The Recovery Of Terror: Signing In From Being A City God

Chapter 69 I'm Sorry, I Couldn't Save Her, The Stopped Heart Beats Again (Subscribe)

emergency room.

Three expert doctors pushed open the door.

They entered with masks, plastic gloves, and full disinfection attire.

"How's the situation?" One of them said, looking at the surgeon who was doing the operation.

The chief surgeon is a man of thirty-four or five years old. Don't look at him as young, but he is already the youngest attending doctor in the hospital of traditional Chinese medicine. He graduated from the best medical university in China and has gone abroad for further studies many times. The real doctor of medicine published a paper that caused a shock in the academic world.

He was hired by many hospitals, and finally chose the Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the hospital where he was born and where his mother was the head nurse.

At this moment, the chief surgeon is rescuing the old man lying on the operating table in front of him.

On the way to the hospital today.

He was the first to do emergency treatment for the old man who had a car accident, and many passers-by helped.

And just now he learned from the nurse that three medical experts will also participate in the first aid, the procedures are complete, and the dean also personally delivered a message.

The chief surgeon didn't object, nor was he displeased because he was intervened in the chief surgeon's first aid. Their intervention can save people and let him learn something, why not do it?

Hearing the three experts come in, the assistant doctor on one side immediately explained the situation clearly.

The three experts nodded.

They intervened in this operation as assistant doctors, and did not directly take over as the chief surgeon. Not to mention that the chief surgeon is no worse than them. Simply changing the chief surgeon in an emergency operation can easily lead to mistakes in the operation. This makes them not take the initiative to intervene, but choose to help .

The operation lasted two hours and is still going on.

During the period, there were two emergency dangers. The chief surgeon and three experts all contributed their best to make suggestions, and the dangers were resolved quickly.


The more the treatment was done, the deeper the hearts of the four became.

It was very difficult for the old man to be rescued.

"What to do?" an expert whispered.

He was told that although the old man in front of him was ordinary, he must do his best to save others and give 200% of his efforts.

who is she?

This is something that the three experts are curious about. It seems that this old man has an extremely terrifying background behind him.

"We have done everything we should do." The other person shook his head, "She can persist until now because of her perseverance, and a big reason is that the scene of the accident did the best to deal with it, so that she can last for so long now, but If she wants to come back to life now, she can only resign herself to fate."

It's not that he said frustrating words, but the facts. They don't say nice words, they only seek truth from facts. After working for a long time, doctors will understand this.

at this time.

The electrocardiogram on the instrument trembled, and then became a flat line.

"The patient's heart stopped beating."


"Try pressing the heart with bare hands and doing manual guided undulations."

The nurse yelled, and several doctors responded quickly, communicated with each other, and quickly made countermeasures.

Everyone is doing their own thing.

And when they are treating.

A helicopter landed on the top of the medical building of the hospital.

Pang Xiang rushed down immediately, Wen Hongwen followed without even waiting for the plane to stop.

"Emergency room, where is the emergency room." Pang Xiang came down from the top floor, his eyes scanned all the passages around him, and read in his mouth, and the next second he saw the nurse next to him, "How to get to the emergency room, tell me how to get to the emergency room, in where?"

"Ah... over there, the first floor." The nurse was startled, and instinctively pointed to a building next to her.

Pang Xiang ran away after hearing it.

Nurse 923 looked at Pang Xiang with a puzzled expression on his face.

"I'm sorry, my friend's grandma is in the emergency room right now." Wen Hongwen's voice sounded at this time, he said to the nurse, and then he said another word and rushed up to catch up with Pang Xiang

The door of the emergency room.

Two ghost masters stood in the corridor, and there were three criminal policemen among them.

On the chair next to the corridor was a middle-aged man in his thirties and forties sitting there with a pale face, looking at the emergency room from time to time. There was a young mother and a little boy on the chair opposite him.

thump thump

There was the sound of running at the end of the corridor.

"Pang Xiang." The two ghost masters saw it and walked over immediately.

