The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Vol 2 Chapter 13: Return of Benjamin

As soon as he approached Grande, Louise didn't even think of stopping in the backyard. He pushed off the door with an angry face and left Zach to rush into Grande. ㈧㈠Chinese website www.WWW. 8⒈Zw. COM

Zac naturally tried to chase and continue to apologize-Zac has apologized all the way, well, not completely accurate.

On the way back from the West District to the North District, Zac apologized for losing his sunglasses. "I overestimated the effect of gravity. I thought it (sunglasses) would fall from the same position as me, but obviously it did not. I really Curious where it will fall ... "

On the way from the North District to the South District, Zac felt a little conscious, apologizing that he should not tear Mrs. Sheila ’s skirt, "Now when I think about it, I do n’t understand what I thought at the time, uh, I probably just Want to pull her down from the air, uh, or, I do n’t want to let her down? I do n’t know ... "

On the way from the Southern District to the Northern District, Zack finally recovered the "Zack", the appearance is that the red like a light bulb faded, "Sorry, I should not be so reckless, I should not worry you, I really do n’t know at that time What I am thinking. And I still do n’t understand why I was so confident at that time, I want to create a record of falling from the sky, I should die in front of you, my heart should be turned into a mud with my body ... "

"To shut up!!"

"Sorry, Louise, I sincerely ..."

"To shut up!"

Until now.

Zac posted the front door that was slammed into his front door. He pouted and walked sideways into the backyard. The simple idea was that the front door didn't get through the back door.

But he was stepping on the back porch and paused in the air. Zac changed his direction. On the one hand, he should fully realize that Louise would never ignore him at one and a half. On the other hand, Benjamin returned In the new living area on the west side, Zac looked at Zak in a window on the second floor. He shrugged his shoulders as if watching a movie, and then turned around, not knowing what he was doing.

The West End, which did not complete anything, was a complete waste of the morning. It is noon. According to Saidir, the security company ’s upgrade work has been completed. Only Austin and his workers are working next to the new living area. The rest tent was built at noon.

Zac entered the new living area, as a proof that Zac really does not care about the fact here-Zac has never once, carefully looked at the living area that will bring future employees to the Grand Funeral Home. This is the first time, because it is also to find the stairs that can go up to the second floor to find Benjamin.

Zac can understand that Sadie Security is unhappy, and the structure here is really complicated. When you think that you see a straight corridor passing through many rooms, you will think that the end of the corridor will be a staircase, it is common sense, isn't it? But no, at the end of the corridor is only the public bathroom in the collective dormitory area. When you see an open room and think the stairs should always be around the corner, no, the corner is a new corridor, welcome to the family unit area.

Zac pursed his lips and began to recall that he had only glanced at the design drawings at the beginning of the project and found the staircase next to the outer wall of the east side. Before going upstairs, Zac took a look at the basement below , Large piles of unopened cartons are stacked below ...

In the family unit area, door number 2o3, Zac found Benjamin.

The more than 40 square meters of space are separated by the living room, bedroom, kitchen and bathroom, and a small and small vacant room. The decoration is not yet perfect. Grande only provides basic furniture, tables, chairs, and counters. Benjamin was sitting with a pen behind a round table that looked like a second-hand refurbishment. The papers were spread out on the table, and there was Baine standing beside him when he saw Zac coming in. Benjamin glanced at Zac and spoke.

"You are not here. Old Hank has no right to sign these things, so let me come." As he said, he signed the name of "Benjamin Grande" on the document in front of him. , But it does n’t matter, as Grande and one of the masters, it works.

Zac nodded and glanced at Bain. It felt like he should say something to the employee who lived in Grande, but what to say, uh, it was embarrassing, "So, uh." Zac sipped Mouth, "This is the house you chose?" Or just came up with a nonsense.

Unexpectedly, Baine, who had never spoken a few words with his boss Zac since Grand started, was very happy to hear the nonsense. He nodded quickly, a little nervous, a little excited, "Yes, yeah! The backyard can be seen through the window ..." He started waving, pointing in this small space. "Out of it is an activity space with a transparent patio. It's also close to the stairs and the children's room. No noise in the corner ... "

Zac looked at Bain pointing at the small room, which did n’t even have a table in it, that is, there was no trace of decoration, that is, if Bain was now fully looking forward to his future life, he was talking about his plan for this new home. Then, he still needs a complete renovation plan, so he can't throw the baby underground after staying in.

