When returning to Grande, Louise was occupying the office and receiving customers. Bayi Chinese √ Net W ★★★. 8 ★ 1ZW. CoM Zack listened outside the door, preparing to go in, but was stopped by another guest in Grande at this time.

"You don't want to go in." Oz Kozil carried the tea, and actually came out of the Grand Entertainment Room. "The customers inside will continue to hesitate until now ..." After lunch time By the way, the matters discussed by Louise and the customers in it are still the most basic coffin problems. It is impossible for someone to come to the funeral home to talk about things during lunch time, so it must have come in the morning, but I do n’t know what the reason is, and they are still talking, "It is because of you."

"Me?" Zach pointed at himself, shaking his head in doubt. "I just want to end the discussion quickly and free up the office for you." Of course, Zac knew that Oz was here when he came back, and no one would be fine. Coming to Grande, Zach rightly thinks that this mind-reader has something to say. So Zack needs an office, which is a parenting issue-if you can ask someone to come into the house and talk, do n’t say it at the door.

"Well, if you go in, you can definitely take it back to the office quickly." Oz shook his head helplessly, "but it also made Louise spend a morning's words in vain."

"Why?" Zac glanced at the closed office door while continuing to listen to the conversation inside, as if nothing special-the family members of the emotionally unstable deceased, under the guidance and comfort of Louise, decided a little The last thing to participate in this world with the deceased.

"Uh--" Oz said with a little embarrassment. "It's better, I quote a sentence from the people inside?" No need for Zack to answer, the reader said, "'Why is Barton's only traditional funeral industry, in In the hands of such a mean man. '"Then shut up and look at Zac's face.

Zac raised an eyebrow and got it. Everyone was right, Kate's article really affected public opinion. There is nothing better than a client who really needs to ‘use’ the funeral industry. Just like the client in the office now, he is estimated to be completely abandoning the traditional funeral idea at any time. Oz is right, Zac should not go in.

Zac pushed the door.

The real charm of the citizen game is that the guy who plays the citizen is our vampire-the guy who is not completely subject to the rules of the game. So, just like any game player, occasionally getting rid of the rules of the game and doing something willful--

"You will experience a perfect funeral experience, oh, I mean, your ..." Crimson eyes leaned slightly towards Louise.

"Father. His father is a deceased." Louise added.

"Your father will experience it, not you." Chihong's eyes return to the stunned client. "And you will be grateful and even lucky. You have chosen Grande, Barton's only traditional funeral industry. Anything you ’ve seen about defaming Grande ’s funeral home, or Grande ’s master, will be despised and scorned by the fact that you and Grande have worked perfectly together. ”

Zac touched his chin and actually looked at Oz. "Is there anything to add?"

Oz actually smiled, "He has a cousin who is very repulsive to traditional funerals, and it is also his hesitation in Grande."

Zac pondered a little, "Uh, cousin, unrelated person. And this is a personal wish." Waving his hand, "No need to change." Then he looked at Louise, "This kind of person will appear in the future, just This is done without wasting energy. Our job is to give a satisfactory funeral, then let our work defend ourselves, give the other party a thought of ignoring the immediate thoughts and pay attention to the results afterwards, and then do our work normally. Others It ’s just a waste of time, you know? "

Louise blinked and nodded.

Zach? The redness in his eyes faded, and at the same time, he quit the office without any surprise. When it comes to normal funeral home work, so is our Zac's enthusiasm. After glancing at Oz, "Sorry, let's go to the entertainment room." After all, looking at Oz carrying tea, it was already comfortable there.

Oh yes, Sam is not with Zac now. On the way back, Zach gave Sam a new order to go to Paisin to find Dora and Bumi and tell Zac ’s conjecture that it would be best if he could tell Sibella casually, after all, reading Papa In this aspect of midnight behavior, the expert is on the side of Spira-John.

Sam went away without being too long-winded. Zac guessed maliciously, presumably to steal John's research ...

Coming to the entertainment room, Mo is also here, holding a teacup like Oz, curled up on the sand with great relaxation, staring at the soap opera on TV.

