The Recovery Of Terror: Signing In From Being A City God

Chapter 60 Joking About Retribution, Yeyue Takes Life, City God Punishes Evil (Subscription Required


Zhang Li's mother had a smile on her face when she heard the sweet shout.

There was sadness deep in the old eyes, how could she be happy when she thought that Tiantian was going to be taken away by Yan Liangpeng.

She has been bringing Tiantian to Chenghuang Temple for the past few days, and she doesn't want Zhang Li to be too burdened, so give her a little more time to find a solution, and one more thing is to play with Tiantian more~, let her open

"Grandma, let's go home. Tian Tian held Grandma's hand and smiled.


Zhang Li's mother smiled and nodded.

She led Tiantian and walked towards the house, her eyes inadvertently looked at Tiantian-the direction from which she just ran.

#BE …

Daughter Zhang Liyou told her about Tiantian's "friends" guess... It is true that it is true to be friends with ghosts and gods.

Zhang Li's mother chose to believe in her heart, because the Lord Chenghuang saved Tiantian's illness, so she believed that it was not unacceptable for Chenghuang Lord's subordinate ghosts and jailers, Yincha and Tiantian to be friends.

She thought about asking ghosts and gods to help Tiantian these days, but she quickly gave up.

Let's not talk about whether she doesn't know the relationship between ghosts and gods and Tiantian, and whether she will help.

Just because Tiantian followed them and couldn't live a good life, she became entangled in her heart.

Tiantian was taken away by Yan Liangpeng because they were incompetent and had no ability to raise Tiantian better. In her instinct, she felt that she owed Tiantian too much. She knew that Yan Liangpeng had made a lot of money. If Tiantian left with Yan Liangpeng, maybe I will live a good life, so that I don't have to search and search for a good dress and can't afford it.

The only thing that worries her is whether Yan Liangpeng will treat Tiantian well. With Yan Liangpeng's personality, she worries that Tiantian will not get the father's love she deserves.

... Yan Liangpeng has always wanted to have a child, so he shouldn't treat Tiantian badly. "

Zhang Li's mother was silent, thinking a lot in her heart.

"Grandma, what are you thinking about?" Seeing that grandma suddenly stopped talking, Tiantian looked curiously.

"Yeah, grandma is thinking about what to cook for Tiantian when she goes back."

Zhang Li's mother laughed.

Then she thought of the puppy doll Tiantian brought out from home, "Tiantian, did you give the doll to your friend?"

"Give it."

Sweet desserts, small faces filled with smiles.

"He wants it? Okay..." Zhang Li's mother was startled for a moment, and then there was a smile on her face.

This is a good thing. If it is really a ghost, and the ghost accepts Tiantian’s gift, then it means that the ghost is very good and likes Tiantian, so it means that Tiantian will be protected by the four disasters.

Not long.

Zhang Li's mother approached the house with Tiantian.

"Yan Liangpeng, I won't take any of your extra money..." Zhang Li's voice faintly came from inside the door.

After Zhang Li's mother heard it, she opened the door faster.

The door opens.

There are two people sitting in the house, a man and a woman, the woman is Zhang Li, but the man is not Yan Liangpeng, but a young man with a slightly fat body.

"Hongwen, you're bringing fruit again, what a shame." Zhang Li's mother glanced at the fruit on the table, and then at the young man, with a wry smile on her face.

This man is obviously Wen Hongwen.

Wen Hongwen has helped their family a lot in the past few days, and every time he comes, he will bring some fruit to the door.

"Aunt, it's just some fruit, there's nothing to be ashamed about.

Wen Hongwen laughed.

Immediately, he looked at Tiantian with a smile on his face, and picked up a few strawberries in the fruit bag, "Tiantian, I bought strawberries, do you want to eat them?"

Sweetly speak out.

She ran over quickly and politely said thank you to Wen Hongwen.

She is very familiar with this Uncle, and has often come to their house these days. He helped her mother block that bad Uncle several times.

"So cute."

Wen Hongwen looked at the cute Tiantian and laughed.

Then he looked at Zhang Li and comforted him in a low voice, "Sister Zhang Li, don't worry, I'll help you ask more about this matter, and there will be a solution. He hasn't paid child support for two years. This matter is an iron fact. Trust that the judge will make the right judgment.

