The Recovery Of Terror: Signing In From Being A City God

Chapter 235: Ghost Talk Confused The World, Sentenced To Disappear (Subscribe)

There was a terrible roar between heaven and earth.

The monstrous light of ghosts and gods surges from the Temple of the City God, which is also an immeasurable spirit with merit.

"The ghost god official was born."


Someone murmured and looked up at the sky.

The figure of a ghostly official rose into the sky, it was a bull's head, with a hazy breath, like a walking magic mountain.


One after another, the figures of ghosts and gods soared into the sky, with a long tail light, their aura pierced through the heaven and earth, enveloping the monstrous majesty, majestic and vast.

They paced back and forth, every step made the sky tremble.


There is an old voice in Huishan Village. It is Fu Tianlin, the land god of Huishan Village.

The monkey, the land god, the river god... the city god and the subordinate incense and fire gods are all fighting. The Cangshan monkey roared, and the mountains trembled like an earthquake. The mountains he guarded trembled because of his emotions.

"The day has come."

"After two or three hundred years of dormancy, I only fight for this day."

Ghosts and gods who have never been born silently are born one after another, blooming with shocking figures in the world, rushing to the sky like meteors breaking the sky, and entering the gates of the two worlds.

Countless ghost masters in the world moved.

They walked towards the gates one by one. They were the gates of the Nine Heavens Shangcheng Pass. In the past, a top powerhouse entered the Temple of the City God to worship the ghosts and gods, and asked for permission. In order to welcome the arrival of this day.

Countless young people were excited. They walked anxiously outside the gate, wanting to enter the gate and follow suit.

"Wen judge ghosts and gods have deduced that the ghost world will not have an emperor ghost born immediately in this war. The ghost world intends to support itself by fighting. You still have some time, let's practice for a while, it's not your turn to take action yet." The powerful ghost master old man opened his mouth, smiled softly, and walked into the ghost world with firm steps.

"I didn't expect that I could live until this battle came, and I am very happy."

An old man without hair spoke.

He is the former "ghost sticks to people" dragon team, he has lived to this world, and is dying, like a dying old man.

And when he walked around, his aura was changing, from an old man to a prosperous middle-aged man, with a brilliant burst of power, sublimating himself to the extreme, no matter what this battle, he had already made up his mind not to return.


In the vast land, countless people raised their heads, their eyes were astringent.

Many young people are trembling, they also want to join the war, even if they are not ghosts.

"Boom, boom, boom...

Some huge war machines are activated. They are some research inventions of the Ghost Control Bureau. This era is a great era of supernatural beings, but the technology tree has always existed, and there are some weapons against ghosts. Now it is time to verify.

Countless people in the world looked up to the sky with tears in their eyes.

The golden city gate that was about to dissipate stares at it again under the impetus of ghosts and gods. Countless ghosts and gods stand on it, and millions of ghost masters are densely packed, turning into a sea of ​​people with fierce breaths.


There is a terrible light in the depths of the darkness, and there are countless howls, shrill and awe-inspiring


Countless fierce ghosts rushed from the depths of the darkness, like a torrent sweeping the world, engulfing the boundless darkness and bringing endless ominousness.

"Get ready!!" Hong Caijie's old voice resounded through the two worlds.


Hong Caijie exploded, stepped forward with one step, holding a strange ghost hatchet, one of them took the lead, "Let's go out and kill!"

He growled low, and moved forward fearlessly, shadowy and ghostly in the darkness.

Follow his movements.

Countless ghost masters rushed out of the city gate. This battle started like this. There was no prelude, and the time before and after was short. They were always prepared for this battle, and they were not caught off guard. Some waited for a long time. Now they can finally take action. Maybe there is a prelude to this battle , a prelude that lasted for more than two hundred years, the world has long been prepared.


There was a horrible howling sound, it was ghosts and ghosts.

The ice-cold servants roared in unison, showing their unknown side, leaping into the air, rushing out of the city gate and turning into a ghostly god Wang Yang.



Blood was scattered in patches, and the body of the ghost master was stained red. They were still moving forward, taking steps, raising their knives and cutting down all the ghosts in front of them.

The ghosts and gods rushed into the depths.

Li Gui was falling, but there were also ghosts and gods staggering, their bodies became dark, and Li Gui saw them and rushed over.

This great battle came too fast, but the scope of its spread was incomparably vast. Thousands of miles of darkness outside the city gate were battlefields, and the resistance of the world was beyond imagination. The preparation of more than two hundred years, unfolded at this moment, suppressed the roar of countless suns and moons. It broke out at this moment.

