The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Vol 2 Chapter 25: 'appointment'

It's James's dazzling, gold-filled, promising, and certainly bright-looking appointment, so there's no need to doubt the restaurant's grade. Bayi Chinese website www ★.く 八 く 1√zW. Com

It was the third time James had asked the waiter to add wine. It was n’t the irritability of being late for the date. It was what Zac said before coming to the date. No matter how many times James told himself not to think about it, his brain completely ignored his self-consciousness, so, "Continue, continue ..." Simply took the wine bottle directly from the waiter, "Place it here, you can gone!"

What the waiter can say, just go back and write down the bill.

"Mr. Lance." Kate gasped in front of the reception desk, reporting the name of the appointment, while glancing at the people in the restaurant-bright and bright people, while hurriedly took out his makeup mirror for the last time to check Own makeup.

"Table 11." The receptionist smiled and pointed in a direction.

"Thank you!" Kate sorted out her dress, clipped her handbag and put a smile on her face, fully integrated into the occasion, and walked to the dining table.

Yes, this reporter Kate is James' date. Uh, let's abandon this description just to talk to Zac so as to avoid Zac's questioning. This is not an appointment at all, but a meeting. James needs to see for himself the reporter who said he wanted to speak but could not tell the truth, and this reporter, she wants to watch ‘Lance’, do you need more explanation?

"Mr. Lance!" Kate stood beside his seat.

James finally got rid of the chaotic thoughts, "Ah, Miss Kate!" A good education is not just a background, James got up and opened the seat for the lady.

A bit of a catch is that James's face was flushed and his body was not stable. The half-bottle of wine on the table was the reason. But Kate obviously didn't care about it. After he took his seat, "Mr. Lance! It's an honor to see you in person! I'm really sorry, the road is too blocked at peak hours ..." After compliments, I apologized for being late.

James waved his hand and greeted the waiter casually, "It's okay, I live nearby, come early. The menu, please." Then, reach out, "The honor is mine, thank you Miss for agreeing to this interview." Of course, this The meeting was moved by James, and the meeting was with reporters. What could be more appropriate than asking for an interview?

Kate's hand also stretched out, and he gave it a light grip, "Wow ~ powerful hand, Mr. Lance ~"

Think about it, neither of them wants this to be just a professional interview, does it? So, wave anything you can! Who wants to watch two young men and women honestly eat dinner!

"Just James." James smiled. "It may be a little rough, a beautiful lady like you." Oh! James can also swing, of course, we can't see it at ordinary times. Do we see him swinging at Zac, uh, step on the idea of ​​stepping to death!

"Hehehe ~" Kate turned his head slightly, "Kate is just fine. Rough is good ~ That is a trace of your military life, I think every girl will worship a little bit, 'Rough' ~"

"Worship ... you mean security."

"Yeah, security, soldiers, detectives, you can't ask for something safer ~"

Don't care about the smoothness of this swing, it's the atmosphere of this restaurant, starting from the bottle regained by the waiter and evenly distributing alcohol in the two people's glasses ... The most important thing is that James already has a dazed brain.

With such a start, I think we still skip some processes that have no value, and directly focus on what everyone cares about-

"Hehehe ~ It's fun." Kate, "My grandmother used to say that she can never get used to this humid environment, and this always has a salty and wet taste of seafood." This is Barton, of course the two eat Seafood, "But look at me, I was born with Barton, grew up in Barton, I love and love seafood ~ how about you?"

"Fair." James turned his head. "I'm not very picky about food." When he reached for the wine again, he didn't know what the red liquid made him think, and he hesitated, but still picked it up. Wine glass.

"But you will not be accustomed to some places. After all, if you live in the west and suddenly come to the city in the east, there will always be something you need to adjust ~" as a reporter to write good articles, or, just If you just want to know James, who knows.

"Things to adjust ..." James seemed to be thinking seriously, "Human." He didn't even get rejected by Emilia when he was "healed", or the above reasons, atmosphere, alcohol, brain, "in the west I ’m always the son of the general, here, in Barton, I ’m just, uh, James. "

"Oh ~~" The ending has two transpositions, "You are not just James, you are Detective Lance, when people talk about you, they will think of the cult case at Paisin Station, the murder of the son of Herman, 'Var fans' ... "Kate stopped herself, and James Lance didn't finish all of her achievements in Patton. She felt sorry on her face. She stretched out her hand and held James' hand." Sorry , I should n’t mention Herman. "

the reason? Later in the jailbreak case, the murderer of the Herman case escaped and who was kidnapped. Now that James is 'dating' with another woman, let's avoid mentioning the name of this person who no longer exists.

"It's all over." James picked up the glass again, and as long as everything would be billed, no one had any comments. "You don't have to be sorry." James smiled. "You sound like I know me very well."

"Eh ~" The implicit and implicit answer, "Just like any girl of the same age ~ Hehe, you can think of me as your fan ~"

"Then, toast." The cup James just put down raised again, "For me, there are fans like you ~" It wasn't James who imitated Kate's tone, it was him, really, drunk. One of the proofs is that in James ’s head, which has begun to faint, there is a bad idea, ‘Girls who hate vampires, beautiful girls, are my fans’.

"Then I have to do it, because I am a fan, huh, and ask-Mr. James Lance ~ are you single?" Another fact is that Kate closely followed the rhythm of James's toast, so ...

Still, I think the meaningless presentation process, just skip it, after all, no one wants to watch a good dinner for two young men and women, eh.

"Oh, haha! Your grandmother is really an interesting person!" James smiled and continued to signal the waiter not to stop (wine).

