The Record of Unusual Creatures

Chapter 1199: Hercules

It is not an easy task to separate the scepter from the giant.

In fact, to eliminate these two things together will make Hao Ren feel that he has enough equivalents to solve this problem, but now he hopes to get the artifact intact, which leads him to give up almost all heavy Firepower is fine.

He even used a lot of ordinary attacks, because every time the black giant withstood the attack, it would make the surrounding dark cracks and shadows grow stronger.

"Boom!!" After another grand explosion, Hao Ren bombed hundreds of shadow servants in front of the giant, and then pulled away from the huge enemy. The giant awkwardly waved his deformed half-length, screaming at this side, and in the roar, more shadow monsters are constantly splitting from the dark areas around him.

The battle has been going on for a while, and Hao Ren feels that his physical strength has begun to drain, but as the battle continues, he is mentally more acute, and a vague idea becomes clearer:

It seems that the giant is an uncompromising enemy. This corrupted and distorted Hercules has completely lost his reason and humanity. However, after he was attacked, he split the "characteristics" of the shadow servant and seemed to have doubts: the feeling of giving It is as if these dark and evil forces are not released by himself, but have been imprisoned in him, and these forces will leak out when his limbs are broken.

Otherwise, the giants will soon release a large army several times more than they are now through self-mutilation.

This lack of evidence for the idea of ​​appearance out of thin air is almost a wishful thinking. Under normal circumstances, Hao Ren should not hope for this idealized thing, but some kind of intuition that is similar to the sixth sense is playing a strong role in letting him I can't help but believe that there is still a soul that is still in the body of the dark, distorted body. Perhaps it is this soul that maintains the shape of the giant and constrains the number of shadow servants.

At this time, the data terminal suddenly made a sound: "His partner, you are a god, your instincts are sometimes more than just intuition."

"Nolan, give me another clearance!" Hao Ren gave an order to the high-altitude spacecraft, and at the same time flew up and rushed to the opponent again. "All drones can shoot freely except the scepter, wherever they go!" ”

The huge explosions came in succession. The giant turtle rock platform launched a series of small whistle guns on both sides of the hull. These turrets are already the least powerful arms on the spacecraft, and they are not even armed in the spacecraft equipment sequence. The gadgets are used to clean up space junk, yet they are still sufficient to produce considerable results on this battlefield. A large number of shadow servants were crushed under gunfire, and even the dark cracks around the giants were slightly reduced.

At the same time, drones and self-discipline machines began to fire on the giant's body. Although this would lead to more monsters splitting, Hao Ren had already ordered, and ai would no longer worry about the other.

The giant's body explodes with countless black-red wounds. This horror monster, whose body strength is ten times stronger than the guardian, picks up, and while he is screaming with madness, he shakes his arm and tries to restore balance. For a time, Hao Ren has approached his feet.

Just as a mouse is challenging the elephant, Hao Ren rushed to the giant's huge body and suddenly realized that he was small in size, but he had already had many contacts with the guardian giant like Mulu. The discomfort that came quickly was left behind, and he looked up and had only one target: the scepter set in the chest of the opponent.

The red crystal at the top of the scepter shines with unknown light. There is a black spot like a fissure in the space, revealing the madness and evil atmosphere, and letting the spiritual world of the demigod be turbulent.

The closer I get, the more clear the strange smell in the crystal, and Hao Ren’s heart can’t help but wonder: What is this? It clearly has a force very similar to Vivian, but why does this show such terrible fluctuations?

Of course, the giant also immediately launched a counterattack. He tried to get rid of the "bugs" that were on his body, and from the cracks in his skin, there was a high temperature and high pressure and dangerous gas flow, and this was just the beginning, and soon the shadow The power of the four is filled out, and countless shadow arrows appear out of thin air. Rainstorms generally slam the shield of Hao Ren.

Just as Hao Ren propped up his shield and began to resist hard, he suddenly heard a fluttering flapping sound and a sharp tweet. A large group of bats appeared beside them. These bats suddenly blocked the giant's counterattack force.

In this short breath, he has come to a place where the scepter is less than three meters away.

The scepter released a devastating force. Around it, the space broke down, time was distorted, and the rules of matter almost disappeared. Hao Ren finally felt this in this position. He perceived it by the scepter. The rift in the center of the rift nebula is similar to the crevice.

This is a phenomenon that can be caused by a fierce conflict between the world rules of the two worlds.

Of course, the annihilation atmosphere felt here is not comparable to the Rift Nebula, but even if the scale is reduced by a few times, they are still essentially the same thing.

The giant seems to feel the threat, or the scepter feels the threat and immediately stimulates his host. In all, Hao Ren feels that there is a strong energy response in the space around him, and the skin of the giant's chest is covered by the dark red light. stand up.

This seems to mean a powerful counterattack.

"Herris!!" He pressed his hand on the giant's body and concentrated all his spiritual strength. "If you can still hear it, try the last time!"

His previous "intuition" was quickly verified, because the giant's body was slightly incomprehensible for a moment.

This moment was quite short, but in this moment, Hao Ren felt that the negative force released by the scepter was also suppressed: the soul in the giant body seemed to squeeze out all the spare power, and finally won the initiative again.

In the next second, Hao Ren’s hand was placed on the scepter, and almost at the same time, the scepter trembled fiercely, and the overwhelming negative force once again broke through the blockade and began to erode all things around.

At that moment, Hao Ren almost felt that his body was out of control, but the part of his body that was protected by the goddess immediately produced an effect. The erosion of crazy thoughts was temporarily blocked. He took the fastest speed in his life. The highest level of dangerous goods safe deposit box was taken out of the space, and then the scepter was pulled out of the giant's flesh and then thrown into the safe deposit box.

At the moment when the safe deposit box was closed, he felt a whirlwind.

The surrounding scenery swayed quickly, and the various colors filled the field of vision. The next step was the endless feeling of falling. The whole person's spirit seemed to sink into the dark and lost its response.

But the fall only lasted for a short time, Hao Ren suddenly woke up and found himself standing in a strange place.

A vast expanse of wilderness, endless, weeds, two small rivers flowing over the wilderness, and eventually merged into one place, looking up, the sky is clear and cloudless, the sun is shining, a magnificent and mysterious mountain is suspended In the sky, the peaks are surrounded by clouds and rays.

"When I first went back to my home, my stepmother cursed me in the most vicious language. My brothers and sisters in my blood scorned me unabashedly, and a few people reported me indifference without paying attention. My father, he is sitting on the throne of gold, he said to me, welcome home, regardless of other people."

Hao Ren looked back in amazement. He saw that he was standing behind him, a tall, strong, handsome but smiling man.

The man has a light brown curly hair, his face is sharp and angular, his body is almost as strong as Izak, and his muscles are bulging from the gray-white simple blouse, which contains endless power, and he There is a long scar on his face, which seems to represent a glorious battle.

In addition, he has no features and decorations on his body.


"It's me," the strong man smiled. "It took so much effort. We finally met and talked."

“Here is your spiritual world?” Hao Ren looked around. “Hey... I didn’t expect your spiritual world to be so...strong.”

"The last time I recalled, I want to make it clearer."

Hao Ren frowned, he said: "Do you have something to tell me?"

"Yes, about that 'artifact', about the core, and the partner about you... I don't know how much you know about her, but if you fight side by side, I will tell you everything I know." ~^~)

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