After learning about Yan Liangpeng from Zhang Li in the mall that day, he was very angry!

He collected materials that day, took away the monitoring as a 'criminal policeman', and questioned the clerk as a witness.

Wen Hongwen knew very well what Yan Liangpeng was. He was a man who did all kinds of crimes. The Ghost Control Bureau tried to arrest him many times, but Kun Wu couldn't find any accurate evidence. He knew that Yan Liangpeng was going to deal with Zhang Li, so he couldn't sit idly by and let such a single mother and daughter be persecuted by Yan Liangpeng.

So Wen Hongwen and Zhang Li exchanged contact information, and the facts were just as he thought.

Yan Liangpeng has used all kinds of tricks, and every time Wen Hongwen discovered it in advance, and Yan Liangpeng was not given a way to implement it, and some gray methods could not be realized.

Wen Hongwen sometimes felt a little bit scared when he recalled it.

If it wasn't for him, what would happen to Zhang Li and the others, and the consequences would be disastrous.

After getting to know Zhang Li in the next few days, Wen Hongwen became more determined in helping Zhang Li and her family.

"Thank you." Zhang Li said gratefully.

She didn't expect that this young man who happened to meet in the shopping mall would help their family so much. The two of them had never known each other before, but Hongwen still offered to help. Without Hongwen, she might not be able to persist this week, Yan Liangpeng So I found an opportunity to embarrass her, so that she had no choice but to watch Tiantian being taken away with her own eyes.

"There is nothing to be grateful for. I just do what I can."

Wen Hongwen laughed.

Immediately, he picked up the phone to ask the lawyer how to deal with this matter.

Yan Liangpeng plans to get Tiantian through legal means, and he plans to consult more lawyers to see how to deal with this matter.

Zhang Li's mother washed some fruits and brought them over, "Good people are rewarded, Hongwen, thank you for helping us."

"No." Wen Hongwen felt a little embarrassed when he heard them keep saying thank you.

He feels that helping those in need is something that should be done.

When he was a child, the head of the orphanage often taught him to help people in need, so that others will help you when they are in trouble. Start with yourself, don't think about others' badness, and forget what you should do, just do what you can Things to help everyone. He always remembered these words, and they also took them as his own principles of life.

"Yan Liangpeng has done a lot of bad things, Aunt said that good people get good things, which reminds me of another sentence of this sentence, bad people get bad things.

He changed the subject.

Then he showed a smile on his face, jokingly said, "Maybe in a few days, Yan Liangpeng will get retribution for the bad things he did, and we don't need to do anything.

heard the words.

Zhang Li and the two laughed lightly.

They knew that what Wen Hongwen said was impossible and exaggerated, but they felt comfortable and funny when they heard it.

"Yes, people are doing what the sky is watching, and the City God will punish those wicked and bad people." Zhang Li's mother couldn't help laughing and echoing when she thought of the Town God's Temple that she often visited recently.

"City God?"

Wen Hongwen was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect Zhang Li's mother to propose City God.

Afterwards, with a smile in his eyes, he couldn't help sitting up straight, "Aunt, you are right, the City God is absolutely ridiculous, speaking of me... I also believe in the City God."

"You also believe in the City God, oh, Hongwen, I found out that you told me that you don't have a girlfriend. It's a lie. You are such a good young man. Who are the blind girls who didn't fall in love with you? No, maybe it's not good enough for you..."

Zhang Li's mother was pleasantly surprised, she did not expect that Wen Hongwen had a side of believing in gods and Buddhas, and like them, he also had a love for the Lord of the City God.

That night.

Donghua Community, Villa No. 7.

Yan Liangpeng looked at some materials and recording pens that had been investigated by people on the table, with excitement and ecstasy on his face.

"Chenghuang...Tiantian suddenly has an inexplicable IQ deficiency. This matter may have something to do with the Chenghuang Temple!"

He has asked private detectives to investigate Zhang Li and the others this week.

Especially the question of how Tiantian's congenital IQ defect can be improved, this is a point that Yan Liangpeng is more curious about.

