The Record of Unusual Creatures

Chapter 1241: Situation in the west

To be honest, Hao Ren actually waited for the old general. In the past ten days, he has been wading in the wilderness of the world of Kolo and the mountains in the woods, but he has never eaten a meal, even if he and Veroni There is no shortage of food and drink in the different space of the card. Sitting in the barren hills and forests is definitely not a good environment for eating. So when Marcus said to open the meal, Hao Ren suddenly felt that the old man was pleasing to the eye...

The old general admitted that the environment of the West Fortress was limited, and Princess Veronica was not a demanding person. Therefore, this simple reception was directly carried out in this simple reception room, and soon Hao Ren knew that it was so simple. The reception room is actually the highest-profile place in the West Fortress: this fortress is magnificent in appearance, but it is a pure battle fortress from the inside out. Everything here is designed to resist the power of chaos. There are no extra luxury in the extra decoration, and even the room where Marcus lived is only a big circle larger than the ordinary soldiers. Dedicated all the power to resist chaos, and squeeze all the resources for personal enjoyment into force. This is the normal life of the border people.

However, although the banquet is not rich, it is delicious and nutritious. The frontline soldiers fight **** daily. The upper level of the kingdom will not be wronged by the soldiers, fresh vegetables and a soft sweet as long as the brain is no problem. The cake made Hao Ren's appetite wide open, and some kind of soup made with fungi also made him quickly relieve the tiredness accumulated in the past few days.

When he was eating something here, he was attentive, but Princess Veronica’s attention was obviously not on the food in front of her eyes. His Royal Highness is very worried about the abnormal changes in the chaotic border: "When did the monster attacking the city start?"

"On the day of your disappearance, the Princess," said Marcus, sitting across the table. The huge size made him look like a behemoth beside the table. "Exactly, the fourth after the collapse of the entire shadow jungle defense line. When the chaotic power reached the peak of the day, those things suddenly appeared from the air. The attack did not have any omen, and even the wizards in the magic tower did not notice any signs. If it was not for the West Fortress, there was a wall on the outside. Continued order runes, I am afraid that we will not resist the first round of attacks."

Veronica nodded: "After the attack has continued?"

"Every time it lasts for one to three days, the interval between the two is uncertain. Chaos is outside the city. No matter how many times the power of the tower of fire is breaking them up, those things seem to have no signs of weakening. To be honest, I think this is very disturbing: this year is already the seventh year of the tide of chaos. After the peak period, they should gradually decline, but now the situation... it seems that it is strengthening."

"The territory of the kingdom..."

"The goddess is sheltered, the road is still unblocked, and the liaison has not been interrupted. Although the Xijing Mountain Corridor also has small chaotic forces to infiltrate, it is still not enough threat. If even the assistance in the Kingdom is interrupted, this is not the scene. ”

Veronica sighed with relief: "That's good, Father and General Glorin should have been discussing countermeasures."

"Countermeasure? I am afraid it is difficult to have any effective countermeasures," the old general shook his head. "His Highness, I have been playing with Chaos for seven years, and in the year of order I have been fighting for the size of the kingdom in your kingdom." The small chaotic tearing point, I know very well what kind of enemy we are facing, it is unknowable and uncontrollable. Although it is sad, in the face of the tide of the sea of ​​Carnos, human beings can only passively accept Passive resistance, every time we survive from the tide of chaos is not because the mortal victory over it, but only because the tide is over before we are extinct, and the Jingmen doctors. If this tide really continues this trend, What the old man can do is to die here. To delay enough time, this is the only countermeasure."

Hao Ren looked up and looked at Marcus with some surprise.

He did not expect to hear such pessimistic and desperate words from this seemingly ironic veteran, but once this was said from the other side, he knew that this was already a reality that the Kolo people had already accepted.

In this case, the father can still say the death of the war, this is the most admirable.

Veronica clearly knows that the words of the old general are the truth. She can only bite her lip: "...I know. There is another thing about the fire station in the shadow jungle..."

"After 'the day', we lost contact with all the outposts," Marcus spreads. "The chaos attack is quite frequent, and it completely blocks all the crossings between the fortress and the jungle defense. Our best Scouts couldn't cross the shadows. Until recently, a team of death squads succeeded in crossing the chaotic blockade to find a nearest outpost from the fortress. The only scouts who came back alive were only two, and the news was terrible."

"I know..." Veronica lowered her eyes. "The fortress guards are dead, it seems to be dying of frenzy."

Marcus held his hand on the table and looked at the Princess of the Princess: "You and your knights miraculously crossed the forest. Do you know what happened there?"

