In the early morning of Tuesday, after sending Little Pink to carry two young girls to school, Zac dropped the sign that was closed. ㈧┡Δ 』ΩΩ㈠┡ 中 Δ 文 文 WWW. 8⒈Zw. In fact, if the com was not yesterday ’s funeral, this brand was released yesterday. The reason for going out of business is not a big deal. It is because Seidel Security does not know where it came from. It ’s the “Everything for Customers” spirit. It strongly recommends Grande to upgrade the security measures, and also sets up security alarms in Grande ’s house. .

The construction of Austin, just outside the living area, is also coming to an end. Zack is persuaded by the old Hank-perfect security measures can enhance the competitiveness of Grande to attract employees, as if Grande needs competitiveness, forget it, anyway Gram finally agreed. Zac, who didn't want to find more trouble, decided to go out of business, and got these in business.

When the security guard in the cemetery shifted early, the security guards came. They came with acquaintances—like Jessica, she was a veteran of the Easton Shepard. Also a guy who experienced twists and turns, remember, after being pulled out of the tramp by Zach, he first went to the shelter of Amelia's lead, then resigned and went to Saidil security.

"Zac!" Shepard was obviously pleased to return to Grande. Zac basically completely rewrote his fate and gave him a car! Of course he would be happy to meet Zac.

"Shepard." Zac also responded with a smile, glancing at the truck that once belonged to Grand and was now sprayed with the Saidir logo. "You seem to make this car function again, not bad ~"

"Hehe! There are subsidies for private car sharing!" Duo honest answer, "This car has enough space to transport equipment."

When Shepard and Zac chatted, the rear compartment had been opened, and the people of the security company began to move out all kinds of equipment. The direction of the move was the main living area of ​​the Grande Building, the employee living area in Austin, west. No additional security measures are required, which is Zack's only persistence.

Zac nodded, said nothing, and asked Austin's gang to cooperate with the security company, and smiled and greeted Shepard into the house. "How is it going?"

"Very good, very good!" It sounds true, but it is not easy to judge how it is. After all, it was a tramp, and it is estimated that nothing can be bad. After all, Shepard said that private cars can be used for subsidies, right? Really good people probably won't care about this subsidy.

Zac did not go to the office, and led Shepard directly to the entertainment room, which made chatting easier.

"Are you still used to working at Saddle?"

Zac came up, and Louise, who had been out of business, went down to work as a supervisor.

"It's pretty good. My friend takes care of me, transporting things, doing maintenance, and running logistics. It's very easy."

Zac glanced out the window, and the backyard was completely busy. Suddenly, "why is this 'free upgrade'?"

Shepard's face was a bit embarrassing, and he probably didn't expect the end of Xu Old so soon.

To tell the truth, do you remember that Cedell ’s attitude towards Grande has never given Zac any good looks, and since Grande paid to hire them to protect the cemetery and sign a contract, it has always been like Grande owes They have the same money. Often it ’s okay to find a reason to complain to Zac, such as why people who come to the cemetery do not register, such as what North Park is not in their scope of work ... Honestly, Cedir did not directly terminate the cooperation with Grande Amazing, free upgrade?

"Uh ..." Shepard hesitated.

Zac smiled, "Say, you can tell me that your friend (Boss Saidir) should know your relationship with Grande. If he is not ready to answer my question, he should not send you over, right. What. "

"Well, you are right." Shepard pouted, "He really knows you and me, and you, well, Grand is ..." Still hesitant.

Let's sort it out. It should also be remembered that the original reason for Saidir ’s hostility towards Grande was Zac ’s role in the Bishape Manor incident, although it turned out that Zac helped Saidir withdraw Bipic from the security company. Prosecution, but the security company is also clearly aware of Zac 'doing something' in the middle, Zac's identity is not a simple funeral owner. Such a guy, looking for security company protection, Saidir is not hostile and funny.