Just today, the person he invited asked the neighbors in the neighborhood by dressing up as a pedestrian, followed Zhang Li's mother, and inadvertently recorded a sentence, Zhang Li's mother once said to the neighbor next door, "Our Tiantian was saved by the City God" '.

People who are new to Buddhism often say this sentence, often self-association will lead to what they often say.

Or it's just a casual sentence, it's no big deal, and others will laugh it off when they hear it.


This sentence was captured by Yan Liangpeng very sensitively, and he didn't think so!

He is very aware of the unknown side of this world, ghosts, ghost masters, and there is still time for the first, and maybe...the only fairy god Chenghuang.

"It's impossible to cure congenital intellectual defects, it's the city god, it must be..."

The more Yan Liangpeng thought about it, the more excited he became.

Suddenly, he thought of something, and quickly scrambled through a large pile of photos taken by the private detective on the table. After a while, he held seven or eight photos drawn from the photo pair, all of which were taken without exception. Grandma Tiantian took her inside the Town God's Temple, and Tiantian often ran to a specific corner of the Town God's Temple.

"Every time I go to Chenghuang Temple, every time I go, I let Tiantian play alone, she is at the courtyard."

Yan Liangpeng's breathing became heavy, and his eyes shone brightly.

At this moment, he firmly believes that...Tiantian's illness was cured by Chenghuang!

Tiantian was favored by the city god’

As soon as this thought crossed his mind, Yan Liangpeng wanted to laugh out loud, and the idea of ​​wanting to get sweetness crazily grew in his mind.

"No matter what method I use, I want to get Tiantian!" Yan Liangming said in a low voice.

Originally, he was in a very irritable mood, but Wen Hongwen from the Ghost Control Bureau didn't know which muscle was wrong, did he fall in love with that woman Zhang Li? Wen Hongwen had no choice but to give up. He could only look at Wen Hongwen from a distance before leaving, which made him very aggrieved.

Yan Liangpeng was caught by Wen Hongwen, and once wanted to get rid of Wen Hongwen. It's not that he didn't kill the ghost masters who were working in the Ghost Control Bureau, on the contrary, he killed two of them.

But now Yan Liangpeng is in a very happy mood and has forgotten all his unhappiness.

With a sneer on his face, "Wen Hongwen, you help that woman Zhang Li, but you can't be there all the time, I will find a chance sooner or later."

Thinking of this, he made up another idea.

After Tian Tian finished, Wen Hongwen will be the next one to deal with!

"What makes you so happy."

The female companion who accompanied Yan Liangpeng in the mall came down from the second floor wearing a bathrobe.

Yan Liangpeng put away the information on the table, "Nothing, just encountered some happy things."

The female companion glanced at the collected photos, "It's the child and the woman, that woman can't really be your ex-girlfriend, is that your daughter?"

"you guess."

"Guess what, I'm too lazy to guess, but you collect so many photos, why? Rekindled old love?...Oh, I hate it, so anxious."

"I'll keep your mouth shut so you don't have to worry about it."

Yan Liangpeng picked up his female companion and led her up to the second floor.

Before going upstairs, he glanced at the collected photos

When he wakes up tomorrow, people will stare at Wen Hongwen, and then go to bribe him... A series of thoughts emerged in his mind, and the smile on the corner of his mouth grew stronger.

"You laugh so cheaply, what are you thinking about?"

"Do bad things to you." Yan Liangpeng teased.

Time passed imperceptibly.

At one o'clock at night, the living room lights on the first floor of Villa No. 7 were still on, but no one was there.

Second floor master bedroom.

The lights are off, the floor-to-ceiling windows are half open, the breeze blows in, and the curtains are slightly undulating.

Yan Liangpeng and his female companion were lying on the bed, sleeping soundly under the quilt.

Tick, tick--

There is a stylish clock on the bedside table, the hands are moving slowly, ticking slowly, and I don't know when a cool breeze will blow outside.

The female partner felt cold, and subconsciously pulled the quilt to wrap herself tightly. On the other side, Yan Liangpeng was still sleeping soundly, breathing evenly, slammed his mouth, and turned over.

Both of them were sleeping soundly, but they didn't know that there were three more people in the room.

Three black figures.

