The Record of Unusual Creatures

Chapter 1284: Dear dog

What is the head wolf thinking?

In fact, in most cases, our head wolf is not thinking about even pulling up a World of Warcraft army, her head is always a mess. Lily’s acting is as elusive as her race. She always makes a big news in the face of her own fog, just like she was surprised at seeing herself in the Black Forest. There are so many millions of younger brothers, and today she is quite surprised how she suddenly built a city...

Usually, when the hustle and bustle is not in the master's house, the sofa cushions are torn apart and then I hear the owner open the door and look back. Is it such a mental state that I have done it? !

Of course, Lily is still much stronger than the ordinary Husky. At least she knows that the inscrutable tactics that should be performed at this time, so when she saw the strange expression on General Ulysses, she nodded solemnly: "Sub-ethnicity It is also a smart creature, but it is only living in the wildness. It is a little slower than the evolution of your human beings. You humans can build a house. Why can't it be sub-ethnic?"

Ulysses’s mind is contradictory. It’s hard to refute this, but it’s just a few words.

Lily looked at the Great Wilderness. On the vast wilderness outside the Black Crow Fortress, the power of chaos has been temporarily isolated. A layer of glimmer floats on the wasteland, forming an amazing protective barrier under this barrier. ,] ↘ long] hurricane] ↘文] ↘ is like a group of wandering Warcraft.

Each sub-racial tribe has three to four heads carrying the amulets of the "head wolf gods". They are tribal leaders, shamans, warriors or prophets. These tribes operate on the edge of the wilderness and the forest, expanding the scope of the order barrier. By the time they moved, Lily contributed nearly half of the fluff on her tail, so she sheltered the entire wilderness.

Chaos was suppressed in the Black Forest. From the Black Crow Fortress, you can see that there is a layer of black smoke floating at the end of the Great Wasteland. It is the chaotic force hovering over the Black Forest. But after the last war, this storm has been temporarily After calming down, it was obviously a big injury. In a short time, it could not organize a new offensive.

"The beasts need a rooted place. When they leave the forest, they have to find new ways to survive in new places." Lily thought for a while and finally remembered the reason she decided to build the city. "You know the beast and you." Is there any difference in the human army?"

Caracius looked curiously: "Please enlighten me."

"The beast is not an army, it is a family migration, and the beasts are all soldiers. We don't have a logistics system like you and a clear division of military and civilian. Of course, there is no base camp and a fortress." Lily said slowly, at the moment, she looks Finally, I have the majesty of the wolf. "I don't know if there is a kind of locust in your world? It is a kind of insect that flies over the sky and then smashes all the harvests, my beast." The tide is similar to that. Because there is no logistics, we are fighting and fighting, all the way to eat, the millions of troops gather together, we 'reap' everything along the way, if you can send people to fly over the Black Forest You will understand: the migratory route of the animal tide is clear at a glance, the Black Forest is a big ditch by our pears, we have eaten everything, and the grass does not stay."

General Ulysses gradually emerged from the forehead, and when he saw the animal tide at first sight, he vaguely guessed it all, but the truth was said from the head of the wolf, especially horrifying.

What he didn't know was that the truth was far more exaggerated than what Lily described.

There are more than one or two races in the animal tide. It is a mixed army of all sub-ethnic races in the entire Black Forest. Carnivorous races, vegetarian diets, and omnivorous races are all good, including elemental creatures, shadow creatures, and What are the "recipes" of the weird species such as the deceased?

It is no exaggeration to say that Lily’s beast wave will draw a blackened forest from the south to the north of the Black Forest. Wherever the army passes, even the soil will go down two and a half meters. Don’t say that the grass is not born, they will come a few more times. It is estimated that even the oil has to be dug out and drink...

Lily looked at General Ulysses and said, "You definitely don't want us to keep this momentum directly from your black crow fortress?"

The Governor of the Western Territory nodded in a stiff face: "No doubt."

"So I have to think of other ways to let them feed themselves, and don't go to your human territory," Lily pointed to the Great Wilderness. "A big wilderness is not necessarily enough, so it still needs the mountains and the south near the wilderness." Part of the forest, and in order to hoard the materials, we also need warehouses and houses, that fortification is essential. Now there is a settlement at each end of the wilderness, and then these two points will be connected and eventually become a Big cities, outside the city, I have already planned hunting grounds and planting areas, but in the early days I still have to rely on hunting grounds to provide food. To be honest, sub-racial is really not very good at building, I really don't know that I designed them. What a good city will eventually become, but there are also smart guys among them, and it shouldn’t be too big."

