The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Vol 2 Chapter 3: West End Church

Morelin went to talk about the business, and Zac would have nothing to do in the church. Bayi Chinese Network Ww く W. 81ZW. Com

Someone got close to Zac and looked like a deacon. "The funeral was very smooth."

Zac glanced at each other, nodded, and didn't respond.

The other party is talking about the funeral of the Church of the Son. Today is Monday and the funeral of the Grande ’s client last week is on the side of the Church of the Son. It is also the most direct reason why Zack is no longer Grande-a reporter, En, Kate, do not know how to convince the funeral relatives, the whole process of shooting the funeral. Zac's mood made him unwilling to get entangled with Kate and left to Grande himself.

"Ink performed well." The deacon still said to Zac, "It's still a bit of an accent."

In fact, it can be guessed why Kate was so troublesome to get the video record of Grande's work, but Zac did not want the image to be preserved, and Louise's imaging ability has not improved, or the black mist and red dots. Therefore, the ink here is 'Lewis' disguised by the ink with her materialization ability. The real Louise didn't show up at the funeral at all, and guided the ink control process in the rear.

Another thing worth mentioning is that there is no one in Grande now, not even Danny. Since the last time Kate came to Grande, the phantom Danny has started to hide from this reporter, because this The reporter's ** is too clear, she hopes to destroy Zac. If one day Zac suddenly died, the result was that the illusionist accidentally fulfilled Kate's wish, was it too funny.

"But it's not a big problem. The Louise of Mo is very real, and Kim can be replaced at any time."

Since Zac did not interrupt, the deacon went on to say that he thought Zac would want to know what was happening in his home. "Mike also ordered the demons to help, attached to the camera team, can guarantee the last recorded funeral process, It ’s all good ... "

Zac glanced at the deacon who was kind enough to convey the message, "Of course, Grande is a sign of Barton's funeral industry, and of course it is all good."

"Oh, yes." The deacon smiled. Probably Zac also responded, this guy talked a little bit more, "But, it was a little unexpected ..."

Very good, Zac's attention passed completely, "Accident?"

"Well, when Eric presided over the prayer ..."

Ah, I almost forgot. This is Eric ’s first job after serving as a priest in the Church of the Son. Zac frowned, and really ignored the state of this half-way young priest.

"... Stuck." The deacon's face was relaxed, indicating that the result was good-"Pause for a while, Jin Ding replaced him, and completed the prayer, so probably nothing."

Zac turned his head away and didn't care anymore. It didn't sound like a real surprise.

"Jessica hopes you have time to chat with Eric ..."

"Jessica is back?" Zac raised an eyebrow. Last time I went to the fallen angel and learned that after the fallen angel returned to hell, she never came up, so Zach asked.

"No." The deacon shook his head and pointed to his own eyes, with dark misty eyes rushing at any time. "Mike contacted Eric while comforting her, and she said, 'This kind of thing finds Zack.'

Zac pouted, "What's wrong with Eric?" Need demonic comfort? It doesn't sound like it's just the first time that 'work' is tense.

The deacon continued to shake his head. "I don't know, Mike didn't ask anything."

Zac waved his hand, "Well, I wrote it down." There was nothing to refuse. Eric was stuck at Grande's funeral, and Constantine did instruct Zac to take care of the young man.

The deacon smiled, nodded, and made a **** blessing. After finishing what he had to say, he walked away.

Zac can only continue to go around boring.

The churches in the West End are quite ordinary, not as gorgeous as Mary ’s churches, and as unique as the Son ’s Church. Zac bored a seat and sat down, looking at the cross on the altar and thinking ... Uh, philosophical question-what is Which one was used first as a religious symbol or as a torture tool ...

Okay, Zac is really boring, and now he can't even see a figure in the church. It is also understandable that it was only a worship yesterday, and today someone came in the church, which is too sad-the frequency of people ’s prayers is too high. Zac didn't even have the chance to find a stranger to ridicule and ridicule ...