"Master Abang, he is Yan Liangpeng." Someone spoke, the voice was faint and cold, and it was clearly heard in the room, but the two sleeping soundly on the bed did not respond at all.


The tall figure with the bull's head stood beside the head of the bed, his body was slightly hunched, the room was not high enough to accommodate his body, and the pair of huge cows looked down at Yuan Liangpeng.

"Since the person has been found, just wait for three quarters of the ugly time..."

Hearing this, Yin Cha glanced at each other and nodded together.

The time passed by one by one, and three terrifying figures stood quietly in the room, looking so weird and terrifying.

Obviously standing there, but no one noticed.

The two sleeping on the bed didn't realize it at all, they were still dreaming their own sweet dreams.

Not long.

There was a voice in the room.

"The hour of ugliness has arrived, Yan Liangpeng, you have done a lot of evil..." The sound of the urn reverberated, and there was a faint sound.

Yan Liangpeng slept very comfortably today, he had a very good dream.

He dreamed that he got great luck, that Tian Tian was really favored by the city god, he disclosed this information to the organization, and got countless money

That was his future dream.

In the mutual aid association, he got great benefits, double happiness, he was promoted to B-level, and then into A-level, and slowly climbed up to the top.


Everything in Yan Liangpeng's dream was shattered and replaced by darkness.

"Huh?" Yan Liangpeng was stunned in his dream, looking around strangely.

at this time.

Yan Liangpeng saw three figures walking towards him.

Seeing these three figures, Yan Liangpeng's face showed horror and fear. Two of them were dressed in black official robes. He couldn't forget those clothes, nor would he forget what existence they were.

0 for flowers... 0

He is not worried about what the Town God's Temple will do to him, but this does not mean that he is not afraid of the ghosts. He has seen the ghosts four times in total, and every time he sees the ghosts from a distance, he is panicked and terrified. He never denies his timid and fearful character, and even thinks that his fear of death is the key to his life.

It is because he is afraid of death, that's why he will be careful in doing things everywhere, without leaving any clues.

"Bull head?!" Yan Liangpeng screamed.

Among the three figures, there is a mighty and tall figure, holding a steel fork, and the Tauren wearing the blue ghost armor. Doubt and suspicion.

"You looking for me?"

Yan Liangpeng felt cold at this moment, retreating in the dark, instinctively wanted to use Huangquan to escape, but found that he couldn't, he staggered and sat on the ground in shock.

In an instant, there was a faint and cold sound.

"Yan Liangpeng, you have done a lot of evil, you have killed 170 people, and you have encouraged ghosts to obey the order of Lord Chenghuang, and take your fifty-three years and seven days of life in February to punish the evil." Yin Huanghuang said like a heavenly call.

"No, no, I didn't!"

Yan Liangpeng was frightened.

He saw a piece of yellow paper flying out, with the word "Shou" on it, which turned into a monstrous talisman in the darkness, and fell from top to bottom, shining brilliantly, shining like the glory of a heavenly emperor, Yan Liangpeng screamed in terror, raised his hands to cover his face, Do instinctive blocking.

At this moment, Yan Liangpeng felt that his strength was disappearing, and he felt that something was missing in himself.

He knew what it was, that was life.


"Master Chenghuang, please forgive me, I was wrong, I was wrong." He was begging for mercy, crying bitterly in fear.

Yan Liangpeng woke up from his sleep with a yell, he swung his hands and struggled vigorously.

The next moment, he saw the bedroom.

"What's wrong with you, good friend, do... ah!!!" The female companion was startled by the noise, opened her eyes, and screamed instantly.

She looked at Yan Liangpeng in fear. His hair had turned white and his skin had become rough. Although he looked quite young, it didn't mean that he was still the same as before. He had completely changed.

Yan Liangpeng watched the skin changes on his hands.

"It's true, it's true, the city god was born to punish evil." He was terrified.

At this moment, out of the corner of his eye, he glimpsed the scenery outside, and in an instant, he got up from the bed screaming in fear, and rushed downstairs.

The reason for this is that he saw the hillside outside the villa.

Under the bright and clear moonlight, three terrifying black figures of Chenghuang Yincai and Niutou stood there. They were looking at this side, and the three pairs of eyes were so indifferent and deep.

