The Recovery Of Terror: Signing In From Being A City God

Chapter 99 His Enemy, Traction Stone The First Name Is Clear, Zhu, The Surname Of The Ming Dynasty R

Beijing City.

Ghost Rider Headquarters, Minister's Office.

Minister Lu Nian rubbed essential oils on his temples.

After a few swipes, he felt that it was not enough, so he wiped it under his nose again, and then paused, he felt that it was not enough, so he continued to apply ~ between the eyebrows.

"Okay, okay, you're using Fengyoujing as a facial cleanser." Team leader Wu got up and pulled the long hand, helplessly.

See here.

The minister took a deep breath, and he could smell the refreshing scent of the essential oil, which relieved his headache somewhat.

He looked down at the documents on the desk, feeling like his head was going to hurt again.

"Strange things happen one after another, and they are all so bizarre. Do you have any clues?" He looked at Team Leader Wu.

Hearing this, Team Leader Wu regained his spirit.

He took a sip of tea, and then pointed to one of the two documents on the table, which had the five characters [Black Impermanence Incident'' in bold black cursive script on it.

"The incident that happened at the Xingquan Restaurant in Cang City, we asked the two survivors, and we have basically verified that Hei Wuchang really exists, and his appearance is the punishment of evil in rewarding good and punishing evil.

The nature is the same as that of Yan Liangpeng, and Hei Wuchang can be 100% confirmed as the level of the ghost king, and then..."

Team leader Wu's voice suddenly raised a tone.

"Heiwuchang's method of extracting lifespan, I think it is a good research topic. If lifespan can be extracted, can it increase lifespan? We can live a long time, relying on the number of cell divisions. There are no special circumstances. The number of cell divisions is fixed." He stretched out a finger, "So in theory, all you need to reduce your lifespan is... well, it's actually very simple, that is to accelerate cell division."

"Directly accelerate the development of cells, use up the number of divisions, and you can reduce your lifespan. This method can actually be known through ghost energy..."

"Old Wu, Wu" the minister waved his hand to interrupt the words of the team leader.

"What's wrong?"

"Pick the key points and make it easy to understand."

"Okay, to make a long story short, ghost energy can create an impression on people's health. I was not interested in Qin Xingfa's life reduction. After all, as long as I have an A-level ghost master to cooperate with me, I can do it too, but guess what? , in the spirit of science, I checked their bodies, and guess what.

My God, the cells in their bodies are intact, but the number of cell divisions is less. For example, one cell is equal to an engine full of oil. The way I reduce my life is to keep the engine running and run out of oil. But they just pumped the oil out and left the engine there, it's unbelievable.

Lao Lu, do you know what this means?

This means that black impermanence has taken away the oil. If these oils are re-injected into another person's cellular engine, do you think it will lead to longevity?

yes, right.

Heiwuchang's method is beyond my imagination, this is the method of the gods. "

...You call this a long story short, you are so short that it is not half a billion.

The minister was speechless, "Old Wu, you say I understand, but you can let go of this topic first."

He didn't know how to speak anymore.

He cares more about Heiwuchang than extracting his lifespan—this existence!

His focus is completely different from that of Old Wu. He cares more about the existence of Heiwuchang. As for the means of the gods, they are ghosts and gods. The magical point is normal. 'He' has lived for thousands of years, so there is nothing unusual about it. ..emmm, wait.

He lived through the ages, wouldn’t it be just like this, sucking oil and filling oil to survive!?

In an instant, the minister's body trembled, and there was a sense of sight of Watson's blind spot.

"He has lived through the ages, could it be this method?"

"Huh?" Old Wu was stunned when he heard his friend's sudden words, and then there was excitement on his face, but it quickly faded away, and he shook his head slightly, "Impossible.


"City God is the body of ghosts and gods, not human beings, that's the best way to say it.

"It seems to be true, no, Lao Wu, I don't want to think too much about the issue of longevity, I have an idea now, you can help me analyze it, I want to withdraw the three cities of Cangshi, Nanming, Beiming, and Xixi South District Ghost masters, how do you feel about transferring 30% of the ghost masters to other cities?'

heard the words.

Team leader Wu pondered for a second and then said, "Are you because of black impermanence?"

