"

"Of course." Very simply. Necessary, Zac rescued the Smith family twice, didn't he, one tape and one ‘Valmina’ reappeared.

"Did Esra try to win you over and compete with Anthony." Zac asked very directly.

The receiver was quiet, Zac did n’t have any extra reaction and knew enough about Smith, that is, Smith was not a person who would hesitate at all, so do n’t think about it, wait quietly.

"Sorry." After a moment, there was a voice over the earpiece, but the sound of the collision of the cups was helpless. It should be something like pouring wine and living coffee. "I have always seen some inexplicable things recently, uh, I I just saw a butterfly flying past me, uh. "

"There are no butterflies this season." Zac said with a smile here. What he did n’t say was that the wild butterfly did not, but it was raised domestically, but the Smith Manor had one. Eve, the inexplicable Rymer was very fond of butterflies, regardless of season.

"I know." The sound of swallowing, plus helplessness, "I guess I'm just a little stressed recently because Lydia, uh, her husband ... uh. I need to see my psychologist." Really, Zac wanted to reach into the earpiece and pat the poor Smith.

"Sorry for interrupting, did you ask just now?" Smith regained his spirit, actually not paying attention to Zack's problem at all.

"Have Esra ever drawn you to compete with Anthony?"

"Yes." After rejuvenating, the answer was extremely simple. "But of course, I refused without giving her the opportunity to propose anything." After a pause, with an analytical tone, "And, I think, She supports coming to me out of etiquette. She should know that working with Quinn to promote **** legal me on the veteran side, it is impossible to transfer support for Anthony to support her, hum, what can she give me. "

See, is Smith a hesitant person, no, the structure is clear and clear, it is impossible to hesitate about things.

"Then, Falcon and Fisher, or, Bishape, do they?"

"Bich Sharp?" Short thoughts, probably the three surnames Zach said, this attraction is more attractive, "You mean, the current Bill Sharp, uh, or um, all the tragedies have not been born before the birth of Sharp . "

The current Bishape is obsolete, but it is worth mentioning that Smith is the second phone call made by Zach. The first one is Bishapu, telling the charming demon Lily, and also telling the evil spirit Sher.

"Before." Zac made it clear.

"They did find me, not Schell, the old Bishops." Smith probably felt Zac sorting things out, "Zac, are you investigating?"

"Yes." Zack admitted directly, "something terrible."

Silenced over the receiver, Smith did n’t ask what it was. Of course, if he asked Zac to investigate anything, he would n’t want to ask Zac alone, and Zac would answer honestly, so he did n’t ask. Answering Zac ’s question, “But Bishape did n’t say what to do at the time, only that it might use me, um, the private industry ’s shipping channel in the federal industry. You should know that I have a fixed cooperation with Fisher The channel, half of my goods, goes out through the port of Massa and enters the central and western parts of the Federation. "

Zac nodded, "Why not Fisher ask you to talk about this but the older generation than Sharp?"

There was a breath out of the receiver, "You know the Bishap family, you should know that you are in power now, uh, sorry, at that time, the peers of the Bishap family were Schell. Although Schell was only Bishap's spouse, But ... "The receiver sighed," I don't want to say anything bad about Bishapu who grew up together, but everyone knows that the Bishapu family can't balance their parents and wives, which leads to There are great differences. And we, our second generation in power in the Western District, but when dealing with work and affairs, we will not find Bishapu, we will find Schell. "

Zac actually nodded here, it ’s fine, and it ’s time to find the charming demon Lily. Of course, this ca n’t be said, “So it ’s the old Bishapu trying to bypass Schell and give you and Fisher as elders. Pressure. "

"Yes." Smith affirmed, "And you attended the Herman's luncheon, you also saw that Schell was on Anthony's side, and Old Bi Sharp continued to try to unite their generation, trying to Our second generation put pressure on it. "

"But they failed."

Still sure, "Yes, Mrs. Barton doesn't care, the only Mrs. Quinn who is still in charge of the family, hehe, you were saved." Isn't it, recalling the situation at the time, Zach took Mrs. Quinn away and chatted.

Zac also smiled, "What about Fisher and Falcon?"