There are countless ghosts in the ghost world, many times more than humans, densely packed, and the number is frightening, but in the face of such a situation, some people have to move forward and kill all the enemies in front of them.

"Roar!!" Long Dui yelled loudly, his anger rushed to the third heaven, he made a big ghost hand seal with one palm, fearing to die, I don't know how many ghosts there are.

There was a snort.

A ghost pierced Dragon Team's chest, and he found a chance to smash Dragon Team to pieces.

Blood mist filled the sky, and the older generation of ghost masters who had survived to this day fell. Before he died, he killed thousands of ghosts, and finally spilled blood in the darkness.

Just as he exploded to the extreme and never thought of turning back, he entered the gate and left the city gate, which represented no return, never returned, and he never hesitated from the beginning to the end.

Seeing this scene, people were furious.

There was a golden glow in the darkness, and a lot of ghosts were beheaded. The ghost who killed the dragon team, a ghost who looked like an ancient general, had his body exploded.

The fairy clothes are swaying, the light is cold, and Tiantian is fighting to kill the evil ghost king in the distance. She is the one who suppresses and kills this ghost.

She was advancing, rushing into the depths.

Those who can walk alongside her are the most powerful group of ghost masters. The all old figures are Hong Caijie, Zhao Jun and the others. They already have injuries on their bodies, and there are powerful ghosts and gods beside them.

The torrent of ghosts was chewed up.

"To kill, you can only move forward, not back, kill as many as you come."

Hong Caijie's old voice came out, and he entered the group of evil ghosts holding a ghost hatchet and a ghost head sword. He didn't choose to defend, but some attacked. Countless ghosts were blocked and screamed pitifully


Ghost energy, ghost light turned into raging flames, gathered into the most terrifying power to kill ghosts.

The invasion of the ghost world was blocked, and a large number of ghosts fell down.

This should be an exciting scene, but no one can laugh. This is the price paid for by the blood of countless people, and...

This is not the beginning.

"The big ghost is about to attack." Tiantian erupted with terrifying power and killed a high-level evil ghost in the shortest way. She looked up into the depths of the darkness.

In the battle of previous years, the truly terrifying thing was the big ghost.

those ghosts.

Today, she is still difficult to win. There are only a few people in the world who can have the possibility of fighting. She is one of them, but she has never thought of doing anything to those big ghosts.

The next moment, Tian Tian looked back, towards the direction of Chengguan.

The real opponents of those big ghosts are ghosts and gods!


From the depths of the darkness a large hand stretched out.

This big hand is surrounded by dense ghost symbols, which is extremely terrifying, and the darkness and nothingness trembles when it is shot.

"Boom!" A tall, stalwart figure of ghosts and gods took a step at the city gate, and he also stretched out his hand, which erupted with a terrifying force, powerful and boundless, and faced the big ghost in the darkness.


Shocking ripples erupted, and the ghost energy and power of ghosts and gods were mighty like a huge wave of Wang Yang.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

This palm is just a blow, but there are countless collision sounds, and the power of the two collides millions of times in one blow, the horror is boundless.

"I met you more than two hundred years ago. At that time, you were so weak in my eyes. I never thought that you could match me now." The ruthless and cold voice of the big ghost came from the darkness, and such words came out.

A pair of indifferent ghost eyes looked out from the darkness.

He looked at the ghosts and gods who shot at the city gate, it was... Ah Bang!

Niutou Ah Pong.

On that day, the big ghost saw the human world through the darkness, saw all the ghosts and gods in the human world, and among them, he saw Ah Bang.

"Chenghuang An Yuyuan used his death to protect the world for hundreds of years. At that time, it seemed ridiculous to us. For you, he died. Now it seems that the ridiculousness of the year is not so ridiculous. His persistence is somewhat right, but that is also true. It’s just a little ridiculous, he failed after all, some ghosts and gods among you can fight against the emperor of our world, but it’s just a confrontation, the most powerful force he erupted in the past, few of you can do it, right? So he failed, he lay dead before my eyes, and the final result was such a result, it is really sad for him. But it is not hopeless, you can learn from him, go to death in the same line, you can give hope to the world, procrastinate a period of time."

The big ghost was laughing, and his voice was full of sarcasm and sneer.

The content of his words made countless people in the world angry, filled with anger, yelled and cursed, and the ghost masters fighting on the battlefield looked into the depths one by one, with cold eyes.

"Do you want to disturb my mind?"

The faint voice of ghosts and gods swayed, not loud but wanted to be in everyone's ears, spreading throughout the Kyushu, the world of darkness, and the two realms of darkness.

This is the mouth of the horse.