"You can try it. After all, the reduction of ghost masters in the three cities and one district of Chenghuang can make up for the shortage of manpower in other cities. Now it can basically be confirmed that there are six S-level ghost kings in the three cities and one district of Chenghuang."

The minister nodded, he knew that Old Wu had thought about it with him.

Ghost infant, black impermanence, bull head and horse face, day and night wandering god six S-level ghost kings, this kind of power can sweep away everything, as time goes by, the three cities and one district will become more and more safe. Safe area, but this is Kyoto City, which is three cities and one district, other cities are different.

The ghost incidents became more and more frequent, and the manpower became more and more insufficient. This was the reason why the minister had a headache and kept rubbing the wind oil. He was so worried about this incident.

"Then I'll send someone to try it." Without hesitation, the minister pressed the phone button and notified the assistant to come over and order the matter to continue.

"And this thing."

When he was done, he stared at another document.

Most of the Cangshan Zhuyu mysteriously disappeared, and this line of words can be seen on the document of the tall figure in the mountain.

This is what happened after the Heiwuchang incident, and the location is in Cangshan Mountain.

Ever since the tomb of Lord Chenghuang was discovered, the senior officials of the Dragon Kingdom unanimously decided to divide the restricted zone, and defined the three kilometers within the tomb as a special protection area based on the highest level of military military area. Build a small military camp.

Some time ago, some soldiers who were dispatched in the past walked out of the protected area in their free time, went deep into the mountains, collected wild fruits in the mountains, and spontaneously survived in the wild.

He entered the mountain and was attracted by a strong fragrance.

Take a look in the past.

There are small red fruits all over the mountains, and he immediately recognized that it was a small fruit that his grandfather picked for him when he was a child.

The soldier immediately picked some, planning to make a small bag and put it on his body like his grandfather did, just to please him.

After he picked it up, he went back and walked for a while.

The wind blowing in the mountains behind, the north wind howling, the wind was very loud, but at that time he didn’t pay much attention to it, it’s normal for the wind to be strong in the mountains, but he didn’t care about it until he met his comrades in the middle, they thought Zhu Yu’s custom was a good omen , I also plan to learn a wave, and then they will pick it together.

When they arrived at where Rongyu was, the soldier was stunned on the spot.

Why did Zhu Yu, who was all over the mountains and plains just now, disappear?!

At first, he wondered if he was going the wrong way, but after seeing a semi-protruding triangular rock next to him, he was sure that this was the place just now, the rock he just urgently peed on, and it was right next to the rock Solve it, the soil on it still smells like urine!

"It's that strange wind!" The soldier thought of the loud noise just now.

This matter was reported by the soldiers.

The people above are very serious, this is near the protected area, such strange things must be thoroughly investigated.

During this period of time, the soldiers entered the mountain one after another to search for clues. Two of them saw a tall figure disappearing in the forest from a distance in different places in the mountain.

The minister has been following the matter closely lately.

It is really that the significance of that protected area is too great, and there is no room for sloppy.

"I don't have a clue about this matter." For the first time, Lao Wu said very little [to express his opinions in a concise manner.

He didn't have the slightest clue about it either.


Are there ghosts who can pick Rong Yu?

Zhuqian's smell is very strong, the military dogs have searched, but found no trace, if it was done by a ghost, there is no reason for Zhuyu to disappear, could it be possible to eat it?

This matter is full of mystery and weirdness...


The minister sighed, this matter has been stuck with him, keeping him awake at night.

Jingle Bell--

The phone on the desk rang, and the minister answered, "I'm Lu Nian."

Over there, Lao Wu felt that he had talked too much. Seeing that his water cup was running out of water, he got up and went to the water dispenser to pour some water.



As soon as Old Wu got up, he heard a sharp exclamation in his ears, so frightened that he raised his hand suddenly, the remaining water in the water glass was poured out, and the sleeves of his clothes were splashed wet.

"What's wrong?" Team Leader Wu was stunned.

The minister looked up, with a look of astonishment on his face, "The place of Yin Qi in Cang City is likely to be a special type. y

Hearing this, Team Leader Wu's pupils widened.

"Where is the Town God's Temple, let the ghost masters pay attention to the Town God's Temple." Hearing Cangshi, he immediately thought of the City God who protected Cangshi. How would the City God Yin Division handle such a big event.