"How is my grandma?"

"I don't know the situation yet. She is still inside for rescue. Pang Xiang, don't worry. Many experts have already entered."

Yao Dong, the ghost master, made a sound.

Pang Xiang looked pale at the red light in the emergency room.

The next moment, he looked at the three criminal policemen beside him, because he got up and stood beside the chair, a middle-aged man who smelled of alcohol, and there was anger in his eyes for an instant.

"You are the perpetrator, right?" He said in a low voice.

The perpetrator turned pale, "I..."

Before he could speak, Pang Xiang rushed over on the spot. He wanted to kill this person, and wanted the perpetrator to die here. Seeing the smell of alcohol on his body, he had already lost his mind.

Yao Dong and Wen Hongwen immediately felt something was wrong when they saw Pang Xiang asking, and soon saw Pang Xiang rushing over, and hurriedly hugged Pang Xiang.

"Pang Xiang, calm down."

"Pang Xiang, don't be impulsive, calm down."

"How can I be calm!" Pang Xiang yelled at several people, he didn't dare to shout loudly, fearing that too much noise would affect the operation inside.

His eyes were red, and he stared at the perpetrator, "Let me kill him, I killed him, he made my grandma like this, he deserves to die."

Pang Xiang broke free from his shackles and ran out, grabbing the hem of the perpetrator, but Wen Hongwen and others held him back just as he was about to do something.

"Pang Xiang." Wen Hongwen dissuaded him.

"Why did you drink and drive? Without you, my grandma wouldn't be here. Damn you, damn you." Pang Xiang grabbed the collar of the perpetrator.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I don't want to be like this, I, I."

The perpetrators did not resist, with a look of guilt and regret.

"What's the use of regretting, you should be damned, you should be damned... Grandma is so nice, why would you..."

Pang Xiang's voice trembled, and he cried as he spoke.

He couldn't do it anymore, he thought of what grandma used to say, Xiaoxiang, you should be less impulsive, you are too impulsive, remember grandma's words, think about it before doing things, is it good to do this, and what will happen.

Pang Xiang cried while clutching the skirt of the perpetrator, lowering his head and choking, "If grandma hadn't taught me, I would have killed you."

His eyes are foggy.

Grandma has always lived frugally, and used to say that she would leave a sum of money and leave it to Pang Xiang and her great-grandson in the future.

She is obviously such a good person, why did she encounter such a thing.

"She must be in pain." Pang Xiang trembled, the whole person was confused, out of control, and didn't know what to do.

Yao Dong watched, feeling uncomfortable.

Pang Xiang is a very strong person. His current state, in the past, he would not have imagined that such an elite and powerful Pang Xiang would be like this.

Pang Xiang was still crying there, with his hands down and grabbing the collar of the perpetrator, he sat on the bench in the corridor, with a painful expression on his face, looking at the red light above the operating room from time to time.

"Hello." At this moment, the young mother walked over with her son.

Pang Xiang looked at it, and Wen Hongwen looked at it too.

"This is Ms. Zhou, her son was saved because of your grandma." Yao Dong opened his mouth immediately, telling the cause and effect of the incident.

"Thank you grandma for saving my son."

"Thank you grandma for saving me."

A young mother gives thanks and teaches her son to say thank you.

Pang Xiang squeezed out a smile, "You're welcome."

He touched the little boy's head on his body, his eyes were once again covered with tears, "Grandma saved you, you should study hard in the future."

The voice trembled.

Just then, the lights in the operating room dimmed.

Pang Xiang immediately got up and walked over, and everyone looked over.


The door was pushed open, and the chief surgeon and three experts came out.

"What happened?" Pang Xiang asked.

The chief surgeon said in a low voice, "I'm sorry, we did our best."

"She's still inside. We hang her. She's still alive. You can go and see. Sorry, we couldn't save her." The expert next to her said.


Pang Xiang felt suffocated for a while.


He rushed into the operating room without saying a word.