Someone has entered the church.

It looks like a good time object-the whole body is covered in costumes. The woman seems to be wintering early, and there are many gloves, hats, and scarves. She lowered her head and did not take off the sunglasses that almost covered half of her face after entering the door. Instead, she lowered her wide-brimmed hat even more. After entering the door, it was against the side wall of the church, and it seemed that the purpose was to move quickly.

Zac does n’t see much, but, ‘wealthy. ‘Zac ’s random evaluation in his heart—I have been with Morrillin for a long time before reading the women ’s fashion magazine with an application,‘ good taste, then, guilt ~ ’

Not only the vampire will notice, the other party maintains a high heartbeat, but also more intuitive, this woman went directly into the confession room ~

Zachru, a hypocrite who said, ‘despise gossip’, and leaned over his ear, turned his head and listened to the movement of the confession room.

* "Father, I am guilty." *

Well, no surprise, this will always be the opening.

Zac leaned back in his chair, wondering for what reason he bent his mouth, raised his hand on the cross on the pilgrimage altar, "Let's listen ~"

* "I broke a good man's family ..." *

"Yes." Zach continued to raise his hand at the cross on the altar. "A good man will not let a woman destroy his family ~"

Will Zack be a bad priest, eh, or great? It doesn't matter, anyway, the vampire is just talking to the air boringly. The priest who really listens to this woman's confession is a demon, so it doesn't matter.

* "I know this is selfish, but is love not selfish ..." *

Zac shrugged at the cross. "Whether you want to confess or seek approval, decide to chant ~"

* "I need a foreshadowing, one, grace, guidance, should I continue ..." *

"Oh ~ So, you are just seeking forgiveness ~ Then continue ..." Zac stopped temporarily, raised his eyebrows to his side, the deacon came back again, and sat with a smile on Zac's side-

"It seems interesting, can I listen?"

Zac shrugged. "I'm just bored, whatever you want."

The deacon nodded, his eyes darkened, "Do you want to play a priest once?"

* In the confession room, the groggy priest blinked, his eyes darkened, his eyebrows raised, and he glanced at the woman who was waiting for the "wisdom's guidance" behind the gate. The corner of her mouth was a smile. My child, are you in a happy situation now? "*

Zac raised an eyebrow and glanced at the deacon beside him. I seem to have a playful demon, but I'm bored anyway, why not? Zac: "Specifically, ask her that man, fortunately that man is not happy."

The priest in the confession room followed suit.

* "Happiness? I ..." The woman seemed to hesitate, "I think, he is happy, at least, um, when I am with me, um 'happiness', you know. Uh, priest, if we When we are together, we are happy, then, we cannot be wrong, right? "*

"Remind her, the first sentence she said, 'A family.'" Zac raised an eyebrow.

Follow suit.

* "Father, this is what makes me uneasy, his family ... his family, I do n’t think his family is happy, they are always arguing and arguing ... You see, I am the one that makes him happy People ... "*

"Ask her, why did she come here, if she confirms that she is the one that makes the other person happy."

Follow suit.

* "Because!" Suddenly excited, and then depressed, "He has children, two children ... Father, I must admit, I actually do n’t feel guilty for his wife, love is always right, right? , Father! But those two children, they are still children. I do n’t think they will understand their father. By the way, he is the best father. Really! Father, I do n’t want his children because of me, because of me. Love with their father, change their love for their father ... "*

Zach raised his eyebrows and nodded. "Magical moral standards, magical logic." Then he waved his hand. "Don't repeat this, ask her, um ..." Zac raised an eyebrow at the deacon, soliciting opinions.

"Uh ... I don't know." The deacon spread his hands, "I'm just not suitable to be a priest before the fallen angel is arranged as a deacon."

Zac pouted, "waving freely."

* The priest in the confession room blinked, "So, my child, are you worried about his child, won't you accept you? Not accept the love of you and their father ..."