"Uh ... don't you know?" Smith's tone was a bit puzzled. "I thought you knew."

"what do you know?"

"I think about it, um-" short memories and organizational remarks, "It seems like, [Parker Elementary School] 's visit to the Port of Massa, when Laura and Kepler took the pupils to visit the port of Massa. "

Zac remembered it. He remembered it. When Benjamin and Eve met, they casually rescued several dockers who might have died in an accident. They disrupted Fisher ’s opportunity to speculate on the security company. Ark's Aix security opens. Only then did Fischer let his son Xiandi's driver go to the second operation, resulting in the Kraken event.

At the same time, Zac also remembered that after returning from the visit, Benjamin mentioned that in the port of Massa, Lola and they met the three adults who were talking about things, Smith, Fisher and Falken. Falken ’s younger brother was also brought home early.

Zac raised an eyebrow and went further, "What do they want you to do?"

"The same thing, use my shipping channel." Smith's tone was not so good. "But at the time, I was busy with the shelter. I felt that it was not something I should be involved in, so I refused. , And asked them not to tell me anything I did n’t need, Falken was not too happy. "

"You are smart, Smith, and you don't want to participate." Zac said to the receiver very sincerely.

"Then ..." Smith had a long tail, "Fisher and Falken, are they in trouble now?" Smith was really good, still bypassing what Zac was investigating and asking his peers directly.

Zac thought for a moment, "Falcon, no. Fisher, yes."

Smith again mentioned the newspaper that Zach had "requested", not to mention, "There are reports in the newspaper today that two of his freighters have been shut down. Is this related?" Did not wait for Zack to answer, "I I should ask him, maybe I can help ... "

"Don't, Smith." Zach shook his head at the air here. "You already have enough things in your hand, you don't need one more."

After a long silence, Smith on the other side of the receiver, "Just tell me, what position does Grande stand now?"

"Hehehe." Zach smiled. "You have just told so many things, and now you think of confirmation, Grande's position?" This is not a prelude to turning around immediately, but, "Relax, I don't trust Will live up to it. "

The receiver smiled and nodded slightly, "Don't let Fisher give anything, we need another 'Bisharp' to show up."

"No." Zack also took it a little more seriously, "I promise." And then abruptly connected, "I can count on, will you not listen to anything Liszt said."

There was a froze over the receiver, and then, "I don't need any hope, I don't like that person."

"Very good. I probably shouldn't disturb you anymore. Bye."

"Uh ... alright, goodbye."

Press to hang up, Zach began to dial the third call, Falken's number. Then foretell that after Falken, it will be Esra.

"What are you doing?" Sam, who was watching, frowned. "Tell me." This is what the wizard is asking himself to explain to himself.

"Prepare." Zac glanced at Sam and continued to dial.

"Uh, what are you preparing for? You just asked a bunch of questions and said some inexplicable things." Sam pursed his lips.

Zac shrugged. "A certain‘ person ’hopes that something will go wrong in Barton, let some families disappear, and strengthen their power. So, what I have to do is turn everything around.”

"By making a few calls." Sam pouted.

"Yes, by making a few calls, put in the thoughts that should appear in their minds." Zack nodded.

"What idea?" Sam still couldn't keep up. Probably no one has followed.

"A‘ person ’has caused them to get into trouble with the West Side. It ’s time for the West Side people to recognize the‘ person ’and then make the‘ person ’pay the price.” Zac looked sideways and Falken answered the phone quickly.


"It's me, Zac." Zac gave Seth a look that didn't disturb again.

"Oh! Zac." The other party laughed. Zac never took the initiative to find Falken. After all, the commission that Falken had given to Zac was the most "gentle", "Is there anything?"

If there is nothing worth interrupting, Zac will start like this, "Can I ask you a little question, Falken."

"Uh, okay. What's the problem?"

"Have Esra ever drawn you to compete with Anthony?"


Do n’t draw conclusions now-the one in Zac ’s mouth that needs to be known to the West Side is Isela, because, at the end of the phone, Zac will use "I can count on it, you will not listen to Liz Do you say anything? " (To be continued.)

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