Looking at the blood-stained grandma on the operating table who was smiling at him three days ago and said she wanted to see her marrying a wife, Pang Xiang burst into tears.

"Grandma, don't die, don't you want to see me marry a wife?" Pang Xiang hugged his grandma, tears streaming down his face, his lacrimal glands completely collapsed, and he cried like a three-year-old child. Unable to stop, "Grandma, please don't go."

He grabbed grandma's hand, found a clean towel next to him and gently wiped grandma's blood-stained face, "Grandma, don't leave Xiaoxiang."

Pang Xiang's crying echoed in the operating room.

Everyone who heard it was silent. Yao Dong turned his face away and didn't dare to look at it. When Wen Hongwen walked to the operating table, he cried like the same, not much worse than Pang Xiang. Although he was not Tian Hua's grandson, Tian Hua loved him He is very good, he has always treated Tian Hua as a grandma, and he can still keep calm when he comes here, but now he can't keep it anymore, crying bitterly.

"Grandma, don't leave me behind." Pang Xiang choked up, his words becoming blurred.

He could feel grandma's breath weakening, passing away little by little.

at this time.

Grandma's finger moved, her little finger touched Pang Xiang's hand and hooked his hand, she heard Pang Xiang's voice and responded.

It's just that her eyes didn't open, which seemed to be an instinctive reaction.

Seeing this, there was joy on Pang Xiang's crying face, could it be... "Grandma, did you hear Xiao Xiang's words, grandma, please don't leave me.


A heart-stopping alarm sounded from the nearby instrument, and the beating curve flattened.

This change means Tian Hua's death.

She moves her fingers, which is a flashback before death.


Pang Xiang howled.

Wen Hongwen's face turned pale all of a sudden, "Grandma."

Several doctors rushed over at this moment, wanting to give emergency treatment to Grandma Pang Xiang.

But they soon knew that the old man on the operating table had passed away, and she persisted until now, perhaps waiting for his grandson to come back to see her for the last time. The finger movement at the end was her last reaction. The clear record is not metaphysics, and a person will indeed burst out an unimaginable force before death.

"Time, five twenty in the afternoon.

The doctor reads the time of death.

Pang Xiang and Wen Hongwen cried beside Tian Hua's body.

Beside the operating room, Yao Dong's two ghost masters were silent, and the nurses silently wiped their tears when they saw it, turning their faces away and not daring to look.

This is what the operating room looks like.

This is the moment.

Where no one noticed, there was a figure standing beside Tian Hua, beside the operating table.

He was dressed in a black and red ancient robe, and stared at Tian Hua with deep eyes.

"Life can't be passed." He whispered, raised his hand, and his fingertips glowed with merit, " can still are born from death, and you will be protected for a period of time .”


Pointing fingers on Tian Hua's eyebrows.

The black and yellow energy of merit submerges into his body at the fingertips, and the brilliance shimmers, warming people's hearts.

A ray of light invisible to people converged towards her heart and merged into her stopped heart.

this moment.

There was a faint scent of sandalwood, but no one could smell it, and it was covered by the strong smell of disinfectant in the emergency room.

Tian Hua had a long, long dream.

She saw that Pang Xiang was still babbling, running towards her with his little feet, staggering, with his little hands open, calling vaguely, "Grandma wants to hug"

Tian Hua squatted down with a smile and picked up his little grandson Pang Xiang.

The screen rotates.

She saw her dead son Pang Xiaoxue, he took his wife (babc) by the hand into the marriage hall, knelt down in front of her, the daughter-in-law made a cup of tea, called mom, she laughed

With a smile on his face, he picked up the red envelope prepared on the table and gave it to his daughter-in-law, saying that he would give birth to a precious son early and wanted to hold a grandson.

Suddenly, Tian Hua saw her husband who had been dead for decades, with an honest smile on his face, he called Tian Hua, I bought your favorite sweet cake outside, come and eat it.

A picture emerged.

She saw her former parents.

The dead parents stood at the end, husband Pang Hu, son Pang Xiaoxue and his wife, they were waiting for her, a road appeared in front of her.