Veronica shook her head: "I am also a foggy, general, those signs are not attacked, all buildings are preserved, the arsenal has not even been opened, but the defenders inside have died. However, we still found some clues. Some of the commanders of the outpost seemed to stick to the time around the fire device more than others, and they stayed..."

Veronica snarled her discovery in those outposts. During the whole story, Marcus did not interject. The old general was only listening, and the powerful eyebrows on his face gradually became entangled.

"We don't know anything about these things," Marcus's expression was gloomy and terrible. "I have lost your father."

"General, manpower has limits," Veronica said comfortably. "You can hold the fortress in the West. It is already the greatest achievement for the kingdom. What happens in the shadow jungle is not only the strange but not the fire station. The change, even my defeat on the day is also very awkward. Although the country has always been proud, but in the past many centuries they have never turned this fault, all these things deserve our deep investigation, Wang Duoli The scholars are probably the only ones to count on."

Marcus frowned. "The scholars... can only count on them. The things happening on the Western Front must immediately return to the king, and I will arrange the messenger."

"The messenger?" Veronica's eyebrows pick, "Transfer..."

"It can't be used ten days ago," Marcus shook his head. "The interference is stronger every day. The wizards say that a shadow vortex over Ansu is gradually taking shape, and the space structure on the mainland has become very unstable. Now In addition to the hinterland of the kingdom, space transfers in other areas have been completely deactivated."

Veronica thought about it and said decisively: "...I have to go back to the king."

"Well, you are safe and survive, you must want to see you immediately."

"Not just for this reason," Veronica put down the tableware in his hand and looked at Hao Ren on the side. "We have experienced a lot of incredible things in this chaotic journey. Some things are personally telling the father that I am more at ease, and my sister. ... She has more knowledge, perhaps more interested in the guardian adults. My audience is from different dimensions. At the same time, I am also worried about the domestic situation. If I don't show up again, some people may not be able to sit still."

"Hah, the circle of nobles..." Marcus made a haha, and he did not hide his disdain and boredom in his tone.

Hao Ren looked at the people around him and felt that he did not seem to be involved in the current topic, so he continued to bow down and eat seriously.

After the end of the banquet, Hao Ren and the other knights returned to the room to rest, Veronica and Morian left.

Together with General Marcus, the two climbed the high spires of the fortress. They climbed up the spiral ladder and finally reached the platform at the highest point of the West Fortress. The tower of fire tower stood tall on the pedestal behind them. , let out the brilliance, so that the entire fortress is covered in shelter.

Looking into the surroundings, the shadow jungle is like a murky black cloud creeping over the land of the West, and farther away is completely shrouded in darkness. The mountains on either side of the fortress also extend upwards in the light and are finally The shadow clouds at high altitude are covered. Only on the east side of the fortress can you see the vast and unpolluted mountains and hills. A shimmering road stretches through the mountains and leads all the way to the kingdom.

If you only look to the West, you will inevitably feel like being surrounded by the dark sea and being stuck in an island.

This is the bridgehead of the order world, the land of light.

"About the ‘Ancient Guardian’...” Marcus looked at the big forest in the distance, as if to open his mouth. “His Royal Highness, do you trust him?”

"He saved everyone's life, including mine." Veronica said lightly.

Marcus heard the voice: "It seems that you are not so sure about his origins."

Veronica did not say anything.

It was indeed the Princess of the Royals who first identified Hao Ren as the ancient guardian. But this does not mean that she has no follow-up thinking. In so many days of thinking and observation, especially to note that Hao Ren has a lot of worlds. After the misunderstanding of common sense and even ignorance, the doubts in her mind began to increase gradually.

Memory confusion is often not a universal excuse.

Marcus waited for a few seconds and found that he did not respond and continued: "You should also think that there may be a hermit who survived the last century in the wilderness, but it is unlikely that there will be a hundred years of chaos in the last generation. After shuffling once, except for a few specific tear points, there are almost no ancient relics in the world that have not been discovered for thousands of years."

Veronica looked at the veteran general: "The sacred mountain of Kasuan is in a tearing point. Whether it was a hundred years ago, three hundred years ago, or a thousand years ago, it was always shrouded in chaos. I know this is incredible, but there is really a temple there."

Marcus’s eyes widened.

"His origins are really fascinating," Sir Morian finally said at the moment. "But he is certainly not a servant of chaos, nor a cult. He carries many extremely powerful sacristys. The power of the sacristy is far from All of this era, I am afraid it is really an ancient relic."

"In any case, the most important thing is that he is on our side," Veronica said with a sigh. "I know you might think that my thoughts are naive, but I am well thought out, I trust him, and believe He is the guardian of the Holy Land, whether or not he really came from the ancient times." (To be continued.)


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