With a calm expression on his face, he drew out the short sword of ghosts and gods, "In just two hundred years, we can fight against emperors and ghosts, giants in the ghost world, you, a giant in the ghost world, want to disturb our minds, you are scared, yes Are you guilty? Afraid that there will be an existence like an adult among us again, who will speak ghosts in advance and confuse the world."

Its sound was like thunder, breaking through the hearts of the world and waking up many people.


In the past, the big ghosts only had eyes on the City God, they wanted to eat his flesh and drink his blood, they were afraid and vigilant, from the beginning to the end they never looked at other ghosts and gods seriously, and they didn't take them seriously.

The big ghost was ridiculing and mocking, but he was telling the truth invisibly.

They are facing up to the officials of ghosts and gods.

Everything Chenghuang has done is successful, and what he entrusts is this kind of future. It is not that he can support the world alone, but that everyone in the world can support the sky with their hands. That is the future he wants.

"My own imagination." The voice of the big ghost came again, sneering coldly.

"They have a guilty conscience."

Without waiting for the ghosts and gods to speak, there is a ghost master who will speak.

"Back then, if the City God wanted to, he could have taken a group of people to the depths of nothingness by himself, and let us live under his wings. If he did this, the emperors and ghosts of the ghost world would definitely not and would not dare to intervene. However, The City God chooses to protect the whole world and buy time with death. What he wants is that we can stand up on our own, instead of being sheltered under his wings forever, so that we will never grow up, facing ghosts, facing Dijun Gui will always bow his head. What he wants is not to be invincible. What he wants is for us to face up to the enemy. After all, you are afraid. What the City God did back then made it impossible for you to overwhelm us like before. .”

Hong Caijie also opened his mouth, his voice rolled and spread in the darkness.

And at this 933 moment.

Ah Bang opened his mouth, but he didn't say anything, he just uttered, "The ghost is deceiving the world, he should be beheaded, he has humiliated his lord, the crime is heinous, I will take his head and hang it at the city gate!"

They don't care about Li Gui's thoughts, but this is demeaning to adults, he wants to kill this big ghost, fierce

It exploded, and the powerful aura shook the universe for thousands of miles, even the stars outside the sky would be shaken by it, as if they were about to explode.

Ah Bang raised his hand, and inserted the two pointed steel forks towards the darkness. The steel forks became bigger, covering the sky and the sun, and crossed the city gate, heading towards the place where the big ghost was speaking in the darkness. It was extremely terrifying.


The big ghost's eyes glowed coldly, with anger emerging.

I saw a pitch-black ghost mist rushing out from the darkness, and there were thousands of ghosts howling and dancing in it.

With a bang, the two collided with each other and created monstrous ripples. That kind of fluctuation is too terrifying. If there is Tianhe where they are fighting, the river will evaporate dry, and there will be thousands of miles of mountains.


The movement is extremely terrifying.


The steel fork went forward without hesitation, pierced through the dark ghost mist, went straight to the big ghost, and pierced into his body.

This scene made countless people in the world excited, and strands of incense and belief gathered towards the city gate.

People get excited.

The big ghost was pierced through, and a roar came from it.

The two pointed steel forks buzzed and trembled, and the next moment it was shaken back, Ah Bang retracted the steel forks, staring coldly at the big ghost in the distant darkness.

"Didn't you kill it once?" He wanted to do it again while speaking, "Then I will take your head this time."


In the depths of the darkness, many terrifying figures appeared.

Those are the big ghosts of the ghost world. Those ghosts who besieged An Yuyuan in the past, they made a move.


Footsteps stepped out from the city gate.

It's ghosts and gods. Judge Wei holds a good book in one hand, and a judge's pen in the other hand. His robe is folded and he steps out with his left foot. Judge Wu Zhong Xin draws a long sword from his waist.

He wailed and was robbed on the spot. He took a step and walked out of the city gate. In an instant, the aura on his body exploded, the aura of chaotic ghosts and gods surged, and the mysterious yellow light illuminated the world and the darkness.

Liu Sizhang's official robes are hunting, the void cracks wherever he goes, white impermanence flutters out, the ribbons of mourning sticks turn into white mountain veins, and the terrifying dead end wants to celebrate everything

The place where the ghosts are... 089912110 Feilu 162011521]

Ghosts and gods are born.

"Ghosts are bewitching the world, and I'll judge you to be out of your wits." Judge Wei's pupils were so cold that they looked terribly cold.

He made a move.

Terrible murderous intent emerged, the judge's pen moved towards the dark spot, the void collapsed, and everything in the pen was destroyed, pointing directly at the big ghost who spoke, all ghosts and gods attacked him without exception.

That big talker...

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