Tian Hua wanted to walk over.

It's just that she didn't know why she didn't want to leave. She felt that she couldn't go like this. If she left like this, she would feel uncomfortable. She wanted to stay.

"Grandma...don't go, don't leave Xiaoxiang."

At this moment, Tian Hua heard a hazy cry, heart-piercing.

This is the cry of her grandson Pang Xiang!

Tian Hua's body shook.

For a moment, she recalled some scenes, the sound of brakes, a car crashing, a little boy... vaguely saw some people approaching her, they seemed to be saving her, shouting for help.

Things like sanitary pads.

She remembered that she was hit by a car, and the voice was her grandson Pang Xiang.

... Xiaoxiang must be because I am crying.

She wanted to get up and open her eyes, but found that she couldn't do it, her body was very heavy, her eyelids were heavy, and she was crying in consciousness.

Tian Hua exhausted all her strength. When she met Pang Xiang, she wanted to tell him not to cry for her. He was a big boy, so he had to be strong, and he was not allowed to cry in the future.

She was destined to be unable to speak these words, and her consciousness became blurred and gradually became chaotic.

at this time.

She saw a ray of light, which was extremely warm, like the first ray of morning light in spring, or the sunshine of dawn in winter, making people feel like they were in a forest, where they could smell the fragrance of flowers and grass, and feel the warmth.

Listen to the birds chirping.

A figure appeared in front of her, he was dressed in a black-bottomed red-edged robe, his hands were hanging down and hidden in the wide sleeves, and he looked at her with a gentle smile.


Tian Hua stopped when she made a sound, and she found that this person was very familiar.

"You are the City God?!" She thought of something. The statue of the City God that she had often worshiped in her life was very similar to this person. She was too familiar with the City God.

I have said it several times, and the number of times can no longer be counted in detail. To be exaggerated, I have traveled more than others.

Hearing this, An Yuyuan smiled slightly.

"Thanks to the great love of the world, I am lucky to be the City God." A warm and calm voice came out of his mouth. There was no so-called godly power, but a kind of gentleness that made people approachable.


Tian Hua was surprised, she was a little at a loss and didn't know what to do.

The next moment, she instinctively knelt down to An Yuyuan, bowing to the city god as before.

"That's not necessary." An Yuyuan raised his hand to support Tian Hua.

He looked at Tian Hua.

"Do you remember what happened to you at the end?"


Tian Hua had a bitter look on her face. She was not suffering because of what she had suffered, but because she thought of what was about to happen to her. She was in pain when she wanted to leave Pang Xiang.

After saying this, she looked up at An Yuyuan, the City God in front of her.

Faced with City God suddenly appearing in front of her, she seemed to think of something.

"You're right."

An Yuyuan smiled.

Then he opened his mouth and said with a smile: "You have done many meritorious deeds in your life."

"No, no, Lord City God, I have never done any meritorious deeds." Tian Hua was startled when she heard this, and then immediately waved her hands. She didn't feel that she had done any meritorious deeds, so she insisted that

The time to save the child.

Seeing this, An Yuyuan smiled knowingly.

Tian Hua is kind-hearted and never proud, and it is because of this that she has a good record.

"I know about you." An Yuyuan looked at Tian Hua, "Your merits can allow you to survive, and I can help you, so that you can witness Pang Xiang marry a wife and have children as you wish, but after that, you will have children."

After your great-grandson is three years old, you should leave. This is your merit and destiny. "

The good book records Tian Hua's meritorious deeds, and according to the contents of the book, An Yuyuan thought of a reward for good.

But he can only let Tian Hua see Pang Xiang marry a wife and have children, and accompany his great-grandson for three years. After three years, the life he helped her maintain will disappear.

"I understand, I understand."

Tian Hua burst into tears, not because she was crying because she couldn't live for a few more years, but because she was very satisfied.

Can see Pang Xiang marry a wife and have children, and can stay with his great-grandson for three years, what is there to regret!

She was extremely satisfied.

