The Recovery Of Terror: Signing In From Being A City God

Chapter Forty-Ninth A Dying Person With Feelings, A Book Of Rewards, A Dying Person With Immeasurabl

An Yuyuan thought in his heart, and wiped his hand in emptiness.

A simple, pitch-black sword embryo with no front appeared in his hand. The body of the sword was pitch-black, and there were no fancy things on it.

The moment it appeared, an unimaginably heavy aura permeated the air, like an eternal and immortal mountain of darkness descending from the sky, suppressing all unknowns in the heavens and myriad worlds, and all treacherous and disturbing ghosts and evils.


An Yuyuan nodded in satisfaction.

Then, out of the corner of his eyes, he saw the baby ghost moving at his feet, and the City God Sword Embryo appeared. It retreated subconsciously and hid behind An Yuyuan.

After a second.

Guiying leaned slightly, poking his head out from his feet, looking at the sword fetus with dark eyes, staring carefully, like a curious little baby.

It is very curious about what this thing is, but it is instinctively afraid.

"You little brat." An Yuyuan was amused by the ghost baby's movement.

He shook his head slightly.

"Xi'er, this sword fetus will not hurt you, so you don't have to be afraid."

While speaking, An Yuyuan walked towards a table with ornaments in the room, he flicked his sleeves lightly, and a gust of wind blew up.

A wooden stand for holding swords quietly appeared on the table.

An Yuyuan put the City God's Sword and Sword Embryo on it.

Then he looked at the baby ghost who was following him, "Xi'er, sit down and let me take a closer look at the condition of the source ghost on you.

He is very curious about the source ghost.

Yuanyuan ghosts are a very strange kind of ghosts. Their existence is extremely evil, and they also have the characteristics of merging with each other. This makes him wonder why there is such a division of ghosts from the same world. Yuanyuan ghosts can merge. Ghosts, then why can't normal ghosts do it with each other.

There are too many questions that need to be answered, An Yuyuan took advantage of the fact that he had nothing to do, so he just studied it.

The ghost baby heard An Yuyuan's words.

It took a step and disappeared on the spot, and when it appeared, it was already sitting on the chair with two legs.

An Yuyuan is not surprised by this.

He took out the ghost baby raising book from the bookshelf, and opened the page marked with the bookmark made of fallen leaves from the temple grounds.

Read the words in the book and read: "I remember it was said in the book that the ghost baby can fuse with the source ghost..."

While speaking, he walked towards the ghost baby.

Seven days later.

During these seven days, the City God Temple was closed for the first two days.

The workers repairing the temple are doing their work seriously, and some master craftsmen are painting ancient paintings on the outermost wall with brushes......

Everything is going on in an orderly manner.

And on the third day, the temple fair staff saw that there were a large number of people bringing things to worship the City God every day for the past two days.

This kind of inquiry naturally reached the ears of the temple fair personnel.

After the temple fair staff made a total calculation, they decided to repair the parts around the temple first. The temple can be opened before it is repaired.

After making a decision.

The Town God's Temple opened again, and immediately welcomed hundreds of people worshiping the Town God.

Afterwards, people in the streets near the Town God's Temple learned something. Most of the people who worshiped the City God said that they were saved by the City God, so they came to thank the City God. Whenever they asked what they saved, everyone kept silent. Leave those nearby scratching their heads.

Such "interesting stories" gradually spread, making the nearby people more and more feel that the Temple of the City God is mysterious, and many people who believe in gods and Buddhas often worship the City God.

Evening, seven o'clock.

In the underworld.

The City God's residence is next to a stone table in the courtyard, on which a plate of pastries and a pot of tea are placed.

An Yuyuan took a break from her busy schedule, sitting here to rest, occasionally taking a couple of breaths of incense to cultivate her golden body.

He was holding a comic book that children had left behind in Chenghuang Temple, and he read it quietly and with interest.

"Isn't this book very good-looking, and it's a waste of money to throw it away." An Yuyuan looked at the funny part in the comic book and smiled knowingly.

at this time.

An Yuyuan felt something, and looked into the room.

Lifting his hand lightly, he used a book on the table to fly up and down freely on Dangwang.

This book is a good book.

An Yuyuan cast a special spell on the book, and the pages of the book turned strangely, and finally stopped on one of the pages.

This page contains a person's name and deeds:

Zhong Chengyi.

A native of the Southern District of Cangshi City, living in Anlan Community, Chengmiao Street, aged fifty to three, a ghost driver, his life is bright and aboveboard, and his temperament is loyal.

