The Recovery Of Terror: Signing In From Being A City God

Chapter 55 Cute Little Girl Playing With Ghost Baby, Single Mother's Persistence (Subscribe)

An Yuyuan held a wooden sign in his hand, with a strange expression on his face.

The wooden sign looks like a jade slip, about the same size as the Yinchai waist card. One side is smooth, and the other side has a textured matte surface. It doesn't prick your hands and feels comfortable to the touch.

With a thought.

Words appeared on the smooth side, and a paragraph was displayed on it, which was a paragraph in An Yuyuan's mind.

An Yuyuan looked around, thinking about it.

Underneath the words on it are the surrounding scenes that An Yuyuan saw and thought.

The next moment, An Yuyuan took out another wooden sign, which displayed text and pictures, exactly what was shown on the previous wooden sign.

An Yuyuan played with two contact wooden cards.

He thinks that the contact wooden sign is easy to understand, and it is a mobile phone without any software, only buttons.

Its way of sending information is very simple, as long as you hold the wooden sign and think about what you want to send (text/picture), the wooden sign will be actively displayed and passed on to the person you want to pass on.

"With it, you can know where there is a problem in the construction site in time."

This is a rather fun and surprising bonus.

Immediately, the corner of An Yuyuan's mouth raised a smile, and he disappeared into the temple.

Infernal Division.

An Yuyuan's residence.

Guiying watched An Yuyuan come back, and walked over with the ball.

"You want to play football with me?" An Yuyuan laughed.

Guiying nodded.

An Yuyuan rubbed Guiying's little head lightly, "I still have things to do, you can play first, and I'll play with you when I'm done."

He is going to set up a magic circle for refining the contact wooden sign, so there is no time now.

Hearing An Yuyuan's words, Wei Yinglian shook his head.

Then it nodded and walked to the side with the ball.

"If you want to go out to play, you can, but you can't scare people like just now." Looking at the obedient ghost baby, An Yuyuan thought for a while and laughed.

Having said that, in fact, he is not worried that the ghost baby will scare people.

If the ghost baby is so stupid, it is not a ghost baby.

After a word of advice.

An Yuyuan walked into the empty room next to her.

Guiying stood there for a few seconds, then disappeared in a flash holding the ball.

For the ball, the ghost baby seems to be particularly fond of it, it took the ball out of the underworld, and appeared in the no man's land behind the temple.

This is where it was just discovered.

It likes to play football here.

bang, bang——

The ball was lightly thrown to the wall by the ghost baby, bounced to the ground, and landed in its hand again.

With such a boring action, Guiying played for more than an hour.

If someone heard this continuous sound in the vicinity, it must be creepy to see it, it's too scary.

I don't know how many times I lost the ball.

this time.

After Guiying threw the ball, his head suddenly looked to the side, and footsteps came from there.

Puff ~ puff ~ puff...

The ball was not caught by the ghost baby, and it rolled to the side.

Guiying wanted to pick it up but stopped halfway.

It seemed to have thought of An Yuyuan's words. Hearing the sound of approaching footsteps, it didn't go out to pick them up. Some of them disappeared in place, and ran to the side to hide.

The ball kept rolling.

It rolled to the feet of a super cute little girl about five or six years old. The footsteps sounded like that of the little girl.

If you observe this little girl more, you will find that the expression of this little girl is a little dull, like the kind of expression that people with low IQ often have.

Little girl looks at the ball.

She watched it for a second or two, then squatted down to pick up the ball and started playing with it, with crisp milk laughter from time to time.

Played for a while.

The little girl picked up the ball, she looked to the corner and saw a white corner disappear.

She walked over with the ball in her arms, but didn't see any figure.

After playing for a while, she found a white figure nearby again, but it disappeared after walking over.

The little girl wondered.

The next moment, she suddenly raised her head and looked up, a pair of black eyes met her.

At this time, the small corner of the Town God's Temple was quiet.

The little girl held the ball and looked at each other without fear. After looking at each other for a few seconds, she leaned towards the baby ghost, as if she wanted to play with the ball, or to return the ball to it

Guiying tilted her head.

Seems to have doubts, do not understand how this is going on, this it.

Looking at the ball in the little girl's hand for two seconds, the ghost baby disappeared on the spot.

When he appeared, he was already in front of the little girl.

And the little girl watched it appear, with a pure smile on her face, very innocent, she took the ball and approached the ghost baby.


A strange scene appeared.

A five or six-year-old girl was playing ball with a ghost baby.

After playing for twenty minutes, An Yuyuan's figure appeared in the small corner of the Town God's Temple, quietly watching the two little guys.

As soon as he finished setting up the formation, he found that the ghost baby was not in the underworld.

Immediately, he came here to look for ghost babies, and found these two little guys playing with a ball.

The ghost baby found An Yuyuan belatedly.