General Ulysses blinked: "Can't...consider. Can they really do this? To feed such a large population is not a simple matter for humans."

"It's hard for humans, but maybe it's very simple for them," Lily grinned. "The biggest difference between sub-ethnics and you is that they have the ability to feed themselves as long as they are adult. The big hunting grounds are all right. Every adult in the animal tide is a hunter and producer. As long as they enter the Black Forest, they can solve the eating problem themselves. The chaotic storm pushes all the animals in the forest to the north, now the forest. The prey on the edge is so rich that it can't be eaten, and my tribes carry amulets so that they can freely eat in the depths of the forest. Do you humans have this ability?"

Ulysses listened to the vision described by the wolf, which he had never heard in the family's collections and aristocratic colleges. He muttered: "It seems... some truth. Then you pick up Will you stay in the wilderness?"

"I? I still have my own business," Ulysses expected. The wolf shook his head. "The chiefs I appointed will handle everything here, then I will leave here and go to me." The landlord!"

When she said this, her face was full of happy expressions, and she was more happy than her expression at any time, just to complete a major goal in life.

"Looking for... the landlord?" Ulysses couldn't keep up with the rhythm of the wolf. "You said you want to give up your ... army? Just to find someone?"

"Yes, yes," Lily said with a sigh of relief. Of course, they were an accident. Now I have arranged a good way for them. The rest of the matter should not be used by me. And To be honest, I really want to lead such a big man to find someone in your territory... Can you accept it yourself?"

It is rare that this huskies of the brain's peaks turn so well.

Ulysses seems to have such a point when he hears this, but how do you think it makes sense to make more sense: this is a million beasts! Find a Feng Shui treasure to the beast of the founding of the country! When you are the boss, you can be on the same level as the monarchs of other kingdoms! As a result, the one in front of him was so prepared to leave, not to be nostalgic, as if she was pulling this army is really an accident. The powerful army and the establishment of a country’s great cause are too much to be seen. See the so-called "landlord" side!

"Where are you looking for the landlord...what is it?" Not to mention Ulysses, even the Karasius next to him was a little surprised. He knew that the wolf was always looking for her landlord, but I didn’t expect the other person to This calmly gave up his army. "Does he have great grace for you?"

Lily thought about it carefully: "He gave me the place to live, and he still has a meal! But I give him three hundred dollars a month to rent."

Karasius Ulysses: "...?"

"Is the wolf usually like this?" The Governor of the West couldn't help but whispered to the high-ranking monk.

The high-ranking monk's face is stiff: "It has always been... she has her own set of logic."

“Is it stimulated?”

“It’s hard to say that she’s taken alone in a wilderness. It’s like an accident...”

Lily’s ears trembled: “I’m listening well.”


After a moment, Ulysses nodded to Lily: "Since the wolf has its own arrangement, I have no more words, I wish you can find your benefactor as soon as possible. But I don't know how you are going to find someone? Talos has a vast territory and it is not easy to find someone in the vast sea of ​​people."

Lily scratched her hair: "Where is the country most people?"

"This... it should be Wangdu Baicheng, which is the most populous city in Talos."

"Then I will go to Baicheng, how does Baicheng go?"

Ulysses thought for a moment: "Like this, I will send a team of knights to walk with you, they can take you to Baicheng. But now the airships of the Black Crow Fortress have been damaged in the previous battle, you only I can walk from the land, I am afraid I will delay some time."

"Oh, this doesn't matter. If you go slowly, you might just hit the landlord halfway!" Lily's eyes brightened. "But you don't have a shortage of people here? Is this a guide for me?"

"I originally planned to send them to Baicheng," the Duke of Ulysses smiled. "The chaotic tides interfered with the magic network communication between the border and the kingdom. The battles in the past few days completely destroyed a magic relay point." The mages will probably not fix the thing for a while, I need to send soldiers to go directly to the king to pass the message."

"Oh, that's fine," Lily nodded happily and turned to look at Caratius. "Right, uncle, aren't you going to leave? Let's go together! Just put the smoked meat." Bring it, if you meet the landlord, he might have a way to understand the origin of the piece of meat."

Caracius did not know how the head wolf was so sure that she could find her landlord smoothly, but the invitation of the other party had no reason to refuse, so he nodded: "So good, then I will go back and arrange." ”

When the head wolf and the high-ranking monks planned a trip to the White City, in the hinterland of the kingdom, a Big Dipper was also swelling the smoke, and the wind rushed through the "green plain" and rushed toward the south.

(The meeting returned, the Hebei Network Writers Association has been established.) (To be continued.)

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