His mother died when he was ten years old, and he was raised by his father alone.

At the age of eighteen, he saved a child from a fire. His back was burned extensively, leaving extensive scars.

Joined the Bureau of Ghost Control at the age of 20, and has dealt with hundreds of ghost incidents so far.

At the age of twenty-seven, he experienced the A-level ghost general and fierce ghost incident, and was infected by the cursed aura.

At the age of thirty, his father passed away. In the same year, he experienced a B-level ghost incident, rescued two people, fell into a desperate situation, escaped from death, and entered the C-level.

Thirty-five years old, performing a mission, his left eye was gouged out by a ghost, and five people were saved at this price.

Married at the age of forty-three, married a woman who is a ghost master, and three years later, he and his wife performed a mission and died in the hands of a ghost.

At the age of forty-nine, enter the B-level.

Fighting with fierce ghosts at the age of 50, his legs were eroded by ghosts and had to be cut off, saving three people. In the same year, they were treated by the exclusive hospital for controlling ghosts, and obtained a pair of ghost feet to control two ghosts.

Rescue 30 people from water ghosts, save 523 people from an earthquake, and save a village in a mountainous area from being persecuted by ghosts...

An Yuyuan looked at the records on this page that were constantly changing.

Large and small records of the people rescued by Zhong Chengyi's ghost incidents, the number of people he saved in his life reached as many as 800 people! There are no rumors about his deeds, and the ghost masters are a group of "criminal police" who are running around in the dark , Zhong Chengyi is unknown, and he has no regrets about doing these things. Sometimes he will go on missions during the holidays, and when he comes back, he will have another injury on his body.

Travel around Cang City all year round, or be dispatched to other places to perform duties.

In an instant.

An Yuyuan pinched her fingers for fortune-telling, and sighed deeply, "It's my fate."

"Abang." His mouth moved slightly, and a special voice came out of his mouth, heading towards the residence where Niutou was.

The bull's head appeared in front of An Yuyuan when it was not long.

It saluted respectfully, "Master City God."

"Abang, you bring two yin servants to bring Zhong Chengyi back. He has many merits and virtues. After death, he can be a yin servant to accumulate virtue and blessings for future generations and take care of his descendants. This is his good fortune.

"Yes, Abang took the order."

Niutoung bowed, turned around and left with heavy steps.

In the courtyard, An Yuyuan's eyes fell on the good book again, and there was a long silence.

West District of Cang City, exclusive hospital for ghost masters.

Ward 103.

Wen Hongwen, Pang Xiang and three elite young ghost masters walked in.

When they walked into the room, they saw a hospital bed on which lay a middle-aged man with white hair and a vicissitudes of face, which was caused by overwork.

The middle-aged man had a kind face, watching the arrival of Wen Hongwen and the other three, with a smile on his face, "You are here."

His words were weak.

In a pair of eyes, the left eye looks colorless, it is a fake eye, and the right eye looks a bit dim, without much energy.

"Squad Bell." The five of Pang Xiang spoke in unison.

"Sit down."

Next to Zhong Chengyi was a grandmother in her nineties. She watched Pang Xiang and the others come, and wanted to go to the chairs stacked next to her.

She is Zhong Chengyi's grandmother. Although she is old, she is still in good health.

In the room besides her and Zhong Chengyi, there is also a young man who looks like a high school student. He is Zhong Pingkang, Zhong Chengyi's son, which means peace and health.

"Grandma, I'll come." Zhong Pingkang walked over.

"Don't bother, don't bother."

Wen Hongwen and the others shook their heads, "We can just stand, it's fine."

Hearing this, Zhong Chengyi on the hospital bed shook his head slightly.

He looked at his son Zhong Pingkang, "Go get some chairs for the big brothers to sit on."


Pang Xiang hurried over to help disassemble the superimposed plastic chairs, and without being too pretentious, handed the chairs to Wen Hongwen and the others.

"Dharma-rectification hasn't come yet?"

Zhong Chengyi stood up and sat on the pillow with the help of Wen Hongwen.

"Teacher went to other places to do a mission. There are some problems in Lanshan City, and we need manpower." Wen Hongwen said, and he continued to add after saying this, "Mr. Zhong, he wants to see you, but because of the mission Urgent, he couldn't come, he..."

"It's okay." Zhong Chengyi listened to Wen Hongwen's explanation and shook his head lightly.

