The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Vol 2 Chapter 10: Changed commission

In Grand ’s office, Falken did n’t sit down, but walked to Zac sitting behind his desk. He even brought Zach away with a chair, opened the curtains, and looked out the window—Grand At the end of the backyard (west side), Seidel Security ’s staff are entering and leaving the new living area of ​​Grande, busy. "㈧㈠┡ 中 ┡ 文 文 WWW. "8⒈Zw. COM

Falcon's face was a little funny, and he wanted to express his opinion with a smile, but he didn't know where to start.

Zach, it doesn't matter leaning back against the back of the chair and gently shaking the body, allowing the guests to act like this, "Hehe, just say what you want to say ~"

"Forget it." Falcon's face finally settled. He smiled, shook his head and left the window, and sat down opposite Zach. "I probably know the reason, so I'm not asking for fun."

Regarding the status of the relationship between Zach and Falken, recalling the summer vacation at Parker Elementary School, how Zach successfully completed Falken ’s last commission, bringing the third generation of the Western District together, lifting Falken ’s brother and Cap The gap between Le.

Therefore, salutations, scenes, words, etc. can be omitted. The two have passed this stage and can start directly from the reality of good or bad. Delegate? Oh, this matter has to wait, there is something that needs to be said first between the two people who don't need to talk.

Zac shrugged, he knew what Falken meant-it would be a funny thing for Grand to ask the security company. As Grand who was valued by the West Side, it was even more funny to ask for the security company. Too. To tell the truth, why should Zac and the Westside people have an unclear interest relationship? Why should I ask Aix Security, right?

But Falken also said that he didn't want to find it boring. This means that Falken is at least a bit conscious, and barely understands why Zack did not cooperate with his Aix company, but chose Seidir. It's just that if he doesn't talk, it depends on how big his belly is.

"I only have one question." Falken looked at Grande's office while organizing the words, "Does the 'General' in the southeast protect you behind your back."

"You can think of it," he said, starting from reality, so Zack gave such confirmation.

"Okay." Falken smiled. "I don't blame you." He actually had a relaxed look. "It was my procrastination in the southeast that made him alive." Raised his eyebrows. "He has a relationship with the gray professional circle again, and it is not easy to try to get rid of him." Falken's eyes fell on Zac. "It's me. The lack of execution ability leads you to this dilemma. ... "

If you don't understand this passage, you can understand the relationship between the four people. 'General' hates Aix because Ax destroys the 'general' gang. Aix is ​​under Falken's hands and has been in the southeast, ensuring that the gang in the southeast will never grow (Falken revealed to Zack at the funeral of Jackson that the reason why Patton had no real gang power-Falken An "old friend" monitors the movements of the southeast and churns in the southeast to ensure that the gangs in the southeast are always consumed in the infighting) and later cleansing the southeast. 'General' and Zac became friends because of the gray professional circle. Zac and Falcon, well, are now chatting in the office.

So, the dilemma. It ’s not just Zac, it ’s the same with Falcon himself.

"... So, I guess this is the result of the facts. I can't ask you to stop sheltering your friend, 'General'. You can't cooperate with my Aix." Still looking at Zac, "At least let I'm relieved that you won't help the 'General', oh, too much. "

Zac smiled and shrugged, pointing out the window behind him, "Is that so much?"

It means that Falken is worried that Zac will help the "General" with revenge, and he has done so much that it will directly affect Falcon's family interests, because Zac definitely has this ability. Nazak directly pointed his way of "helping the generals" to Falken, and cooperated with Seidel Security to retain a trace of fire for Falken's Axe's competitors, which is the backyard. Do you think there are so many things?

Falken smiled and nodded, "It just happens, I can accept it."

Zac also laughed, "That's good."

"So, huh." Falken shook his head. "Then we can put aside the things of 'General', Aix, these little guys, and talk about the business."