The Minister also thought of this.

He ordered people to pay attention, and demanded that the first-hand information of Cang City be passed on at all times, regardless of whether it was true or not.


The news about the place of Yin Qi erupting in Cang City came one after another.

Jingle Bell--

A call came in, and the minister answered the phone reflexively and pressed the speakerphone.

"Minister, Bai Wuchang has appeared." A concise sentence came from the other end of the phone.


The pupils of the Minister and Team Leader Wu trembled.

"What exactly is it?" the minister asked anxiously.

Then there was an astonishing news from the other side of the phone, "Minister, it's not an outbreak of yin qi, it's a ghost incident. The City God's Yin Division has made a move, and it is Bai Wuchang who made the move. The entire mountainside has become a wasteland in a short period of time. At present, In counting damage, casualties...."

Listening to the people over there constantly talking about the content of the news, from rough to detailed.

Among them, when it was mentioned that through the witnesses of the ghost masters who rushed there first, they saw Bai Wuchang fighting another Bai Wuchang. Had to stand up and couldn't stay calm at all.

"The ghost incident and the ghost are Bai Wuchang? How is this possible? Could it be that the other world is the underworld?"

Team Leader Wu thought of too many things.

And these ideas coincide with some ideas of An Yuyuan.

The minister's face was heavy. The meaning of this message was too heavy, and he was overwhelmed. If the other world is really the underworld.

Then there are other ghosts and gods above black and white impermanence...

What does this mean.

Thinking of this, more thoughts appeared in the minister's mind.

Old Wu guessed before that the god-like existence joined forces to fight against the ghosts. They lost, they failed, and they were completely wiped out. Only He was left alone to resist this sad era.

He actually still has doubts about this conjecture, how terrible is the City God?


Hundreds of miles away, the body did not show up, only a sword was released, to slay ghosts, calm ghost tides, and suppress the land of Yin Qi.

What kind of strength is needed to do this? And such a Him, there used to be a god who was not inferior to him, and even stood shoulder to shoulder with him, standing and pitching the world of mortals. How could such an "existence" fail, how could he lose, he couldn't figure it out , The ghost king is like a immature ant in his hands, vulnerable to a single blow.

Now the appearance of the 'Bai Wuchang' ghost, the appearance of Bai Wuchang, the shocking traces left by their short fight, the ghostly thoughts of the underworld.

The significance of these messages one after another made him tremble.

"Did He lose to Nether?" The minister murmured, "There are more and more ghosts, and there will be more ghosts in the future."

Will the ghosts that once fought against him appear?"

There was despair on his face, and his heart trembled.

this moment.

The minister's mind is in a mess, and Team Leader Wu over there is not much better. He thinks of more and more complicated things than the minister.

There is too little information on this matter, but they cannot ignore it!

Also have to pay attention!

"We need to convene a special team immediately to analyze the Bai Wuchang ghost incident, and we need to combine previous information." The minister said in a low voice, and immediately prepared to call his assistant without any delay.

Come in and let him arrange it instantly.


"Minister." There was a knock on the door and the voice of an assistant.


The minister was stunned, he looked at the hand that stopped in mid-air, and then looked outside the door.

...I haven't called you yet, why did you come here? Is it impossible to predict the future?

"Come in."

"Minister, there is an S-level ghost king ghost incident in Chengshan County in the north."

As soon as the door was opened, the assistant walked in anxiously, and said such a sentence before the minister could speak.

a split second.

The minister's expression changed again and again.

I just received an incident of impermanent ghosts in Cang City, and now there is another S-level ghost king incident, ghost incidents one after another!?

"How's the situation?" He said in a low voice with an ugly expression.

"More than 300 people died in Anma Village, Chengshan County."

The assistant was sad.

The minister felt dizzy and dizzy, and he couldn't stand still... More than 300 people were killed by the ghost.

"Mr. Zhu has passed away, and we don't know the situation yet." There was anger in the assistant's eyes. More than 300 people were killed. How could he not be angry? He spoke again, saying

one person.

Zhu Lao, this is not a name, but an honorific title.

Its name: Zhu Nianyi.

One hundred years old, he is a real centenarian, the oldest ghost master in the world, but if you look down on Zhu Lao because of his advanced age, the result is only one word, example.