Yan Liangpeng ran out wearing a pair of underpants, he didn't even hide his ghost domain, he moved quickly, he was frightened, he was frightened, he just wanted to run away, away from the bad guy, he was afraid that his life would be lost just like that, he Never denying that he is timid, because he is a timid person himself.

He wanted to run for his life, thinking of calling for help, looking for help...

Inside the villa.

What happened... The female companion hugged the quilt, terrified.

"How did Yan Liangpeng become like this? What was he shouting just now?" She was still in doubt, looking at Yan Liangpeng who rushed out of the door in horror.

...He seemed to be saying that the City God spared his life?

The female companion was full of shock and horror.

Immediately, she came out of the bed and quickly put on her clothes. She was about to leave here, and her whole body felt numb.

the other side.

Niu Tou is holding the yellow paper and standing on the hillside with Yin Cha.

"My lord, Ah Bang, he has escaped." A errand said.

They didn't leave immediately after taking Yan Liangpeng's lifespan, but chose to stay here. They wanted to see what Yan Liangpeng would do when he woke up.

"A cowardly person likes to do evil..." Niutou murmured, and the next moment he retracted his gaze, and he had almost seen it. He looked down at the yellow paper with Yan Liangpeng's lifespan in his hand, turned and left, "Let's go, go back City God Palace returns to Lord City God."

The two Yinchai looked at each other, and immediately nodded and glanced at Yan Liangpeng who was using Huangquan to escape, followed the footsteps of Niutou and turned to leave.

City God Yin Division.

An Yuyuan flipped through the ancient scrolls and carefully took notes.

At this moment, three figures came from the courtyard, and they stood respectfully at the door and bowed to salute.

"I'm back." An Yuyuan put down the ancient scroll and smiled.

These three figures are exactly Niu Tou and the two ghosts.

The bull's head urn sounded.

"My lord, Yan Liangpeng's life yuan has been taken away for fifty-three years, February seven days, and there are three days left. He held the yellow paper in his hands as he spoke.

At this moment, the yellow paper flew out spontaneously, crossed the door and finally landed in An Yuyuan's hands.

An Yuyuan looked at the yellow paper.

The red longevity character on the yellow paper flickered slightly, as if it had a special luster.

"My lord still has orders. The respectful voice of Niutou came again.

An Yuyuan was relieved of the yellow paper, moved his mouth slightly, and said in a slow voice, "You did a good job, you guys go down and rest. y

Hearing this, the three of Niutou understood.


The three of them turned and left.

When they were leaving, the door of An Yuyuan's next room creaked open, and the baby ghost walked out of it, as if the three of them woke up from a deep sleep to be curious about the sight.

Guiying stood at the door of his room, with a pair of dark eyes watching the backs of Niutou and the other three leaving.

"Xi'er, Yan Liangpeng's punishment isn't over yet, it's up to you next, after three days you'll die, bring him back, and you'll have to deal with what you want..."

An Yuyuan's voice came from the room and fell into Guiying's ears.

Sound, calm and indifferent.

heard the words.

Guiying turned to look at the brightly lit An Yuyuan door next door.

Yan Liangpeng rushed all the way.

He completely gave up hiding his identity as the owner of the ghost domain, and rushed quickly.

"This is the city god punishing evil, the city god punishing evil..." He was terrified, thinking of the power of the city god in myths and legends, his heart and liver were torn apart.

What should I do, who can save me.

Yan Liangpeng was scared.

He first thought of the 'Mutual Aid Society', but soon he gave up.

The Mutual Aid Association is a powerful ghost master with great energy, but this does not mean that they will help him. The Mutual Aid Association says it is mutual aid. In fact, Yan Liangpeng knows very well that it is a deformed group of people who are completely driven by interests. Being stabbed in the back is the greatest help of the best mutual aid club.

Mutual aid clubs are not working, who should I find?

Suddenly, Yan Liangpeng thought of a place to help him.

He had been running aimlessly, only wanting to stay away from the villa. His behavior changed, and he turned his head and ran in a specific direction.

If you are familiar with the circle of ghost masters, you will know that the direction of Yan Liangpeng's running is the department that handles ghost incidents in Longguo, the branch of ghost masters in Cang City...

PS: The 4D update is over today~Li~.

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