Benjamin was still signing the document, smiling while he didn't know who to interject, "Don't worry, Austin has stuffed his business card."

"Oh, yeah." Bain also felt Zac didn't care much, and he calmed down his nervousness and excitement a little bit, "said Mr. Austin. When the building is completed, the decoration can be done together, don't worry about me Separate decoration affects Grand's normal business ... "

"Expenses and engineering are added to Grande's accounts." This is the only time Zack is like a boss. "No need to worry about it."

"Really, really?" Bain looked surprised.

Zac waved his hand, "You are the first employee to live in, a little welfare should be."

"Thank you! I, uh, I should call my wife! Thank you Mr. Grande! You don't know how helpful this is to our family!"

Zac was no longer interested in ignoring this happy guy. Watching Bain ran out of the door, it should be the temporary switchboard in the public room. Zac sat down in front of Benjamin and turned Benjamin with little interest. I have signed documents for a while, but there are a lot of them, "What are they?"

"Labor contract." Benjamin replied while signing, "Subsidy contract, rental contract, water and electricity, telephone, heating, a bunch ... After the privatization, the municipal government no longer gives the funeral home these direct rights. Obviously, these things are all Only by binding the contract between Grande and the employee can the legal effect be exerted. "Benjamin smiled and pushed a stack to Zack." Do you want to help? "

It should have been Zac ’s job. Zac grabbed a pen and did n’t even see it. His hand was swaying in the air. The pen touched the paper. It was indeed Benjamin ’s name. “How? Consistency.” Zac Benjamin turned to look at him.

Benjamin shrugged and didn't care much.

"So ~" Zac raised an eyebrow and gently cut into what he wanted to say, "You just come back to sign these documents?"

"Oh, do you hope so? That's okay, I'll leave after signing."

Zac twitched his lips and glanced at Benjamin, too lazy to respond.

"Oh. Well, I just think it's time to come back, and Mokawi has a new interest." Raised his eyebrows, almost showing off his chin towards Zakyan, "It's too easy for me to keep her there heart."

Everyone should have seen some romantic movies, and there will be heroes and heroines doing something that requires concentration, and then giving birth to a two-person slap and shoving with each other, and finally it becomes such a dialogue-"You go away! You are too let here I am distracted! "

This is what Benjamin is showing off now.

Zac tilted his mouth and almost knotted his thoughts, forgetting what he wanted to say, "new interest." Zac couldn't keep his eyes on Benjamin's flaunting face for a second, lowering his head and signing the document.

"Yeah, didn't you get it." Benjamin didn't care about Zac's personal psychology, "Emilia, the ghoul's girlfriend."

Zac frowned. It ’s worth a sigh of relief that the use of Emilia ’s professional activist method worked, but at the same time a little worry is-hey, now Zac wants to be Benjamin beside Mokawi Zac really could n’t predict whether Mocavi would do anything bad for Emilia. Zac needed Benjamin to watch Mocavi over there. Zach told the truth when he first asked Harrison, this is a gambler's game, isn't it.

"Don't worry." Benjamin closed the document in front of her, and finally signed it, and began to stretch her arms. "She assured me that she wouldn't do anything to Emilia."

Zac also closed the signed document and looked at Benjamin. To be honest, his mood was a bit complicated. If he knew that Emilia would be able to return Benjamin, he would have done so already. Now is the ideal situation-Benjamin is back, Mocavi is still in the nursing home, it is the best result. But why, just can't be happy!

It's Benjamin's confident Mocavi guarantee! Once upon a time, there was only one Zac who could make Benjamin trust "Guarantee". Now there are two. It is still Mocavi. Zac has only one Mocavi who thinks "crazy"! The whole situation just makes people unhappy.

Benjamin glanced at Zac's expression, stood up with a smile, and felt the sunlight by the window, "Oh, tell me the truth, what exactly did Mocavi do to you? You are like Eve before."

"Uh." Zac didn't know he should be upset. Benjamin actually compared himself with Eve, or was it upset that Benjamin motivated him to ask this question-did Benjamin want to change Zack's view of Mokawi? For what? Is it to ask for blessings?

Benjamin glanced at Zac again, shrugging, "You just think too much." It was really enough to understand Zac, and he shook his hand out.

"Where are you going?" Zac quickly sorted out the signed documents and chased them out.