"Oh, Miss Mo had a very pleasant conversation with me."

Zac raised an eyebrow, "pleasure."

"Obviously, Miss Mo's voice is all republican, I don't understand" reading ", so, unexpectedly, this conversation is very pleasant."

Probably the only person who was happy was Oz. Mo rolled his mouth and rolled his eyes. "Yeah, very happy." Mo also knew that he couldn't stay here anymore. He went into the sand and set up a video recorder to record her Soap opera. Then instructed the two guys who stayed in the entertainment room, "Don't tell me who killed Sofia's lover!"

Zac glanced silently at the tangled picture on the TV screen, pressed mute, and looked at Oz, "So, why are you here?"

"Oh, I should come early." Oz sat down on the sand and put down the tea that had long been cold. "But as you think, I have also been busy recently."

Zac did not deliberately block Oz's reading, because it was unnecessary, and indeed, Zac thought a lot of things in an instant. The first is naturally the feast's plan for Georgina, then the feast's plan for the West Side. It's all things that need to be arranged around by this mind reader.

Oz went on, "Now, everything is calming down, or, I can say that there will be results soon, and I can relax a little bit, so, I think I should come and say something clearly."

Zac raised his eyebrows, nodded, and shook his head again. Oz can think he is relaxed. After all, Georgina ’s affairs have already blossomed on the side of James, and the Feast ’s plan for the Westside people, the fierce Fischer has been forced into the corner. it is good. However, Zac knows that it ’s not right. Zac just made arrangements to let Zac know clearly that Oz is not yet ready to relax. It is expected that today, at the latest tomorrow, people in the West End will bring the already discussed plan Find him.

Similarly, Zac was not thinking of blocking the other party's reading.

Oz's expression changed strangely, and he remained silent for a long time. "This ... this is awesome ..."

Zac smiled, "So, you don't care at all, I directly sold your suspicion of the magic feast to Mrs. Quinn?"

"Not at all!" Oz raised his eyebrows, his face still lamenting Zac's ability to "make trouble". "My only worry about the defecting feast is-Barton's cohesion is not enough. Those West Side families are on the surface Complete, but too comfortable, never considered someone targeting, separating, and weakening their power. You, hehe, you ~ "

Oz did n’t know where the guts came from, and actually touched Zac ’s nose. “Not only did they realize the potential danger, they also brought them together. I would n’t say that they had a chance in front of the Demon Feast, but At least there was resistance ... "It was completely surprised to notice that Zac was unresponsive, Oz's own face changed," Uh, sorry, me, I have no idea why I did this ... " Staring at the finger that had just touched Zac, he was lost in thought.

Zac frowned, and did n’t know what was the psychological reason. He sat a little farther away from Oz, waved his hands, and quickly shifted the topic. "Fisher will not have any problems, as long as the Westside can master Isela. , Already you, Kozil's secret help ... "

Oz shook his head a little harder, not to refute Zac, but to throw away completely clueless thinking, simply back his hands and looked back at Zac, "Liszt is over. The plan of the Demon Banquet is completely reversed. ... "The newly recovered smile wrinkled again, looking at Zac," Liszt is not finished? "-

Zac opened up for the readers to read without really wasting his tongue, Oz could read it himself.

It is so convenient to communicate with Xinxin people! But you have to have Zac's three views to face it calmly, so forget it.

"James!" Oz raised his eyebrows, his hands behind his back seemed to start to move, "James won't let Liszt ruin ~" He just lamented what he had read, "James, Haha, the unturnable character made him not allow this kind of thing to happen ... and made the feast think that 'Georgina' started to work ... "

Minxin people can go on a show themselves. His face changed in an instant, and this time he was a little serious, frowning tightly, "But what should James do? And, wouldn't this offend all West Siders?" Then he began to shake his head, "If the Feast thinks they If you need to continue to send people or forces to help James, it will be very bad for us. "

Zac didn't respond at all, and gave him an expression of ‘read me, but do n’t do it’.