"I'll say it!" Kate had been waiting for the waiter with an empty cup. "She always emphasizes what, women must strengthen themselves! Make money, get status, and support their own family!" Suddenly whispered, James joined In front of me, "I said to her, 'Grandma, you are right, but please give me a family to let me raise!'" Yes, when I said half of the time, my voice grew louder, "'Your baby grows strong Granddaughter, there is not even a boyfriend until now! '"

"Oh, you're lying." James seemed to shake Kate's head with certainty. "Girls like you shouldn't be alone ..." The wine had arrived, so drink it before talking.

"Hey! I can say the same thing to you!" Kate shrugged, "Xiansen ~"

"Okay, my fault. What about your parents? I didn't listen to what you said about them."

Probably, now both of them have forgotten the purpose of this meeting, okay, why destroy the atmosphere.

"Uh, there's nothing to say. It was a war period shortly after I was born. They never stayed at home, so I have no impression of them." Kate raised an eyebrow for a moment, "but the war ended ten years ago. , I received two medals of purple heart, if those two medals are all they left to me, I, I guess, I can only accept it? "

"Sorry ... the war is cruel ..." Said from the mouth of a military family like James, so this word represents many things.

"No." Kate regained his smile. "At least two medals gave me some advantages. I got the privilege to choose a university major. I chose a journalism major. Then, I am like this now ~ Sometimes, I think, Maybe the role of the two medals may be more useful than two real people ... "The sound is automatically silenced because--

"It's really, really, really ..." James blinked and raised his glass. "Dark thoughts."

"Huh. But actually, grounded, down to earth ... well." Kate nodded to herself. Then, he reached up and lifted the glass that James had just laid down. "Toast, it is practical."

"For reality." Oh! James will not refuse any opportunity for toasting.

"That ~" Kate's fingers waved toward James. "I told my dark and practical thoughts. You have to tell you ~ Start!"

"Uh ... you, uh, prettier than I thought, true, honest, and ..." James was shaking his head thinking about words, and was interrupted.

"What's this!" Kate pushed James's head, "You're fooling!"

"Oh huh ... I don't have it." James' wine glass didn't drop off the table at all. "Trust me, it's very dark, and practical, in a way you can't imagine ..."

As above, omit useless things.

"Oh my god!" Kate clutched her excessively rosy face under alcohol, staring at her open handbag. "I didn't even take out the recording pen ..." She started to turn over for the purse. Only now, her attention is no longer on the independent woman who was educated by her grandmother, completely on the recording pen that has not seen Tianguang throughout the dinner-she completely forgot her work, "It is finished! I am finished! I Guaranteed my supervisor, tomorrow there will be a comprehensive interpretation of James Lance ... "

James has settled the bill and smiled and tried to put the wallet back in his pocket, with the accuracy of his current behavior, it was very difficult, "Hah, do n’t joke, if you write something just in the newspaper, I It's probably arresting you ... "Uh, sorry, in the omissions. It was two drunk young men and women who said stupid things to each other. Fill it with imagination.

"Uh ... you are right. I already have a guy who may have a deep relationship with the city government hates me. I can't let a detective hate me ..."

After all, it was still time to come, and James' body was ready to stand up and return to his seat. Uh, probably it's just that he really can't stand up. He looked at Kate with his eyes almost catching up with the enchanting pupil, "You said, uh, don't you live nearby?"

"Well." Kate shook his head, completely giving up his assurance to the supervisor. "I live with my grandmother, on the back of the bay ..." Packing up my handbag, I was also ready to stand up, tried it, and couldn't stand up .

The two looked at each other in their seats.

"We are all done ~" Kate was the first to speak.

"You're done ~" James lowered his head, wondering whether it was alcohol or his emotional complex. "My house is just outside a street."

"Then I can only call my grandmother and let her come ..." Kate said, "Oh no ... I drove my grandmother's car and she couldn't come to pick me up ..." On the logic of the brain after drunkenness .

"Miss, you want us to call you a rental ..." The waiter probably thought he was the savior and stood in front of Kate with a professional smile.

"Let a drunk girl be alone in the taxi!" Inexplicably, James stood up, with red eyes matching the twisted face. The waiter stepped back instinctively and James had not finished, "And I am a detective! I can tell you responsibly!" The voice was still loud enough to attract enough attention, "This city ! Not as safe as you think !!! "

See, the deserved ones will always come.

"Jan-Shi-Shi-" Kate covered her face and shrugged. She probably wanted to remind James in a low voice. But let ’s face it, her body control is now scum, so her voice is not at all low, but this is what she looks like, which has fully proved James ’point of view," Big-home-all-in-look- I-men-small-dot-sound-ah- "

Never let her go home by taxi alone!

"You can rest at my house for a night ..." James stabilized his figure and lifted Kate, trying to avoid all the eyes that came over. God knows what is in those eyes.

"But I still have to tell my grandmother where I am at night ... she will be worried ..." logic.

"My home, there is a phone." James can only speed up the pace, for some reason, looking at them, the emotion is deeper.

"Then do you have a bathroom ~" Kate didn't make the situation better. "I need to take a bath ..." Leaning on James, "Now my whole body smells like wine ... sniff, huh, , You too ~ "

"I have a bathroom ..."

"Then ~ bed ~ big and comfortable, bed ~" Kate had begun to play with James' head, "do you have this in your family ..."

"Yes, there is ..."

Those who watched the men and women leave the restaurant knew exactly what would happen when they got home. Therefore, we should also understand.

Men, women, alcohol, emotions burst. Never a good combination, remember. (To be continued.)

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