"Bask in the sun."

Zac gestured to Bain, who was still calling in the public room, to keep up with Benjamin, "Then I don't want anything. From now on, I promise." The childish non-necessary came to such a guarantee, "I won't control you anymore And everything about Mokawi. "

Benjamin just shrugged his broad shoulders in front of Zac, meaning that you do n’t need to guarantee that you ’re fine. However, I still understand that I can't continue to stimulate Zac. This kind of thing is enough to be a little fresh once or twice. If it is too much, it will hurt my feelings. "So, what happened to you and Louise just now?"

"Uh ..." It was another topic that made Zach speechless. "I did something that I couldn't understand. Dangerous things scared her."

"Oh? Come and listen." Benjamin seemed to be really curious, glancing at Grande's direction, positioning Louise's position, and watching soap operas with Mo in the entertainment room. What I want to express is that Benjamin didn't care about Zack doing dangerous things at all. Zac was still following him, very lively. Benjamin was curious what could scare this woman, Louise. To tell the truth, Louise is really not a timid person, and has the magical ability to rely on where there is danger.

"I was pulled to the sky by Hilla, and then fell." Zack replied.

Benjamin turned his eyebrows and looked at Zac. "How high?"

"There is not much air to give Sheila the height of her wings."

Benjamin opened his mouth and looked at Zac again. "Then you fell." Looked again. "Then you are here." Complete.

"Yes." Zac nodded. "Don't ask me how I feel. I can't recall what I was thinking or feeling at the time. The only thing I remember is that I am very confident."

"Can you do it again?" Benjamin raised an eyebrow, as if looking forward to it, "I want to see it."

"No, I'm very sure that I will die again, so, no."

"Oh. It's a pity." Benjamin tilted his body and collapsed on the hammock, shaking his hand at Zac, meaning, shaking.

Zac pouted, "But you may still have a chance to meet, I think I know what caused it."

Benjamin adjusted his posture on the hammock. The laziest, largest floor area, as if paralyzed, pressed the hammock's network cable, and Zac pushed the hammock aside. This is a good picture of the years, you may not know, before the beginning of this year, the vampire and Alpha do n’t know how many boring bright times have only been spent in this kind of picture ...

But their topic is not quiet at all, with ridicule.

"Cause it? Cause you to be alive now, or cause you to run with Sheila?"

"It's all." Zac was a little speechless Benjamin's not serious, but there is a way, this is Benjamin, he has this attitude towards everything, "Eve made a new 'medicine', I tried it, it eliminated me Some kind of feeling, and that's it. "

"Oh, are you" Hi "again? Is it different from" Valmyna "?" Benjamin actually smiled and clapped his hands. "Oh, you have to give me some points."

Zac glanced at Benjamin, remember that Benjamin was the first person to have swallowed 'Valmyna', when Benjamin fell into a dream and started attacking Zac, so this is a joke, "Carefully, Benjamin, I didn't understand me There is something missing in my feelings. Now I think about it. I think I guessed what I am missing. It ’s not funny. "

"Okay." Even if asked, Benjamin shook his head less seriously. "So, what's missing?"

"Soul, my rotten soul, the" spoiled soul "defined by vampires in faith." Zac's unexpected calm, "Without this gadget reminding me of what I am, I have lost my sense of myself ..."

Benjamin probably did n’t know what Zac was talking about, a thorough bias, "Can you feel your soul? What does the soul feel like? Soft? Hard? Sticky? Slippery ..."

"Uh, no." Zac looked at Benjamin's curious face silently. "You can't expect a human to tell you the feeling of breathing, unless you give him a contrast in a situation where he can't breathe, and then he will forget to breathe again. It ’s because it ’s breathing. It ’s there. Once a person can breathe, he wo n’t feel any more and will start breathing. ”

Benjamin blinked, "So, what do you mean? Eve's new" medicine ", temporarily removed, uh, covered your soul alive?"

Zac raised his eyebrows without shaking Benjamin. He froze for a moment. "Yes! This is what I want to say!"

"Then, it's a good thing? The ultimate point of your vampires is not that the soul is completely corrupted and dead, and the body that you always exist is liberated ..."

Zac's eyes twitched. "Now you mention it. I think of the things I thought about before taking off with Sheila. I fell, uh, I don't think that's a good thing ..." (To be continued.)

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