It immediately stopped playing with the ball and ran towards An Yuyuan.

An Yuyuan rubbed Guiying's little head.

"Xi'er, it seems that you have made a friend?" A gentle laugh sounded.

After speaking, An Yuyuan looked at the cute little girl.

He has been here for a while, and when he saw the ghost baby playing with a child, he was a little surprised, but soon he discovered something was wrong.

"Intellectual deficiency?" An Yuyuan murmured.

The little girl looked over.

She noticed An Yuyuan, it wasn't that she had any special ability, but that An Yuyuan didn't hide herself.

An Yuyuan walked up to the little girl, he knelt down and looked at the little girl, "cute, what's your name."

The little girl didn't speak.

She doesn't seem to know her own name, doesn't speak her own name.

The little girl looked at An Yuyuan curiously. She seemed to be curious about An Yuyuan appearing out of thin air, but she couldn't figure out what was going on.

"Sweet, sweet..."

An anxious familiar voice came from behind.

A young mother in her thirties ran over.

She rushed over and hugged the little girl, tears streaming down her eyes, "Why did you come here? Mom has been looking for you and can't find you. Do you know how anxious Mom is.

The tone of the words was reproachful, but the expression on her face really expressed her emotions, worries, fears, and relief at finding the little girl.

Zhang Li is a young single mother.

She was deceived by a heartless person, and after giving birth to her daughters, her husband abandoned them.

Originally, the husband would give them some living expenses, saying that he would raise his daughter to die, but after the daughter went to the hospital to check for mental retardation when she was three years old, the nightmare came, and the husband disappeared immediately, and the last link between them was gone.

Zhang Li was very miserable during that period. She was not highly educated, she just graduated from high school, and she couldn't bear the burden of raising her daughter alone, especially because she had a mother who was in poor health. This made her very desperate, and once wanted to Suicide is just a thought she just thinks about, she can't die, her mother will have no one to support her after she dies.

She is a child who grew up in a single-parent family. It was her mother who worked so hard to raise her to be what she is now. She blames herself very much in her heart. Originally, when she married and had children, she should give her mother a good life, but in the end, the dowry was cheated by the other party, and she got nothing. up.

Zhang Li once thought about finding someone for a second marriage, but she had given birth to a child. Nowadays, who would want a woman who would marry a second time and have a baby, especially if the child was born with birth defects.

The repeated blows caused Zhang Li, an ordinary woman, to collapse, but every time Zhang Li saw her daughter's innocent smile, she was very happy and persevered despite suffering and tiredness.

Today is Tian Tian's birthday, Zhang Li took a day off to take her daughter out to play.

When she was buying cakes nearby, her daughter disappeared. After searching for a long time, she finally found her daughter Tiantian.

This moment.

In this small corner of the Town God's Temple where people rarely come, there are cries.

It was a single mother who found her daughter crying with joy.

"Tiantian, don't run around in the future, you know!" Zhang Li softly instructed, "You must stay with mom, you know?"

Regardless of whether her daughter understood or not, Zhang Li still repeated these words tirelessly, three or four times.

Then Zhang Li got up and held Tian Tian's hand.

"Sweet, let's go home, I bought you a birthday cake to celebrate your birthday."

Between words.

Zhang Li walked outside with Tian Tian.

Little did she know that there was a pair of eyes watching her where she was standing just now.

"A poor strong woman." A gentle voice swayed in this small corner.

An Yuyuan stared at the retreating figure.

....women don't give way to men, they are no worse than men.

"Not a perfect woman, but definitely a perfect mother."

he murmured.

In An Yuyuan's hand, there was a radiance of merit and virtue, and light spots danced on his fingertips.

In an instant, the spot of light flew to the distance with a twilight, falling towards the cute little girl and sinking into her body.

Do it all.

A smile appeared on An Yuyuan's face.

"Xi'er, are you happy that you have made a friend?" He looked at Guiying with a smile on his face and said such a sentence.

Guiying looked up at An Yuyuan, as if he didn't understand the meaning of this sentence, but he knew the meaning of this sentence.

that side.

The light entered the little girl's mind and slowly spread away. The little girl shook her body. She looked back to the small corner and saw the person standing there, looking at her with a gentle smile.

Tiantian blinked her eyes, and the people there were gone.

She tilted her little head.

After looking at it for a while, she withdrew her gaze and followed her mother back home.

"Tiantian, you sit on the sofa and watch TV. I'll cook and make you a sumptuous birthday meal." Zhang Li laughed.

Then she walked into the kitchen with some vegetables she bought.

At home, an old man with gray hair came out of the room, "You guys are back.

"Mom, I'll go cook and celebrate Tiantian's birthday later."


Zhang Li's mother nodded with a smile. She looked at her daughter's busy voice with guilt in her eyes.

0 for flowers...

There was a sigh in her heart.