Then there was Shepard. Zac gave him a test when he first brought him to Grande, remember, tell him that Grande has an extra speed, which is outside the scope of ordinary funeral home work. , Was rejected by Shepard-Zac did not hide from Shepard that Grande was involved in a gray career.

So now he can understand Shepard's hesitation, he is not good to say Grande's gray professional identity as an employee of a security company.

Zac fully understood and waved his hand with a smile. "Just say it, we don't need anything implicit."

"Okay." Shepard nodded. "In fact, it's not Grand. Now all our customers' security measures are being upgraded for free."

Zac raised an eyebrow. "Why?"

"Prevent the loss of customers." Shepard pursed his lips. "Ax has gained momentum recently and has already robbed many of our customers. We must do something on this side."

So providing customers with free upgrades is not a good strategy, but better than nothing. Zac nodded slightly, "Still, I don't think your company values ​​Grande, my client. If I were your boss, I would probably concentrate on Massa Port and keep the big fish client."

Very practical point of view, by the way, today, the port of Massa has stopped five cargo ships-Papa did not lie at midnight, Republican workers continue to come, they will continue to disappear, and even, the funeral industry property will continue Stolen. But the latter is not what we need to care about now, focus on it, Zac is talking about Port Massa.

"We have done what we can do." Shepard was a little helpless. "All the personnel that can be sent are put in the port of Massa. Fisher is also fully cooperating with us and the police, but there is no progress. No People know who is stealing goods ... "

Need to explain here. This is a performance by the West Side. Every time Fisher enters a port, the cargo will be falsely reported on the manifest. Because it is a false report, those goods do not exist. Therefore, when entering the inspection, it is naturally 'stolen goods' . Then Fisher took the initiative to report his stolen goods-to ask why? Chief Darcy, who was almost tied to Fisher at the Port of Massa, was besieged every day to question the progress of the stolen imports, which was the reason. Darcy continued to carry out the plan of the Demon Banquet, killing Fischer? No, he is now staring at the entire city of Button, and he wants to help Fischer solve the case. There is nothing more to say about people in the West End.

At the same time, this is also the point of view Zac wants to express. Saidir should now focus on the port of Massa. That is the right way for this security company to respond to Aix ’s competition-firmly hold the elephant leg of the West Side family , Not an insignificant customer such as Grand.

"... and now there is a trend of chasing responsibility in Massa Port. Our company has begun to be affected. The police are almost resident in the company to retrieve our security records." Shepard shook his head, " My friend said that this was worse than the case where Sharp Manor was prosecuted last time. So ... "He glanced at Zac," We may have to shift our business positioning and start ... "

The meaning is that the West Side people can't hold it anymore. It's no longer a competition, it's a let, and they can only care about customers like Grande.

Zac patted Shepard, and there was nothing to comfort him. He changed his mood and smiled. "Then I thank this free upgrade."

"Oh, right." Shepard thought of something. "Before I came, my friend asked me to ask you Mr. Repet."

"No?" Zac raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah. My friend said you are, uh ... friends in that area." In terms of gray professions, Shepard is still avoiding saying things that do not match his status. "I have n’t heard of Rupert recently, and Barton also I can't find him, I want to ask if you know where he is. "

Grande can sign a contract with Saidir, and thanks to Connaught. But this is not the time to look back at the gray professional person in Barton. Zac raised an eyebrow. "Aren't Nuo in Button? Sorry, I haven't seen him recently."

This is true. Zac even did not attend the ** bar party on Sunday night the day before yesterday, in order to avoid revealing Fisher ’s secret when sharing information-in fact, to make the West End people feel at ease.

"Oh." Shepard didn't ask anything.

Instead, Zac frowned, thinking about it seriously, as if he hadn't been in touch with the gray professional for a long time. The shared information of the gray professional circle is still very useful for Patton's internal direction. He must find an opportunity to contact him again.

There are also candidates for Zac, who helped Grande ’s lawyer and identity businessman Steve Walker ...

Uh, when it comes to Steve, Sam ’s identity is done, but people are no longer there. Forget it, let ’s not mention it.