There was a smile on his pale and bloodless face, "If the Fa-rectification didn't go because of seeing me, I'll just scold him to death.

Hearing this, Pang Xiang and the others didn't know how to speak.

Team Zhong dared to say such a thing.

Their teacher (Team Lin) is a top ghost master. He used to be the strongest at B level, but now he is at A level. However, Zhong Chengyi also dared to scold Lin Zhengfa like this. This is the reason for their good relationship.


Zhong Chengyi's breathing became heavier, and sweat broke out on his forehead.

"Squad Bell." Wen Hongwen and the others changed their expressions drastically, and got up to call a doctor.

Zhong Chengyi waved his hand, "No, I'm fine."


Pang Xiang watched as the corners of Zhong Chengyi's mouth began to turn purple, his face was full of worry.

This time they came here to visit Zhong Chengyi, it was because the ghost master hospital informed Zhong Chengyi that he was going to die, he had no way to recover, and his injuries had accumulated over the years, and now he was seriously injured by the ghost after returning from a mission, all the injuries accumulated before suddenly exploded, The ghost bureau made a judgment, and Zhong Chengyi couldn't last for a few days.

"I know my situation." Zhong Chengyi said softly.

He looked at grandma and son, then at Pang Xiang and the other five, "I want to ask you one thing.

heard the words.

Pang Xiang and the other five sat up straight, agreed and acted as if they were listening.

Zhong Chengyi spoke softly.

In fact, Pang Xiang and others know what he entrusted. Everyone who comes to watch the bell team will hear the bell team's entrustment.

"If I die, I hope you can help me take care of Xiaokang and my grandma." Just such a (baaf) sentence "He repeated it for countless times.

"You won't die, Captain Zhong. You survived before, and you can do the same now."

The others spoke, and spoke in a low and serious voice.

Pang Xiang and others nodded in agreement.


Zhong Pingkang couldn't hold back the tears in his eyes. Although he had heard such words several times, he wanted to cry every time he heard them.

"Speak less, Cheng Yi, it's unlucky to keep saying these things." Grandma Cheng Yi frowned and scolded, but her cloudy old eyes were full of tears. She only found out about her grandson Zhong Chengyi's serious illness in the past few days , Zhong Chengyi had been hiding it from her before, if her great-grandson Pingkang hadn't told her, she wouldn't have known about it.

"Grandma, you always say I can't talk about death, but..."

Zhong Chengyi's weak voice came from his mouth, "Some things should come or will come.

He looked at Pang Xiang and the other five.

"The sentence I just said, you help me pass on the Fa-rectification."

"Don't think about it, Captain Zhong, you'll be fine, we still want to do missions with you in the future.

Hearing the comfort from Pang Xiang and the others, Zhong Chengyi shook his head. He felt the pain coming from his body. The pain was worse than before, and he couldn't help sweating more. He didn't say it out

Looking at Pang Xiang and others

"I can live, and I want to live."

When he said this, Zhong Chengyi's voice trembled.

"My mother died when I was ten years old, and so was Pingkang. My mother died when I was very young, but I am fine. My father left when I was thirty, but Pingkang is only seventeen years old now. Graduated from high school, haven't gone to college yet, still need to work after college, marry a wife and have children, I can't see these things, so I can only shamelessly beg everyone who comes to see me to help me take care of them, more or less a bit."

Hearing these words, Zhong Pingkang burst into tears.

"Why are you crying?"

Zhong Chengyi frowned, and taught his son, "From now on, you have to take care of grandma, don't cry, it's immature.

Zhong Pingkang didn't refute. He would say it before, but now he dare not say it.

Wen Hongwen and the others' eyes turned red.

They want to find words to comfort them, but they don't know how to comfort them. At Zhong Chengyi's level, they are very clear about their physical condition, and it is difficult to hide it.

Zhong Chengyi's words didn't stop.

It's just that the more he spoke, the lower his voice, the corners of his mouth were purple and his hands were trembling slightly.

Suddenly, he grabbed the hand of his son beside him, and looked at Pang Xiang and the other five. He stopped talking about what he should do after educating his son, and then changed the subject, with a look of longing on his face, and his voice became louder, "... .Help me take care of Xiaokang and them.

As soon as the words fell, Zhong Chengyi spat out a mouthful of blood.

He was like a deflated ball, suddenly out of breath, his whole body wilted extremely quickly, and his breath dropped sharply.

This change caused Pang Xiang and the others to change their expressions.

"Call the doctor over and press the emergency button."

"Zhong team, we promise you, you persevere and call the doctor.