"Okay." Zac also looked relaxed. That ’s to say, it ’s qualitative, is n’t it? The cleaning in the southeast and the things after cleaning are the things of the ‘little guys’. Put aside, it should not affect the friendly communication between the two behind the scenes ~

Falken has launched a document, which has completely put down everything he just said, with a little inexplicable shyness, "Before opening, I need your assurance, don't be too critical, I am just an ordinary man."


Zac pretended to know nothing, opened the document, used the most stated tone, and began to read the file on the document, "Heather xxx, 29, unmarried, born, now living in Barton, serving ..." Hua After reading this for a while, Zac looked at Falken with completely incomprehensible eyes, "Why give me this beautiful young lady's file?"

"So you also think she is beautiful ~" Falcon seemed to deliberately lay out the atmosphere in a frivolous tone.

Zac, Zac just prepared to quietly wave to Falken, "I'm just telling the truth, but don't tell Louise, she will be jealous." Better, Zac is still showing Falken, " The jealous woman is very difficult to cope with. "He also blinked.

Falcon's eyes drifted, "Hehehe, isn't he?"

Zac slightly turned his head and continued to turn over the information after the file, in addition to the social attribute information such as family background, driver ’s license, passport, and even the phone, address, favorite cosmetics, frequent restaurants ... various details are all available,

"This information is really detailed enough." Zac looked up at Falken, prompting the other party to continue.

"Oh, if you want more, I can do more, in more detail."

"Don't use it first." Zach temporarily combined the information. "Unless I know why I'm holding this information now, it doesn't make sense for you to give me more information about this strange lady."

Falcon kept this smile quiet for a while and waved his hand, "Well, don't judge, I hope you let her disappear."

"No judgement." Zack nodded. "It disappears under the explanation. It disappears in Button, in the Federation, or in this world?"

"The last one." Falken is straightforward, but keeps a smile, "I prefer things to be clean and tidy, and there are no future problems, hehe, you know." For example, the lesson of "General", "So I came to you, The best, direct and clear, I hope she disappears and no longer exists. "

Zac raised an eyebrow. "It's a very specific request. Well, it's a precedent for Grande's commission. Hehe, it's a far cry from your last commission."

"Is it the first?" Falken disagrees, "Haley, than Sharp, don't ..." Shut up immediately, a smile that was not ashamed, "I said the leak wasn't it."

"What's leaking?" Zac still pretended not to know. "Then, no, Bishop's mistress is different from this. His commission is to let us find the disappeared Haley, you are ..." and awakened. He raised his eyebrows, "Oh! Hehe, I didn't judge this, hehe." Zack smiled and reopened the document, looking at Heather's picture, "What can I say, she is really beautiful."

"And I'm just an ordinary man." When he said this, Falcon still deliberately touched his hips, yes, hips. As you know, some men are so passionate and ‘expressed’ that they are not saved.

Zac shrugged and gave a non-judgmental look, "So, is she pregnant?" Isn't Zac gossip, it's Zac pretending to be a professional, because, "If he is pregnant, I will need Her medical information. "

"Uh ... no." Falken thought about the problem seriously, hesitantly, "I don't think she is pregnant. Uh ... why do you ask?"

"There may be clues about the father of the child in the medical records, such as the maternity check." Zack answered quite naturally, "You don't want your name to be there, right."

"No, I don't want it." Falken seemed to be serious now, frowning closely, lowering his head and thinking about something.

Zac also waited intimately for a while, "So ... is she pregnant? I need a definite answer."

Falcon looked up, and there was a smile on his elusive face. "Guess what? I really don't know! But, huh, that makes sense ..." It was still a look on his face.

"What makes sense?" This question is reasonable. After all, Zac ‘does not know anything’, does it?

"It makes sense why she was suddenly nervous and began to ask for something inexplicable!" Falken actually stood up with joy, circled in the office, the expression on his face clearly figured out the look of some things. .