At the same time, Elder Zhu has another identity.

One of the three pillars of the Dragon Kingdom Ghost Master Headquarters, code name: Ghost King, Zhu Nianyi.

From Zhu Lao's code name, we can know his level and realm, the S-level ghost king is also the beginning of the era of ghosts, and the third ghost master in the Dragon Kingdom!

Zhu Lao has too many achievements, and the above achievements are just two of them. He is destined to be extraordinary if he can live to be a hundred years old. You must know that becoming a ghost master in the establishment is destined to be in trouble all the time.

Treating ghost incidents is a short-lived occupation, but Mr. Zhu lived to be a hundred years old.

He is also one of the founders of the headquarters of the ghost masters of the Dragon Kingdom. He became a ghost master when he was young and silently guarded the Dragon Kingdom for decades. Until now, he is still healthy and strong at the age of 100, suppressing the Dragon Kingdom.

Although Wu Zu is said to be the pillar of the country in the national fortune, he feels that he is not, and Mr. Zhu is the real pillar of the country, the town of the country.

heard the words.

The minister nodded, he was not at all surprised that Mr. Zhu went to Chengshan County.

Mr. Zhu happened to be dealing with a place of Yin Qi in the north recently, which is very close to Chengshan County.

"Transfer ghost masters from other cities..."

A relatively complete set of transfer assignments appeared in the minister's mind in no time.

at the same time.

In the Yin Division of the City God, deep in the courtyard.

An Yuyuan watched Bai Wuchang leave the figure, and looked away when he disappeared.

"Bai Wuchang." There was a low voice in his mouth.

0 looking for flowers......

Its eyes flicker.

Although he said that he didn't want to think about impermanence and ghosts, and the world where ghosts came from, it didn't mean that he didn't have any interest in it.

On the contrary, he is so interested in things about impermanence and ghosts that he doesn't want to think about them. This is only his personal reason. He doesn't want to think too much, which affects his own judgment

In an instant, An Yuyuan's left palm had mysterious mana fluctuations, his eyes became deep, and mysterious symbols emerged around his body, which were the words of Tao and the texture of nature.

"Let me see what the impermanent ghost is."

His pupils had a terrible deep brilliance.

this moment.

An Yuyuan's aura became misty and vast... like a god looking up to the sky and the earth, like Ji Zhong Chengyi, the "Him" they guessed.

In the dark, the Dao aggregate of the world was fluctuated.

Outside the City God Temple.


got windy.

The clothes of passers-by on the street were blown up, they squinted their eyes, and muttered, "Why did the sky suddenly change, is it going to rain?"

The clouds in the sky suddenly moved, like a big hand stirring, the booming buzzing sound was shocking, and it scared many babies who were swaddled and burst into tears, mothers hurried

At this time, many people in Cang City were surprised.

What weather anomaly is this?

What An Yuyuan saw in his eyes was no longer the courtyard, but a gray picture.

He pinched his hands and murmured a mysterious word. He wanted to get rid of the darkness in front of him and see the traces of impermanence, but it lasted for three breaths.

All the turmoil has calmed down.

The mysterious halo in An Yuyuan's eyes disappeared, and he sighed and shook his head, "There is no result."

He expected this situation.

The calculation of "White Impermanence" by the Wang Qi technique is blank, as if he is deducing something that does not exist in this world. He has actually encountered such a situation before.

After Qi, he tried to deduce whether the gods in this world existed, and the scene he saw in the end was the same as this deduction.

For such a result, he was disappointed, but not too disappointed.

Immediately, An Yuyuan stood up and walked towards the study.

He sat at the table and wrote paragraphs with a pen. He wanted to record the Bai Wuchang ghost incident. He would record every special ghost incident.


After writing a line, An Yuyuan felt a movement in his sleeve.


A stone flew out of the wide sleeve, landed on the table and trembled left and right, as if alive.

This is the traction stone. After the Double Ninth Festival passed, it finally moved. There was a halo flickering on the surface, and the first name changed from blurred to clear.

This is a three-letter name.

The first character of the name is clear first, which is the word 'Zhu'.

"Zhu, the surname of the royal family of the Ming Dynasty." An Yuyuan whispered, his eyes flickering. He is familiar with this surname. The dynasty he lived in was the Ming Dynasty.