Because of the type of work she worked in the early years, she suffered from some diseases. If she can't do too much now, it will make her hard-working daughter even harder. She has to take care of her and Tiantian.

Next, Zhang Li's mother looked over there and her little head moved slightly, sweetly drowsy.

"Is Tiantian going to bed?" Zhang Li's mother sat next to Tiantian, "Tiantian is tired from playing, lie down for a while, and I will wake you up later.

After Tiantian came home, she felt her eyelids were heavy.

She was tired.

This time, she slept soundly, the corners of her mouth raised slightly, and she saw a lot of past memories in her sleep.

Zhang Li's face appeared, and she was earnestly teaching her how to read, no matter how many times she was teaching, and teaching her to eat...too many pictures.

Tiantian's eyes changed from dull to bright in her sleep, not like that of a mentally retarded person


She recorded many pictures of her mother loving her, as well as words.


Just then, she heard a familiar voice calling her softly.

Tiantian opened her eyes and looked at her mother wearing an apron, with a few strands of hair running out of her tied-up hair, looking a little messy, and there was sweat from cooking on her forehead.

"It's sweet now, mom made you a lot of delicious food." Zhang Li smiled.

The dishes on the table don't look very rich in many families. Four dishes and one soup, two dishes, two meat dishes, a bowl of tomato and egg soup, and a bowl of longevity noodles, such dishes are very important to Zhang Li.

For their family, it is the best dish.


Tiantian looked at Zhang Li with tears in her eyes, and her articulate speech was not very clear, but she could make out the general meaning.


In her dream, she saw many pictures of her mother's hard work, and she wanted to cry. There were several times in which she was disobedient, which made her mother cry anxiously. She was a bad child.

Zhang Li was dumbfounded.

She suspected that she was hallucinating, "Tiantian, you..."

At this moment, the tears fell down without disappointment, what did she hear?

Daughter is calling her mother!

Zhang Li is trembling, how many days and nights she has taught her daughter these two words, but her daughter can't say it, and her daughter is five years old now, and she hasn't said a word, which makes Zhang Li feel distressed, this is wisdom

The reason for the low IQ, but Zhang Li did not give up, the IQ is low, but she believes that her daughter will definitely say it after teaching too much.

And now she heard her daughter calling her mother.

"Mom, Tiantian made you sad." Tiantian hugged her mother's neck and cried out with a wow.

Zhang Li's excited expression froze for a moment, thinking that she had an auditory hallucination, Tiantian was... apologizing to me? Does she know how to apologize?

She couldn't believe it, "Tiantian, what did you say?"

"Mom, Tiantian is not stupid, Tiantian is fine, Tiantian won't make mother sad again." Tiantian tried hard to speak every word, her articulation was a little unclear, but Zhang Li heard clearly

At the sound, Zhang Li was completely stunned. She couldn't believe everything in front of her. Looking at Tiantian Lihua's rainy and serious face, she actually had an illusion at this moment that Tiantian seemed to be intelligent.

Not low, is a normal person.

Do not!

Not an illusion.

Feeling the sweet embrace and sweet crying, she knew it was not an was real!!

At this moment, Zhang Li was ecstatic, even though she couldn't figure out why Tiantian suddenly acted like a normal child and recovered from her 'sickness' after sleeping, it was unbelievable."

It's all unimportant.

"Tiantian is not stupid, Tiantian has always been the best in my mother's eyes, now and in the future." Zhang Li hugged Tiantian, she didn't want to think so much, she only knew one thing now

My daughter is getting better, and that's enough.

At this moment, Zhang Li's tears kept streaming down, and she couldn't stop it.

She hugged Tiantian and cried, crying louder and louder.

She has been under too much pressure all the time. She is worried about Tiantian's future, and she is also worried that she will not be able to hold on that day, and she will also fall down. What should I do at home?

With a smile, I am afraid that my mother will worry when she sees it. She faces everything with strength every day. She really wants to cry and cry loudly, but she dare not. If she is afraid of crying, she will be weak. The family still needs


Now she couldn't hold on anymore, and cried loudly.

If it was said that she cried for sweetness in the Chenghuang Temple before, then now she is crying for herself and the whole family.

Holding the dishes on the side, Zhang Li's mother, who witnessed all this, also had tears in her eyes.

"Everything is going to be okay, everything is going to be okay."

She whispered these words.

There were three cries in this small room, which were obviously cries, but filled with an indescribable joy.

In the Temple of the City God.

An Yuyuan listens to the prayers of the pilgrims.

At this moment, he paused, raised his eyes and looked into the distance, with a gentle smile on his face.

"Looks like he's woken up from a nap."

A gentle smile appeared on his face, and he looked at the distant sky, where the clouds were floating and the sky was clear and blue.

His mouth moved slightly, and a faint laugh came out.

Destiny is painful, but one day the pain will come to an end, and that moment will be a brighter future. "


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