And Zac was still watching quietly behind his desk. To be honest, from the moment I entered, I consciously invaded Zac's private space, to touch the hips, and now walk casually. This uncontrolled guest is the first time in Grande. But Zac is still not prepared to stop, because this is a worthy drama.

Falken also said to himself, "I never gave her any illusions! Oh, I will leave my family and be with her! But!" Not self-talking, there is interaction, to Zac. Falcon's fingers moved quickly in front of him, looking at Zac, with a look of expectant response, "But the day before yesterday, she suddenly began to have such a beautiful dream!"

Zac cooperated, "What kind of beautiful dream?"

"I will divorce! Then marry her! Then live a happy life together!"

‘Not suddenly, but guided by the priest’ Of course, this slightly miraculous truth, Zach will not say, “Everyone can have a dream, right.” Continue to cooperate.

"Oh, no, no ~" Falken shook his head. "A dream is a dream! It shouldn't be reflected! Oh!" Raised her eyebrows. "She showed it! Yesterday, she actually had the guts to approach me Child! Go to my child ’s school and say something that should not be heard by my child! ”His face was a little gloomy, but it also became faster and eased down again,“ Fortunately, the niece of Smith, what ’s the name? "Well, Eve, beside, prevented her nervous behavior!"

There is still such a thing. Zac raised his eyebrows, well, not surprisingly, after all, the teachings of the priest the day before yesterday showed Heather what real "happiness" is. Zac continued to cooperate, "So, she crossed the line and started to cause trouble, so now her information is in my hands. Well, I understand." While talking, I put the information in the drawer, which means this Entrusted, I took it, "It seems that I need to find a way to find out if she is pregnant. Rest assured, although it is a precedent, I must say that this is probably the easiest entrusted by you from the West End. , As always, Grande will not let you down. "

"Wait a minute!" Falken suddenly stopped circling, sat back opposite Zac, and stared at Zac, "I don't need you to confirm, I confirm myself! She is pregnant! I'm sure!"

"Oh, is it?" Zac raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure?"

"Yes! I'm sure!" Falken was very sure. "Otherwise she has no reason to start doing these impossible things! Huh! Just like the Haley of Sharp, the child is always the one who makes women crazy. Motivation! She wants a family! With me! "Probably crotch again," With my child! "

What can Zac say, tell Falcon that the wrong teachings of priests played by vampires and demons can also make people nervous? Of course not, "Well, then I need her medical records ... well, no need to trouble you, I'll go find it myself, and let all disappear ..."

"No!" Falken suddenly pressed Zac's hand, trying to stop something.

Zac pouted, he was not prepared to do anything. Let Falcon press with uncertainties, "Well, what?"

Falcon didn't respond and kept holding Zac's posture as if he was engaged in a fierce ideological struggle.

Zac had to wait, so quiet for a while, the hand held by Zac during the trial activity could not move within the range of human strength, "Well, Falken, this is starting to be a little weird. "

Falken's hand was loose, and he was still staring at Zac vigorously, without warning, "Don't let her disappear!"

"Uh ..." Zach rubbed his wrist. From the perspective of human perception, Falken's strength was really not small. "Are you going to take back the commission?"

"No! I'm going to change the commission!" Falken should have decided what he was, and he gave himself a nod with great certainty, "You! Protect her! Protect the children she is pregnant with!"

Zac actually wants to remind this guy in front of you. When you make such a decision that is completely opposite to the intention, is it any good, first confirm whether Heather is really pregnant or not?

Forget it, Falcon's current situation probably won't be heard.

"Okay." Zack has no obstacles to his job change. "Then protect it, you should understand that I am good at it." Still, the lesson of "General", "But, you also tell me what I have to do. And protect her? "

"My wife." Falcon's frivolous eyes appeared again. "Jeah jealous! You know! But this time, I won't let her jealous ruin my child! Mine, really, child!" "

Do n’t misunderstand the ‘really’ here, everyone remembers that Falken was a son-in-law, before he became Mr. Falken, he had his own, really, last name. (To be continued.)

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