Yuanzhang, the founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty, who was called a tyrant by later generations.

He eyed the traction stone.

"From Yanglong City, surnamed Zhu..."

Its voice is warm and slow.

An Yuyuan put down his pen, he looked out of the study, "It seems that I need to ask Bi'an to go."

Chengshan County, Anma Village.

The sky is blue, the clouds are white, and the sun is shining in the morning.

The village is quiet, with strands of strange white mist floating, covering the entire village, hazy, like a morning mist in the mountains.

woo woo

There was a frightening strange sound echoing, like the sound of the wind, or someone crying, or something screaming.

"Ah!!" Suddenly, a shrill cry of a child broke the eerie tranquility of the village.

That is the location of the village center.

Looking away, there are flat and low houses where the source of the sound is. On the roof of one of the houses, there is a cyan beam of light that shoots up into the sky, shining brilliantly, dispelling the strange white mist.

An ordinary-looking old man in a T-shirt and loose trousers stood on the roof of the building. He was the only living person. His clothes were stained with his own blood and were damaged. He was in a green state.

In the color, the clothes are agitated, panting, and looking straight in one direction.

It was a small open space in front of the building, and the figure of a baby ghost was covering its face and screaming.

There were some ashes on his body, and those ashes made him extremely painful.

The eyes of an ordinary old man are gray, like a blind person, but looking at him, people can't feel that he is blind, but can clearly see the little ghost baby.

"The incense ash from the Town God's Temple is effective on ghost kings." The old man murmured.

step forward.

He wants to speed up the death of this S-level baby ghost, and kill the ghost king who killed the village.

And just as he was making movements, a middle-aged woman in white clothes quietly appeared behind him, with pale and bluish skin, long hair hanging down her shoulders, and a terrifying and ferocious face.

Sensing danger in an instant, the old man turned around to look.

His pupils shrank... Mother and child twin ghosts?

There are two ghost kings!

Feeling the sudden appearance of this female ghost, the old man was horrified.

When he moved, a terrifying ghostly energy burst out from the palm of his hand, and his five fingers turned into ghostly claws, stamping towards the female ghost.

With a puff, there was a piercing sound, and the old man reacted quickly, piercing the body of the mother and son twin ghosts with his hands.

"Cough puff..." The old man spit out blood from his mouth, with a large number of visceral blood clots entrained.

He looked down at his chest.

A pale blue ghost arm pierced directly through the body.

"You killed my child, you deserve to die." The female ghost king yelled sullenly, and at the same time, there was a lot of ghost energy surging from her upper body, raging on the old man's body.


The little ghost baby was struggling in pain and flew over, it opened its mouth and bit the old man's neck.

The old man was out of breath.

"Really." The old man's old voice sounded, and there was an astonishing glint in a pair of gray eyes.


The female ghost king's expression changed.

The green ghostly aura enveloped her, and the old man stamped with his other hand. In his hand was a small wooden sign, which was... Zhang Qiuyue's town house card!

Now the town house sign appeared in the old man's hand, and with the old man's manual movements, it penetrated into the female ghost king's body.

"Ah!" The female ghost king let out a miserable scream, which was the same as her child ghost king's painful scream.


The town house sign trembled, and with a bang, the female ghost king's body exploded.

The old man flew upside down.

The little ghost baby found the mother's death, it was not dead, it rushed over and bit the old man's neck.

A large amount of ghost energy poured into the old man's body. The old man wanted to break free, but he suffered heavy injuries and couldn't get rid of the little ghost baby. His ghost energy was surging against the ghost king, and he persisted for a few seconds.

, the ghost baby's mouth loosened, and his body gradually turned into green smoke, disappearing into the air with unwillingness.

The old man persevered!

An unimaginably astonishing feat, one person fought against two ghost kings alone, beheading two S-level evil spirits.

This will add another strong stroke to his glorious achievements in life, and he will describe the results of the battle that make the ghost master and the world horrified, which makes people tremble.

Facing such a victory, the old man showed no excitement on his face.

He sits there.

"I've lived a hundred years, and I'm going to die after all..." He coughed up blood from his mouth, and his bloody lips moved slightly as he muttered


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