Pang Xiang and the others moved one after another, either pressing the emergency call button on the wall, or directly showing amazing speed, disappearing into the room to find a doctor.

There are also some people who know some emergency inspections, and their faces have changed three times after this inspection.

"The bell team..."

Zhong Chengyi's body was already cold, he had been holding on to his last few breaths, but just now he couldn't hold on any longer.

Zhong Chengyi squeezed out a smile, his eyes were flushed with tears.

He looked at the ceiling, his eyes became dark gray visible to the naked eye, his mouth slightly opened and murmured.

"I'm leaving. The thing I don't regret the most in my life is being able to work with Fa-rectification and help people with you, and what I regret the most is not being able to live longer..."

His words were not finished.

It came to an abrupt end.

"Dad!" Zhong Pingkang cried.

At this moment, the doctor and several nurses rushed over, laid Zhong Chengyi flat, gave him an emergency injection, and performed the most urgent treatment for the ghost master's life.

Zhong Pingkang wanted to see his father, but was stopped by Pang Xiang and the others, "Give the doctor space, it's okay, it's okay.

Zhong Pingkang saw his father on the hospital bed looking at him.

His father was looking at him, and tears flowed down from his intact right eye, the eyes were filled with guilt, which lasted for less than a second, then dimmed, and then closed completely.

The doctors at the bedside are still doing rescue work.

After a while.

They announced the time of death, 19:31 pm.

Zhong Pingkang rushed over, crying loudly.

Obviously he was still telling him not to shed tears at the last moment, men can't cry, "...I said not to cry, why did you cry in the end..."

Grandma has been crying into tears.

It is the most painful thing for a white-haired person to send a black-haired person.

She was about to faint, "Ah Shu is gone, now Cheng Yi is also gone..."

She muttered in her mouth, since her son died, she has been working hard to live and exercise her body, she is afraid that she will die, good grandson Chengyi has no elders, married and had children by herself, and she can't even find an elder, she is about to collapse, she She has been working very hard to live, Cheng Yi often travels outside, she is the one who takes care of Pingkang, she lives only to watch her great-grandson grow up, but she never thought that such a situation would happen.

Watching my son go away once "watching my grandson die in front of me ten times.

"Is it because I'm killing my children and my grandchildren?" Grandma was about to break down, and she couldn't help but feel that it was her own fault, and it was her destiny to kill others.

The five of Pang Xiang couldn't hold it back, and the circles of his eyes were red.

"Doctor, ask someone to pick up Team Zhong later." Wen Hongwen whispered to the doctor.

When he said pick up, he meant sending them to special treatment to prevent ghost masters from turning into corpses. This has happened before. For safety, ghost masters usually have to be cremated quickly after death. It sounds very miserable. It is humane, every ghost master was informed of this information when he joined the Ghost Master Bureau, signed the agreement, and was mentally prepared for it.

The doctor nodded.

He looked at the badges of ghost masters on Wen Hongwen and the others, the grades displayed on them, and walked out of the ward without any objection.

They were used to this kind of thing, and they all sighed. The ghost masters are a group of silently dedicated people, but they are destined to be miserable, and they feel uncomfortable every time they think about it.

One of the new nurses backed out silently.

Then the corridor in the distance cried.

She thought about the situation of the ghost masters, sometimes she felt that ghosts should be told, so that so many ghost masters could not die in obscurity, but when she thought about the chaos and social changes that would be caused by the publicity, She knew she couldn't speak, and the nurse cried even more when she thought of this.

"Tell the members of the team about the death of the Zhong team, the teacher, and the bureau."

Pang Xiang said in a low voice.

Wen Hongwen nodded, he turned around and planned to walk out of the room.

Only after taking two steps, he realized something was wrong!

The place near the window of the room has wisps of strange mist, which flowed into the room like running water and flowed out from the wall and the window.

And such a situation, Pang Xiang and several young elite ghost masters did not notice it, Wen Hongwen felt that only he could see this situation.

"what is this.…………"

He didn't speak, and looked outside.

In the distant sky, there are three figures moving sideways from far to near, like free black shadows.

One of the figures was extremely terrifying, tall and terrifying, with a bull-headed body... It approached this side, and the two figures behind it, wearing black robes, walked into the ward through the wall.

In a moment, Pang Xiang and others felt a cool wind blowing outside the window.

They didn't feel that 'people' had entered the room.

It wasn't until Wen Hongwen made a sound that they realized something was wrong...

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