"What? James called you this morning?" It immediately turned into a surprise again, "Really ?! That's ... really ... well, no, perfect!"

Zac only got a little involved now, shrugging, "I guess dating is exactly what James needs, relax, and then put his mind in the right place. One night, he came to an epiphany."

There is a key question here. James ’s phone in the morning, which happened when Mrs. Quinn left. What did James say, the truth? ——

A few minutes before he called Zac, Kate suddenly sat up from the messy bed, then panicked and panicked around James ’s bed, and finally did not dare to touch the pretend sleeper who was only covered by the quilt. Mushi, ran away in loose clothes?

No no no. James didn't tell the truth, and he had no face. In various senses. Therefore, James had to explain that after hearing the sound of the iron door closing downstairs, he quickly bounced from the bed, grabbed something around his waist, and ran down the stairs instinctively dialed through The reason for the call.

James said on the phone, "I, uh, I haven't slept all night ... I, uh ..." Zac's intrusion ‘oh? Dating is bad? Sorry, do n’t be discouraged ... ’" No! Uh! Can you continue to talk about my date !! "‘ Uh, well. Excited. You called, you decided the topic, I shut up, satisfied? "Uh ... uh ... I ..." just hung up.

But it's not over. Those who are interested can study James' psychology at that time. Only five minutes later, James called again and said the following—

"I, uh, I thought about it all night, uh, what you said yesterday!" This is a process from intermittent to smooth, "I won't let you mess up in Button! Uh, I won't let you frame everything Liszt who didn't do it! If necessary! I will find Darcy to stop you ... "

Slightly interrupted by Zack, "Director Darcy, attitude, James, attitude."

"*! Don't interrupt me!"

Continue to interrupt, "Sorry, but I must interrupt, James, I tell you my plan is because I trust you, if you tell Director Darcy these, then it is a betrayal." Zach also said at the time It's pretty fast because Little Pink is already honking in the backyard. Zac is going to Laipute with Alice and Maya. No one forgets what has happened.

"Uh ... I won't mention you! I will just say ... Uh, people from the West End are here! That's fine !!"

"That's fine ~"

"Oh, then! I, I uh ... I thought about Falken! Oz is right, Falcon is the next one, I, I need ..."

"Yes, James." Under the continuous urging of laughing pink, Zach said this, "Whatever you want to do, remember, we are on a boat."

"*! That's all! I called you to say this !!! Hang up!" Hang up, there is no third pass.

Now that this key issue is resolved, return to Zac and Minxin.

Oz: "It's perfect now. If Darcy starts to act, Liszt will have nothing to do. He is the police chief. He can cover up all the negative evidence that Westside people have arranged for Liszt!" Still sighed, "Das West will also think that he is working closely with James to save the Liszt that the Feast has cultivated in Button! "

Zac nodded, "That's it. With Darcy having everything in the police card, the Feast doesn't need to send people over, and there's no reason for Westside people to have other thoughts about James, because, oh, Darcy is facing, James is just a detective, right? "

"Yes!" Oz looked at Zac, unable to control his hand, and began to move towards Zac.

Zac stood up. "Is there any problem with your hand?" Staring at Oz's hand that had been stretched into the air, facing his fingertips, it seemed to wriggle out of the mind of the mind reader ... People are uncomfortable.

"Oh ..." Oz, at this time, looked calm, "It's no problem. I just showed up. When I first came to Barton, I was curious about the relationship between Barton's aliens and humans. This is completely related to the West. Where are the roots of the different coexistence patterns. "That uncomfortable finger touched Zac's chest." It's you. "

"You misunderstood." Zac took Oz's hand away, "Emilia, the psychologist who made you curious, she and her ghoul boyfriend, have nothing to do with me."

"Oh, you're wrong. I had a very private conversation with Emilia." In the sense of reading, don't lie, "It's you. The ghoul Harrison is because of you and Alpha, and now the mayor. The arrival of Anthony, your initial alien agreement, gave up the life of a simple ghoul and became a citizen working in a shelter, 'human', met Emilia. It is because of you. "(Unfinished Continued.)

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