"What's your friend looking for Nuo." Zac is ready to ask more, because the security company boss is looking for Nuo at this time, what can happen. No matter what Nuo can do, Zac can do better, and there is nothing implicit. Moreover, how can this opportunity be used to repair the relationship with Saidir, there is no harm, "Maybe I can ..."

The voice of the phone came from the office, and Zac turned his head to prepare to ignore it first, "Help."

Shepard is also not stupid, a little embarrassed, "Sorry, I don't know, I just asked him." Hesitated, he added, "I can reply, if my friend needs, he can directly find you."

Zac laughed. Shepard was really a little bit persistent. He didn't touch this kind of edging. This guy was a waste of not being a policeman.

Nodding, Zac motioned to Shepard to do whatever he wanted, and went to the office to answer the phone.

The boring "Guess Who's Calling" game still needs to be played. Zac has several candidates-Madison, howling fuel has been stolen again; Eric, who is entangled in some inexplicable problem at home, needs to be puzzled; Fischer, ready to pay Grand ’s balance; Oz, to inform the progress of the action to cooperate with the Westerners. And in the end, what Zac expects most is Emilia. Regardless of how many instruments are in the hands of Zac at the same time, it constitutes a symphony performance that pleases Jessica, but Benjamin is definitely the top one.

Zac's expectations were met.

Or half satisfied—

"No!" Emilia over the receiver did not confirm whether Zac answered the phone, and started, "My answer, yes, no! You want me to set my profession and my career , My life is safe! In danger !!! For what ?! For your personal **? No! "

"Ai ..."

"Shut up!" It's so powerful, "Why do you still have the face to use Harrison to do this! Use his business (hospital) as a bargaining chip to manipulate him to make such requests to me !!! despicable! Really despicable !!! "

"Amy ..." Zac can really refute. Is Harrison's career using Zac's face, used by Harrison, and then in turn let Zac use it, is there anything wrong? However, Amelia is not an ordinary woman, is she the best psychologist who is good at guiding and controlling the rhythm, and then mastering the psychological activities of the other party——

"Shut up! No! My answer is no! I won't help you! I won't listen to Harrison's" I need your help to say something to Mrs. Quinn "! Here is the fact-winter If the shelter is not open, the containment controlled by the Quinn Group sees the homeless people outside being frozen to death or other bad things, which is a scandal! Mrs. Quinn wants to watch this kind of thing happen ?! Your mayor friend wants to see Such a thing? No! So do n’t overstate how important your relationship with Mrs. Quinn is! We do n’t need it! The shelter does n’t need it! Harrison does n’t need it! I do n’t even need to hear anything from you Alright !! "

Zac pouted on the side of the receiver, okay, he didn't even say the title, he was completely in control-Emilia had just blocked Zac's only entry point. Emilia is right. Zack's bargaining chip for Emilia to help is that Zack helps Harrison with his relationship with Mrs. Quinn, just like yesterday's determination that Harrison will not drive away directly. But in the face of the facts, this chip has no value.

The only thing that made Zac feel sorry for saying ‘well then, bother, bye. The reason is that-after talking about this bunch, Emilia did n’t hang up, but patted on the receiver and gasped. So Zac waited, waiting for the other to calm down.

"Can I speak?" Zac asked tentatively.

"Humph." Ironically, "Say, I want to see what else you can pull out!"

"I need to apologize. I embarrass Harrison. I'm sorry."

"This is your ability? Say something I don't know!"

"You don't want to see it at all, Mokawi, a woman who has been crazy for thousands of years, a woman who has been married to a landscape painting, and a woman who will inexplicably feminize anything when painting anything." Thread, wrapped around your fingers, tone ... unexpectedly brisk, "I mean, I fully respect your profession, your career, you are a very professional professional worthy of respect. Of course, your Life is safe. But, I mean, well, are you curious, as a professional doctor ... "

Snapped! It hung over there.

Probably, it worked. (To be continued.)

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