"Yes! Yes priest! Thank you priest!" The priest's free swing was not finished, but was interrupted by the woman, and she was very happy. "That's it! This is the way! I, I am worried about myself!" *

Zac looked at the cross on the altar again, with a chuckle, "How typical, no one came to repent, just looking for reasons."

* The woman in the confession room went on, staying happy, even excited, "I ’m so worried that I will destroy a family ’s self-blame, I ’m wrong! I should n’t worry about this! I ’m happy, he ('good' man ) It is happy! Come with me! So what makes everyone unhappy is his wife! I did nothing wrong, right! I should find a way for his children to accept me and accept the happiness of their father, right! Then It ’s perfect, that ’s it, priest! ”*

On Zac's face, he didn't know which bad corner of his heart was smiling. "Oh, now I want to know this woman. You must admit, the magical brain circuit, right."

It's too late to say that this is just a joke, don't do it.

* Father: "What is your name, my child?" When the other party has not noticed anything wrong-after all, this is a confession room, isn't it, anonymous! The priest continued, "Tell me your name, I give you my blessings, and pursue your perfect happiness." *

Zac instantly completed a gamble in his heart, this woman, has not been so magical to this point.

Zac was wrong.

* "Heather ~ Father, my name is Heather ~" This woman is not saved. This is a woman who is really guilty of sin and walks into the end of the church controlled by the devil. "Pray for me, Father ~ Thank you, Father ~ I feel full of hope ~ "

"Holy Lord bless you, Heather." The black mist in the priest's eyes disappeared. "The fundraising box is beside the altar."-The only sentence that fits his priesthood. *

The door of the confession room opened. Zac and the deacon watched the woman with her head upturned joyfully, walked to the altar, lit the blessing candle, emptied all the cash in her wallet, and performed the godly blessings religiously. Looking up at the cross, "Wish me happiness ~"

Finally, with the same hope of rebirth, he left the church with satisfaction.

Seeing this Heather leave with the same pious eyes, Zac couldn't help but smiled and shook his head, "Well, it's funny." Stand up, "Now, I'm going too." Because Morrelin was Beckoned outside the church, the matter has been discussed, you can go, "I hope this little thing will not cause you any trouble."

"No." The deacon smiled. "You are here, we will get her name in the end, and, oh, the family in her mouth, Jessica will ask, this is how we inquire about the West Side family news. one."

Zac first motioned to Morrillin and said immediately, "Oh? Do you think she is talking about the West Side family?"

"She's generous, isn't she." The deacon shrugged and looked at the fundraising box. Heather had probably put in thousands of dollars just now. "Even if it's not the core family in the West End, it's nowhere near."

Zac raised an eyebrow, too, looking at Heather's clothing and generous degree, it wouldn't be a servant class anyway. Oh, there is still need to explain, there are two classes in the Western District, the class of servants who serve the people of the Western District, and the class served.

Finally nodded, it was a farewell, and Zac went outside the church.

"You seem to have found something to fight the time." Still, Zach drove, and Morrillin consciously waited on the co-pilot.

"Well, then, where are we going next?" There is still half a morning to call.

"Called Rita, she has sorted it out, and we went to Sheila to pick her up. Then, go back to the store, are you, and help Rita sew the clothes." Morrillin shrugged, Zac The sewing skills are not wasted if not used.

"Okay." This is the only way. When I moved, I felt the extra weight of the trunk. The harvest on the side of the church seemed to be good. "How much is there on Sheila?" Just asked casually.

"Drag it twice if you can't put it down. You drag." Morrillin had no burden for instructing Zac, but instead, he suddenly smiled. "Just drag Rita back with the new bag. Haha, there is a funny one. Things, do you want to hear? "


"Rita now why Falken doesn't want that bag anymore, because the inner lining is printed, 'Give my dear Heather ~ yours, Falken'."

It was really funny, so Zac laughed. (To be continued.)

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