"Thank you City God, thank you City God..."

While speaking, Tian Hua knelt down to An Yuyuan again, and kowtowed in gratitude.

this time.

An Yuyuan did not stop Tian Hua from prostrating.

"Since you are willing, then I will help you live." He smiled, and with a wave of his hand, the brilliance of merit in his hand enveloped Tian Hua.

Tian Hua felt that he had become more energetic.

At this moment, she turned her head to look at her parents, husband Pang Hu, son Pang Xiaoxue and daughter-in-law who were waiting on the road behind her.

"I've been waiting for me for a few years. I don't worry about Xiaoxiang. I'll come to you after I've been taking care of him for a few years." She looked at her parents with nostalgia, and then at her husband, son and daughter-in-law.

After finishing speaking, Tian Hua's figure disappeared.

emergency room.

Pang Xiang hugged grandma, he didn't want to send grandma away.

The 'figure' standing by the operating table disappeared, and the people around didn't notice it from the beginning to the end.

The doctors sigh.

Yao Dong and the others were silent, and Wen Hongwen was crying over there, no more sad than Pang Yang.

At this moment, the end of the originally straight line on the electrocardiogram instrument that they didn't pay attention to suddenly jumped.

Tian Hua's body.

The radiance flowing through her whole body converged to the heart, and the heart that had stopped trembled slightly, and then trembled again in the next second, and the frequency increased again.

Bang, bang—

The heart beats, the line on the instrument fluctuates, and fluctuates with the beating.


The chief surgeon noticed the change, and his face changed, his face was in disbelief.

what's going on?

Did you read it wrong?

Soon, he knew it was not a mistake, "She is alive, she is alive.

The chief surgeon rushed over, and other doctors also noticed and rushed over, wanting to know what was going on, and also wanting to save Tian Hua, they didn't know what was going on.

However, they knew that Tian Hua was not dead, so they couldn't give up.

"Grandma, grandma is still alive!" Pang Xiang was pleasantly surprised. He got up and made room for the doctors to see grandma's condition.

Wen Hongwen also got up, and he watched the doctors' rescue.

The doctors and nurses all started to move.

Pang Xiang and Wen Hongwen stood on the edge, not daring to speak or pant for fear of disturbing the doctor.

Not long.

After a period of time, the chief surgeon put down his hand of treatment, and the three experts looked at the steady beating ECG with him, shocked.

"Unbelievable..." Someone murmured.

"Is this a miracle?"

The surgeon in charge felt like he was dreaming.

Today, he swears, it is definitely a miracle in the history of medicine. People who were dead, people who were seriously injured and could not possibly survive suddenly came back to life, and their hearts beat smoothly.

Stable, which made it hard for him to imagine that this is the behavior of an 88-year-old man after a serious injury, which can be recorded in the annals of medical history.

Not only him, but the other three experts were full of disbelief.

They are much older than the chief surgeon, and the youngest is fifty-one years old.

They have been doctors for decades, and they have never been in contact with or heard of any cases, but this is the first time they have heard of this case.

They had heard of some people coming back from the dead before, but those people were completely different from Tian Hua, she was seriously injured, she was still very old, and then her heart stopped for a while, which made him

For a while, they wondered if they had just made a mistake in the inspection, but they were actually not dead? The heart didn’t stop?

But the record of the instrument told them that it was not their wrong judgment.

"Is it because she couldn't let go of her grandson, heard her grandson crying, and insisted on surviving?"

The chief surgeon had this idea in mind, and murmured.

heard the words.

The three experts next to him didn't know how to answer.

"It should be like this, otherwise it can't explain why she survived."

Their eyes flickered, and they recalled some cases. The human body is very mysterious. Sometimes the power of the spirit can cure all diseases. Isn’t there a belief in incense in metaphysics? Pray to the gods,

Under one's own belief, if enough faith is enough, everything can be accomplished, showing incredible power and miracles, junior high school textbooks are still written, a certain father, in order to save his child, suddenly

Explosive force moved the car...

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